Page 811, transcribed by Carolyn Ward from History of Butler County, Kansas by Vol. P. Mooney. Standard Publishing Company, Lawrence, Kan.: 1916. ill.; 894 pgs.


Ray Hammond, one of the progressive younger farmers of Butler county, who is making a record in the agricultural world, is a native son of Butler county. He was born in Towanda township in 1886, and is a son of Isaac and Rebecca Hammond, who were pioneer settlers of Towanda township. The family located four miles southeast of Towanda upon coming to this county. The father was a successful farmer and a good citizen. He died in Augusta in 1909, and his wife now resides in that town. They were the parents of the following children: Walter, deceased; Harry, Towanda, Kans.; Mrs. Jennie Valentine, Greeley, Colo.; Sidney, lives in Augusta township; Isaac, also lives in Augusta township; Gladys, deceased, and Ray, the subject of this sketch.

Ray Hammond was reared on the home farm in Towanda township, and after receiving a good education in the public schools, engaged in farming, operating the home place for three years. He then began farming the Shumway place, one mile south of Towanda. He is extensively engaged in general farming and stock raising, making a specialty of Herefords, and he has a fine herd. He owns 400 acres of valuable land, 160 acres of which is a part of his father's old homestead.

Mr. Hammond was married in 1907 to Miss Nora B. Shumway, a daughter of Andrew J. and Johanna Shumway, natives of Ohio, and early settlers in Towanda township, and who are now deceased. The father died in 1908 and he[sic] mother passed away in 1913.

Mr. Hammond is a member of the Knights of Pythias at Towanda, Kans., and is one of the enterprising and successful farmers of Towanda township. He is inclined to keep fully up-to-date in the application of all approved modern methods in farming, but is not a faddist.

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