Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901

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Nicholas Anderson

NICHOLAS ANDERSON, in expert plasterer and stone mason, of Parsons, Kansas, is a native of Sweden, where his birth occurred July 21, 1842. He is a son of Andrus Pierson and Bangta (Klemetson) Anderson, who remained in their native country, and reared four sons. Pier, the eldst son, emigrated to America four years before Nicholas came, settled in Galesburg, Illinois, and died six months after his arrival in this country. He advised his brothers not to seek a home in America. Jans, the second, was a farmer by occupation, and died in Germany, where he then lived in 1898. Nels is a widower, and resides on the old home farm in Sweden, which he bought and paid for. He and Nicholas are the only surviving members of the family, the parents having passed away. Nicholas Anderson was reared on his father's farm in Sweden, and according to custom was confirmed in the state church, at the age of fifteen years. When he attained the age of twenty-one years, his father bribed a physician to pronounce him physically disabled from entering the regular army, and in that way several years of valuable time were saved, as he was not obliged to become a soldier. Two years later he left his native place to shift for himself, and some time afterward drifted into Germany, where he spent four years at farm work. In 1872 he immigrated to America, in company with a cousin, who is deceased. Being acquainted with a butcher who was located in Parsons, Kansas, he naturally sought the same location, - intending to take up a claim.

Mr. Anderson worked on the railroad for about a year and a half, and with that exception he has made his home in Parsons, having visited his native country twice. After working some time as a helper to brick masons, he decided to become a mason, and accordingly learned the trade. He then began business for himself, by building cisterns, walls, etc., and of late years has devoted much time to stone cutting and contracting. He has been a busy, energetic man, and having a good trade has prospered accordingly. He is now quite an extensive property owner, having several fine tracts of land near Parsons, which he leases, and also a tract of land in the western part of the town, - known as Anderson's Addition. Mr. Anderson has sold several building lots from this tract at excellent figures. He also owns a comfortable residence at No. 903 Lincoln avenue.

In 1881 Mr. Anderson was united in marriage with Ingrede Nelson, a native of Sweden, who located in Parsons in 1880. The marriage took place in Carthage, Missouri. Six children blessed their union. The first three died in infancy. Elmer, who is nineteen years old, is attending the business college at Parsons. Minnie Elizabeth, the only daughter, has attained the age of fifteen years, and is a student; Oscar, the youngest of the family, is now twelve years old.

In his religious views, Mr. Anderson favors the United Brethren church, of which he was formerly a class-leader. His wife shows a decided preference for the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Anderson is a Republican, in politics, but his business demands nearly all his attention, and he has never sought political preferment save once, when he was a candidate for the office of city councilman. Like all good citizens, he has the welfare of the city at heart, and uses his influence for the good of the community. He has assisted materially in building up the city, having erected several fine tenement houses in the west side of town. He lives in that part of the city, on Dirr avenue, near the railroad shops, until 1895, when he removed to his present residence.