Hon. E. B. Schermerhorn
HON. E. B. SCHERMERHORN, one of the leading
citizens of Galena, Kansas, whose portrait is herewith shown, is president of
the Citizens' Bank, president of the Cornwall Mining Company, president of the
Galena Development Company, treasurer of the Wyandotte Mining Company, secretary
and treasurer of the John M. Cooper M. & M. Company, and since 1902 a member of
the State Legislature. He was born in Will County, Illinois.
Mr. Schermerhorn's early educational opportunities did not extend beyond the public schools, but such was his ambition to succeed and to make as rapid progress as possible, that for six years after completing the course his text-books remained his best beloved companions. He secured a postoffice position at Greenville, Michigan, after the assassination of President Lincoln, in which he continued until January 1, 1866. He then entered a banking institution with which he remained until 1873, mastering every detail of this branch of business, and accumulating in these years a capital of $10,000. With this he went to Colorado, invested in mining properties and lost his money within two years.
In December, 1875, Mr. Schermerhorn came to Baxter Springs, Cherokee County, Kansas, to begin his business climb over again. Here he accepted a clerical position with John M. Cooper, the leading merchant, with whom he later became associated in business. In 1877 under the firm name of John M. Cooper & Company, they opened a large mercantile business in Galena, to which city Mr. Schermerhorn removed. With this enterprise he is still connected. He was and is identified with many of the successful corporate institutions of the city and county, and for a number of years has been president of the Citizens' Bank.
In politics this prominent citizen has always been a firm supporter of the Republican party. In 1902 he was elected to the State Legislature, where his public acts have proved him as wise a legislator as he is a financier and private citizen.
Mr. Schermerhorn married Mrs. Abbie Simpson, a lady who is well fitted to preside over one of the most elegant and attractive homes in Galena. It is beautifully situated on a natural elevation, 65 feet above the street, and is adorned with the most elaborate of modern furnishings, a fit theater for many delightful social functions. Mr. Schermerhorn owns probably more valuable land than any other citizen of Cherokee County, the greater part of it being rich in mineral dsposits.[sic]
Mr Schermerhorn is a Knight Templar and a 32d degree Scottish Rite Mason. He is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, Knights of Pythias and the Elks, being treasurer of the lodge of the last-named society. He also has membership in the Commercial Club.
Mr. Schermerhorn has accumulated a large fortune and he knows how to enjoy it, taking kindly to the good things of life and giving generous assistance to those who have been less fortunate. Both in his business and political life, he has gained the friendship and esteem of those who adequately represent the highest standards.
![[Biog. Index]](../../images/btbndx.gif)
![[1904 Index]](../../images/btndx.gif)
![[Cherokee Co.]](../../images/btksck.gif)
History of Cherokee County Kansas and its representative citizens, ed. & comp. by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, 1904, transcribed by Carolyn Ward, instructor from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, 1/27/97.