Department of Kansas, G.A.R. to the 36th National Encampment, Washington DC, Oct. 1902. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, 1997.
Grand Army of the Republic page 14

Kansas is virtually the only portion of America producing the famous hard red wheat in great quantities, in which, as in many other things, the State is unique.

The following table shows the acres, product and value of wheat (winter and spring,) in Kansas, for each of the years given:


Years. Acres. Bushels. Value.
1897 3,444,364 51,026,604 $34,385,304.69
1898 4,624,731 60,790,661 32,937,042.28
1899 4,988,952 43,687,013 22,406,410.00
1900 4,378,533 77,339,091 41,974,145.00
1901 5,316,482 90,333,095 50,610,505.75

The figures in the table below, showing for the last five years the total value of the products of Kansas live stock, to-wit: Animals slaughtered or sold for
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GAR Kansas Data