Amis, Andrews, Badenhoop, Barnes, Beckmann, Berry, ?birth records, Bonnell, Borgmann, Boston, Boyd, Brewster (2), Carstens, Clack, Collier, Collins, Colwell, Crim, Cronn, Crouse, Darwin, Davis, ?Deaths in 1903, Douglas, Drescher, Follon, Forshey, Gibbens, Gilbert (2), Gilson, Gledhill, Haid, Haynes, Henning, Hill (2), ?homestead records, Houghtaling, Hoyt, Hughes, HUNT, Hunter (2), Hutchins, Jeffras, Jennings, Kellum, Kendall, Kennedy, KERSEY, Knowles, Lange, Manthei, McCoy, McGuire, McMullen, Mead, Merriam, Milholland, Miller, Millers, Mueller, Munday, Myers, Newton, Nowles, Paxton, Ray, Rima, Robertson, Ruby, Scott (2), Seemann, Shaffer, Shields, Sonnenberg, Srader, Stewart, Stoops, Stouder (2), Strode, Stumme, Surber, Sweem, Thomas, Tomlinson, Turner (2), Warner (2), Way, ?Where was Custer and Stuart KS, Wilson (2), Young
Topic: Drescher
From: Cynthia Hale
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 08:24 PM
William Henry Drescher born Ne moved to Smith County KS after 1900 his father August Drescher is living with him on the 1900 census for Harmony Township Webster Ne.and is not listed on the 1910 census for Smith County we belive that he moved with them to Smith County and died in Smith County and was buried in Bladen, Webster Co. Ne. with his wife Sarah. Is there obituary information for this time period 1900-1910. Cindy
Topic: Hughes/Jennings
From: Joann Hopkins
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2000 06:17 PM
Looking for family of Harvey David Hughes (1861-1926) and Gladys Jennings (1868-1937) who are buried at Reamsville cemetery. Gladys was daughter of Alvin Jennings and Laura Hartsook. Children of Harvey and Gladys Hughes were Anna Jane, Grace Viola, James Alvin, Ida May, Cora Ellen, Clarence Edgar, Albert Ray and Rosa Belle. Harvey came to Smith Center/Reamsville area abt 1878 with brother and sisters George, Cora, Tea and Nettie. Nettie married Stanley Morris and Tea married Link Mercer. Alvin Jennings was instrumental in starting Reamsville Methodist Church. Anyone with information about this family please reply to Thank you. Joann Hughes Hopkins
Topic: HUNT, Dillon & Mary Ann descendants
From: Arlene Dubuc
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2000 05:13 PM
Would like to locate descendants of my Hunt family. Children Eli b 1850, Alice b 1861 m Eugster, Albert Lonzo b 1861, John Franklin b 1862, Hannah A b 1865 m George Cummings, William S b 1867. Will gladly exchange gen info. My gr gmother was Rebecca Ellen b 1852 who m 1870 to Henry Hamilton Wallace in IA & lived out her life there. Thanks.
Topic: LOST Stumme
From: Thelma Nelson
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 02:01 AM
I am looking for information on August Stumme b 8/9/1846. He was married to Caroline Wentz/Wince Hohner and they had 2 daughters born at Smith Center, Minnie and Karoline. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you, Thelma Nelson
Topic: George W. Turner & wife Ann Jeffras
From: Steven L. Turner
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 05:24 PM
Looking for descendants of George Washington Turner & wife Ann Jeffras. George was b. 23 August 1816, b.p. Holmes County, Ohio, m. 14 January 1841, d. March 1898 (unconfirmed), p.d. unknown. His wife Ann Jeffras was b. 28 October 1816, b.p. Butler County, Ohio, d. 18 January 1875 in Smith Center, Kansas. Buried in the Fairview Cemetery. List of children are as follows: Sara Elizabeth, Washington, Rachael Ann, William, Thomas, Burton, Alonzo, Asbury, Loranzo, Nancy Jane, and finally, Franklin Turner.
Topic: Boston, James
From: Melissa Boston
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 06:19 PM
Looking for information on the parents of BOSTON, James b. 1833 in OH; m. GERLACH, Caroline in 1854 in IL; d. 1924 in Cora Twnshp. Smith County KS, KS. Have names of BOSTON, George and ROBINSON, Christina for parents
Topic: Shaffer
From: Sue Snider
Date: Thursday, June 08, 2000 08:43 PM
Am looking for info on descendents/ancestors of John Spangler Shaffer, both Jr. and Sr. Both died in Smith Center, Smith, Kansas. I have an old picture (advertising) of one of them with picture. He was advertising for being the largest grower/shipper of plants & melons in the state. I have no date for this picture. Could have been either one of them. Thank you,
Topic: Ella (.Fry.) Kendall, b 1871
From: Herb Kingsland
Date: Thursday, June 08, 2000 06:18 PM
Looking for the Familys of -- Ella Fry Kendall, b 1871 (.Pawnee NE.)..
The family was (.?.) Owners or Operators of a Grain Elevator, in Smith Center KS -- early 1900s..
Parents -- Elizabeth Elvira Kennedy, & John Preston Fry.. Half-Sis of Alonzo Timothy Johnson Jr, 1863--1947 -- Abilene & Enterprise KS..
@---> FRY babys -- basic info
@ Most of my KansOZ Connections . . . Use your "FIND" Feature, for: Johnson
@ More of MY Mid-West Mainlines -- KS, NE, MO, IA, IL, IN
Herb Kingsland
Los Angeles
Califunya, USA
Topic: McCOY
From: Frank Myers
Date: Monday, May 29, 2000 12:12 AM
Do any descendants of George and Sarah Angeline (Clair) McCoy remain in Smith County. "Angeline" was a sister of my great-grandmother, Mary Elizabeth (Clair) Miller of Lucas County. Iowa. George and Sarah had these children: Harry F. McCoy, Orah Alice Poehner, Arthur Wayne McCoy, William Richard McCoy, George Bromwell McCoy, Robert Milton McCoy, Mary Elizabeth Quinn, Walter Clair McCoy, Edward Henry McCoy and James Verle McCoy.
From: Kathy Hoeme
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000 09:47 PM
I'm looking for Maude SHIELDS of Smith County, who married Willard L.
McGUIRE of Osborne County. He was born 28 Nov 1868 in Illinois and lived in
Paradise (Russell County) & Osborne (Osborne County) until 1914. He moved
to Ottawa, Kansas. I know of two sons: Gerald and Russell Shields McGUIRE.
Gerald and Russell died in California in 1980. I have lots of information
pertaining to the McGUIRE family and would LOVE to share. Please feel free to
email me.
Thank you for your time,
Kathy Hoeme
Topic: William Douglas and Lillias Robertson
From: Diane Curry
Date: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 12:24 PM
I am looking for records on William Douglas and Lillias Robertson, both immigrated from Scotland in 1872, married in Kansas, settled in Smith Center, Smith Co, had 3 daughters, Mary (my grandmother), Lillian and Alice. Are in census in Smith County in 1880 in German Township. Any information would be appreciated.
From: M. Matthews
Date: Friday, April 28, 2000 02:32 PM
Looking for information abt JAMES HUNTER who married ETHA ADELINE HILL abt 1903. They had a daughter born in Smith Center, KS, in Sept, 1904, and a son born in 1905 or 06. Son was adopted by SCOTT family, presumably of Smith County. Have plenty of HILL information to share, but nothing on HUNTER or SCOTT.
M. Matthews
Topic: Davis Family
From: Teresa Miksch
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 07:37 PM
I am looking for information on William Douglas Davis b 11-05-1860 who married Lathe Bell Davis b 04-10-1892. His first wife was Minnie Biobee m 1885 d 1895 in childbirth. I am trying to make the connection to my greatgrandmother, Susie Viola Morrow from Esbon, Kansas.
Teresa Miksch
Topic: Munday
From: Joan Skaggs
Date: Sunday, April 23, 2000 12:57 PM
I know my ggrandfather, James R. Munday, lived in Mankato in 1898. He divorced my ggrandmother, Harriett/Hattie McCrady Munday in Smith County ( where she lived) in 1898. He put one of his daughters, Daisey Munday, in the Beloit School for girls, and one of his sons, Charles Robert Munday, in juvenile hall in Topeka, also in 1898. I can't find James beyond that time. There was one more daughter but can't find her listed anywhere. I've been told that her name was Frances. I sent for the divorce papers hoping to find the children listed, but they were not mentioned.
I would appreciate any information that you might be able to provide me with. Thank You.
Joan Skaggs (this address shows John King's as owner)
Topic: Colwell Family 1887-1907
From: Beverley Teague
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2000 11:30 AM
Looking for people who are researching this family and may have old photos of
them. I have some photo's which I believe to be this family and would like to
compare them
Topic: Crim/Ruby
From: Deborah Post
Date: Sunday, April 09, 2000 02:21 PM
Looking for information on a Gussy (Crim) Ruby also known as Mrs. M.S. Ruby who was living in Smith Center in 1916 (according to an old picture postcard she held box 103). Please email me
Topic: Gilson/Myers
From: Eilene Ehrhardt
Date: Thursday, April 06, 2000 12:02 PM
Guy Gilson b:1895 m:Abigail Myers 24 Nov. 1924 in Smith Center, KS. Does anyone know the parents of Guy? Or know of a Myers family living here at that time? My aunt, Abigail was from Nance Co. NE & may have been visiting. Would appreciate any additional info. Thanks
Topic: Walter W. HOYT
From: Linda Brandt
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 10:20 PM
Searching for descendants of Walter W. and Hannah (AUSTIN) HOYT. Walter b. 1817 N.Y. Hannah b. 1820 N.Y. 1870 census lived Liberty twp., Keokuk co., Iowa. 1880 census lived Lincoln twp., Smith County KS, Kansas. Buried Crystal Plains cemetery, Smith County KS, Kansas. Children: Martin Hanford HOYT m. Louisa HAND, William Riley HOYT m. Phebe Jane VAN NOSTRAND, Phebe Jane HOYT, Henry Winfield HOYT 1st m. Rosanna MILLER, Hester Mary HOYT, Hester Mary HOYT m. Stephen HUNT, Alpheus Rose HOYT, Catherine Jane HOYT m. James Henry MILLER, and Sarah Angeline HOYT.
Topic: Grave Site of Susan Ann Sweem
From: Larry Sweem
Date: Saturday, February 26, 2000 04:15 PM
I am looking for the grave site of my Great Grandmother, Susan Ann Sweem. I believe that it may be in the Sweet Home Cemetery. Her death date is June 22, 1882. The Smeems came to Smith County in 1875 from Richardson County, Nebraska.
If you have any information please E-Mail me at
Thank You! Larry Sweem
Topic: Millers of Ohio to Iowa to Kansas
From: Barbara Comer
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2000 03:05 PM
Names of Millers we are researching are
Flem and Nancy Miller (parents)
Ida Emily Miller
William Riley Miller Wife was Gertrude
Children of William
Blanche ,Opal, Bess Emily and Verl and others
Mary Jane Miller married to Vinsonhaler
Topic: Srader/Tomlinson
From: Kathleen
Date: Thursday, February 03, 2000 11:31 AM
I'm looking for information about my great grandparents, Frank Srader and Effie Tomlinson-Srader. They were residents of Lebanon KS, and married in Bloomington nebraska on October 17, 1892. Marriage was witnessed by Henderson Murray and P.M. Tomlinson. I don't have any idea who their parents were. I believe that Effie's mother was at least part indian. Does anyone have any info?
I think Effie's father's name may have been Gus. Effie's siblings were Alie, Francis and. Pearl. I think their mother died young and Gus remarried.
Please email me at
Topic: Abel Forshey homesteaded near Tyner
From: Carol McNew
Date: Monday, January 10, 2000 08:04 PM
My GrGr Grandfather Abel A. Forshey homesteaded near Tyner, Smith County, KS in 1878 and lived there until his death Oct. 11, 1899. Would like to know if anyone knows where he is buried, and the Section, Twnshp and Range of his homestead.
I found Tyner once on an old map, but cannot seem to locate it again. Thanks
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 02:27 AM
Take a look at for an 1895 map of Smith
County that shows Tyner. It looks like it is very close to the intersection of four
townships: German, Martin, Swan and Pleasant. The Smith County KSGenWeb
page has a person who will do cemetery lookups and lists other people with
county resources. It is at
Good luck, Ardie
Topic: Henning
From: John Maier
Date: Thursday, January 06, 2000 05:02 PM
Looking for any descendants of John and Elizabeth Henning. John died in 1927, Elizabeth died in 1924.
Their children were:
August, married Bertha Kessler
Elizabeth, married Ira Dunavan
Konrad, married Emma Beckmann
Anna, married Albert Greiser
John, married Amelia Beckmann
Gustav, married Anna Wolf
Liza, married Roscious Hagadorn
If any one has any information concerning this family I would appreciate
hearing from you.
John Maier
Topic: Thomas Allen Wilson
From: Allen Wilson
Date: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 04:40 PM
Looking for any information on Thomas Allen Wilson dob May 1, 1894 in Smith Co, KS. He was the son of Thomas Jefferson Wilson and Viola Elizabeth (Lipp) Wilson. He married Lily Mae Fry 1916 in Yuma, CO. His father, Thomas Jefferson Wilson Married Viola Lipp on March 1886 in Smith Co, KS. Any information on these people would be appreciated.
Allen Wilson/Wyoming
From: Don Patterson
Date: Monday, January 03, 2000 03:05 PM
Looking for traces of GEORGE STOUDER married EMMA BREWSTER
Lived in Smith Center, Smith County late 1800s.
Thank you, Don Patterson
Topic: Gilbert family
From: Mary Grether
Date: Saturday, December 25, 1999 05:03 PM
My gilbert family came from Iowa about 1879, and lived in Lebanon.,KS. I would
like to find any stories about their travels from there to here. Thanks Mary
Mary Grether
Topic: Warner family
From: Mary Grether
Date: Saturday, December 25, 1999 04:57 PM
Nancy Miller Warner came from Iowa 1870, recently a widow, traveled with three
or four of her children to Lebanon,KS. possibly her older children lived there. I
would like to find out the story or stories that she had, on her Journey. does
anyone have any info on this family. would appreciate it. Mary
Mary Grether
From: Don Patterson
Date: Monday, January 03, 2000 03:28 PM
A Nancy M. Warner, b 1846 IA is the daughter of my great great Uncle, Benton R. Warner, b 1819 TN. I have been looking for traces of my family in MO and KS. I have information on Benton's brother,my great great grandfather, William A. Warner, b 1825 in TN ,d 1893 in WA.
I would like to exchange information.
Don Patterson
Sunnyvale, CA
Topic: Sarah (Sadie) McMullen
From: Mark Saglian
Date: Sunday, December 19, 1999 10:41 AM
Looking for Sarah (Sadie) McMullen. Born Jan. 1873 in Chicago and lived for a time in Akron, NY before returning to Kansas abt. 1893. Parents were William T. McMullen and Mary Cunningham. Had brother Edward and sister Josephine who lived in Erie County, NY. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Happy Holidays!
Mark :-)
Mark Saglian
Topic: Sonnenberg, Manthei surnames
From: Bob Weston
Date: Saturday, December 04, 1999 01:28 AM
Looking for information on the Sonnenberg and Manthei (Manthey) families. Both of these family left Prussia in the late 1860s and eventually settled in Osborne and later Smith County, Kansas.
I have a rough outline of the Sonnenberg line at the following web address:
I appreciate any help or information anyone can provide.
-Bob Weston
Topic: Barnes
Date: Monday, November 29, 1999 12:59 PM
I am looking for information on William Henry Barnes. I am trying to get his son's (Milton Rufus Barnes) birth certificate. Milton was born around 1885, 1886,1887 or maybe a year or two later. Milton was my husband's father. William Henry was his grandfather. William Henry Barnes had some land in Smith County KS at one time. I am hoping he still has relation there. Please E-mail me at or write to me at Box 453 McDermitt, NV 89421.
Topic: Crouse
From: Norma Sollman
Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 09:46 AM
Researching Elijah Andrew Crouse who was in Harlan, Smith County KS, KS in the 1880's. He was married to Carmelia Evaline (Eva) Hunter and also Edith Godfrey. Children included James Herbert, Sherman, Herman, Ada Bell McGala, Pearl Waddams, Martin, and Edith.
Elijah's brother, James Martin Crouse, also lived near Harlan from 1884 until his death in 1942. His children were Nettie Grimes, Oscar, & Miles.
Norma Sollman
Topic: Brewster/Stouder
From: Don Patterson
Date: Saturday, November 20, 1999 04:44 PM
Looking for information on George Stouder married Emma Brewster in Smith county in the late 1800s.
Don Patterson
Sunnyvale, CA
Topic: Hunter/Hill/Surber/Kennedy
From: M. Matthews
Date: Monday, November 15, 1999 03:10 AM
Searching for info on James and Adeline (Hill) Hunter. Adeline married (2) SURBER and lived in Smith Center until her death in 1972. In 1959 she married (3) Elmer Kennedy. I'd like to correspond with family. Update: I've found Adeline's Hill family in Jewell County. Still looking for James Hunter, Adeline's first husband. They had a daughter born in Smith Center in 1904 and a son born abt 1905. Son was adopted by SCOTT family, presumably of Smith County.
M. Matthews
Topic: Amis family
From: Louis Sartori
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 09:35 PM
Looking for information on Mrs. S.L. Amis. She is listed as attending my
grandmother's wedding in 1912 in Lawrence, KS. She was listed as living in
Smith Center at the time. My grandmother's mother was Polly Amis and married
my GGF Luther Clack. The raised 6 children in Downs, Osborne, Co., KS. Any
information on Mrs. S.L. Amis and other Amis family members would be
Louis Sartori
Topic: CLACK
From: Louis Sartori
Date: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 08:14 PM
Looking for information on Luther Clack family. Wife's name was Polly Amis.
Lived in Smith and Osborne counties in the 1880's to 1900's.
Louis Sartori
Topic: Hutchins, Lange
From: Winifred Sihon
Date: Monday, November 08, 1999 01:39 PM
My gt. grandparents homesteaded in 1879 in Smith County KS in German Township. I
am trying to find more specific information. Fred Lang (or Lange) was a school
teacher who came from Germany/Prussia in 1862 born in 1855. I have not been
able to learn his parents names or his exact birthplace, He married Carrie
Hutchins, daughter of Fred and Harriet Hutchins who had also homesteaded
nearby, Feb. 22, 1881. They had three children born in Smith Co: Nettie Ethel
Lange, born July 26, 1882, Ernest Vincent Lange born June 14, 1886, and Vera
Lange born May 25, 1889. Fred died September 17, 1894 in Tyner, Smith County KS,
and I have his obituary which says nothing concrete. Carrie moved to Franklin,
Neb. in 1895 and then to Baldwin, Kansas in 1906. Can anyone advise me of
where to find homestead records, cemetery, and church records? Winnie
Winifred Sihon
From: Lynn
Date: Monday, November 08, 1999 01:55 PM
Here are some addresses that might help you:
Smith Co Public Library
119 W. Court Street
Smith Center KS 66967
Smith County KS Courthouse
218 S. Grant St,
Smith Center KS 66967-2798 .......(785) 282-6533
Connie Lull
Smith County, Kansas, USA
Smith County marriage, cemetery and funeral Home records
1870,1880,1900,1910,1920 Smith County Federal Census
Smith County Newspapers and Histories
Smith County will and probate information
Good luck with your research.
Topic: Where was Custer and Stuart KS in
Smith County KS ?
Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 07:48 PM
Previous research done in 1949 indicate that Elizabeth Woods died in 1880 at the home of her son John Dixon Mounce who lived in Custer, KS.
She is buried in Stuart,KS. I found Stuart on an old railroad map but it does not show up on current maps.
What town was previously known as Stuart? Was it Harlan?
From: Lynn
Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 09:48 PM
No, Stuart was south of Lebanon on KS highway 18 (I think). Anyway, it is
straight south of Lebanon and straight north of Downs. I have relatives
buried in that cemetery, too. It is called something else now, and I can't
remember the name off the top of my head. I'll see if I can find it in some
of my papers. As for Custer, I don't know where that is, but I do know who
to ask. I'll get back to you on Wednesday with that info. Sorry I can't do
it faster. I am just back from vacation, and things are really piled up
around here. I'll talk with you later.
Topic: MEAD/Lebanon, KS
From: Becky Jenkins
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999 09:22 AM
I am told that the family of my William MEAD lived in Lebanon, Smith County KS, KS on the land that now marks the center of the USA.
Was there an invasion of grasshoppers in Smith County KS and if so when did it occur? I'm told this invasion was reason for the MEAD's to relocate to WI.
From: Lynn
Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 09:43 PM
I'm not sure about the grasshoppers, but if I had a date I could ask someone up there about the incident. I have been on vacation and just got back tonight. I will check on your Meads for you tomorrow. Sorry to take so long. Lynn
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Sunday, October 31, 1999 12:38 AM
In Jewell County, the grasshopper plague took place in 1874, beginning about 20 July, according to information in "What Price White Rock: a Chronicle of Northwestern Jewell County" by Harry E. Ross.
Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 11:22 AM
i AM LOOKING FOR STEWARTCOLLIER,HAID FAMILY LINESAND STEWART,MORGAN,HAYNES,MILLER,ENDERS. Ihave a lot of info on MILLER/Enders but need William Casper Haynes, Sarah Sally SIRES, AND any thing on the John Wesley HAID,ALBERT HAID AND Elizabeth HAID.
Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 02:18 PM
There are Stewarts, Colliers and Morgans living in Smith Center, KS 66967. A Miller owns the local paper, "The Smith County Pioneer." He happens to be a cousin of mine and is related to us through his mother. I don't know any of the Stewarts, so I don't know any name for you to contact. However, you might try contacting Lyle Morgan and Melvin Collier. I have no idea how your inquiries will be received. I have had no personal contact with these individuals since I was a child. I do know that Mr. Collier is elderly, and I don't know how his health is. Mr. Morgan is an area farmer and is around 50. He lives on the Morgan home place which is just west of Smith Center on Business Route 36. If you just address the envelopes to them and put Smith Center, KS 66967 below their names, they should receive your mail. If you don't wish to do this, you could write to the County Clerk, Smith County Courthouse, Smith Center, KS 66967. If you are looking for records before 1917, you will have to write to the county. The State of KS didn't start keeping records on the State level until 1917. Anything after that, they usually have. If you are looking for newspaper archives you will have to write to the Librarian at the Smith Center Library, Schrader Center, Smith Center, KS 66967. They have most of the newspaper records there, I think, stored on micro fiche. I don't know if they charge a fee for these services or if they will refer you to a volunteer who might be willing to do lookups. If you have specific individuals for whom you are looking, please send me their given names. I have a couple of books here that tell about early Smith County, in particular the town of Lebanon, which is 18 miles east and a little north of Smith Center. Let me know if I can be of further service. Lynn
Topic: Re: birth records
From: Lynn
Date: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 02:04 PM
County records were sometimes kept in on the county level until 1917. If you have birthdates after that, you must write to the State of Kansas, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Topeka, KS. If you need help with county records, please write to the County Clerk, Smith County Courthouse, Smith Center, KS 66967.
They should be able to tell you where your data is possibly stored. Good luck with your research. Lynn
From: Betty
Date: Sunday, October 10, 1999 07:51 PM
KERSEY: Looking for information on Clarence Edgar KERSEY
b. 7/1/1877 in In. and Francis (Martin) KERSEY b.11/3/1864
In. Their father,James Harvey KERSEY, mother Annette Maple, and family, came
to Smith County KS Ka. in 1884.
Did these men die in Smith County KS? Did they marry?
Also, does anyone have info on James Harvey KERSEY's parents, grandparents? Maybe a name or information in Smith County KS records. He owned land there, was a civil War vet. thanks betty
From: Lynn
Date: Sunday, October 10, 1999 11:47 PM
Dear Betty,
For any local land records for Smith County write to the County Clerk, Smith
County Courthouse, Smith Center, KS 66967. They should be able to provide
you with the information or leads that you need. I don't know how much
copies, etc. cost, but they will surely be able to tell you.
I looked at a book I have about Lebanon, KS entitled "A Century at the
Center". I found only one listing for a Kersey. The paragraph states that
"The Welcome Wagon was sponsored by the Lebanon Hub Club in 1974 to
new families to town and acquaint them with the various businesses and
services available." John Kersey is among the names appearing on the list.
Maybe he is a descendant of the Kerseys for whom you are searching. You
might also want to check with the local newspaper "The Smith County Pioneer"
for any obituaries, but without death dates, this could be a monumental
undertaking. There might be people at the city library who would do lookups
on the micro fiche records of the papers which are stored there, but I don't
know who they would be or how much, if anything, they would charge. If you
would like to write to the Library, address your inquiry to Schrader Center,
City Library, Smith Center, KS 66967.
If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. I can't think of any
other sources for you to search, but maybe you will get a lead from this.
Good luck with your research,
Topic: homestead records
Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999 01:19 PM
My G'grandfather John Hirel Keenan is said to have homesteaded in the Lebanon Kansas area after the Civil War. Where can I find homestead records for Kansas, specifically the Smith county area?
From: Lynn
Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999 02:20 PM
Write to the County Clerk, Smith County Courthouse, Smith Center, KS
If she can't help you, she will know where to go to find the records.
Topic: Rima Family in Smith County
Date: Sunday, September 19, 1999 08:49 PM
Looking for information on William N. and MAtilda Rima of Smith County and their children.
William and MAtilda along with their children migrated to Smith County after 1880.
Their children:
Ellen b. Oct 1859
Seymour b. 1862 [I have a lot of information on him and his family]
Katie b. abt 1866
Malinda b. 1867. m. Mr. Swender. She resided in Lenora, Norton Co. in 1958
Rosia/Rosie b. 1871
Clarence b. April 1874
Roma b. Feb 1880
William d. 1925 and is buried in Cedar Cemetery, Harvey TWP, Smith County KS
Matilda d. 1911 and is buried in the same place.
I would appreciate any information on any of these individuals.
Thank You
From: Lynn
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 11:58 AM
I have nothing further for this individual. I communicated this to Lonnie
Chase yesterday, so I assume he has forwarded my response to the party
seeking the information. Sorry I couldn't help.
Date: Sunday, September 05, 1999 11:49 PM
Young, William Holliday and AMANDA ARMITAGE married in Van Wert Co., Ohio. Looking for any information on them and their children: Malinda, Mary Eliza (Lydia), Lucinda Jane, Charlotte, Martha, Edith Viola, Sarah Virginia, Charles "Jim", America "Mandy" and TL. William born July 4, 1812 maybe Virginia-Amanda born in Ohio August 22, 1823. They homesteaded near Cedarville and are buried in Cedar Cemetery.
Topic: Milholland in Lebanon
Date: Saturday, September 04, 1999 09:49 AM
Recently found that my great grandparents lived in Lebanon. Grandma Ida died around 1931, not sure of date. I believe she was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery. Grandpa Charles Milholland was buried there 1-20-1954. I am wanting to know who takes care of the cemetery there so I can find out if the graves are marked, the exact date of my grandmothers death, and perhaps some clues to her maiden name. Also it would be great if there was an obit for Ida Milholland. Thanks for any help anyone can give me. Their son, Jim Milholland, was married to a Smith County KS girl, Gertrude Duvall, father Leo Duvall.
Topic: Charles S. Ray
From: Sheryl McClure
Date: Sunday, August 29, 1999 10:19 AM
CHARLES S. RAY was listed in his father's (SAMUEL ENOCH RAY) 1927 obituary
as living in Smith Center. Does anyone know CHARLES or his descendants?
Sheryl McClure
Topic: Cronn
From: Toni Noah
Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 12:17 AM
I am looking for my great-grandmother's family. Her name was Salome Cronn and she moved to Smith Center, KA with her brothers around 1878. One brother's name was Charles. Salome Cronn married Charles Henry McClelland in Smith Center on April 19, 1879.
If there are any Cronn descendants out there, please contact me.
Toni Noah
From: Mary
Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 11:31 AM
Have you contacted Doris Swank in Cedar, KS? Her grandfather was Charles
Jackson Cronn. She has done quite a bit of family history so if there is a
connection she should know.
Good Luck,
Topic: Paxton Surname
Date: Saturday, August 07, 1999 03:37 PM
I am in search of information on the family of Owen Paxton. He was married to Maria Rachel Porter, they had four children, Alonzo, Lewis, Cora and Emma. Cora is my husbands grandmother, but I would like to find information on the other three children.
Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 10:12 PM
I have info on the Paxtons, but can't find it at this time. I have lots of family info on the people living in the Highland Community in north central Smith County KS Kansas. Do you have any names of spouses, or other names I can cross reference. I believe they lived about 7 - 8 miles north on Kansas Highway 8 of Highway 36. On the west side of Highway 8 a mile or two.
Topic: Deaths in 1903
Date: Saturday, August 07, 1999 03:17 PM
Can anyone tell me why there were so many deaths in this area in 1903?
Topic: Knowles/Nowles
From: Linda
Date: Saturday, August 07, 1999 08:09 AM
Researching Knowles/Nowles, Timma, Smith, Martin in Smith County KS, KS.
Caleb & Rachel (Martin) Knowles/Nowles:
Caleb b-1824 OH d. 1898 KS
Rachel b-1829 IN d-1913 KS
both buried Price Cem., Lebanon, KS.
Their Children:
Thomas 1848-?
Sarah Elizabeth 1849-1939 married 1st George Michael Senor; 2nd Frank
Joseph 1851-?
Ruth A 1853-1870s m. James Smith
William 1855-?
Chester 1860-?
John 1866-?
Please contact (Linda)
Topic: Vern Vernon Gibbens
From: Linda
Date: Saturday, July 10, 1999 03:18 PM
My grandfather, Vern Gibbens, was born in Smith Center on 24 Nov 1884. His parents were Andrew Jackson Gibbens and Martha Jane Hendricks Gibbens. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of his birth record, birth announcement from the paper or any other information about him? I would appreciate any help you can give me. Linda
Topic: Edith Houghtaling
From: Mary Holdren
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 06:28 PM
Imformation about Edith Houghtaling who I understand lived in the Smith Center vicinity in the years before the 1960's when she died. Her maiden name was Fleiss and she was born near St. George, KS. Thanks for any help. Mary Holdren
Topic: BOYD/Follon in Kensington, 1872 thru 1970s
Date: Sunday, June 20, 1999 02:53 AM
We're looking for information on the BOYDs of Kensington. Walter George Boyd, was b Feb 3, 1881, in Kensington, Smith Co, and married to Lauretta Agnes Huddleson. Walter was the editor and owner of the weekly paper the Kensington Mirror from around 1900 into the 1960s. They had six daughters, Helen, Carol, Roberta, Fern, Gale, and Ilene.
Walter's father was George Boyd, b ca 1850. He and wife Inez Follon (or Fallon), were one of the first ten couples married in the newly created Smith Co, in 1872. Any information on Walter, George, and their family would be very much appreciated. Thanks :)
Topic: Borgmann
Date: Sunday, June 13, 1999 10:28 PM
Looking for information on the Borgmann or Borgman family from the Athol, Ks area. I have information on the family and am looking for more and am happy to share any of my information.
Topic: George B. Bonnell
Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 12:41 PM
I am looking for information on George B. Bonnell living in Smith Center, KS in 1908. George a cousin of Elizabethtown, Union, NJ Bonnells. Would like to make a connection. (taken from a letter written in 1885 from William H. Bonnell to E.G. Bonnell, then copied by George Bonnell of East Boston, Mass and given to John A. Biles)
Topic: James Monroe Andrews
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 06:24 PM
I'm looking for information on my great grandfather. JAMES MONROE ANDREWS. He and his wife Carry lived in or around Smith Center Kansas, in the late 1800's. They moved to Holden, Alberta. Canada with thier children Lloyd Garrison Andrews, Ernest, John, Frank, Louis and Clyde. Any information on any of these family members would help.
Topic: Gilbert/Way/Warner
From: Mary
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 01:12 PM
Researching the following; Joseph Gilbert b 1828 Ohio, married(1853) Theodosia french they had 9 children, they also moved to Lebanon Kansa about 1878 Had a plot of land (known as the Gilbert farm ) west of Lebanon. Hamer Gilbert b 1860 Ohio d 1950 Lebanon (1883) married Cordelia Cerelda way, her father may have been a doctor in Ohio, she was the youngest of 7 children. they had 5 children; Ival, a methodist minister, Alda married Miles Alonzo Allen. Effie married George Philemon Warner, Edna married a Gates. would like to find parents and/or siblings of these people. any info is appreciated. thanks. mary
Topic: Gledhill, Kellum
From: Diane
Date: Saturday, May 01, 1999 09:57 PM
Arthur T. Gledhill married Clementina Sands Kellum on 11-10-1880 in Smith County, Kansas. They had 4 children all born in Smith County, Kansas. They were: Joseph William born 7-24-1881, Ella Gertrude born 9-24-1881, Ralph Earnest born 1883 and Jesse Amos born 10-4-1889. If you ha ve info you would like to share I would greatly appreciate it. Diane
Topic: GEORGE W. TURNER (1816-1897)
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 07:39 PM
Looking for information and/or descendants of GEORGE W. TURNER (1816-1897). He was purportedly born in what is presently called Holmes County, Ohio and died in the year 1897 in Cleveland, Tennessee (unconfirmed). His wife's name was Ann (Jeffras) Turner. The couple had five children. They were: Alonzo, Barton, Rachel, Sara (who married a George Beasley of Grand Island, Nebraska), and Washington Turner (who is listed in the Smith Center, Kansas 1883 list of pensioners). For an unknown period of time, the family lived in Kansas. GEORGE W. TURNER'S wife Ann, is buried in a cemetery just outside of the town of Smith Center, Kansas where she preceded her husband's death by 22 years. Her date of death was 18 January 1875. It is unknown if GEORGE W. TURNER ever married again. Any further information will be greatly appreciated.
Topic: SCOTT
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 07:24 PM
I am searching for information on a Corwin and Mary Jane Scott who moved to Gaylord, Kansas sometime after 1870. I don't know anything else about their life there or if they had any descendants. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
From: Kim Foltz
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 10:49 PM
My grandmother Catherine L. NEWTON was born in Kensington, Smith County. Her father, Roy Freeman Newton was born Dec 14, 1886 in Wathena, Doniphan County, KS and her mother Mabel C Bergren Jan 25, 1985 in Iowa. Unsure when they left Smith County. Any info on these Newtons appreciated. Kim Foltz
Topic: BERRY
From: Kim Foltz
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 10:46 PM
Seeking info on MICHAEL BERRY, b Feb 26, 1876 City unknown, Smith County. Mother: Lennah Berry, father unknown. At age 14 (@ 1890) moved to NE, then to Fairview, MT 1901. Had one known brother, Lee, who moved to Canada. Married Martha (Mattie) Allen Feb 1903 in Fairview, MT. Had 2 children, both born in MT: dau Sybil and son Sidney. Any info appreciated. Kim Foltz
Topic: Henry C. Thomas Family ancestry
From: Lynette
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 06:32 PM
Hello there, I'm searching for HENRY C. THOMAS born about. 1828 in Ohio, married to a Sarah Jane ??? (surname unknown) about. 1857 in Ohio (I think). They had nine children, the first few were born in Iowa but the rest were born in Smith County, Kansas. Their children are:
JOHN P. THOMAS born about. 1858 in Iowa
GEORGE W. THOMAS born about. 1860 in Iowa
ELECTA THOMAS born about. 1862 in Iowa
AGNUS THOMAS born about. 1866 in Iowa
LEVI THOMAS born about. 1869 in Iowa
FRED THOMAS born about. 1871 in Iowa
HARVEY THOMAS born about. 1875 in Smith County KS Kansas
SARAH JANE THOMAS born about. 1877 in Smith County KS Kansas (my Great-Grandma)
OLIVE THOMAS born about. 1879 in Smith County KS Kansas
HENRY & SARAH had a granddaughter listed on the 1880 "Lincoln Township" Smith County KS Kansas Census:
Mary ????? (5/12 December) Granddaughter place. of birth/Kansas/place. of birth of father of above ? unknown/place. of birth of mother unknown. (I do not know who her parents were)
I would like to have information on HENRY & SARAH, I would like to obtain the names of their parents and also would like a birth certificate of my Great-Grandma (Sarah Jane Thomas jr.). Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Lynette
Topic: Alvin and Anna Collins Merriam, Smith Centre
From: Anita Von Ahsen
Date: Saturday, March 20, 1999 09:33 PM
Looking for descendants of Alvin (d. 1911)and Anna Collins Merriam (d. 1915), who are buried at Fairview Cemetery, Smith Centre, KS. Trying to fill in some blanks on my Collins tree. They had children Will, Clara, Ernie, John and Silas. I have several neat pictures of these family members, including one of Alvin in Civil War uniform. Would love to know more about their KS life on the prairie. (Anna was sister to my gg-grandfather, in Iowa). Am willing to share Collins info.
Topic: Birth Certificate of Thomas Allen Wilson
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 04:10 PM
I am searching for the birth certificate of my grandfather, Thomas Allen Wilson, dob May 1, 1894 in Smith County, Kansas. Was born to Thomas Jefferson Wilson and Viola Elizabeth (Lipp)Wilson.
Topic: Mueller/Badenhoop/Carstens/Seemann/Beckmann families
From: David
Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 02:54 PM
I need any and all information relative to the
Mueller/Seeman/Badenhoop/Beckman/Carstens families in and around Smith
County, Kansas.
Thanks in advance.
From: Shawn McCormick
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 06:14 PM
I emailed you a reply but I also wanted to reply here.
My g-grandmother was Elfreda Carstens and my g-grandfather was Heinrich Mueller. Elfreda had a sister who married a Badenhoop and Heinrich had a sister who married a Seeman.
I do not have a David Mueller in my tree but I do have a John David Mueller. Could you be an ancestor of Heinrich's brother Herman?
I am hoping to hear from you soon.
Shawn McCormick
Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 11:47 AM
I Have Miller's on my line with ENDERS. I received Alot of info from sielor/ There are researchers there that have much on Ill,Indiana MILLERS. Your name sounded familiar. Any way I would give it a try
From: Lynn
Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 02:24 PM
I know that there used to be Badenhoops, Carstens, Seemanns and Beckmans living around Smith Center. I don't know any of them any more and I don't know to whom you could write for information. If you have some given names, try calling information for Smith Center, KS. It seems to me that the Seemans live around Kensington, KS, but I'm not sure. I haven't lived in KS for a long time, so I have lost touch. I recognize the names, but can't think of any individuals. However, as I said before, you can always write to the County Clerk and see if they have any guidance or records for you. Good luck with your research. Lynn
Topic: William Ernest Darwin
Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 01:13 AM
I am looking for information on William Ernest Darwin, born in Lebanon Kansas March 30, 1897. Father: William Henry Darwin and Mother: Daisy Josephine Bates
Topic: John Nelson STRODE,Susan STOOPS
From: Peggy Penningtin
Date: Saturday, February 27, 1999 08:52 AM
I am searching for information on JOHN and SUSAN and their daughter GEORGEANNA b.07 31 1861 in ILL. d.03 15 1951 at Smith Center, KN She is the ggrandmother of my husband. He never knew this family at all. GEORGEANNA married WILLIAM ROBERT STINSON 12 25 1878 Smith Center,KN. They had 12 children one being his grandmother. LAURA MAE STINSON b.03 18 1885 d.01 25 1946; LAURA married WILLIAM P PENNINGTON 03 1901. Later she married a FRED FRIZZELL then a JACK JONES.She died in Kansas maybe KANSAS CITY. Do you know this family? Please reply if you can help.
From: Peggy Penningtin
Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 06:47 PM
I have been sick and unable to check back to board.I am back up and still searching for these people.I have some old letters and a few more names and newspaper clipping on these people.I will be glad to share information as these people was around Smith Center.A Mrs. Nellie Strode Frost was at McNutly Nursing home when she died and buried at Fairview Cemetery in 1950. Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond were married in Smith Center and lived their entire life there.Mrs. Hammond was also buried in 1960 at Fairview Cemetery.Please reply if you know these people.Thanks so much.