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Transcribed by J. Richardson, 04-July-2000
Originally published in the Humboldt Union, Humboldt, Allen County, Kansas
Sketches of Early History - Part 2
In the Settlement of Humboldt and Allen County
By Watson Stewart
(continued from last week.)
In the meantime the surrounding country was settling up. In 1857 T.H. Glidden
made the first settlement on Big creek, soon followed by the families of the
Haddens, Anrds and Moore.
Some settlement was made on Owl creek, among the first was A.N. Foster, where he
still resides.
Dr. I.N. Phillips settled three miles south of Humboldt. In the same
neighborhood were Eli Fleming, Jacksons, and further east were the Kerns, Rapps,
Stohl, Burkle and Riley, Germans.
In the north part of the county a settlement was made about Geneva, by the
"Union Settlement Company." Among these settlers were Dr. Stone, J.C. Redfield,
Geo. W. Stevens. J.M. Mattoon, A.G. Carpenter and Ephram Fisk. The colony
numbered about seventy-five persons.
North of town were Henry Schmidt, Vosbinder, C. O'Brien, W.C. O'brien, Moses
Neal, and W.m Osborn. A.L. Dornbergh settled the place where he now resides in
In the spring of 1858 O'Brien's mill was built. It was hauled over the country
from Jefferson City, Mo., requiring in its removal nine yoke of oxen and one
span of horses, occupying fifty-four days in making the trip and return. It was
in operation about the first of May; it had one run of burrs, which were the
first burrs for grinding in the county.
In 1858 Humboldt became the county seat of Allen county by act of the
In 1858 there came to Humboldt a young lawyer of pleasing address. He came with
the intention of becoming one of its citizens and "growing up with the place."
He was genial, whole-souled, a ready and a pleasant speaker. He soon became to
be the spokesman for the people on all important occasions. He has been placed
in many position of honor and trust, and today he represents the Second
Congressional District of Kansas in the Congress of the United States. His name
was John R. Goodin.
In the spring of 1859, in the south part of the county, an event happened which,
while not being in accordance with law, yet had a wholesome effect on the
community, and serves to illustrate a certain phase of frontier society.
There was in the neighborhood a band of men whose principal business was to
steal Indian ponies and run them off to Missouri and elsewhere and dispose of
them. This was on what was then the Indians' own reservation.
The business had been carried on for about a year, and the band were getting so
numerous and bold that honest men found it a pretty disagreeable place to live.
One night a part of Indians made a raid on them, and succeeded in capturing
three of the band -- others being away from home, escaped capture. They were
taken down near the mouth of Big creek, to Godfrey's trading post. What would
have been their fate no one can tell; by chance Dr. Phillips and S.J. Steward
were passing, and learning the condition of things, called in.
It was finally agreed by the Indians that if the men would divulge the names of
their accomplices and themselves leave the country within three days, they would
release them. This they agreed to do, after some demonstrations were made toward
hanging. They kept their word, leaving the country on time. However, before
releasing them, the Indians shaved one side of their heads. Three others
implicated in the neighborhood as members of the band were waited upon by a
committee from a large meeting of the citizens of the county, with a request to
take the same road as their friends had taken. The request being complied with,
honest men breathed more freely.
The first practicing physician in the county was Dr. Burgess -- in 1855. He
resided on the place now owned by Mr. Speakman, two miles north of Humboldt. He
left in 1856. We then had a Dr. After, at Cofachiqui. Dr. I.N. Phillips cam in
the spring of 1857.
Humboldt's first physician was Dr. Geo. A. Miller, who came here in the summer
of 1857. He established an office in a tent, a little east of W.C. O'Brien's
present residence. His shingle was nailed to a small jack oak tree in front of
the tent, and on it was inscribed "Geo. A. Miller, Physician and Surgeon".
Dr. Miller was a citizen of Humboldt until his death in 1867, and during all
that time Humboldt had no more earnest worker for the best interests than he. He
did not possess the elements of popularity with the people; but those who knew
him best recognized in him all that goes to make a true man. He was a good
citizen and a true Christian.
The Drouth of 1860.
1860 is remembered as the year of the drouth. In fact, the fall and winter
preceding were very dry, and during the spring of 1860 we failed to get the
usual rain fall. During the summer we had frequent showers, but the ground was
so thoroughly dried out that showers did no good.
Crops were almost a perfect failure. When it became evident that nothing would
be raised, many left the country discourage. Some sought relief by a temporary
removal to neighboring state, where provisions could be obtained. Others again
were unable to get away. It became evident that unless outside help could be
obtained much suffering would result before another crop could be raised.
During the fall, Thadeus Hyatt, with S.C. Pomeroy and W.F.N. Arny, visited
Humboldt in their tour through the Territory, and consulted with the people as
to their condition and wants. Committees were apppointed, and through them much
of the general aid furnished to Kansas was distributed.
This county finally sent S.J. Stewart east as a special agent. He went to
Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, and was successful in procuring much needed aid.
Every old Kansan will remember gratefully the friends in the east who
contributed so generously in that time of need.
The Iola Town Company was organized in 1859; its first president was Dr. J.W.
Scott; its first president was Dr. J.W. Scott. Its members number nearly forty
person, distributed over the north half of the county. Its purpose was to make a
county seat town. Its originators claimed that Humboldt was not CENTRAL, that it
was built upon a ROCK where no water could be obtained for either man or beast,
and that no town could ever be built on such a site.
They selected a site for Iola where water could be obtained in abundance by
digging wells but a few feet, and established public wells where ass were
invited to stop and water both themselves and teams.
Each member of the company was obligated to at once build a certain kind of
house, so that Iola soon began to assume considerable proportions, and at once
became a most formidable rival to Humboldt.
The first contest for the county seat was in May, 1860, when under an act of
Legislature a vote was taken. Humboldt, however, by dint of doing some good
voting came out of the contest as victor.
It was never quite clear as to where ass the voters came from. Some of the Iola
folks suggested that the Cincinnati Directory had been consulted for names.
However, no question as to the validity of the vote was ever raised. The next
move of Iola was to give a strip off the south end of the county to Neosho --
which having been accomplished by act of the Legislature of 1865, at an election
on May 10 of that year the county seat was removed from Humboldt to Iola. But
little interest was taken in the election by the people of Humboldt, a very
light vote being cast.
It was thought to be very unfair to submit the question at that time, when most
of the citizens of this end of the county were away in the military service.
Iola still retains the prize but Humboldt has not accepted the situation as
FINAL, but it is watching and waiting.
Last Updated:
Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:35:06
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