R. D. Leavitt
R. D. LEAVITT, a farmer living in section 16, township 31, range 18, in Osage
township, Labette county, Kansas, whose portrait is herewith shown, was born in
Pennsylvania, and is a son of Loirett and Elizabeth (Harned) Leavitt.
Loirett Leavitt was born in Vermont, in 1799, and lived in New York, and later in Pennsylvania. His wife was barn in 1801. They were the parents of two children, namely: Lydia, who lives in Pennsylvania; and R. D., the subject of this sketch. Both of Mr. Leavitt's parents had been previously married, and each had reared children. By a former marriage, his father reared: Leander, Harmon and Mary; and his mother bore her first husband, whose name was Syers, the following children: Alexander, Sarah and Margaret. Mary Leavitt lives in Wisconsin. Alexander Syers lives in Michigan. Sarah, Margaret, Leander and Harmon are deceased.
R. D. Leavitt attended the common and select schools of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, until he reached the age of sixteen years. In 1863 he enlisted in Company H, 55th Reg., state militia, - serving but three months. After leaving the army, he did various kinds of work, and finally decided to engage in farming. He accordingly purchased land until he had secured 102 acres. He lived in Pennsylvania a number of years. In 1893 he moved to Labette county, Kansas, and located on the farm where he now lives. He bought the property with what money he had earned in Pennsylvania, with the exception of $100, and since settling in Kansas has been very successful. Although he has not lived very long in Kansas, he has made many friends, and is highly respected by all who know him.
In 1872 Mr. Leavitt was married, and his wife bore him three children, who are living in Silver Creek, New York. Their names are: Cora, whose husband has a large harness shop in Silver Creek; Viola; and Mary. Mr. Leavitt is a member of the Republican party. He is a Christian man, but at present is not a member of any church.
Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901
Name Index
A | B-Bh | Bi-Bo | Bp-Bz | C-Cl | Cm-Cz | D-De | Df-Dz | E | F | G
H-Hd | He-Hi | Hj-Hz | I | J | K | L | M-Mb | Mc | Md-Mz | N | O | P | Q
R-Rn | Ro-Rz | S-Sh | Si-Sp | Sq-Sz | T-Th | Ti-Tz
U | V | W-Wa | Wb-Wh | Wi | Wl-Wz | Y | Z