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 To have biographies of your family members added here,  contact the county coordinator

 Biographies from Andrea's History of Kansas       starts at Part 17
 Biographies from History of Shawnee County (1905)       onsite

                                                   Bios at  Kansas GenWeb Archives

Philander Hamilton Adams
Walter Arnold
Alonzo Beal
Bartholomew John Bux
William Boast
Hon. P.I. Bonebrake
William Francis Bowen
Phillip Brown
Edward Buckman
Edward E. Bundy
William Butner
James Archibald Campbell
Elliot Carriger
William and Buford Clark
Joseph Cochran
Emery Cockrell
James Corbet
William E. Corbett
James Corkill
Peter Croco
George Dailey
Kelsey, Dandridge
Desire DeBacker
Charles Elliot
Arthur Engler
Charles Engler
Junius Foltz
Martin Foltz
Hiram Heberling
Peter Heil
Sadlier Hodgin
David Millington Howard
Thomas George Howell 
Edward C. Kassebaum
William Kearney
Grant Kelsey
Francis Kiene
John Kiene
George Kungle
Horace G. Lyons
Benjamin Marsh
Jacob Maus
Henry McAfee
Henry H. Miller
Robert Mitchell
William Moffit
Ralph Moore
James R. Moran
Freeman Nipps
William D. Paul
William Penniston
Parker Perry
Horace Mann Phillips
William Ross Phillips
Boyd Elias Pollom
John Porter
James Priddy
Robert Pugh
Abram Raub
William Henry Redenbeaugh
Zachariah Reser
Charlie Riker
Sage Family
Theodore Saxon
Andrew Scott
Edwin Scotton
Thomas Scudder
William Sims
Jonathon Snyder
William Snyder
James Stevenson
Robert Stone
Mahlon Stout
Jeptha Trouter
John Troutman
Wade, William
Ward, Milton
Matthew Weightman
Oliver Franklin Winner