Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901

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Charles Murray

CHARLES MURRAY,* one of the most prosperous farmers of Montana township, Labette county, Kansas, is located in sections 32 and 33, and owns 100 acres of land.

Mr. Murray was born, in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1846, but was reared in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he lived unitl[sic] the Civil War. He enlisted in Company K, 21st Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., in 1863, and was in the service until January 19, 1866, under Col. B. F. Hays. After the close of the war, he located in Hendricks county, Indiana, and resided there until he came to Kansas in 1869, engaging in agricultural pursuits. He came to this State in a wagon, the journey consuming thirty days. He resided in Labette county a period of four years, and then returned to his former home in Indiana, whre[sic] he lived on his old farm until 1885. In that year, he again came to Labette county, Kansas, and located upon his present farm of 100 acres in sections 32 and 33, Montana township. He built his present comfortable home in 1885. His place is neat and attractive in appearance, and he engages in diversified farming.

Mr. Murray was united in marriage with Mary E. Duncan, who was born in Morgan county, Indiana, in 1848, and they have reared three children, as follows: Lulu (Peck), of Clayton, Indiana, who has one daughter, Matilda; Clarence, who served in Company A, 2d Reg., Mo. Vol. Inf., during the Spanish-American War, and was killed on April 7, 1901, by a railroad train; Daisy (Cornish), of Neosho, Missouri, who has two children, Earl and Hester; and Bessie, who still remains at home. Mr. Murray is a Republican in politics. He belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic. Religiously, he and his family are members of the Christian church.