E - G

[Enter a Surname] [Return to Sedgwick County]

Surnames Time Period Researcher
Eads 1875 - now Liz Eads
Earhart 1860 - now Marsha R. Faulkner
Eaton 1890 - 1920 Deb Shillo
Eaton 1865 - 1880 Susan Eaton
Eberstein 1850 - now Kaye Mushalik
Eckel/Eckels 1910 - 1945 Jaculin U. Eckel
Eder 1870 - 1970 Patricia Miller Rains
Eifert 1900 - 1980 Charles Eifert
Eilar c1928 Mary Gilmore
Elberson 1900 - 1950 Ann Panlener
Ellis 1849 - 1910 N. Boland
Elmund 1870 - 1880 Keith Elmund
Emmerich 1900 - now Paul Emmerich
Ensworth 1906 - now Jacki
Ervin 1930 Mary Algren-Kennedy
Erwin 1900 - ? Serena Steventon
Eungard 1900 - 1910 Bobby Dobbins Title
Evans c1860 - c1930 S. Viehweg
Evans 1960 - 1999 Aaron Baker
Ewertz 1870s - 1900 Michael Hamersky
Ewing 1880 - 1910 James Ewing
Ewing 1890 - 1910 Darlene (Ewing) Brown
Fair 1900 - now Bonnie McDermid
Farmer 1830 - now Patty Napier
Fawbush . Tracy Fawbush
Fender 1910 Carmel
Feringa 1918 - now Barbara Tallett
Fielding ? - now Barbara R. Basa
Finsley 1915 - 1920 Barbara Chisler
Fisher . Sandi Carstensen
Fisher 1910 Connie Ritchie
Fitch 1891 - ? Judy M. Sixkiller
Fleming 1910 - now Harold Gosnell
Fletcher before 1915 Barbara Rich
Flores 1870 - 1950 Deb Shillo
Flowers 1910 - now Larry D. Flowers
Flowers 1890 - now Leroy Gailey
Foley 1872 - 1880 Virginia
Forbes 1880 - 1930 Mary Porter
Forward 1850 - 1900 Darla C. Clark Kyntych
Fosbrink . Richard Kajma
Foster 1941 - 1942 Hope Brush
Foster 1883 - 1910 Mike Foster
Foushee 1870 - 1950 Deb Shillo
Fowler 1890 - 1910 Steve Hullibarger
Fraley 1945 - now Chris Fraley
Franklin 1945 - 1950 Leland Franklin
Frederick 1900 - 1960 Robert Frederick
Freeman 1880 - now Serena Steventon
Friedel/Friedle 1960 - 1980 Charles Stratton
Friend 1928 - now Pat Muncy
Fuller ? Cheryl Herrera
Furstenburg 1884 - 1947 Kathy Heinz
Gabel 1910 - now Sue Lies
Gader 1880 - 1930 Mike Teter
Gaesser 1929 - now Shirley B. Gaesser
Galeener 1880 - 1905 Laverne Galeener-Moore
Galloup . Jan Crouser
Gann 1940 - 1980 Jo Ann Peterson
Gardner 1897 Dr. Lucha Koomjian
Garnett 1879 - now Cathy Smith
Garrett 1800 - now Craig Cook
Garrett 1891 - now Allen W. Davis
Garten 1874 - c1930 S. Viehweg
Gehlen . Eileen Gehlen
Genoway(s) 1800 - now Sue Robinson
Giffin 1870 - now Mark Kulow
Giles 1860 - now Gail J. Crum Henderson-Wishnefsky
Gilleland/Gilliland 1865 - now Wayne Gilleland
Gillenwater(s) . Jeannie Shires
Gillespie 1900 - 1990 Donna Yates
Gilliard 1910 - 1936 Rene Worland
Gillon 1925 - 1951 LaRae Rahm
Gilson 1876 - 1900 Brice Alexander Gilson
Gilstrap . Neil Guggenmos
Glass 1880 - 1930's Courtney
Glenn 1941 - 1950 Dean Glenn
Glenn 1885 - ? Beverly A. Lacey
Glenn 1883 - 1910 Danny Carruthers
Godwin . Marie Godwin LaDuron
Goff 1900 - 1929 VM Goff
Gonzalez 1940 - now Cheryl Doleshal
Gooding 1800 - now Sue Robinson
Gorges aft 1880 - 1917 Anisah Haynes
Gorham/Gorum 1880 - 1947 Amy Ferdinand
Gorsuch 1895 - 1925 Georjeana
Gosch 1880 - 1940 Phyllis Solter
Gossett 1891 - 1961 Stephen M. Andrews
Graham 1879 - Now Mike Graham
Grassl 1875 - Sharon Pausig
Gray 1880 Charlene Gray Hickerson
Gregory 1847 - 1900 Dori Stewart
Griner . Priscilla Pollman
Grinstead 1920 - now Gidge
Grisham 1930 - 1942 Marilyn Swanson
Groessl 1872 - Sharon Pausig
Groff 1920 - 1923 Barbara Petty
Grotz 1920 - 1945 Richard Hitchcock
Guldner 1850 - now C.J. Guldner
Gurnee 1920's V. Calvin
Guy 1880 - 1888 Deleana Adams

Also remember to check out the Kansas Surname List, and add your Surnames there!