The Wichita Beacon
Saturday, July 15, 1911
Page 6


Several Years Mr. Williams Was a Wichita Resident.

Frank Williams, for several years a resident of Wichita, died a few days ago in Oregon, where for the past twenty-five years he was a power in politics. Mr. Williams will be remembered by many of the old timers here as a prime mover in the stirring days of politics in the eighties. His death occurred at his home in Portland, Ore., on the morning of June 29. He was 72 years old. Williams was a member of the Oregon legislature which adopted the Initiative and referendum in 1899, and worked hard for that and other measures which the peoples of Oregon boast of. Concerning the man, the Portland Oregonian, of June 29, says:

During Mr. Williams’s residence in Oregon he was always active in working for the good of the commonwealth. He was one of those men seldom discouraged, who continue to fight as long as they believe they are right. He was a prominent member of the Farmers’ Alliance, and served as one of the commissioners from Oregon to the St. Louis exposition, and also to the Lewis and Clark exposition. After working strenuously during the session of the legislature in 1901 to get the Initiative and referendum passed the second time, his health failed, and for four years he was compelled to cease his active work in public affairs."

Obituary submitted by Valerie Williams ( This page created for Sedgwick County KSGenWeb by John Schunk ( Not to be reproduced or redistributed without permission.