Amos A. Belsley.A work of this character exercises its most important function when it takes cognizance of the life and labors of those citizens who have been of material assistance in the advancement of the interests of one of the chief cities of a great state. It is in this connection with the upbuilding of Wellington as its chief executive that Amos A. Belsley has been brought prominently before the public, and his efforts in this field have been of such value as to merit distinctive recognition in this volume. He was elected on April 4, 1911, by the largest majority any candidate ever received for the office of mayor in that city. Being elected on a progressive platform he stands for progress and civic improvementbetter water, more paved streets and the general uplift.
Mr. Belsley wsa[sic] born Aug. 24, 1878, at Roanoke, Ill., the fourth son of Peter and Cathrine (Schertz) Belsley. The father, Peter Belsley, was born on Dec. 7, 1841, at Spring Bay, Ill., and was of mingled German and French ancestry, his father having been a native of Germany, while his mother was born in France. He was essentially a self-made man. He began his career as a farmer and by economy and prudent care, though often pushing his way through difficulties, he achieved a distinctive success in that pursuit. Later in life he engaged in coal mining, organizing, in 1881, the Roanoke (Ill.) Coal Mining Company, of which he was president until his death on Oct. 24, 1899. Through his extensive business transactions and his sturdy citizenship he became well known throughout the State of Illinois. Cathrine Schertz Belsley, the mother of Amos A., was born on Sept. 15, 1846, at Metamora, Ill., a daughter of Joseph and Barbara Schertz. To Peter and Cathrine Belsley were born nine childrenfive sons and four daughtersas follows: Anna H., unmarried and resides in Peoria, Ill.; John J., born Sept. 1, 1869, died Nov. 16, 1900; David C., now in the mercantile business at Roanoke, Ill.; Michael E., a retired farmer at Peoria, Ill.; Mattie E., wife of J. C. Reid of Newton, Kan.; Amos Albert, the subject of this review; Barbara M., unmarried and resides at Peoria, Ill.; Kathryn A., also single; and Benjamin R., a graduate of the University of Illinois, class of 1911.
Amos Albert Belsley was educated in the public schools of Woodford county, Illinois, and at a business college in Peoria. After his school days were ended he returned to the farm, where he remained until Dec. 26, 1902, when he came to Kansas, locating at Wellington. He became bookkeeper in the Farmers' State Bank, which position he held until March 6, 1906, when he resigned on account of ill health and engaged in the loan and real estate business. In July, 1906, he participated in the organization of the National Bank of Commerce of Wellington, and was made a director and assistant cashier, the bank being opened for business December 3 of the same year, serving as such until Dec. 15, 1909, when he resigned and engaged in the loan business on his own account. As a young man he gave evidence of splendid business ability and a large capacity for hard work, and his character and work in the management of his own personal business interests demonstrated his fitness to become administrative head of the city of Wellington. He is very prominently affiliated with different fraternal organizations, being a Knight Templar Mason and past commander of St. John's Commandery, No. 24, Knights Templars; a member and past high priest of Sumner Chapter, No. 37, Royal Arch Masons; a Thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, of Wichita Consistory, No. 2, and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine of Midian Temple, Wichita, Kan. He is also a member and an officer in Wellington Lodge, No. 1167, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, a director and secretary of the Wellington Masonic Temple Company, which has a capital of $15,000, he being one of the promoters and is the active head of this institution.
Politically Mr. Belsley is a Democrat and is secretary of the Sumner county Democratic central committee. He is a prominent and active member of the Wellington Commercial Club. On Feb. 10, 1909, at Wellington, Mr. Belsley was united in marriage to Miss Kathryn Hazel Herrig, the eldest daughter of John and Bettie Herrig, of Wichita. Mr. Herrig is a merchant at Wichita and has two daughtersMrs. Belsley, born Sept. 27, 1885, and Marjorie, born Nov. 22, 1895. Their mother died March 2, 1900. Mr. and Mrs. Belsley are members of the Congregational church. Mr. Belsley is a high type of alert, progressive American, diligent in the various duties and business affairs and conscientious in every way. Young, bright and ambitious, it is no ebullition of extravagent hysteria to say that his future is obscured by no sign of shade or shadow.
Pages 1184-1185 from volume III, part 2 of Kansas: a cyclopedia of state history, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc. ... / with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence. Standard Pub. Co. Chicago : 1912. 3 v. in 4. : front., ill., ports.; 28 cm. Vols. I-II edited by Frank W. Blackmar. Transcribed December 2002 by Carolyn Ward. This volume is identified at the Kansas State Historical Society as microfilm LM195. It is a two-part volume 3.
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