Grand Army of the Republic | Page 9 |
Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Kansas
President, Emma E. Forter, Marysville | Secretary, Sarah J. Hanna, Marysville. |
S. V. President, Sarah C. Hall, Fort Scott. | Inspector, Jennie Walker, Goodland. |
J. V. President, Lucy Edsall, Coffeyville. | Counselor, Minnie D. Morgan, Cottonwood Falls. |
Treasurer, Mary M. Carson, Wellington. | I. and I. Officer, Clara N. Doughty, El Dorado |
Chaplain, Sarah A. Otwell, Independence. | Patriotic Instructor, Nellie Monroe, Troy. |
Pictured: MRS. BELLE C. HARRIS, Emporia, National Senior Vice-President. |
Mrs. Emma A. Bedell, Topeka. | Julia A. Chase, Hiawatha. |
Mrs. Ella G. Powell, Brooklyn, N. Y. | Margaret H. Griffith, Emporia. |
Edith M. Wood, Pittsburg. | Julia Campbell, Hutchinson. |
Belle C. Harris, Emporia | Minnie D. Morgan, Cottonwood Falls. |
Ida Wilson Moore, Abilene. | Sarah M. Whitzel, Lawrence |
Lucy Reed Jones, Norton. | Jennie Walker, Goodland. |
Emma B. Aldrich, Cawker City | |
Kittie Owens, Lawrence. | Maggie Dornblaser, Fredonia |
Marion G. Stratton, Emporia. | Marie Little, Wichita. |
Mattie Burris, Topeka. | Fannie Curtis, Severance. |
Victoria C. Palmer, Kansas City. | Annie Apple, Iola. |
Melissa Hoffman, Parsons | S. S. Hatch, Sedan. |
Rachel E. Stewart, El Dorado. | Sarah E. Sprankle, Toronto. |
Chloe J. Savage, Belleville. | Stella R. Miller, Marysville. |
Lou WAters, Norton. | Sarah E. Staplin, Ellis. |
Emma Hoagland, Hutchinson. | Mary E. Simpson, McPherson. |

Department of Kansas, G.A.R. to the 36th National Encampment, Washington DC, Oct. 1902. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, 1997; 1998 HTML coding by Kenneth Thomas; modified 2014 by Carolyn Ward.
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