George P. Neiman.Success in any line of occupation, in any avenue of business, is not a matter of spontaneity, but represents the result of the application of definite subjective forces and the controlling of objective agencies in such a way as to achieve desired ends. Mr. Neiman has realized a large and substantial success in the business world, and his career has well exemplified the truth of the foregoing statement. He occupies a prominent place among the citizens of southern Kansas, is the controlling force in one of the best known banks of Butler county, and is the father of the thriving town of Whitewater, which he promoted and which is situated upon a portion of his original homestead, on which he filed in 1869.
George P. Neiman is a native of Pennsylvania, born in New Berlin, Union county, Jan. 24, 1842, son of Isaac and Eliza (Swartz) Neiman. The family was founded in America previous to the war of the Revolution. Carl Neiman, the great-grandfather of George P. and the first of whom authentic information has been obtained, was a resident of Berks county, Pennsylvania. His son, Peter, was a farmer and miller near Boyertown, Pa. Isaac, son of Peter and father of George P., was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, in 1813. He learned the trade of harness maker. In 1854 he removed to Iowa and settled near Tipton, Cedar county. Here he engaged in farming and died Sept. 17, 1862. George P. Neiman received his education in the schools of Tipton, Iowa, and became a country school teacher, as well as assisting on his father's farm. In 1864 he went overland to California and spent some three years in seeking his fortune in the gold districts of that state. He returned by way of Panama and engaged in farming in eastern Iowa. In 1869, with his brother, Isaac H., he came to Kansas. Isaac H. located on a homestead in Harvey county, in which county he was the first actual settler. George P. located on the Whitewater, in Butler county, and was one of the first settlers in that district. As a farmer and stockman he became one of the successful men of his section and with his brother controls some 5,000 acres of the choicest land in southern Kansas. In 1887, on completion of the Rock Island railway, the Golden Belt Land Company located a number of town sites along this line. Mr. Neiman sold to them a portion of his original homestead, on which was platted the town of Whitewater and in which he retained an undivided half interest. On collapse of the land company, a few years later, he became the sole owner of the town site and organized the Whitewater Town Company, of which he was made president. A visit to the bustling town of which he is the founder, is convincing proof of his town-promoting ability, for it is known to the traveling public as one of the best trading points, population considered, in the state. In 1891 he organized the Bank of Whitewater and was elected cashier. The history of this institution is the history of Mr. Neiman's identification with the banking life of Kansas. Established in 1891, with a capital of $6,000, its business has been of sound and continuous growth. Its present capital is $12,000, it has an earned surplus of $48,000, deposits of $200,000, and it has always paid satisfactory dividends to its owners. It is the second oldest bank in Butler county. In the organization, development and administration of the business of this institution Mr. Neiman has been the dominant executive, and to his progressiveness, energy and resourcefulness is due the strength and high reputation of the organization. He is known to the banking fraternity as an able and discriminating financier and one who has brought the administrative policy of his bank up to the point of highest efficiency. Essentially a business man, he has neither the time nor inclination for public office, though he never neglects in the least his civic duties and obligations. A Democrat, he has taken an active and influential part in the councils of his party. He has served as a member of the Butler county and state central committees a number of times and was honored with election as alternate delegate to the Democratic National convention in Denver in 1908. He was appointed a member of the board of county commissioners in 1880 and was elected a member of that board in 1884. Mr. Neiman has never married and resides with his sister, Mary M., the wife of James D. Joseph (see sketch). The following brothers of Mr. Neiman reside in Whitewater: Isaac H., president of the Bank of Whitewater and a wealthy farmer and stockman; Arthur L., farmer; Charles A., retired farmer; Samuel R., retired farmer, and Jerome D., owner of an extensive retail hardware business and president of the Whitewater Lumber Company. A sister, Sarah A., married the late E. B. Brainerd, founder of the town of Brainerd, Butler county. She died Oct. 24, 1902, leaving three sonsWilliam P., George F., and Howardall of whom reside in the county and are engaged in farming.
To do justice to the many phases of the career of Mr. Neiman within the limit of an article of this order would be impossible, but in even touching the more salient points there may come objective lessons and incentives, and thus a tribute of appreciation. As a man among men, bearing his due share in connection with practical activities and responsibilities of a work-a-day world, he has been successful over all and above all, and has gained a deep knowledge of the well springs from which emerges the stream of human motive and action. He has gained a clear apprehension of what life means, its dominating influences and its possibilities, and is ever ready to impart to his fellowmen the fruits of his investigations, contemplation and matured wisdom.
Pages 488-490 from volume III, part 1 of Kansas: a cyclopedia of state history, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc. ... / with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence. Standard Pub. Co. Chicago : 1912. 3 v. in 4. : front., ill., ports.; 28 cm. Vols. I-II edited by Frank W. Blackmar. Transcribed December 2002 by Carolyn Ward. This volume is identified at the Kansas State Historical Society as microfilm LM195. It is a two-part volume 3.
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