Grand Army of the Republic | page 13 |
Of State, Private and National Banks there are 541, having deposits aggregating over eighty-seven million dollars, making an average of $59.28 for each inhabitant.
Kansas laws are liberal and just. They favor sobriety, morality, industry, wholesome living and home-making. While they in no wise oppose the rich, they do uphold, protect and encourage the poor man in his efforts to secure for himself and family a home. The manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, except for medical, scientific and mechanical purposes, is forever prohibited.

Corn is the king of cultivated plants in Kansas. Grown in profuse luxuriance, this grain proclaims itself the source of wealth and herald of opulence. It is at once the farmer's friend and handmaiden of the stockman's prosperity.
The corn crop for the season of 1899 was 225,183,432 bushels, valued on the farms where grown at $53,530,576. The crop of 1902, now matured, is thought by many to be the greatest in her history, but the figures are not yet made up.
Department of Kansas, G.A.R. to the 36th National Encampment, Washington DC, Oct. 1902. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, 1997; 1998 HTML coding by Kenneth Thomas; modified 2014 by Carolyn Ward.
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