1895 Caldwell Township Census

Dwelling/Household # Surname Given Name Age Sex Race Birth State Prev State Occupation Add'l Comments
001/001 Kerr S.C. 46 m w PA MN Railroad  
    Belle 38 f w IA MN Housekeeper  
    Kate 13 f w IL MN School Girl  
002/002 Scott E.K. 29 m w WI NE Conductor  
    Maggie 29 f w IL IA Housekeeper  
003/003 Clark J.W. 39 m w CAN IA Conductor  
    A.R. 39 f w IN IA Housekeeper  
    Aretha R. 17 f w IA IA Housekeeper  
    Irene A. 7 f w IA IA Student  
    Gladys 2 f w KS KS    
004/004 Longridge G.M. 38 m w IA IA Conductor  
    Emma 28 f w IA IA Housekeeper  
    Frank P. 6 m w IA IA Student  
    Charles F. 3 m w IA IA    
    George O. 1 m w KS IA    
005/005 Scherer Carl 43 m w GER TX Barber  
    Josie 39 f w NY NY Housekeeper  
    Mabelle 8 f w KS KS Student  
006/006 McDaniel W. 39 m w MS TX Teamster  
    Lou 30 f w MI MI Housekeeper  
    Edwin 13 m w TX TX Student  
    Adah 10 f w Cherokee Nation Cherokee Nation Student  
007/007 Swaggart E.M. 52 m w IL IA Carpenter  
    E. 52 f w NY IA Housekeeper  
    Josie D. 24 f w MN IA Housekeeper  
008/008 Gatrel J.M. 38 m w WV NE Laborer  
    Hattie J. 46 f w IL MO Housekeeper  
    Maud 13 f w NE NE Student  
    Lawrence 9 m w WV NE Student  
    Lovie 7 f w KS KS Student  
009/009 McIntire E.C. 47 m w IN IA Laborer  
    L.E. 44 f w IN IN Housekeeper  
    W.H. 18 m w KS KS Student  
    C.F. 13 m w IN IN Student  
010/010 Hoffman Frank 51 m w GER MO Baker  
    Minerva 36 f w MO MO Housekeeper  
    Bert 20 m w IA IA Laborer (Butcher's apprentice)  
    Artel (?) 18 m w MO MO    
    Burel 13 m w KS KS Student  
    Charley 11 m w KS KS Student  
    Lilly May 9 f w KS KS Student  
    Nellie Bly 6 f w KS KS Student  
    Minne Davis 2 f w KS KS    
011/011 Jones Grant 27 m w MO MO Laborer  
    Faire 17 f w IN IN Housekeeper  
012/012 Sheridan Wm. 55 m w IN MI Stone Mason  
    Miria 45 f w IN MI Housekeeper  
    Nellie Bly 25 f w MI MI Housekeeper  
    Nettie Peck 24 f w MI MI Housekeeper  
    Mary 20 f w MI MI Housekeeper  
    Elsie 16 f w KS KS    
    David 14 m w MO KS Student  
    Elmer 12 m w KS KS Student  
    Bessie 10 f w KS KS Student  
    Jimmie 5 m w KS KS    
013/___   Polli Ann 79 f w IN MI    
  Arnold George O. 22 m w NY MO Fireman (Engineer's apprentice)  
014/013 Graham Wm. H. 33 m w WV WV Laborer  
    Ella 24 f w IA IA Housekeeper  
    Wm. W. 1 m w KS KS    
015/014 Hook H.H. 54 m w MO WV Preacher  
    Mattie J. 52 f w MO MO Housekeeper  
    Mamie 26 f w IL MO Millner  
    Maurice 23 m w MO MO Printer  
    Myra 17 f w MO MO    
016/015 Jones Millburn 23 m w MO MO Laborer  
    Sallie 18 f w IA AR Housekeeper  
    Mabelle 5m f w KS KS    
017/016 Pulliam N.O. 27 m w OH MO Conductor  
    Mamie 24 f w MO MO Housekeeper  
    Baby 2m f w KS KS    
  Arnold Hattie 16 f w MO KY    
018/017 Nelson J.C. 40 m w KY IN Carpenter  
    S.E. 33 f w IN IN Housekeeper  
    Ora 13 f w KS KS Student  
    Laura 9 f w KS KS Student  
    Roy E. 3 m w KS KS    
019/018 Nazworthy J.W. 63 m w IL IL Farmer Served Co. E 21st IL Inf. Discharged 1864
    Lillie May 28 f w KS IL Housekeeper  
    Endora 23 f w KS KS Student  
    Wm. F. 21 m w KS CO    
020/019 Coryelle Henry 51 m w OH IL Farmer Served Co. A 34th IL Inf. Prisoner at Libby Prison. Discharged 1865
021/___   Effie 28 f w IL IL Housekeeper  
    Fred 8 m w KS KS Student  
    Charlie 5 m w CO CO    
  Hunter Harry 24 m w IL NE Farmer  
  Williamson Frank 49 m w IN IN Blacksmith Served Co. B 43rd IN Inf. Discharged 1865
___/020 Haden C.E. 28 m w OH OH Jeweler  
___/021 Lowe W.H. 27 m w KS KS Drayman  
    M.A. 19 f w MO MO Housekeeper  
022/022 Elting E.W. 32 m w IL NY Druggist  
    Mary 25 f w IA IA Housekeeper  
  Dunlap Hattie 18 f w IA IA Music Teacher  
  Elting V.V. 7 m w KS KS    
    Elting 4 f w KS KS    
  Haden Blanche 23 f w OH OH School Teacher  
024/023 Renaker J.C. 53 m w OH IN Farmer Served Co. K 34th IN Inf. Discharged 1864.
    Martha 45 f w IN IN Housekeeper  
    Ida 19 f w IN IN    
    J.F. 16 m w IN IN Student  
    Emma 14 f w IN IN Student  
    Harrison 5 m w KS KS    
025/024 Hort C.M. 42 f w WV MO Landlady  
  Booker D.S. 40 m w WV MO    
  Sceves Frank 35 m w Not Stated Not Stated    
026/025 Coles E. 71 m w PA IL ShoeMaker  
  Hendricks Eva 14 f w IL IL Housekeeper  
027/___ Gorman M.L. 40 f w IN NE Millenor  
028/026 Yantz G.H. 53 m w WI NE Marble Dealer  
029/027 McCulloch J.P. 60 m w TN CO Laborer  
    Sarah A. 60 f w TN CO Housekeeper  
    James 21 m w KS KS Clerk  
    John 16 m w KS KS Clerk  
030/028 Wickery L.H. 45 m w PA IL Plasterer Served Co. G 129th IN Inf. Discharged 1865.
    C.Y. 36 f w IL IL Housekeeper  
    Edith 6 f w KS KS    
    Lewis 1 m w KS Not Stated    
031/029 Holdrege H.C. 43 m w IN MO Plasterer  
    Elizabeth 37 f w IN MO Housekeeper  
    Bertha 16 f w MO MO    
    Abner 13 m w KS KS Student  
    Cora 11 f w KS KS Student  
    Corla 2 f w KS KS    
032/030 Foster J.T. 64 m w KY MO Stock Dealer  
    H.G. 59 f w KY MO Housekeeper  
033/031 Lowe H.B. 57 m w OH NM Transfer  
    S.J. 56 f w IRE PA Housekeeper  
034/032 Dawe F.S. 45 m w ENG NM Sec Foreman  
    Mary 43 f w MO NM Housekeeper  
    Mary, Jr. 15 f w KS NM Student  
    Margret 13 f w KS NM Student  
    Annie 11 f w KS NM Student  
    Edith 5 f w NE NM Student  
035/033 Maxwell J.R. 29 m w VA VA Railroad  
    Jessie 19 f w KS NM Housekeeper  
    Hazel 7m f w KS KS    
036/034 Yeargin R.R. 56 m w TN MO Farmer Served Co. F 30th IL Inf. Discharged 1864
    Iley C. 20 m w IL MO Farmer  
037/035 Corzine Wm. 60 m w NC IL Farmer  
    M.S. 63 f w NC IL Housekeeper  
038/036 Arnold H.P. 25 m w MO NY Fireman (Engineer Loc apprentice)  
    Edith O. 25 f w IL IL Housekeeper  
039/037 Albrecht C.H. 28 m w GER IL Fireman (Engineer Loc apprentice)  
    Laura 23 f w KS KS Housekeeper  
040/038 Cosand R.H. 62 m w IN IA Photographer Served Co. G. 11th IN Inf. Discharged 1864.
    Mary 51 f w IN IA Housekeeper  
041/039 Herr A.G. 39 m w PA PA Clerk  
    Maud 29 f w CAN CAN Housekeeper  
    L. Dewitt 7 m w KS     Note: On the original census, the censustaker did not write anything for this boy in the preceding 3 columns and started writing the next person's information, realized his mistake but only corrected it partially.
043/040 Wilson S.A. 46 m w MA MA Prof of Music  
    F.C. 41 f w MA MA Housekeeper  
    F.M. 21 m w NH MA Laborer  
    Jennie 18 f w KY KY    
    Clarence 15 m w MA MA    
    Eva 9 f w PA PA    
    Hattie 4 f w KS KS    
044/___ Cunnhingham D.H. 56 m w KY KY   Served Co. D 27th KY Inf. Discharged 1864.
045/041 Poulson J.W. 58 m w OH MO Carpenter Served Co. A 18th OH Inf. Prisoner at Bylen Mill TN. Discharged 1864.
    A.E. 49 f w OH MO Housekeeper  
    Wm. A. 20 m w MO MO    
    Edna E. 16 f w MO MO Student  
    Sallie 13 f w MO MO Student  
046/042 Clevenger Mary E. 28 f w OH MO    
    John T. 7 m w MO MO    
    May 4 f w KS KS    
    Nettie 2 f w IL KS    
047/043 Metcalf R.D. 35 m w IL IL Farmer  
    J.O. 30 f w IL IL Housekeeper  
    Nellie 6 f w KS KS Student  
048/044 Diamond A. 49 m w POL TX Furniture Dealer  
    Sara C. 28 f w OH OH Housekeeper  
    Willis 8 m w KS KS Student  
    Harry 2 m w KS KS    
049/045 Smith Blanche (Miss) 20 f w KS KS Milliner  
    Lillie 17 f w KS KS Milliner  
050/046 Fossett Jack 59 m w NY MN Laborer Served Co. K 1st MN Artillery. Discharged 1865.
    Rachel 56 f w GER WI Housekeeper  
    Winford 11 m w KS KS Student  
    Nellie 9 f w KS KS Student  
Copyright 2001 Harriette Jensen
Last Updated on 11/25/01
By Harriette Jensen
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