Sedgwick County KSGenWeb

Index to 1910 Federal Census, Sedgwick County, Kansas

Note: Ages under 01 were all simply entered as 00 in this index.  Every attempt was made to preserve spellings of names exactly the way the census-taker entered them.  If you find any corrections that need to be made, please contact Bill Pennington (Rebecca Maloney ), Sedgwick County KSGenWeb Coordinator.

If you find a name/age of interest, click on the link (Enumeration District and page number) to view the census page image in the USGenWeb Archives for the complete information on the household.  Then click the Back button to return to this index.

Last Name                  First Name                  Other names      Age  Enumeration District-Page Number

Xaveria                           Sister M    45  137-14a
                 Anna             E           54  128-05b
                 Anna             E           42  141-05b
                 Charles          W           70  128-05b
                 Charlie                      14  116-09a
                 Della                        21  110-14b
                 Elsie                        18  140-08a
                 George           M           27  128-05b
                 George           W           21  131-17a
                 Helen            P           27  128-05b
                 Jerry                        35  100-06a
                 Jessie                       04  110-14b
                 John             W           45  141-05b
                 John                         50  106-05b
                 John                         27  118-09a
                 Manuel                       31  131-06b
                 Martha           (Sister)    54  097-02b
                 Mary             L           67  122-10b
                 Monica           (Sister)    22  097-05b
                 Ozelle           (Sister)    28  097-02b
                 Rose             (Sister)    40  097-05b
                 Sarah                        56  125-08b
                 Trinidad                     32  081-06b
                 Virginia         (Sister)    40  097-05b
                 Walter                       19  116-01a
                 Yrmina           (Sister)    29  097-02b
This page created for Sedgwick County KSGenWeb by John Schunk.
Not to be reproduced or redistributed without permission.

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