One of the city's latest and most extensive enterprises.
The citizens of Concordia can now boast of cooling their beverages, freezing their own ice cream and the score of other uses for which ice is appropriated, by an article pure and unadulterated, manufactured in their own city. This extensive factory, recently instituted in Concordia, promises to lead the vanguard in the production of ice and furnish the trade of many adjoining cities and villages. Their capacity is fifteen tons daily. This enterprise, with its storage capacity of fifty cars, filled a long felt want when they began operations about the middle of October, 1902.
The firm and its officials are composed of John Stewart, president; George G. Hill, secretary; A. Hirsch, vice-president, and Charles A. Betournay, treasurer and manager. This well-known firm seems to have labored with the idea that their reputation was their capital and consequently used nothing but the best of material in the building of their plant, a massive stone structure-the native product - and expended thirty-five thousand dollars in its construction. The machinery, which is of the most modern and approved patterns, is all in duplicate form, this precaution is used to overcome the necessity of having the work retarded in case of breakdowns and to hold the compartments at a certain temperature, as their contracts specify. The engines used are fifty-horse power. The product of this factory is absolutely pure and as colorless as the most brilliant crystal. The water is first distilled, then skimmed to remove any foreign matter that might be floating on the surface; secondly it is reboiled to drive every particle of air out, that it may freeze solid; thirdly it is filtered through a quartz filter and again through a charcoal purifier and lastly through a sponge filter. The company also have their own dynamo. Their location in the vicinity of the depots is a convenient feature, with reference to transit. To this enterprise the city of Concordia is indebted to an extent impossible to estimate.
Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh's Biographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm. Scanned from a copy held by the State Library of Kansas.
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