C - D

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Surnames Time Period Researcher
Caffrey 1800 - 1920 Brian Joseph Caffrey
Caldwell 1845 - 1928 N. Boland
Caldwell . Susie Chabak
Calhoun 1940 - present Gene Adrian Calhoun, Jr.
Calvert . Sue Marchant
Camp 1870 - 1920's Judy Dombrowski
Camp 1875 - 1910 Marjorie Thompson
Canton 1860 - 1880 Lin Meeker
Cardell 1900s Grant
Carleton 1860 - 1908 Kathryn Andres
Carlin 1900 - 1912 Frankie (Carlin) Meyer
Carmichael 1880 - now Sharon Robey Bambara
Carnahan 1880 - 1960's Tim L. Carnahan
Carnahan 1880 - 1960 Ruth McDaniel
Carpenter 1860 - 1920 Wilma Sinnott
Carriker . Jenell Rector Cremeans
Carroll . Larry D. Brooks
Carroll 1904 - 1936 Rene Worland
Carson 1900 - 1999 Ike Stanley
Carter 1880 - now D.A. Blakemore
Casteel 1890 - now Shirley Ortiz
Ceurvorst 1880 - now Gerard Ceurvorst
Chancel 1890 - 1920 Frankie (Carlin) Meyer
Chandler 1910 - 1920 Lavena Crawford
Chaney 1850 - 1940 Darla C. Clark Knytych
Chapman 1880 - 1900 Claudette
Chowning 1900 - 1905 Janis E. Freeman
Church 1870 - now Teresa Church
Church 1930 - 1945 Joan Thomas
Clark 1850 - now Shawna Clark
Clasen 1870's - 1900 Michael Hamersky
Clayton . Hope Brush
Clingingsmith 1941 - 1965 Lenora Marsh
Clinton 1890 Bill & Teresa McCormick
Cobb 1895 - c1910 Lova Fincham Kraft
Coble 1870 - 1950 Deb Shillo
Cochran 1837 - 1935 Walter Thomas E. Cochran
Cole 1880 - 1916 Constance Cole
Coleman 1880 - 1970 Pat Burke
Colley 1870 - 1890 June
Collins . Richard Collins
Collyer 1960's Grady B. Ireland
Conely 1898 - 1901 Cynthia Isley
Connell 1900 - 1955 Tonya
Conner 1960 - now Christopher Lynn Braddy Conner
Cook 1800 - now Craig Cook
Cooley 1875 - now Stephen Carlile
Cooper 1902 - 1945 Linda Debarea
Cordel 1870's - now Michael Hamersky
Corn 1860 - 1920 Betty M. Bronstad
Cornell 1995 - now Melissa Coleman Cornell
Corr 1890 - now JoAnnn Preator
Cotten 1950 Joan Hooper (Cotten)
Coulson 1907 - now Leif Geilman
Courtney 1900 - 1960 Thomas Currey
Cousatte 1930 Kathy Sisk
Covault 1893 - now Allen W. Davis
Cowan . Vickey-Arlene Collins
Cowden 1890's - now Lisa Hale
Cox 1860 - now Patricia H. Smith
Cozine 1908 - 1976 Tommy Holland
Crandell 1920 - now Helen Wilson
Crawford 1870 - 1920's Judy Dombrowski
Crawford 1875 - 1910 Marjorie Thompson
Crawford Julie Willie
Criger Melody Criger
Crum 1860 - now Gail J. Crum Henderson-Wishnefsky
Crum . Tom Crum
Cuhningham 1895 - 1945 Darleen
d'Albenas 1860 - 1910 Timothy d'Albenas
Daisy . Michael & Kathleen Daisy
Daisy 1872 - now Dennis Daisy
Dale 1870 - 1930 Jan LaMotte
Dameron c1937 Catherine Pogan
Daniel 1870 - 1950 Robert Black
Danley 1880's Jennifer Beatty
Davidson 1875 - now Stephen Carlile
Davidson 1960 - 1986 Chuck Davidson
Davis 1943 - 1944 Hope Brush
Davis 1883 - 1910 Frances Ostermann
Davison 1910 - 1930 Patricia Reynolds Oeser
Dawson 1880-1930s Laverne Galeener-Moore
Day 1920 - now Sandra Jones
Deal 1860 - 1920 Robert Black
Deaton 1907 - 1917 Elizabeth
Deeter 1880 - now Marvin Deeter
Demming 1800 - 1920 Brian Joseph Caffrey
DeShazer Linda London
DeVaughn 1920 Lydia DeVaughn
Dewing . Kim M. Estes
Dickens . Kathleen Dickens
Diehl 1860 - 1920 Robert Black
Dildine 1880 - 1895 Verne Ross Clark
Disbrow 1870 - now Cheryl Disbrow Kinsel
Ditgen late 1900's Anisah Haynes
Dobbin 1880 - Glenda Nighswonger
Dodd 1880 - now Donna Yates
Dold 1870's - now Michael Hamersky
Dom 1925 - now Byron Dom
Donley 1880's Jennifer Beatty
Donnelly 1880's Jennifer Beatty
Dorey 1900 - 1964 Stephanie Suela
Dorrance 1930 - now Kaye Mushalik
Dorsey 1890’s - now Michael A. Campa
Downing 1890 - 1940 Ray Downing
Doyle 1930's George Robert McCormick
Drollinger . Gordon L. Drollinger
Duffner 1890 - 1980 JoAnn Preator
Dunlap 1860 - 1880 Lin Meeker
Dunn . Mary Grabanski
Durley 1860 - 1900 Maryalice Herrick Quinn
Duschek/Dusek 1877 Frances Spagnoletti
Dvorak 1880 - now Susan Hatfield
Dwyer 1890 - 1910 Trudy Moore
Dye 1980 - 1986 DaRyta Moss
Dyer Veanna Carr

Also remember to check out the Kansas Surname List, and add your Surnames there!