Sumner County Kansas Railroad Pictures

Argonia Depot Argonia 24 X 42 frame standard depot photo sent by citizens of Argonia complaining about the nature of there depot facilities. Depot retired 1971
Conway Depot Conway Sante Fe Rail Depot Looking North at Santa Fe Depot from main track switch stand in foreground
Milan Depot Passenger end and city side of combination depot built 1880, 20' x 40'.
Milan Stock Yard Looking at the Milan stock yards 61' x 72' with town buildings in background.
Mayfield Depot This black and white photograph shows the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company depot at Mayfield, Kansas. A cart is also visible. Built in 1908, the depot measured 16' x 40'.
Mayfield Section House
Looking at Section House built 1880, 16 x 32, 12 x 14, evauluation section K-35

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