Page 853-854, transcribed by Carolyn Ward from History of Butler County, Kansas by Vol. P. Mooney. Standard Publishing Company, Lawrence, Kan.: 1916. ill.; 894 pgs.


George Elder, a member of the board of county commissioners of Butler county, is a well known farmer and stockman. Mr. Elder is a native of Kentucky, born in Marion county, June 28, 1860. He is a son of George and Mary Elder. George Elder came to Butler county with his parents in 1873, when he was thirteen years old. His father bought one-half section of land in Bloomington township. The senior Elder was an extensive cattle dealer in the early days, and for years, perhaps, bought and sold more cattle and hogs than any other dealer in Butler county. He died in 1896, and his widow now resides on the old homestead in Bloomington township.

George Elder, the subject of this sketch, is one of a family of seven children, born to his parents. His early training was in the cattle business with his father, and he has been more or less interested in that industry all his life. In 1881, he bought his first land, and since that time, has added to his original purchase, and now owns over 700 acres in Bloomington, Douglass and Walnut townships.

In 1881, Mr. Elder was united in marriage with Miss Martha A. Dailey, a native of Kansas. She is a daughter of John and Mary Dailey, the former a native of Missouri, and the latter of Kentucky. The Dailey family settled in Butler county in 1872. To Mr. and Mrs. Elder have been born the following children: Mary, married D. F. Gunter of Douglass, Kans.; Orville, a successful cattle dealer and farmer of Butler county; Leonora, died in infancy, and George D., a successful veterinary surgeon, residing with his parents at Douglass.

Mr. Elder is a Democrat, and since his boyhood, has been more or less active in the local councils of the Democratic party, and has always taken a keen interest in the welfare of his party. In 1910 he became a candidate for the office of county commissioner for the first district of


Butler county, and was elected by a majority of 137 in the district; and four years later, was re-elected to that office by a majority of about 350. These results evince something of the personal popularity of Mr. Elder, inasmuch as the normal Republican majority in this district is estimated about 200. Mr. Elder not only overcame this majority, but bears the distinction of being the first man elected to succeed himself to the office of county commissioner in the first district.

When the oil and gas boom struck Butler county, Mr. Elder took a great many leases, and his speculations in that direction have proven very profitable.

Mr. Elder is a thirty-second degree Mason, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.

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Pages 853-854,