Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901

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Charles M. Condon

CHARLES M. CONDON is widely known as one of the foremost business men of Labette county, and is one of the most public spirited citizens of Oswego, Kansas. He came to Oswego in 1868, has been closely identified with its growth, and has established and supported many of its most worthy public improvements. He conducts a private bank there, a mercantile concern, the city water works and the electric light plant, besides several other enterprises in different parts of Kansas, but gives his personal attention mainly to his banking interests in Oswego.

Mr. Condon was born in Schenectady county, New York, in 1843, and is the son of James and Mary (McCarthy) Condon. His father was a native of Ireland. He came to this country after his marriage, and settled in Schenectady county, New York, about 1840. He followed farming there until 1852, when he removed to DeKalb county, Illinois, where he continued farming until 1858. In that year he moved to Madison county, Iowa, where he resided until his death, in 1898, at the age of eighty-two years. In Ireland, he married Mary McCarthy, who died at an early age, leaving four children: Thomas, deceased; Charles M.; James, deceased; and Mary (Couch), of Stewart, Iowa.

Charles M. Condon attended the public schools of DeKalb county, Illinois, and started out in the world on his own account, at the early age of fourteen years. In 1859, he went to Des Moines, Iowa, where he held a clerical position until 1862. He then enlisted in Company I, 18th Reg., Iowa Vol. Inf., and served with credit until the close of the war; he was discharged in August, 1865. Upon returning home from the war, he was engaged in farming in Warren county, Iowa, until 1868, the year of his removal to Labette county, Kansas. He located in Oswego, and was there successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1880, when he turned his attention to banking. He became associated with B. F. Hobart in the Hobart Bank, the name of which was changed to the Hobart & Condon Bank. In 1884, Mr. Condon became sole owner, and it has since been known as the private bank of C. M. Condon. He is a shrewd, sagacious business man, and his bank has always been a paying venture, - being on a firm financial basis. He has confined his personal attention to this business, although he is extensively interested in different enterprises, both in Oswego and other Kansas towns. In 1896, he established a general store in Oswego, in addition to which he owns other mercantile establishments, and two banks, elsewhere. He also owns the city water works and electric light plant, both of which are, operated in accordance with modern ideas, and give to the city the best possible service. He came to this county without means, and the success of the many branches of business with which he has been identified reflects great credit on his ability.

Mr. Condon was married in 1867, to Mary E. Beckel, and they are the parents of the following children: Geneva, Estella, Wilbur F., Wayne, Corinne, and Clifford. Geneva is Mrs. Ramsey, of Carthage, Missouri. Estella is Mrs. Maxwell, of Pittsburg, Kansas. Wilbur F., a graduate of the public schools of Oswego, and of Princeton University, is cashier of his father's bank. He married Wilmatte Baty. Wayne, who was educated in the schools of Oswego, and in a preparatory school at Lawrenceville, New Jersey, is engaged in mercantile business; he married Miss Harvey. Clifford is attending the Oswego schools.