Name of Company Name of Business, Manufacture or Product Capital Motive Power (if steam, No. of horsepower) Average No. of Hands Employed (males above 16 years) Total of Wages for year Number of Months in Actual Operation Kinds/Quantities of Raw Materials Values (rounded to dollars) Kinds of Products Quantity of Products (in pounds) Values (rounded to dollars) Aetna Milling Co. Flour, Meal and Feed $50,000 Steam (100) 15 $6,840 9 Wheat (185,000 bushels) $83,250 Flour 7,400,000 $77,700 Corn (12,000 bushels) $5,250 Meal 650,000 $7,150 Fuel (1,000 tons) $2,700 Feed 3,720,000 $24,000 Bags $5,000 Misc $2,000 Hunter Mill and Elevator Co. Flour, Meal and Feed 30,000 Steam (65) 16 $10,500 12 Wheat (270,000 bushels) $121,500 Flour 11,000,000 $110,000 Corn (150,000 bushels) $67,500 Meal 8,000,000 $80,000 Fuel (2,000 tons) $3,600 Feed 5,500,000 $35,750 Bags $7,500 Misc $3,000 Sasher and Schonest Wellington Carriage Works; buggies, carriages &
repairing 5,000 Hand 8 $5,000 12 Iron $3,000 Carriages $10,000 Paint, Leather, Wood $3,800 Repairs or Blacksmith $2,500 Coal $200 F.M. Penniwell Wellington Marble Works: monuments, tombstones, etc. 2,000 Hand 3 $1,170 Marble $3,500 Monuments Stone $500 Tombstones $6,500 T.B. Marshall Cigar Factory; cigars and smoking tobacco 1,000 Hand 3 $1,400 Tobacco (1200 pounds) $900 Cigars 50,000 $10,000 Boxes (1000) $500 Stamps $5,000 F.M. Price Cigar Factory; cigars 200 Hand 1 $450 Tobacco (300 pounds) $200 Cigars 12,500 $2,500 Boxes (240) $125 Stamps $1,200