Jonathan Bradley Meredith
JONATHAN BRADLEY MEREDITH, one of the prominent citizens of Shawnee township, who has been identified with the mining interests of this section for the past seven years, and who is one of the owners, as well as the superintendent, of the Badger Mining & Milling Company, was born at Paris, Wisconsin, February 2, 1854. He is a son of Evan and Janette Ann (Bradley) Meredith.
The Meredith family is of Welsh extraction. Rev. Evan Meredith was born on the family estate in Wales, was educated in his native land, and before coming to America, at the age of 27 years, was an ordained minister of the Baptist Church. He located in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, where he took up land and was one of the pioneer ministers of his denomination. In Wisconsin he married Janette Ann Bradley, who was a descendant of one of the early settlers of Madison County, New York. They had two sons, viz: Evan B. and Jonathan B. The former, Rev. Evan B. Meredith, D. D., is a graduate of the Beaver Dam university, and of the Theological School of the University of Chicago. After ordination, he took charge of the First Baptist Church of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and subsequently became president of the Sioux Falls University, a position he filled for 10 years. In 1894, he became State missionary for Kansas, locating first at Topeka, but removing later to Kansas City, Kansas. He also is largely interested in the Badger mines of Shawnee township.
Jonathan B. Meredith had the advantages accruing from gentle birth, and a refined home atmosphere. His early education was pursued under his father's watchful eye, and was completed at Wayland University, at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, an institution of note at that time. He became a teacher, and for a number of years followed that profession in Wisconsin. The years 1878 and 1879 were passed in California, where he was interested in the placer gold mines in the Dutch Flat district. In 1888, Mr. Meredith located at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where he was engaged in the real estate business for about six years, and then resumed his educational work. He accepted the chair of history, science and mathematics, in the Sioux Falls University, which he retained until 1893, when he retired from professional life, and removed to Kansas City.
In the following year Mr. Meredith came to Shawnee township, Cherokee County, and took charge of the Badger mines. These mines have been operated for the past seven years, and are considered by experts the best in this mining district. When Mr. Meredith and his associates organized the Badger Mining & Milling Company, no mining had been done within four miles of their point of operation, and that the second drill hole struck a vein which, it is computed, will not be exhausted for half a century, speaks well for the judgment of those who invested in this property. The Badger Mining & Milling Company have a lease on more than 1,000 acres of land, including five farms,, all situated in Shawnee township. The Badger and Red Rose mines have, each, a capacity of about 150 tons a day, per shift. The latter mine is operated by another company, under the Badger Mining & Milling Company's lease. The former company is working on a 155-foot level, and running a pair of 10-inch Cross Neosho pumps, capable of pumping 1,200 gallons per minute.
Mr. Meredith is one of the few men who have attained success in several channels widely apart, proving very conclusively the value of trained faculties and a control of the intellectual powers, whether these be brought into play in professional or industrial life. When Mr. Meredith came to manage his large interests in Shawnee township, he was fully equipped to direct the work of others, and the progress made here has shown him to be the possessor, not only of business ability, but of a degree of tact and judgment which have brought about the most cordial feelings between himself and his many subordinates.
In 1890 Mr. Meredith was married to Harriet H. Halteman, who is a daughter of Rev. D. E. Halteman, D. D., of Delavan, Wisconsin. The late Dr. Halteman was born at Germantown, Pennsylvania and was four years old when taken to Ohio, by his parents. He took his academical degrees at Granville, Ohio, and received his theological training at the theological seminary at Rochester, New York. At the time of his decease, in December, 1895, he was ably filling the position of general missionary of the Baptist Church, for the State of Wisconsin. Mrs. Meredith is a lady of many accomplishments, and formerly was a teacher of mathematics, German, and vocal music. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith have two children, viz: Wayland H. and Gertrude Mary. Their beautiful home is one of great hospitality, one which abounds in the refining influences of life, where simple, unaffected manners make social intercourse a matter of enjoyment.
Mr. Meredith has been strenuous in his efforts to keep liquor and undesirable characters out of the company's mining camps, with the result that he has in his employ an unusually intelligent and law abiding class of men, who will compare favorably with those engaged in any other mechanical pursuit.
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![[1904 Index]](../../images/btndx.gif)
![[Cherokee Co.]](../../images/btksck.gif)
History of Cherokee County Kansas and its representative citizens, ed. & comp. by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, 1904, transcribed by Myra A. Dinger, faculty from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, 04-09-97.