JOHN EIKLOR The number of comparatively young men who occupy positions of public responsibility, carry on extensive business operations, and own large and valuable estates in the great expanse west of the Mississippi River, is a continual source of surprise and comment to Eastern visitors, who are accustomed to see such places occupied either by men of middle age or as an inheritance from those who have lived long in the East. The above-named gentleman, though still young, is in a position of financial prosperity highly creditable to his own energy and ability, and is justly considered one of the most substantial and progressiven agriculturists of Greene Township.
Mr.Eiklor came to this county in January 1878, and pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 21.1, and to that acreage he has added until his landed estate now comprises eight hundred acres, principally located in Greene Township, and bearing improvements which are more than usually adequate, substantial, and attractive in appearance. He is one of the largest dealers of stock in this county, his herd of cattle numbering some five hundred head. Since youth he has been engaged in farming, and endeavors in every department of agriculture to keep up with the times in the use of modern and labor-saving machinery; he takes advantage of every opportunity to increase the quantity and quality or his farm products, and keeps fine stock, exhibiting good judgment in his qualities most desirable in them That he has met with success in his undertakings is evidenced by a lithographic engraving of Ilis homestead, presented elsewhere in this volume.
The birth of Mr. Eiklor took, place February 2, 1852 in DeKalb County. Ill., which. was his home until he reached the age of twelve years. Then. accompanying his parents to McLean County, he there grew to manhood, making it his home until he came West. There also his father died about two years after settling in the county. Mr. Eiklor was united in marriage with Miss Emeline Olmsted, also a native of DeKalb County, December 17, 1872. Four bright children -- Daisy, Andrew, Herman and Lawrence -- have come to bless their union. Mrs. Eiklor is a woman of intelligent and cultured mind, practical domestic acquirements, and consistent Christian character.
Mr. Eiklor belongs to the Republican party, and while neither an aspirant for political honors nor what is commonly known as a politician, is deeply interested in the success of the principles of which he believes, and in the election of the candidates in whose hands he believes the reins of Government will be most wisely held. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church, and it is needless to say that they have many warm friends in the community and are held in high esteem by all who know them.
History of Sumner County, Kansas
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