Jonathan Pearson
JONATHAN PEARSON. This gentleman, whose portrait is herewith presented, was
for a number of years a prominent farmer of Elm Grove township, Labette county,
Kansas, but since 1900 he has made his home in Edna. He was born in Canton,
Stark county, Ohio, in 1833, and is a son of J. and Sarah (Kountz) Pearson.
J. Pearson was born in Pennsylvania, and was a tanner by trade. He married Sarah Kountz, who was also a native of Pennsylvania. They reared two children: Jonathan; and Mary J., who married Mr. Shepherd, and now lives in Howard township, Labette county, Kansas.
When Mr. Pearson was but six years old, his parents moved to Jackson county, Indiana, and there he received his early mental training. He enlisted in 1864, in Company K, 31st Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf., and served until the close of the war. He took part in the battles of Franklin, Tennessee, and Huntsville and Asheville, North Carolina. He followed the trade of a bricklayer for thirteen years, and in 1870 removed to Labette county, Kansas, where he has since resided. From a Mr. Scott, he bought the southeast quarter of section 24, township 34, range 18, in Howard township, for $200. He entered this claim at Independence, Kansas, and began making extensive improvments. He successfully carried on general farming there until 1900, when he rented the farm to J. W. Pearson, his son, and decided to locate in the city of Edna. He built his present home in that town, in 1900, and has since resided there. He is well and favorably known, and is looked upon by all as a man worthy of implicit confidence.
Mr. Pearson married Ruth A. Holten, who was born in North Vernon, Indiana, in 1839. This union resulted in the birth of eight children, as follows: J. W.; Alice; Sadie; Ellsworth; Joseph; Mollie and William, deceased; and Nellie. Mr. Pearson is independent, in politics. He was township trustee of Howard township for two years. He is a member of the G. A. R. The family belong to the Methodist church. Mr. Pearson joined the church when twenty-four years of age, and has been on the church board ever since he settled in Kansas. He has held the office of trustee for nearly thirty years.
Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901
Name Index
A | B-Bh | Bi-Bo | Bp-Bz | C-Cl | Cm-Cz | D-De | Df-Dz | E | F | G
H-Hd | He-Hi | Hj-Hz | I | J | K | L | M-Mb | Mc | Md-Mz | N | O | P | Q
R-Rn | Ro-Rz | S-Sh | Si-Sp | Sq-Sz | T-Th | Ti-Tz
U | V | W-Wa | Wb-Wh | Wi | Wl-Wz | Y | Z