Carl Victor Dahlberg

This biographical portrait is found in the "Portrait and Biographical Album of Washington, Clay, and Riley Counties, Kansas"; Chicago; Chapman Bros; 1890, pg. 920.; located in the KANSAS Room at the Kansas City, Kansas Public Library.

Carl Victor Dahlberg, one of the younger men among the old settlers of Riley County, came here when a boy, and practically grew up with the country. He may well be proud of his residents of thirty-two years, during which time he has accumulated a good property and established himself in the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens. He owns and operates 320 acres of land on section 1, town 7, range 6, Jackson Township, and has long been looked upon as an individual bound to make his mark in the world.

The native place of Mr. Dahlberg was Christdala, Soken, Kalmarland, Sweden, and the date of birth July 14, 1849. When in the fifth year of his age he emigrated for America with his parents, and although so young, remembers many of the incidents of preparation and the voyage hither. They first proceeded to Hull, England, thence to Liverpool, and from that port embarked on a sailing vessel, which in due time landed them in New York City. For three years there, they sojourned in and near Camden, Ill., then went overland for Kansas Territory, to which they slowly made their way by ox teams, although Carl had the honor of riding a pony part of the way. They camped whenever night overtook them and cooked by the wayside. They struck the Big Blue at Manhattan, near which they settled, being the third Swede family to locate in that region. Later they were the first Swede family settling in Riley County.

Young Dahlberg during his boyhood made himself generally useful, assisting in breaking prairie sod, getting out logs for the house and other buildings. For three or four summers he drove a breaking team of from three to five yoke of oxen. Game was plentiful, including wild turkeys, deer and solves, beaver, coon and lynx, and our subject for his recreation engaged in hunting and trapping some of these. Indians were plentiful, but were friendly and did not molest their new neighbors. There were no schools for several years afterward, young Dahlberg receiving instruction in a log cabin at the age of thirteen years, later he attended the High School at Manhattan, and this completed his education. He, however, is fond of reading, and has kept himself posted in regard to matters of general interest. In 1863, Mr. Dahlberg accompanied his father to Lawrence, Kansas, to make a payment on the farm. After leaving for home, the city was raided and partially destroyed by fire. When twenty-one years old, Mr. Dahlberg took charge of his father's farm, which he managed with admirable judgment until 1883, when he located on his present place. It comprises eighty acres and was given him by his father. He had, however, already purchased 80 acres of wild prairie adjacent, and in connection with the cultivation of this land, also operated his father's farm, until 1885, when he abandoned the latter, and has since confined his attention to his own property. One year ago, he purchased another eighty, and now has 320 acres. He put up his present home in 1886, and has all the other necessary buildings. He had planted fruit and forest trees, and is now considerably interested in livestock, making a specialty of full-blooded Poland-China swine.

Mr. Dahlberg was married in Mariadahl, Pottawatomie County, this State, Nov. 1, 1883, to Mrs. Hannah A. Deere. This lady was born Nov 30, 1854, in Trane, Soken, Gars-Harad, Sweden, and is the daughter of Clement Peterson, who, after immigrating to America, located at Moline, Ill., where he now lives. He is a farmer by occupation. Mrs. Dahlberg was reared in Moline, and was there married to her first husband, Charles O. Deere, who died there. She came to Kansas on a visit, and here met her future husband. Of her first marriage, there were born three children - Emma C., Esther E. U. and Dora C. C. The eldest daughter was graduated from the Augustanius Conservatory of Music, at Moline, and is now engaged as a teacher of this art in that city. Esther lives with her mother, and Dora is with her grandparents at Moline. To Mr. and Mrs. Dahlberg, there have been born three children - George C. R., Agnes H. V. and Alice E.

The father of our subject, likewise a native of Sweden, owned considerable land, and carried on agricultural pursuits there. Upon coming to America he located near Milan, Rock Island County, Ill., but a year later removed to Henry County and purchased eighty acres near Andover. He purchased considerable live stock, and farmed there until 1857. That year he crossed the Mississippi, and pre-empted a tract of land on the Big Blue, Jackson Township, Riley County, Kansas in the cultivation of which he was greatly prospered, and added to his real-estate until he is now the owner of almost 500 acres. He is a very prominent man, especially among his countrymen, and a member in good standing of the Lutheran Church. He married in his native Sweden Miss Johanna Gustafson, a native of his own country, and there were born to them seven children.

NOTE: We want to say THANK YOU to Birger Bring of the Kristdala Web Page for his graciousness in furnishing us with the following information:

Carl Victor's original name was Karl Viktor Karlsson. His parents were Karl Johan Mansson and Johanna Gustava Gustavsdotter. They lived at a farm called Fagerback in Kristdale.

Karl Johan Mansson, born 17 Jul 1823, married Johanna Gustava Gustavsdotter from Vederhult, born 19 Feb 1928. Karl Johan and Johanna bought the farm from Karl Johan's mother and his siblings on 18 Oct 1845. The family moved to America in 1854. The Dahlbergs were really pioneers. Emigration from Kristdala stated in 1853 so they were about the first to go.

Karl Johan and Johanna had three children (before they left for America):
Johanna Maria, born 26 Jan 1847
Karl Viktor, born 14 Jul 1849
Emma Sofia, born 1852
There were more children born in the U.S.

Kathy Olson in Kansas City is a great grandchild of Josephine Dahlberg, Karl Victor's sistern, born in the US. Birger Bring has informed Kathy about this site. She will probably mail the site developer since she made have additional information.

Kristdala was spelled Christdala back in those days.