Alexander McCully
ALEXANDER McCULLY, who conducts a large livery and transfer business at
Oswego, Labette county, Kansas, is also engaged in breeding and selling blooded
horses, owning some of the best known animals in the state.
Mr. McCully was born near Belfast, Ireland, November 18, 1851, and there received his education. He took up the trade of a stone-mason and followed that and contracting in St. Louis, where he located in 1868. He moved to Oswego, Kansas, in 1871, and there also followed the trade of a stone-mason and did contracting until 1873. In the latter year he moved back to St. Louis where he contracted for the following ten years, and in 1883 returned to Oswego, Kansas. He turned his attention to farming and stock raising, in which he was fairly successful for a period of three years. In 1886 he moved into the city of Oswego and engaged in the livery and transfer business, in addition to which he has bought and sold horses and mules.
Mr. McCully is a stock breeder of wide reputation, and owns the following well-known animals: ROUNDS' SPRAGUE, 4194. Record 2:24 1/2. At sixteen years of age sire of: Jennie Sprague, 2:15 1/4 ; Victor Sprague, 2:15 1/2; Elsie Sprague, 2:18 1/2; Raven Sprague, 2:19 1/4; Afro, 2:20; Eldridge, 2:20; Tempest (p), 2:17; Grant, 2:17 1/2; El Reno, 2:18; J. F. R. (p), 2:18 1/2 ; The Judge; Yula, 2:27 1/2; J. C. L., 2:29 1/4; Gypsy Goldust (p), 2:24 3/4: Miss Grant, 2:27 1/4 ; Hat Sprague, 2:24 3/4; Bill Cody, 2:29; Mathewson, 2:29 1/4; Frank Logan, 2:25; Sprague Junior, 2:30; Nora Marks (p), 2:23; Fred P., 2:28 1/2; Blanche (p), 2:24 1/2 ; El Reno (P) 3, 2:30; and Durango (1), 2:48. He is a grandsire of Searcher (2), 2:17 1/4 ; Topsy S. (p), 2:09 1/4 ; John Kenney (p), 2:16, Lady Clarissa, 2:20 1/2. He is by Governor Sprague, 444, record 2:20 1/2, sire of: Charlie P., 2:11 1/4; Sprague GoIdust, 2:15 3/4; Kate Sprague, 2:18; Calvina Sprague, 2:19 3/4; and 35 others better than 2:30. He is also sire of the dams of McKinney, 2:12 1/2 ; Sprague Wilkes, four-year-old, 2:18; Atlanta, 2:24 1/2; Canary Bird, three-year-old, 2:19 1/4; and Blameless, 2:30. The dam of Round's Sprague is Davis Maid, by Mambrino Prince, son of Mambrino Chief, II. Governor Sprague is a son of Rhode Island, 267, 2:23 1/2, sire of Jim Scribler, 2:21 1/4 (sire of Lettie Waterman, 2:22 1/4). Governor Sprague's dam was dam of Bell Brandon, dam of Amy, 2:20 1/4 ; Governor Sprague, 2:20 1/2; and Wilmer, 2:29 1/4. Bell Brandon was by Hambletonian, 10, sire of Dexter, 2:17 1/4, and 40 others in the 2:30 list. Rounds' Sprague is the leading sire of Kansas, has more 2:30 performers and more 2:20 performers than any other horse in the state. He is seal brown, 16 hands high, and weighs 1,200 pounds. MAMBRINO MORGAN, by Wonder Morgan, dam, Holly, by Mambrino Mohawk, son of Mambrino Patchen, full brother to Lady Thorn, 2:18 1/4, and sire of London, 2:20 1/2; Jewess, 2:26, and 17 others in the 2:30 list; and sire of the dams of 68 with records from 2:15 1/2 to 2:30, eight being in 2:30 or better. Wonder Morgan, by Excelsior, son of Green Mountain Blackhawk, he by the world renowned Old Blackhawk, of Burlington, Vermont. Mambrino Morgan is a beautiful chestnut sorrel, 16 hands high, and weighs 1,300 pounds, being an ideal coach horse. ALEXANDER Mc., by Aladdin, 2235, dam, Betsey King (standard), dam of Raven Sprague, 2:19 1/4; brown mare, 15 3/4 hands high, sired by Menelaus, Jr., he by Menelaus, by Hambletonian (10); first dam, Mollie King, by Yorkshire Lexington; second dam, Brunette, by Mambrino Chief (11); third dam, Nancy King, by Gifford Morgan; fourth dam, Pope Mare, by Sherman Morgan (2626). Alexander Mc. is a beautiful seal brown, 15.2 1/2 hands high and will surely make a race horse. It is the intention to put him in training and he promises to be one of the best young horses in the state. AMANITO, 13501 (full blood Percheron), by Extrador, he by Favera, 1542, son of Monarch, 205. Extrador was a famous show horse, weighing 2,200 pounds, and won more first moneys in the show ring than any other horse. Imported by Dillon Brothers. Amanito is a beautiful black, possessing extra bone, with good feet, making him a superior draft horse; he weighs 1,800 pounds. BLACK DUKE. A black jack with light points; 15 hands high; foaled May 7, 1890. He is a grand jack, upheaded, with great Roman nose, broad forehead, fine tapering ear, broad breasted, heavy bodied, deep through the heart, large flat bone and good feet, good disposition and well enough bred for a jennet jack. BUMPER. A black jack, with light points, five years old and 14.2 hands high. A wonderfully smooth, finely finished and proportioned fellow. Lengthy With large bone and good feet.
In 1872, Mr. McCully was united in marriage with Paline Ashley, of Oswego, and they are parents of four children: William J., who married Miss Bickle; Maggie M. (Stice); Alice; Jessie (Kirshaw). Fraternally, he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Knights of Pythias. He is a Republican in politics. A portrait of Mr. McCully accompanies this sketch.
Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901
Name Index
A | B-Bh | Bi-Bo | Bp-Bz | C-Cl | Cm-Cz | D-De | Df-Dz | E | F | G
H-Hd | He-Hi | Hj-Hz | I | J | K | L | M-Mb | Mc | Md-Mz | N | O | P | Q
R-Rn | Ro-Rz | S-Sh | Si-Sp | Sq-Sz | T-Th | Ti-Tz
U | V | W-Wa | Wb-Wh | Wi | Wl-Wz | Y | Z