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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
G. H. Ellis.
A native of England, G. H. Ellis was born in Lincolnshire on the 13th of March, 1840, and is a son of Dr. Matthew J. Ellis, who was born in the same shire and for over forty years was a successful practicing physician and surgeon. He married Frances Groves, also a native of Lincolnshire. The Doctor was a typical English gentleman of means, fond of out-door sports and always kept his horses and hounds ready for the hunt. In 1853, however, he determined to seek a home in America and with his family crossed the Atlantic, arriving in the new world after a perilous voyage of six weeks on the vessel Golconda.
Several severe storms were encountered, the mast of the ship was lost and the vessel sprang a leak which necessitated the working of the pumps night and day. The passengers were thus pressed into service, but ultimately all danger was averted and they reached the harbor of New Orleans in safety, being tugged in by two steamers, one being on either side of the Golconda. Dr. Ellis went by boat up river as far as Keokuk, Iowa, and then he and his family secured teams and an outfit to take them on their westward journey across the plains, but before leaving the Hawkeye state the mother died.
The father and children, however, continued on their way to Utah, where they remained for some time after which they went to Idaho and finally to California. There the father's death occurred, in 1861, when he had arrived at the age of fifty-one years. In the family were eleven children, but six daughters died in England during their early girlhood. William died in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the age of nineteen years; Joseph died in Doniphan county, Kansas, at the age of twenty-one years. He was very successful financially and left to his widow and daughter, Miss Anna Ellis, a very comfortable competence.
G. H. Ellis, of this review, was only fourteen years of age when the family crossed the briny deep to the new world. He acquired in the schools of England a limited education. For some years he was located in Idaho, where he engaged in trading. He spent five years on a cattle ranch in California and one year in Utah, after which he started eastward across the plains, making the journey on horseback and leading a pack horse. Subsequently he made two other trips across the plains, once with a six yoke ox team to Denver and later with a six mule team.
In 1867 he took up his abode in Doniphan county, Kansas, locating on a farm near Syracuse, now called Denton. There he remained for six years. At the expiration of that period he purchased a farm in Lancaster township, near Huron. For a number of years he devoted his time to the cultivation and development of that property and in 1892 came to Effingham in order to secure better educational advantages for his children.
He there owns a valuable farm property, however; his place near Huron contains one hundred and sixty acres of valuable land under a high state of cultivation and improved with a substantial modern residence and other excellent farm buildings. He also owns a farm of eighty acres in Grasshopper township, near Muscotah, Atchison county.
On the 13th of March, 1870, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Ellis and Miss Rosline M. Hopkins, a representative of a good family and a lady of culture and education. She was born in Clinton township, Elkhart county, Indiana, about eight miles from Goshen, and is a daughter of James M. and Sally (Chivington) Hopkins. In their family were five children, of whom three are now living, namely: Mrs. Rippey, of Severance, Kansas; A. H., who is living in Indiana; and Mrs. Ellis, who for a number of years was a successful and proficient teacher of music. The father died in Indiana in 1861. He was a stanch Republican in his political views and a great admirer of Abraham Lincoln. During the election of 1860 it was greatly due to his efforts that his township gave a majority to Lincoln, for he secured a spring wagon and traveled all day long, bringing Lincoln voters to the polls.
Both he and his wife were members of the Methodist church and lived to be well along in years, she dying several years after him. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis has been blest with eight children and the two oldest are twins, namely: Charles Henry and James Madison, the former, who is now a stockman of Effingham, married a daughter of Judge B. F. Snyder, of that place, while the latter, who is in the employ of D. C. Newcomb at Atchison, married Miss Eva Preston, a daughter of Dr. Preston, also of Effingham, and they have two children, Lawrence Preston and Clarence; Carrie, the wife of James Dare, of Severance, and they have two children; George W., is unmarried; Frances, is the wife of Charles Hettic, who resides on the old homestead in Lancaster township, Atchison county, and has two children; Emma J., graduated in the class of 1900 at the county high school, completing a general course and a course in music; Cora, is a student in the high school; and Sallie, who completes the family, is pursuing her education in the common schools.
Mr. Ellis has made two trips to England and has therefore five times crossed the ocean and he has also spent considerable time in Texas. He has thereby gained a knowledge and experience which only travel can bring. He votes with the Republican party and while residing in Doniphan county held a number of public offices. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal and Christian churches of Effingham, and for the latter Miss Emma J. Ellis is the organist.
They are all earnest Christian people, taking an active part in the work of the church, the Sunday school, the Christian Endeavor Society and the Epworth League. Mr. Ellis led an active and useful life during his residence upon the farm and his capable management accumulated a handsome competence which, together with his income which he receives for his property, enables him to live retired.
He has watched
with interest the development and upbuilding of this section of the state and
has ever borne his part in the work of advancement, so that he well deserves
mention among the honored pioneers.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:37:01
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