Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901

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Joseph G. Bradley

JOSEPH G. BRADLEY, manager of the Oswego Opera House, and a well known tonsorial artist of that city, was born near Roanoke, Virginia, August 12, 1857, and is a son of William L. Bradley.

William L. Bradley was born in Virginia in 1833, and followed mercantile pursuits during his active career. He left Virginia about 1867, and went to Camp Point, Adams county, Illinois, where he lived for seven years. He then moved to Shelbina, Shelby county, Missouri, and remained there one year. In the spring of 1877 he located in Humboldt, Allen county, Kansas. In 1893 he moved to Oswego, Labette county, and, as his health failed him in 1897, then retired from active business. He is a Republican, in politics, and served as a justice of the peace for some time. He also held various township offices. Mr. Bradley married Nancy Perfater, who was born in Virginia, in 1833, and they reared the following children: Joseph G.; Sarah E. (Parrish); Amanda (McGilvery); Mary, deceased; Minnie; John, deceased; and Mark and Robert, deceased.

Joseph G. Bradley received his schooling in Illinois, and learned his trade, in 1882, in Iola, Kansas. He lived in Humboldt seven years, and also in several other towns for short periods, after which, in 1890, he located in Oswego, where he has since resided. Mr. Bradley at one time owned the City Hotel, one of the best hotels in Oswego. In January, 1901, he purchased the residence of J. B. Montgomery, which is a modern structure, and one of the prettiest homes in Oswego. Mr. Bradley is one of the most enterprising men in Oswego, and has done much to draw good business enterprises to the city. He was one of the prime movers in securing the developers of the new gas field now being operated near the city.

Mr. Bradley married Henrietta C. Rose, in 1882, and they are blessed with three children, namely: F. Rose; A. Gertrude; and Mabel M. Mr. Bradley is a member of the Knights of Pythias, M. W. of A., and I. 0. 0. F. Politically, he is a Republican. He has a large circle of friends in Oswego, and is well known throughout the surrounding country as a man of honest and upright principles. As before stated, he is the manager of the Oswego Opera House.