KSGenWeb - The Primary Source for Kansas Genealogy

Union Defenders
Kansas, 1865

(Index - Coffey County)



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These pages of valuable Union Defenders of Kansas have been graciously provided to the KSGenWeb Digital Library for use by Robert VanDyne (alex@informatics.net).  He has spent countless hours going page by page through the 1865 State Census of Kansas to obtain this data.

1865map.gif (10053 bytes)

rlosborn.gif (164480 bytes)

1865 Map of the
Counties included
in this database

The Author's Great-Great-Grandfather,
Robert L. Osborn.
Included in the Greenwood Co., Lane
Township data.

Gold Bar

Index - Coffey Co. | Davis - Douglas Co.
Franklin - Leavenworth Co. | Linn - Morris Co. | Nemaha - Wyandotte Co.


by Robert Allen VanDYNE

Salina, KS  8 March 2000


A compiled list of Union Soldiers gleaned

from the existing 1865 State Census of Kansas


Dedicated to the memory of my grandmother's grandfather

- Robert Lee OSBORN (1843-1897) of the 6th KS Calvary

Table of Contents

Title Page							- 1

Table of Contents						- 2

Introduction							- 3

1865 map of Kansas						- 4

Statistics							-

Abbreviations							-

Counties -      	Allen					-




			Crawford's 8 mile strip

































Index										-


Union Defenders of Kansas

	Kansas, being born in conflict became a state just prior to the outbreak of 

the Civil War, saw many of its new sons join the north to preserve the Union.

	When the state census for 1865 were being printed, the nation as well as 

Kansas, was still at war. Therefore to get a true listing of all of it's sons a 

special column was inserted asking for the Regiment & Company for anyone 

serving the Rebellion from each household or dwelling.

	The 1865 census for the State of Kansas was taken in the Summer of that 

yr., after the Civil War was over. Many soldiers were not mustered out or had 

reached home with in the time frame of the census. This book contains those who 

were listed & were recorded by the census taker. There are a number of soldiers

listed in the state census that served other states and were already in Kansas by

the census as well as a few sailors!

	The author has examined the 1865 census and has found the listing sadly 

lacking. There are a number of counties missing, though these missing counties 

were on the edge of expanding Kansas. The "Official Records" [the War of the 

Rebellion] give 20,149 soldiers that served from Kansas. This book contains 5,017 


	About the listings - numbers in front of the name is the house visitation 

number, the soldiers name, age, place of birth, regiment and company, household 

of, if other than his own, special notations (e.g. - "Colonel"). The counties are 

listed in alphabetical order, followed by townships for each county and last 

followed by house visitation numbers.	


	A cross index of all surnames listed on each page at the back of this book. 

This listing does not take into account the soldiers who had died, not reported, 

in army hospitals, who have been discharged [though you will find some listed], 

missed altogether or were in the state militia.

The author does not begin to pretend to have been able to read and decipher 

census taker's handwriting, nor does the author apologize for typing and spelling 

errors. Many of the names copied from the census are of the author's own 


Special note - the three [3] main forts in Kansas - Ft. Leavenworth, Ft. Scott 

and Ft. Riley are NOT on the 1865 census, nor ore the many minor ones [e.g. Ft. 

Ellsworth, Ft. Zarah, etc]. Furthermore some of those listed "in camp" in or near 

Lawrence, KS are probably listed more than once.

								R.A. VanDYNE

KANSAS 1865					



		Enlisted men of Kansas (Official Records)

	1. 20,149 served from Kansas

	2. 2,630 died (from all causes)

	3. Breakdown of all those listed in this book.

		a.     650  who served other state regiments or regular army

		b.     596  who were foreign born

		c.     279  who were listed as black (Official Records give 2,080 who served from Kansas)

		d.      17  who are listed as Indian

		e.   3,475  all others


		     5,017  total listed in this book

	Units formed in Kansas


Unit		Mustered		Date		   	Mustered Formerly was,

		in at -				   		by date became, attached to Cavalry			


 2nd KS		Kansas City		5 Mar,1862		17 Aug,1865

 5th KS		Leavenworth		12 Jan,1862		22 Aug,1865

 6th KS		Ft. Scott		Nov,1861		27 Aug,1865

 9th KS		Ft. Leavenworth		25 Apr,1862		17 Jly,1865

11th KS		Ft. Leavenworth		Apr,1863		26 Sep,1865	11th KS Inf

14th KS		Ft. Scott and

		Ft. Leavenworth		Nov,1862		25 Jun,1865

15th KS		Leavenworth		Oct,1863		16 Dec,1865

16th KS		Leavenworth		May,1864		16 Dec,1865

Artillery - Battery of Lt. Art.

 1st KS	Mound City	   	Aug,1862  		17 Jly,1865

 2nd KS	Ft. Scott		10 Aug,1862  		11 Aug,1865

 3rd KS	----		      	1 Oct,1863  		18 Jan,1866  HOPKINs Baty.    	

Independent Artillery

ARMSTRONGs 	Lt. Art.				1st KS Colored

OPDYKEs		Lt. Art.				9th KS Cav

STOVERs    	Lt. Art.				2nd KS Cav

ZISCHs		Lt. Art.				Ft. Leavenworth


[Ft. Leavenworth]

1st KS		"Camp Lincoln"  Jun,1861  		30 Aug,1865

2nd KS		Lawrence	May,1861		31 Oct,1865

3rd KS		[not formed]

4th KS		[not formed]

5th KS		Ft. Scott	Oct,1861		LANEs Infantry Brigade

8th KS		-------		Jun,1862  		29 Nov,1865

10th KS		Paola		Aug,1862  		30 Aug,1865  parts of 3rd & 4th KS Inf


11th KS	"Camp LYON"	   	Sep,1862     		Apr,1863  	11th KS Cav

12th KS	Paola		   	Jun,1863   		3 Jun,1865

13th KS	Atchinson		Oct,1862   		3 Jun,1865

Colored Infantry

 1st KS		Ft. Scott		13 Jan,1863  	13 Dec,1864  79th USCT

 2nd KS		Ft. Scott and		17 Oct,1863  	13 Dec,1864  83rd USCT

		Ft. Leavenworth



	AUS -	Austria								

	BAD -	Baden [GER]

	BER -	Berne [SWT]

	BRN -	Bremen [GER]

	BAV -	Bavaria [GER]

	CAN -	Canada

	CKE -	Cherokee Nation

	DC  -	District of Columbia

	DRN -	Darmstadt [GER]

	DEN -	Denmark

	ENG -	England or [UK] United Kingdom

	FRA -	France

	GER -	Germany

	HAN -	Hanover [GER]

	HES -	Hesse [GER]

	HOL -	Holland

	HUN -	Hungary

	IRE -	Ireland

	ISM -	Isle of Man [UK]

	ITY -	Italy

	MEK -	Mecklinburg [GER]

	MEX -	Mexico

	MOR -	Moravia [Czechoslovakia]

	NAS -	Nassau [GER]

	NBR -	New Brunswick [CAN]

	NFD -	New Foundland [CAN]

	NOR -	Norway

	NVS -	Nova Scotia [CAN]

	NUR -	Nuremburg [GER]

	OLD -	Oldenberg [GER]

	PRU -	Prussia [GER]

	SAX -	Saxony [GER]

	SCT -	Scotland

	SWD -	Sweden

	SWT -	Switzerland

	UK  -	[see England]

	unk -	unknown

	WAL -	Wales [ENG]

	WCA -	West Canada

	WRT -	Wertenburg [GER]

	WVA -	West Virginia


house	soldier, 		age, 	place,		Reg;Co    		head of    		"special 

visit #		         		of birth	       			household   		notations"



Allen County

Cottage twp.

 16. ARD, Elias         	21 	MO	  	6th KS			Mary ARD

 18. SAVERCOOL, Reub		49 	NY	  	3rd KS F Cav

	       , Willard	17 	WS	  	3rd KS F Cav		Reub SAVERCOOL

 29. HOSLEY, Charles		23 	MI    		6th KS E		J.D. HOSLEY

	       , Jas.		31 	MI    		6th KS E		"	

 37. SHIPLEY, William   	27 	KY	 	12th KS K

Humbolt twp.

 50. DEAL, Daniel	   	30 	IN   		70th IN D		Wm. DEAL

 55. ALLEN, Wm. W. H.		24 	TN   		10th KS A		Wellington ALLEN

 63. BECK, Phillip		23 	MO   		10th KS A		Jno. H. BECK

 65. COY, John			18 	IL   		12th KS E Cav 		Ephriam COY

 66. HARRIS, A.J.	   	21 	MO	 	10th KS A	  	Jesse HARRIS

	     ,F.M.	   	18 	MO	 	10th KS A	  	"	

 67. HEUSTON ,Jas.		32 	IL    		8th MO L Cav 		John HEUSTON

 69. COOK, Jas. H.		35 	MO    		9th KS M Cav

 70. BRIGGS, Alvin		34 	VT	 	10th KS D

 89. WAKEFIELD, William 	41 	KY    		9th KS   Cav 					"Sr. Physician"

 95. RICE, George D.		39 	PA    		9th KS   Cav

103. IRWIN, George L.   	18 	IL   		11th KS E		Sam'l IRWIN

117. BIRLEW, Lafayette  	20 	TN   		10th KS D		Robt. BIRLEW

	     , Thomas		18 	TN   		12th KS			"	

118. WITTEN, Jas. A.		31 	TN    		9th KS M		Wm. WITTEN

123. SNYDER, Jno. W.		26 	PA   		35th IA

130. SMITH, Marcus		20 	MO    		9th KS M Cav 		Riley SMITH

140. COONROD, A.W.	   	30 	IL    		9th KS M Cav

147. SNYDER, Alexander  	22 	PA   		35th IA I		John SNYDER

	     , Henry		20 	PA    		9th KS			"	

Deer Ck. twp.

  1. BAKER, D.W.	   	36 	NY   		15th KS E		R.B. JORDAN

  4. DUNCAN, W.D.	   	25 	MO    		2nd KS F		T.J. DAY

  5. HENRY, J.W.	   	31 	IL    		8th MO L		John HENRY

 14. MARTIN, J.J.	   	21 	NC    		9th KS C		John MARTIN

     WILSON, Elihu      	19 	IN    		9th KS C		"	

 16. DONE, William		46 	IN   		14th KS G

 18. JACOBUS, James		31 	OH   		12th KS F		Wm. HALE

 19. MARTIN, J. McD.		27 	GA   		10th KS B

 20. MARTIN, John	   	22 	MO   		10th KS B		Nancy MARTIN

     DUTCHER, C.W.	   	23 	IL    		9th KS D		"	

 22. DAY, J.H.			24 	IL    		8th KS F		W.H. WISE

 26. CHASE, J.S.	   	33 	NY    		9th KS B		J.H. CAMPBELL

 36. LYNN, S.C.	 		20 	KY    		9th KS B		E.K. LYNN

 38. DONRON, Samuel		19 	IN    		9th KS B		Henry DONRON

 54. BROWN, I.A.	   	20 	MO   		16th KS H		Matilda BROWN

 57. BOOTH, S.B.	   	21 	IN    		16th KS E		R.E. BOOTH

 73. STAMPS, G.W.	   	27 	IN     		9th KS D

Geneva twp.

 84. PATTERSON, O.P.		21 	IL     		9th KS G		W.H. PATTERSON

 89. JONES, Joseph W.   	19 	OH	   	9th KS D		T.J. JONES

 93. KEETH, Isaac	   	19 	IN	   	9th KS D		W.C. KEETH

 99. GARDNER, D.P.		27 	NY	  	15th KS E		Thos. MOTHERAL

104. STIGENWALE, J.W.   	28 	OH     		2nd KS Baty 		J.J. BLACK

120. VerDenBURGH, P.		30 	PA	  	23rd MI G		J.H. SPICER

122. HOLMAN, J.A.	   	18 	NY	  	16th KS I		C.A. HOLMAN

123. DENSMORE, F.M.		20 	IL	   	9th KS M		B.R. SMITH

127. STAMPS, J.J.	   	22 	TN	   	9th KS M		J.E. COMSTOCK

129. FISHER, W.W.	   	19 	IL	   	9th KS M		Peter FISHER

144. DENNY, C.			19 	OH	  	16th KS I		Wm. DENNY

Iola twp.

148. JONES, B.G.	   	26 	NY	  	16th KS B		Wm. JONES

	    ,W.C.	   	24 	WS	  	10th KS I		"	

149. SANDERS, W.Y.	   	21 	IL	   	9th KS E		A.T. SANDERS

159. HANKINS, W.	   	35 	VA	   	9th KS E		J.F. COLBURN

164. VICARS, F.			23 	ENG	  	15th KS E

166. HART, J.A.			47 	NC	  	16th KS						"Asst. Surgeon"

173. GRAHAM, John	   	38 	OH	   	9th KS B		Henry VICKERS

175. RHODES, Seth	   	38 	OH	   	9th KS E		S.E. RHODES

179. GRAHAM, M.			26 	OH	   	9th KS E

180. HARRIS, J.H.	   	23 	IL	   	9th KS E

183. THRASHER, S.A.		25 	VA     		1st KS C		A. THRASHER

188. YOUNG, Julius		18 	IL	   	9th KS D		J.R. YOUNG

193. CRISP, J.F.	   	16 	TN	  	16th KS K		Harmon CRISP

197. McCARTY, Denny		21 	IRE    		9th KS E		W.H. COCRAN

199. BEAVER, D.W.	   	39 	NC	   	9th KS D

204. GOFORTH, S.J.	   	18 	KY	  	16th KS I		Jacob ZIKE

215. BROWN, Ike			28 	CKE   		2nd KS Colored D  	Chas. ROSS

222. RAGWILL, Jonas		24 	CKE   		2nd KS Colored E  	Wm. LOOTY

224. ELERS, Sandy	   	34 	TN    		2nd KS Colored E  	Benj. FOREMAN 		[black]

230. WALTERS, A.A.	   	18 	WS	  	16th KS F		Henry WALTERS

	    ,J.H.	   	21 	OH	   	9th KS E		"	

     SPRINGER, Edward   	20 	OH     		9th KS E		"	

233. McKENZIE, W.W.		25 	IN	   	9th KS B		Joseph McKENZIE

		 ,Joseph   	16 	OH	  	16th KS I		"	

246. WILLEY,W.H.	   	25 	IN	  	10th KS A		Elam WILLEY

	     ,Julius		17 	IN	  	16th KS 1		"	

253. CARTER, Jonas		28 	CKE   		1st KS Colored    	Moses LOWRY		[black]

256. SCHORNICK, Jacob   	35 	GER    		9th KS B

270. PICKERILL, Glover  	21 	MO    		9th KS M

276. STEWART,R.J.	   	28 	PA    		9th KS M

282. PERRY,C.M.	   		18 	KY	  	8th KS F		Wm. BARRY

285. VanKIPER, John		36 	IN	  	9th KS B

292. BAY, James			23 	IL	  	9th KS B		Joseph BAY

306. RUTLEDGE,J.P.		21 	IL	  	9th KS B		John RUTLEDGE

house	soldier, 		age, 	place,		Reg;Co    		head of    		"special 

visit #		         		of birth	       			household   		notations"

Anderson County

Reeder twp.

  6. KESSELINGER, Ezra  	38 	MD	 	12th KS G

 14. SHIELDS, George A. 	23 	KS?  		12th KS G		Jane SHIELDS

 57. PATTER, B.F.	   	23 	AR   		12th KS G		Rebecca PATTER

	     ,David R.   	18 	AR	 	12th KS G

 58. JOHNSTON, Jermiah  	29 	IN   		15th KS M

     MATHEWS, Julius		42 	GER  		12th KS G		Jermiah JOHNSTON

Ozark twp.

 36. MEANS, Dura	   	19 	IN   		12th KS G		James R. MEANS

 47. BURK, George	   	25 	OH   		10th KS B		Robt. BURK

 	   , Emen		21 	OH   		11th KS C		"	

 59. HUCK, Abraham		41 	PA	 	14th KS L

 60. HALL, John	  		40 	OH   		11th KS F

 79. PRICE, Hugh	   	20 	IL   		14th KS L		Joseph PRICE

 89. STIGENWALL, Andrew 	26 	OH  		Smith's Baty.  		John STIGENWALL

106. STEPHENSON, Clark  	24 	IN   		11th KS F

107. BLACK, Jackson		32 	IN   		11th KS F

109. TEFF, William		32 	NY    		7th KS G

110. SEVERENS, Thomas   	21 	OH   		11th KS F		Wm. SEVERENS

		 , John		19 	OH   		11th KS F		"	

125. CUMMINS, Chester   	27 	NH	 	11th KS F		Wm. O. BRYAN

131. CASKEY, William C. 	24 	IN   		2nd KS Baty.  		Rachel FAGG

Walker twp.

135. HOLLOMAN, Virgil   	26 	KY   		12th KS G		A.A. HOLLOMAN

		 , Ira		21 	KY   		11th KS F		"	

146. WILLSON, William   	16 	NY		2nd Colorado M 		John WILLSON

147. KIMBALL, Martin V. 	27 	OH   		16th KS L		Edw. WILLSON

149. SUTTON, Iseo P.		21 	MO   		16th KS L		James SUTTON

160. POPLIN, Huston L.  	18 	TN   		16th KS L		John POPLIN

173. SOUTH, Andrew		50 	unk  		16th KS L

174. SMITH, John T.		18 	OH   		16th KS L		D.W. SMITH

175. OSWALT, John P.		26 	MEK  		16th KS L

183. McSHANE, F.	   	44 	PA   		11th KS F

		, R.C.		19 	IA	 	14th KS E		F. McSHANE

185. HADSON, Robert		45 	NC   		15th KS M

Reeder twp. [cont.]

188. MUNDELL, Ransom   	 	19 	IN   		16th KS L		John MUNDELL

191. BURNS, John	   	40 	IRE  		11th KS F

207. BOCKOVER, Stephen  	28 	OH    		2nd KS A		J.S. BOCKOVER

208. PAYNE, Marvin		33 	NY	 	11th KS F

210. PAUL, Charles		30 	unk	 	15th KS A		Rich'd HARDESTY

216. WEST, Wilber D.   	 	33 	unk  		11th KS F

224. STOWELL, Habitia   	25 	IL    		2nd KS B		Ellen STOWELL

227. MUMAW, A.R.*       	30 	PA   		11th KS F		A.J. FRANK 		*Walker twp.

231. MICKEL, James		34 	TN    		2nd AR H			    

235. PRIEST, William T. 	33 	IA	 	16th KS L		P.D. MANES

236. BENJAMIN, Jacob		38 	AUS  		11th KS F

Washington twp.

241. PAUL, William F.R. 	23 	IN    		7th KS G		J.W. PAUL

	   , John Henry   	21 	IN   		11th KS F		"	

245. WHITSON, Robert    	23 	SCT  		12th KS G		James WHITSON

     WILLIAMS, Chas. F. 	33 	PA    		2nd KS A

247. GLOVER, Abner B.   	30 	PA    		7th KS G

250. HIDOM, J.H.	   	40 	NY	 	11th KS F

251. AGNEW, William M.  	32 	IRE  		12th KS G		Wm. AGNEW

     MOORE, R.H.	   	38 	OH   		11th KS F		"	

258. INGRAM, William		35 	IL   		11th KS F

259. JOHNSTON, Chester  	21 	IN   		11th KS F		John JOHNSTON

262. BINGAMAN, Allen		21 	MO   		11th KS F		Lewis BINGAMAN

     MAJORS, William A. 	21 	MO   		11th KS F		"	

264. WILHITE, Joseph		35 	MO    		7th KS G

265. HORNE, John	   	40 	OH   		11th KS F

267. RUMBLY, James W.   	23 	IL    		9th KS D

268. DIDLEY, John B.		38 	GA   		11th KS F

274. HANBY, James	   	22 	IL    		7th KS G		?????

          ,W. Nelson   		18 	IL    		7th KS G		"	

278. WHIPPS, David		25 	IN   		11th KS F		John CAMPBELL

279. NORTON, Isaac		21 	IL   		11th KS F		Joseph NORTON

281. REEDER, Martin		46 	MOR   		7th KS G		Levi DANIELS

Monroe twp.

295. KERCHIVAL, James   	37 	KY   		11th KS F

296. CAMPBELL, John		22 	TN    		2nd KS A		J.Y. CAMPBELL

		 , George   	19 	TN    		2nd KS A 		"	

297. SHULTZ, John H.		21 	OH   		11th KS F		Daniel SHULTZ

	     , Thomas J.  	18 	OH   		11th KS F		"	

302. MINKLER,M.M.	   	33 	OH   		11th KS F

308. JUDA,D.D.			33 	KY	 	11th KS F

309. MASTERSON, Thos.D. 	23 	IL   		10th KS B		A.H. BROWN

310. HINER,J.M.	   		19 	PA   		11th KS F		Isaac HINER

     LINDSAY,J.G.	   	28 	OH   		11th KS F		"	

313. REED, Thomas	   	20 	AR    		1st AR F		Mariah REED

314. McKAUGHLIN,J.Quiney 	22 	PA  		2nd KS A		James McKAUGHLIN

328. SMITH, Joseph		17 	OH    		7th KS G		Wm. SMITH

     LINDSAY, Thomas		37 	OH	 	12th KS 			"	

329. HIATT, Frank	   	21 	OH   		11th KS F		Nathan HIATT

331. SPRIGGS, Hiram		31 	IN   		11th KS F		Wm. SPRIGGS

344. McGUE, John	   	18 	MI	 	16th KS L		James McGUE

348. SETTER, Barnett		28 	PRU   		7th KS G

     MIMAS, Frank	   	22 	MO   		11th KS F		Barnett SETTER

351. RANKIN, Charles		26 	TN    		9th KS H		G.W. YANDLE

373. FERVERBURN, John   	21 	PRU  		11th KS F		John FERVERBURN

374. AZASS, Henry	   	34 	WRT	 	11th KS F

	    , William		37 	WRT  		11th KS F		Henry AZASS

376. FENHOUSE, Frank		46 	PRU	 	11th KS F		B. HAGEDON

377. PICKETT, John		36 	PRU  		11th KS F

378. WITCUP, Chris.		45 	PRU  		11th KS F

381. WINKLEPLECK, Sam'l 	24 	OH    		2nd KS F		Dan'l WINKLEPLECK

368. COTTLE, Melvin		17 	MI	  	7th KS G		Nathn'l COTTLE

396. POTEET,A.G.	   	41 	TN	 	11th KS F

398. McAFEE, Dorsey		44 	PA    		7th KS G

     VESS, William		27 	VA   		11th KS F		Dorsey McAFEE

401. WILLIAMS, Wm. A.   	19 	IL    		7th KS G		Mary WILLIAMS

     NORRIS,Z.			34 	OH    		7th KS G		"	

406. JOHNSTON, John		30 	OH	  	2nd KS	    		D.W. HOUSTON  		"Major"

408. FRANKENBERGER,Wm.L.	33 	PA 		11th KS F

409. WINKLEY, Frank		28 	MA	 	10th KS 		Alanson SIMONS

421. ARREL,G.W.	   		40 	PA    		7th KS G		Thos. BAYLES

424. LONIAN, Nelson		19 	CKE   		1st KS Colored         				"black"

425. McLAUGHLIN, Wm.    	35 	PA   		12th KS G

426. BIGALOW, Jno.		53 	NY   		11th KS F

427. JOHNSTON,W.A.		36 	NC   		15th KS M

	Atchison County

Center twp.

 19. QUILT, John L.		32 	IL   		13th KS F

 20. BROCKMAN, Jas. L.  	20 	IL   		13th KS F		Mary BROCKMAN

 24. HAIL, John M.		23 	MO   		13th KS H		S.M. HAIL

 32. QUIELL, Edmunda		22 	IL   		13th KS F		Hiram QUIELL

 36. SAUNDERS, Americus 	21 	KY   		13th KS F		Elisha SAUNDERS

 38. LAIRD, Isaac S.		24 	OH   		13th KS F

 44. ELLIOTT,J.K.P.    		20 	MO   		13th KS F		A.E. ELLIOTT

     REYNOLDS, Wm. T.   	29 	KY   		13th KS F 		"	

 48. AKEY, Judson	   	19 	OH    		8th KS C		Wm. CAMPBELL

 50. HIGLEY, Russell    	32 	NY   		13th KS F

	     , Hiram M.   	28 	NY	 	13th KS F		Russell HIGLEY

 54. GRAHAM, Albert		23 	MD   		13th KS F		Helena GRAHAM

 57. BLAKE, Lewis	   	27 	IL   		15th KS H

 76. MAY, William J.    	26 	IN   		13th KS F

 78. ELLIOTT, William   	36 	OH   		13th KS D

 79. BALL, Joshua L.		25 	OH   		13th KS F		Benj. BALL

 81. ELLINGER, John F.  	21 	OH  		109th OH H		J.G. ELLINGER

112. WINKLEPLECK, Reuben 	37 	OH  		13th KS F

115. SNYDER, John	   	21 	OH   		13th KS F		S.H. SNYDER

118. BROCK, Com. P.		19 	MO   		13th KS F		Mary BROCK

120. WILLIAMS,C.A.		22 	IL   		20th MO K		M.L. WILLIAMS

125. FLETCHER, A. Warren 	21 	IN   		13th KS D		James M. FLETCHER

128. NORRIS, George		24 	IA    		2nd IA B		A.B. NORRIS

	     , A.D.	   	20 	IA   		23rd IA E		"	

130. COOK, Thomas	   	28 	unk  		13th KS D

     LANDRUM, Benj. L.  	22 	IN    		6th KS A		Thos. COOK

		, Joel		29 	IN   		13th KS D		"	

132. BREEDLOVE, Charles 	31 	VA   		13th KS D		Robt. BREEDLOVE

     MUSSER, David		32 	OH   		13th KS D		"	

149. BEST, Henry	   	22 	PA   		83rd US Colored 	J.W. BEST

152. BUTLER,B.F.	   	24 	MO   		11th KS D		A.M. TOWNSEND

169. WORKMAN, John		18 	MO    		1st KS N		Jacob WORKMAN

176. EARHART,M.L.	   	20 	PA   		13th KS F		D. EARHART

Lancaster twp.

 19. HISEY, William		18 	MO    		7th MO G		John HISEY

 20. HENDERSON, Eli		28 	KY   		13th KS 

 21. STICKLER, Marshall 	18 	VA   		--   KS M		James STICKLER

 30. WYMORE, Abraham    	22 	IN   		15th KS B		Johnson WYMORE

 34. FAWCETT, Crawford  	30 	IN    		2nd KS D		Robt. WHITE

 77. WALKER, Lucius		47 	NY   		13th KS D

	     , Frank      	21 	NY    		2nd KS D		Lucius WALKER

 80. WINDER,W.H.	   	22 	MO   		13th KS D		J.C. BATSELL

Mt. Pleasant twp.

  1. NISWANGER, William 	17 	MO   		10th KS			Wm. NISWANGER

  5. COX,W.M.W.	   		30 	IN   		13th KS F		J.D. COX

 13. TACKETT,J.W.	   	27 	VA   		12th KS E		J.R. TACKETT

		,C.W.	   	25 	MD   		12th KS E		"	

 31. RUTLEDGE,A.	   	19 	MO   		14th KS D		Jno. RUTLEDGE

		 ,G.	   	17 	MO   		14th KS D		"	

 35. BAYLES, Hy M.		17 	AL   		16th KS M		----- BAYLES

 38. LEE,R.D.			44 	MO   		13th KS F


Lancaster twp [cont]

 39. DOUGAN, Marion		29 	IN   		13th KS K		Ja. DOUGAN

     MORTON,S.A.H.		19 	AL	 	13th KS K		"	

 46. PERRY,M.			35 	KY	 	1st Colorado D  	J. MITCHELL

 64. JACQUES, Jno.		26 	NY   		10th IA F		J.A. JACQUES

 72. BEAN,M.M.			35 	KY   		13th KS F

 94. PARNELL,A.J.	   	22 	MO	 	13th KS F

 95. HARTMAN, Fred		20 	IN   		13th KS F		Jno. HARTMAN

 96. CAIN, William		29 	ISM  		12th US Colored  	J.W. CAIN

	   , J.M.		26 	ISM  		53rd US Colored 	"		

 97. AVERY,D.J.	   		38 	OH	 	13th KS K

     RUST,C.W.			22 	IN	  	6th KS C		D.J. AVERY

101. HARRIS,D.E.	   	32 	NJ	 	13th KS F		N. BUTLER

102. TILLMAN, Richard   	18 	IA   		13th KS F		W.M. TILLMAN

138. SCOTT,R.C.	   		23 	KY	  	7th KS G		E. CAMPBELL

143. HARMON, George		45 	KY	 	10th KS			John HARMON

148. MAYFIELD, Henry		26 	IN   		13th KS F		Rachel MAYFIELD

153. JAY, Benjamin		39 	IN   		13th KS F

158. McNAMARA, Patrick  	38 	IRE	 	13th KS K

166. BLODGET,G.W.	   	34 	KY   		13th KS F

179. STOUT,G.H.	   		21 	IA	 	13th KS K		Mary STOUT

187. BLACK,W.C.	   		24 	KY	  	8th KS C		Eliza BLACK

	    ,S.S.	   	22 	KY   		14th KS D		"	

	    ,J.H.	   	16 	KY	 	16th KS M		"	

188. PORTER, George		45 	NY   		13th KS K


Kapioma twp.

  4. MILLS,E.L.	   		23 	IA   		15th KS K		T.R. MILLS

  7. WOODWORTH, Caleb S 	27 	TN   		13th KS 		C.A. WOODWORTH

 51. ROBENSON,O.T.		17 	KY	 	11th KS B		J.M. ROBESON

Grasshopper twp.

 13. CAHOON,J.A.	   	23 	NC   		10th KS D		Carity ALLEN

 18. PARSONS,G.E.	   	22 	KY   		13th KS D		Robt. PARSONS

 23. SHEATS, Wylie		44 	NC   		13th KS F

 37. HAM, Malcom	   	42 	KY   		13th KS D

	  , M.G.		16 	KY   		2nd Colorado K   	Malcom HAM

 44. GREENWALT, William 	22 	PA    		8th KS C		Sabina GREENWALT

 55. DAVIS,J.B.	   		23 	MO    		1st AR F		Abram. DAVIS

 57. THORNHILL, Asberry 	41 	TN    		2nd KS D

Atchison [city of]

147. MILLER, Benjamin * 	50 	KY   		1st KS Colored  	------ REYNOLDS		*Black

148. MOORE, Samuel*		23 	MO   		65th US Colored K	Amanda MOORE

     FONTS, Wesley*		23 	MO   		1st KS Colored	"				*both Black

149. WILSON, Franklin   	26 	NC   		26th MO G		C. WILSON

154. CLARK, Reusem *    	36 	KY   		2nd KS Colored B				*black

163. PENELTON, Joseph * 	18 	MO   		2nd KS Colored D	P. PENELTON

173. GUYLORD,G.L.*     		38 	NY   		1st KS			T.G. HARRIS 		"Captain"

179. CAMPBELL, William* 	17 	MO   		2nd KS Colored B 	Page ESTES 		*black

     McGINNES, John*		20 	MO   		--			"soldier"   		"

     CAMPBELL, John*		25 	MO   		2nd KS Colored       	"        		"

198. WILSON, Jerry*		30 	KY   		1st KS Colored B 	Turner WALKER 		"

226. HARR, Luther*		21 	NY   		2nd KS Colored   	Willis HARR   		"

271. SNIDER, John	   	35 	GER  		13th KS K

364. MASTERS, Charles   	22 	IL   		10th KS B		A.C. MASTERS

		, H.C.		20 	IL   		13th KS D		"	

410. FRUHM, Augustus    	40 	MEK  		13th KS D		Lene REBNER

411. MATTHEW, Nicholas  	40 	MEK  		13th KS K

412. HOOVER, William		16 	IL   		13th KS F		Henry HOOVER

443. GILLISPIE, Patrick 	40 	PA	 	13th KS D

449. McCULLY, J.L.		28 	NJ   		13th KS D		J.C. McCULLY

457. CROOKHAM, Judson  		32 	PA   		13th KS D

538. INGLE, John F.		37 	PA   		13th KS D

563. SEIP, James*	   	18 	PA   		2nd KS Colored 		T.L. SEIP 		*black ?

572. GARLICK, William H 	28 	VA   		2nd KS Colored 		Wm. L. BURNS   		"  ?

599. NOLAN, Michael		27 	IRE  		13th KS K

603. VanNoy, Abraham		44 	NC   		13th KS K

626. DOUGHERTY, Hugh		26 	IRE  		13th KS K		Ellen DOUGHERTY

627. McASY, Timeth		33 	IRE  		13th KS K

631. TRACY, James R.    	23 	MO   		13th KS K		G.M. TRACY

682. McKEE, N.			30 	NY   		13th KS D

Walnut twp.

 19. SHORTRIDGE, Wm.		20 	IN    		8th KS C		Harrison SHORTRIDGE

 26. JONES, Alfred		34 	IN   		15th KS F		Mathias FLOERSCH

 27. EILER, Daniel		23 	MO   		13th KS F		Jacob EILER

     PAYNE,	Thomas J.   	34 	OH   		13th KS F		"

 39. SCOTT, John	   	40 	KY   		13th KS D		Moses POTTER

 42. SCOTT, John	   	42 	TN	 	13th KS D

 46. GRADY, Michael		22 	IRE  		16th KS			Owen GRADY

	    ,	Patrick     	19 	IRE  		14th KS 			"	

 47. WOMACH, Allen		25 	MO   		13th KS C		Nancy WOMACH

 48. BECKER, Henry		25 	GER  		15th KS F		Christian BECKER

	     , Joseph     	19 	PA	 	14th KS F		"	

	     , John	   	17 	PA   		16th KS D		"	

 81. RIVERS, Albert L.  	25 	MA   		11th KS D		Benj. RIVERS

 86. SAPP, Joseph M.		30 	MO   		13th KS F

103. WHITMAN, Isom		22 	OH    		7th KS A		Nath'l McCLINTOCK

137. MITCHELL, John A.  	43 	VA   		15th KS F

139. DAVIS, Marion		24 	IN   		11th KS A		John DAVIS

192. RENY, Henry	   	26 	KY   		14th KS			Hiram CLAPP

Shannon twp

  3. BUTLER, Theodore   	24 	NY   		34th IL B		James BUTLER

	     , James		34 	NY   		unk			"	

  4. BELL, William		19 	NY   		14th KS A		Hannah BELL

  6. FROMAN, John	   	24 	IN   		10th KS

 16. HAMILTON, Eli		33 	IN	 	13th KS I

 17. FIZER, Amos	   	33 	KY   		13th KS D

 51. MUNAY, Peter	   	56 	IRE  		13th KS K		John MUNAY

 56. KELLY, Thomas		25 	IRE	  	8th KS C		Matthew KELLY

 62. BRADSHAW, George   	27 	KY   		15th KS G		James HARTSTOCK

 66. KELLY, James	   	24 	IRE   		8th KS C		Patrick KELLY

 76. HANCOCK, Robert		37 	MO   		13th KS D

116. CAMPBELL, Samuel   	31 	PA   		11th KS A		Lucy CARDIFF

	Bourbon County

Ft. Scott [city of]

 15. MORRIS,J.			34 	OH   		14th KS B

 25. SECREST,I.B.	   	34 	OH    		6th KS K Cav

 42. BALLARD, Thomas		18 	CKE   		6th KS K Cav		Sarah BALLARD

 --. SLOCUM,C.C.	   	55 	NY    		5th KS   Cav		Edw. GREEN

     EARHART,M.L.	   	20 	PA   		13th KS F		"	

 55. GREY, James *		40 	MO   		--   --    		L.A.WILLIAMS 		*black

 56. SMITH, Edward A.   	27 	NY    		2nd KS 			Wm. SMITH   		"Capt"

	    , William H.  	22 	NY   		103rd US Colored 	"        		"Capt"

 69. INSLEY,E.M.	   	28 	IN   		10th IL Cav 		T.L. INSLEY

 78. JONES,A.J. *	   	21 	KY   		2nd KS Colored A 	Andrew JONES

	    ,R.J. *	   	17 	KY   		2nd KS Colored A 	"		   	*black

 82. GRIFFIN,A.	   		24 	MI	  	3rd WS H		D.B. EMERT

 83. SULLIVAN, William  	15 	AR    		6th KS  Cav 		Joseph SULLIVAN

100. MARGRAVES, Anthony 	20 	MO   		14th KS E Cav 		Wm. MARGRAVES

102. PHILLIPS,R.L.		29 	VT    		6th KS C Cav		  			"Lieut"

103. LEIDGER, Henry P.  	30 	ENG   		6th KS L Cav 		Susan JEWELL

     JEWELL, Lewis R.   	19 	OH    		6th KS L Cav 		"	

105. CLARK, George J.   	32 	NY   		14th KS E Cav	   				"Capt"

107. PARKER, Charles S. 	21 	OH   		12th KS D		Sheldon PARKER

	     , James H.   	20 	OH   		16th KS   Cav 		"	

 	     , George W.  	17 	OH   		16th KS   Cav 		"	

108. ELLIS, John	   	26 	unk  		15th KS B Cav

117. CHILDS, William *		24 	MO   		2nd KS Colored 		Betsey HAWKINS

121. CUNNINGHAM, John*  	25 	MO   		1st KS Colored 		Baty. E. CUNNINGHAM

122. WADDLES, Josiah *  	16 	MO   		1st KS Colored H  	Thos. WADDLES

	[last three preceding are listed * black]

126. TAYLOR, Jems R.		30 	KY   		14th KS   Cav

136. WARDEN,M.W.	   	22 	KY   		14th KS   Cav

145. CHILLYS, Lou *		15 	CKE  		2nd KS Colored  	Maria WILLIAMS 		*Indian

152. ATKINS, Cornelius* 	24 	MO   		2nd KS Colored  	Mary ATKINS 		*black

153. BICKING,A.F.*		26 	PA	 	2nd KS Colored 		H.M.CARPENTER  		"?

155. BLANTON, Thomas*   	35 	unk  		2nd KS Colored 		Sally SCOTT    		"

     SCOTT, Samuel*		35 	AR   		2nd KS Colored 		"

157. GRIMITH, David		25 	CKE  		1st KS Colored 		Ellis GRIMITH

		, Harry		17 	CKE  		2nd KS Colored	

161. SMITH, Augustus		30 	NY    		3rd WS H		Josiah SMART

164. SUTHERLAND, Harry  	30 	IN   		14th KS G Cav

     MARTIN, George G.  	29 	MO   		14th KS G Cav 		Harry SUTHERLAND

176. CAMPBELL,P.*	   	16 	CKE  		2nd KS Colored B 	E. CAMPBELL 		*black.

182. CAPPS, Pryor	   	35 	MO   		14th KS B

192. VAU, Russell*		48 	GA   		2nd KS Colored B		   		*black

194. WALLACE, William*  	46 	VA   		2nd KS Colored B	 	   		*black?

200. MEYERS,A.			31 	GER  		14th KS E

201. BICKING,A.F.	   	38 	PA   		14th IN A

203. COOPER, William H. 	31 	TN    		9th KS M

210. McFADDEN, John		38 	IRE  		14th KS I

211. HOSKINS,R.A.	   	23 	KY   		2nd KS Baty		Pleasent SMITH

212. MENDELHOLEN,A.    		29 	OH   		2nd KS Baty

214. RICE,D.D.			14 	IN    		6th KS L		Randolph RICE

215. NIAT,E.			36 	VA   		2nd KS Baty		Wm. STEWART

217. VERMILLION,E.R.   		33 	TN   		2nd KS Baty

218. PENNIGAR, William  	47 	NC   		2nd KS C Cav		S.C. JACKS

219. McGWIRE, Thomas		33 	IN   		14th KS B		Sol ADAMS

224. MILLESS, James     	45 	NC    		6th KS G

		, Daniel    	23 	TN    		6th KS G		James MILLESS

226. STROOP,Z.			28 	OH   		15th KS B

234. WILSON, John H.		22 	MO   		2nd KS Baty		Jas. WILSON

	     , Thomas		20 	MO   		2nd KS Baty		"	

237. GRENO,H.S.	   		35 	NY   		14th KS			F.F. CLOUGH

238. HAYNES,C.H.	   	35 	OH   		14th KS

242. WALKER,J.			21 	IL   		15th KS			David ANDRICKS

Osage twp.

  8. BISHAND, Levi		18 	OH   		14th KS E		Daniel BISHAND

 20. McADAMS, John T.   	33 	IN   		16th KS A ??		Stephen McADAMS

 21. WAGNER,G.A.	   	23 	IL   		14th KS E		A.B. WAGNER

 22. FOSTER, William		23 	OH    		6th KS F		Mary FOSTER

 23. CLARK, William		24 	VA    		6th KS F		Thos. CLARK

 24. CLENDENING, James  	22 	IN   		15th KS A		John CLENDENING

		   , John   	18 	IN	 	14th KS E		"	

 26. MOORE,D.D.	   		17 	IL   		15th KS L		M.A. KELLER

 29. McNEIL, John	   	30 	IN   		14th KS E		John McNEIL

     WYATT,A.			22 	IL   		2nd KS Baty		"	

 34. ALLEN, John J.		18 	MO   		14th KS E		Jesse ALLEN

 37. WADE, Allen S.		26 	KY   		2nd KS Baty

 38. Ingraham, J.C.		22 	IN   		2nd KS Baty		D. INGRAHAM

 41. WASHBURN, Simon    	23 	IL   		2nd KS Baty		J. PANGBURN

 48. CLARK, Asa			15 	OH   		14th KS I		Mary CLARK

     BARRETT, John		23 	OH	  	6th KS B		"	

     HANWAY,E.H.	   	26 	VA	 	10th KS			"	

 76. WILLIAMS,M.	   	22 	IL	 	10th KS			M. WILLIAMS

		 ,C.J.		21 	IL	 	15th KS L		"	

     PARKER, James		25 	IA   		2nd KS Baty		"	

 78. BETH, William		23 	KY    		6th KS E

 94. TYLER, Thomas		23 	IN   		13th KS M

Freedom twp.

101. BROWN, Abraham		40 	PA   		12th KS H

120. STONE,E.C.	   		19 	IN   		12th KS H		Wm. STONE

140. JOHNSON, Wm. O.    	21 	KY    		6th KS H		L. JOHNSON

144. HOWARD, William		19 	MO   		12th KS K		A. HOWARD

153. WINSHIP, Wm. H.		21 	NY    		5th KS K		Rich'd WINSHIP

157. TESTAMENT,A.	   	20 	MO    		6th KS G

161. DALSON, Eliza		25 	IL   		11th KS C

162. GREEN, John	   	37 	TN   		10th KS E

171. BORAN,D.			22 	TN    		5th KS K		A.H. BORAN

174. MARSHAL, John W.   	21 	MO    		6th KS L

     HOPEJOY,L.	   		16 	MO	  	6th KS L		John W. MARSHAL

176. ROCKWELL, Frank		26 	NY   		12th KS H

		 , E.G.     	21 	NY    		6th KS L		Frank ROCKWELL

181. CLEAL, Alfred		27 	ENG   		9th KS E 		W.W. WILL		"1st Army Corps"

183. JOHNSON,W.R.      		36 	IL   		99th IL E		Rich'd WALL

186. AMEY, George	   	30 	PA    		6th KS E

198. BURTON,A.W.	   	30 	VT	 	12th KS H

210. BALLOU, Samuel		32 	IL    		3rd WS M

212. CAMPBELL, Charles  	27 	WS    		6th KS K

218. STONE, William     	23 	IN   		12th KS H		James A. STONE

219. FULLER, Benjamin   	30 	OH   		12th KS H

222. WITT, George	   	23 	IL   		12th KS H

232. OSBORNE,J.M.	   	19 	MO   		12th KS K		Thos. OSBORNE

239. HILL, Henry	   	38 	NY   		12th KS K

Timberhill twp.

254. GIBSON,J.*	   		21 	MO   		1st KS Colored F 	H.GIBSON  		*black

262. WALLACE, Lewis*		29 	MO   		Colored Baty		*			"

271. SHEAT, Isaac*		21 	MO   		Colored Baty		Moses SHEAT  		"

	    , George*		20 	MO   		1st KS Colored   	"	 	 	"

273. CARTOE, George		25 	MO   		14th KS G		B.H. SEARS

	     , Robert    	22 	MO	  	6th KS C		"	

274. SEARS, George S.   	28 	KY    		6th KS C

279. HYDE,H.			21 	OH    		6th KS C		John HYDE

285. SEAMANS, William H 	27 	VA   		10th KS H

289. SMITH, Thomas		35 	IL   		2nd KS Baty

290. ARTZS,C.H.	   		34 	GER  		2nd KS Baty

291. GREENLY, Samuel		41 	PA   		2nd KS Baty

302. WILLARD,H.*	   	27 	TN   		Colored Baty		Arthur CLARK 		*black

306. COX,C.		   	30 	IN   		14th KS B		Lucinda DAVIS

     DAVIS,J.L.	   		19 	MO   		16th KS G		"	

	    ,J.A.	   	18 	MO   		16th KS G		"	

312. WEST,T.B.			24 	AR   		14th KS L		S.R. WEST

316. HOGE, William G.   	21 	MO    		6th KS C

317. CONE, Charles		39 	OH    		6th KS L		John DYER

323. BLAGG,T.			19 	AR   		14th KS B		Israel BLAGG

	    ,J.			15 	AR	 	14th KS D		"	

341. BOWERS, William		23 	OH   		2nd KS Baty		Henry BOWERS

     HITE, Abraham		25 	OH    		8th KS D		"	

363. FULSON, Henry		21 	AR    		6th KS H

365. PEE, Charles*		30 	TN   		1st KS Colored 					*black

368. MARRS,G.H.	   		18 	AR   		12th KS C		E.A. BRINGTON

373. SPURGEON, Madison  	23 	MO   		14th KS E		Hiram SPURGEON

382. BROWN, Asa			19 	PA    		5th KS R?		W.R. BROWN

393. CRAIG, William L.  	18 	OH   		14th KS G		Sam'l ? CRAIG

396. LARVE, Thomas		19 	TN   		14th KS G		W.G. LARVE

400. KNOWLES,D.C.	   	39 	MO   		2nd KS Baty

407. SHIRLEY, Fred		54 	TN   		14th KS E		Dury WILLIAMS

Franklin twp.

434. MILLER, William M. 	23 	OH    		81st OH A		Albert MILLER

435. BARNES, Albert		40 	NY    		2nd KS Baty

441. NAPIER,W.O.	   	22 	TN    		2nd KS Baty

451. DODSON,J.N.	   	20 	TN    		2nd KS Baty		Jesse DODSON

452. WITHERS, William D 	21 	MO    		2nd KS Baty		Wm. WITHERS

454. COCHRAN,H.S.	   	44 	IN    		12th KS F

		,H.O.	   	16 	IN    		12th KS F		H.S. COCHRAN

     PARSONS,G.A.	   	22 	AR    		14th KS L		"

455. SLINKARD, James		28 	TN    		14th KS B

458. DAVIS, John W.		24 	AR    		14th KS L

465. LEAMONS,G.W.	   	20 	OH    		2nd KS Baty 		Wm. LEAMONS

477. HALEY, William		30 	TN 					H. HALEY 		"Morells Horse"

	    , G.D.	   	28 	TN					"	   		"Morells Horse"

484. HAWLAND,L.D.	   	40 	--	  	2nd KS Baty		T.M. WILLETTS

495. ANDERSON, John     	25 	VA    		14th KS L		Anna ANDERSON

499. STEPHENSON, John   	24 	OH    		10th KS C		E. STEPHENSON

500. REGNA, William		31 	CT   		2nd KS Baty		M.H. REGNA

503. HEAD, Leiv			34 	TN   		12th KS R

511. LARRISON, Wilson   	21 	MO    		8th KS E		D.B. LARRISON

515. THOMASON, John C.  	25 	AR    		1st KS F		Wm. THOMPSON

	       , E.M.		24 	AR    		1st KS F		"	

	       , N.M.		22 	AR	  	1st KS F		"	

535. OSBORN, Martin		19 	MO   		2nd KS Baty		Enoch OSBORN

540. THOMPSON,H.M.		24 	TN   		17th IA D		Phenias THOMPSON

542. MAYER, David	   	34 	OH   		14th KS L

553. JAMISON,L.C.	   	25 	AL   		10th KS B		G.D. JAMISON

Marion twp

568. EVES,P.R.			29 	WCA  		14th KS G		H.W. EVES

         ,M.W.			27 	WCA  		14th KS A		"	

570. GARDNER,A.B.	   	22 	TN   		2nd KS Baty		Jane GARDNER

572. WRIGHT,J.R.	   	20 	IN   		14th KS E		W.W. WRIGHT

589. COWAN, William		28 	IL   		10th KS D		Thos. COWAN

590. RHOTON, Hiram		22 	TN   		12th KS R		Elisha RHOTON

           , Eli	   	22 	TN   		12th KS R		"	

591. BROWN,J.E.	   		20 	NY   		10th KS E		J.M. BROWN

592. JONES, Alexander  		36 	TN   		10th KS B

611. STOWER,D.J.	   	25 	NY   		2nd KS Baty		Tim JOHNSON

615. BAKER, Nathan		27 	IN   		10th KS C

626. CARSON, John	   	30 	IL   		2nd KS Baty		Lewis ETHERIDGE

631. ANDERSON, Jacob		26 	IN   		10th KS C

632. ANDRSON,C.	   		20 	IN   		14th KS E		James ANDERSON

633. TEAGUE, Jesse		20 	MO   		2nd KS Baty

639. JONES,J.L.	   		26 	KY   		43rd IN			Eliz'th JONES

          ,G.W.	   		22 	IN   		2nd KS Baty		"	

642. BROWN,G.K.	   		24 	IL   		2nd KS Baty		E. BROWN

646. GOFF, John			23 	IL   		10th KS A		Aleph GOFF

647. COPES, William		33 	IL   		2nd KS Baty

650. HULL, Joseph	   	29 	OH   		2nd KS Baty		Cowan MITCHELL

652. ROBINSON,Z.	   	21 	AR	  	6th KS F		Thos. ROBINSON

		 ,Jefferson 	19 	AR   		6th KS F		"	

653. CHAPMAN,G.M.	   	30 	MA   		2nd KS Baty		Solomon GALIMORE

660. JOHNSTON, Robert   	50 	OH   		12th KS

661. MASON, William		36 	PA   		12th KS

667. RUNKLE, John	   	20 	IL   		2nd KS Baty		Peter RUNKLE

668. OSBORN,H.C.	   	36 	OH   		2nd KS Baty

679. GATES, Frank       	33 	NY   		2nd KS Baty

680. SMITH, Thomas		18 	OH   		2nd KS Baty		John RENSELL

682. COPES, Fletcher    	20 	IL   		2nd KS Baty		Thos. COPES

685. ELLIS,P.P.	   		37 	NC   		2nd KS Baty

600. FLEMING, William   	26 	MO    		6th KS G		Bates HNCKER ?

Marmanton twp

636. FOSTER,A.J.	   	23 	TN   		2nd KS Baty		Garrett FOSTER

639. SHORTEN, Richard   	21 	IRE  		12th KS R		Wm. SHORTEN

654. MARSHALL,J.M.		27 	MO    		6th KS L		Sam'l MARSHALL

     MARTIN, John	   	21 	MO    		6th KS L		"	

671. BOSSEL, John	   	33 	IRE  		12th KS K		John BLAIR

691. COBERLY, Newton		19 	IL   		2nd KS Baty		B. COBERLY

	      , Oliver		23 	IN    		6th KS F		"	

696. MILLENDER,M.Y.		26 	MO   		14th KS J		Chas. MILLENDER

		  ,Charles 	24 	MO    		6th KS L		"	

697. McALISTER, John		35 	IN   		12th KS K

702. HAWKINS, John		27 	MO   		14th KS B		Lucinda HAWKINS

713. BARRETT, William   	27 	IL   		12th KS R

720. THURMAN, Joseph    	32 	MO    		6th KS C		Mary THURMAN

		, Job	   	25 	MO    		6th KS H		"	

		, Isaac		20 	MO   		14th KS E		"	

		, Richard   	16 	MO   		14th KS E		"	

     GOSHLING,B.	   	28 	TN	 	14th KS E		"	

724. CASHOE, Abijah		24 	IN   		1st KS Baty		Jacob CASHOE

731. CLARK, Henry	   	29 	KY   		12th KS G		James WHEELER

733. VAUGHN, John	   	20 	TN   		11th KS D		Wilson VAUGHN

740. HOOD, Stephen		30 	TN   		15th KS C		Norris HOOD

741. MILLS, James	   	21 	MO   		14th KS F		John MILLS

747. WHEELER, Daniel		30 	IN   		10th KS F		Emmet WHEELER

750. GARDNER,F.H.	   	23 	MO	 	10th KS A		F.G. HOPKINS

751. HALL, William		27 	PA	 	12th KS K		Aaron DECKER

755. LANE, William		38 	OH   		2nd KS Baty

759. ERVER,J.			28 	MO   		15th KS M

763. NICHOLS, John		20 	IA   		15th KS M		Wilson BRANCH

770. BROWN, Charles		24 	IN   		12th KS K

771. COLEMAN, Hoser		48 	SC    		6th KS H

773. SEWNER, William		39 	--	 	2nd KS Baty

776. PETTY, William     	27 	MO    		6th KS L		Penelope PETTY

	    , Joseph		17 	MO    		6th KS L		"	

782. CUMMINS, William W. 	20 	IN   		14th KS B		Jesse CUMMINS

Scott twp

798. RICE, George	   	26 	IL	  	6th KS R		Jane RICE

799. DEBORAH, John		22 	PA	  	6th KS C		J.S. DEBORAH

800. CRESSLEY,A.L.		21 	MO   		14th KS B		E. ACOCK

809. WATERHOUSE,A.J.   		30 	NY   		2nd Indian H

829. LAWRENCE, Isaac		30 	IL   		2nd KS Baty

831. LEE, James			17 	MS   		2nd AR			Jane LEE

	  , Robert	   	32 	OH	 	2nd KS Baty		"	

835. THOMPSON, Isaac		-- 	OH   		11th IL			Eliz'th ISLEY

840. OAKLEY, William		26 	MD   		10th KS A		Joseph OAKLEY

844. MORROW, Josiah		21 	MO   		14th KS B		Rich'd MORROW

849. PARRIS, Samuel		16 	AR   		14th KS E		Cornelius PARRIS

852. FREEMAN, George		25 	OH   		14th KS B		E.S. FREEMAN

864. NICHOLS, James		21 	IL    		6th KS R?		M. NICHOLS

876. CHAPMAN,T.M.	   	40 	MA   		2nd KS Baty

883. DAVIS,F.D.	   		39 	FRA   		6th KS K					"Doctor"

887. BROWN, Jacob	   	20 	OH   		14th KS G		Marian WATERS

	    , J.M.	   	16 	OH   		14th KS G		"	

892. WITTONE, Charles   	28 	OH   		14th KS E

899. WASHINGTON, Geo.*  	55 	TN   		1st KS Colored					*black

901. BEAL, Moses	   	25 	IL   		2nd KS Baty

912. VAN, Crow*			30 	AR   		2nd Indian					*black

957. YANCE,P.P.	   		25 	AR   		2nd KS Baty

965. KELLY,E.J.	   		24 	KY   		14th KS B		Rhoda KELLY

966. MYERS, Augustus    	30 	HAN  		14th KS E

970. DAVIS, Thomas		30 	MO   		2nd KS Baty

973. COOK, John			18 	MO   		14th KS E		J.A. YOUNG

	   , William      	16 	MO   		14th KS E		"	

994. PRINGLE, Stephen   	45 	NC    		6th KS R

     McGOFF, John	   	28 	IRE  		14th KS E		Stephen PRINGLE

1003. ANDERSON, James   	17 	IL    		6th IL E		John ANDERSON

	Eight Mile Strip

	[attached to Bourbon Co]

	{eastern present day Crawford Co]

[no twp listed]

  7. BRADLEY, George    	18 	MO   		14th KS B		Abraham MEDLING

		, William   	26 	TN    		6th KS H		"	

		, W.J.		23 	TN   		14th KS B		"	

 11. LOCK, John			17 	MO   		14th KS E		M. STUBBLEFIELD

 22. COOK, George	   	39 	TN   		14th KS L

 23. DUNBAR,S.C.	   	31 	SCT   		6th KS R?

 35. EVERTS,W.H.	   	25 	NY   		2nd KS Baty		Mathew WATSON 

 36. TROYDEN,J.P.      		14 	AR   		14th KS E		Rebecca TROYDEN

 43. HASKINS,A.H.	   	23 	TN   		2nd KS Baty		Thos, HASKINS

 49. SWAN, Morris	   	25 	OH   		11th KS I		Sam'l SWAN

	   , M.J.		22 	IL	  	6th KS R		"	

 59. YOUNG, Clinton		24 	TN	  	6th KS R		Hiram YOUNG

     TUTTLE, Charles		45 	TN   		14th KS I		"	

 62. PARRISH, Joseph    	35 	OH   		14th KS F		H.T. COFFMAN

 65. FRANKLIN, Wm.,Jr   	24 	IA   		2nd KS Baty		Wm. FRANKLIN

108. WARD, Beverly		21 	IA    		6th KS C		Valentine CLARK

115. HAWKINS, John T.   	24 	MO   		14th KS B		E.C. MURRY

117. LLIFT, James M.    	21 	IL    		6th KS E		Wm. B. LLIFT

126. HARRIS,J.B.	   	24 	KY    		6th KS F

151. WALKER,J.T.	   	34 	KY	 	2nd KS Baty

154. BUTLER,L.D.	   	21 	IL   		2nd KS Baty		J.C. BUTLER

164. HARTLEY,W.T.	   	35 	VA   		2nd KS Baty

169. TEAL, Peter	   	39 	OH   		2nd KS Baty

170. HUMPHRY,L.S.	   	49 	IN	 	2nd KS Baty

		,J.M.	   	22 	IA   		2nd KS Baty		L.S. HUMPHRY

		,C.S.	   	18 	IA	 	2nd KS Bat		"	

177. ROBINSON, Alfred   	23 	CAN  		16th KS H 		Wm. ROBINSON

     HOPKINSON,T.H.		26 	IA   		10th KS C		"	

178. BAKER, John	   	22 	IN	 	14th KS E

180. MARTIN, Moses		21 	IN   		14th KS E

	Brown County 

Irving twp.

  9. WHEELER, George*   	41 	KY   		1st KS Colored B				*black

 15. ULLMAN, John	   	15 	WRT   		8th KS C		DUSENDSCHON,G.

 18. JELLISON,T.D.		39 	ME   		13th KS I

 20  MEISENHEINER, Albert 	18 	MO  		14th KS C		John MAGLOTT

 		    ,Conrad 	30 	HES 		13th KS I		"	

 26. BELL----,John.Jr  		19 	MO   		14th KS C  		John BELL-----

 29. SCHUPBACH,W.T.		17 	MO	 	15th KS I		Sam'l SCHUPBACH

 31. BARNUM, John	   	22 	TN    		7th KS C		Seth BARNUM

 37. SELLY, George E.   	25 	NY   		2nd Colored G 		A.I. SELLY 

 	    , Isaac	   	19 	NY   		13th KS I		"	

 38. SCHILLING, John		28 	HES  		13th KS I

 39. JONES,C.G.	   		22 	MI    		7th KS A		W.H. JONES

	    ,Willforce    	18 	MI    		7th KS C		"	

 44. KLINEFELTER,I.K.  		27 	OH    		2nd AR

		    ,Samuel 	21 	OH   		7th KS C		I.K. KLINEFELTER

 65. CHANDLER, Albert   	23 	ME	  	7th KS C		Sam'l CHANDLER

		 , Charles  	17 	ME    		7th KS C		"	

 77. SMIDT, Adam	   	22 	IL    		7th KS A		Jno. SMIDT

	    , Michael		20 	IL    		7th KS A		"	

 81. RADER, William		19 	IL   		14th KS G		John RADER

 88. EYE,B.S.			29 	VA    		7th KS E

 92. MILLS, Jacob	   	38 	VA   		14th KS D

100. GLADEN, Cagy	   	30 	CT   		38th US G

101. SPERRY, Luther		45 	CT    		7th KS A

     TUTTLE, William		-- 	--   		14th KS D		Luther SPERRY

     VAUGHN, Lewis		30 	ME    		7th KS A		"	

	     , Joseph A.  	21 	ME   		14th KS D		"	

102. MILLER, Thomas		19 	IL   		13th MO K		Aderson MILLER

104. ANDERSON, Jas.		20 	MO   		14th KS D		Thos. ANDERSON

105. WHITEHEAD, Wm. R.  	18 	MO   		14th KS H		Robt. WHITEHEAD

109. GILLISPIE, Henry   	28 	KY   		14th KS K

     FAIRCHILD,E.F.		22 	OH   		13th KS K		Henry GILLISPIE

131. GENTRY, William		22 	MO   		13th KS I		Clifton GENTRY

132. SPAHR, Gotlib		21 	SWT  		13th KS I		Jacob SPAHR

Claytonville twp

137. JAMES, Larin	   	24 	OH    		5th KS K    		Oliver JAMES

147. TEAS, Samuel	   	23 	OH   		13th KS H		Thos. TEAS

149. CHURCHILL, Henry   	30 	OH    		6th KS A		Robt. HUSSEY

155. CHANDLER, Melvin   	22 	ME    		7th KS C		Thos. CHANDLER

		 , F.C.		18 	MA	 	13th KS H		"	

160. ROBINSON, Charles  	28 	ME   		13th KS I		Alphonso ROBINSON

161. SAWYER, Dudley     	27 	MI   		14th KS A	

165. PROCTOR, John		22 	MO   		13th KS H		M.P. PROCTOR

169. ARMSTRONG, John H. 	20 	IL   		13th KS H		I.L. ARMSTRONG

171. CARR, William		25 	NY   		29th IA B

179. DICKINSON, James   	36 	VA    		2nd AR K

193. COLTER, George     	34 	IRE   		2nd KS H		W.D. COPPS

195. GWINN,B.L.	   		19 	MO   		15th KS K		A.S. GWINN

203. FOSTER,J.W.	   	16 	PA   		15th KS B		Jas. FOSTER

209. PAGE, Joshua	   	19 	IL   		16th KS B		John PAGE

211. WILLIAMS,B.W.		35 	IN   		13th KS A

     FROMTIN, Theodore  	25 	NY   		13th KS A		B.W. WILLIAMS

216. ANDERSON, Isaac		26 	TN   		13th KS F		A.B. ANDERSON

219. FLETCHER, John		21 	MO   		13th KS H		Geo. FLETCHER

232. LINQUIST, William  	35 	SWD  		13th KS H

233. COWLEY, Charles		27 	ENG  		13th KS H		Chas. COWLEY

235. ABSHER, Alexander  	24 	VA   		13th KS H		I.F. MARTINDALE

240. HAUBER, William		27 	IN   		35th MO I		F. HAUBER

250. JELLISON, Robert   	18 	IL   		13th KS I		Jerome ARCHER

252. SIMMONS, Charles E 	20 	NY   		13th KS H		Miles SIMMONS

253. BETTY, Jas.	   	28 	IN   		14th IL A		Lydia BETTY

255. SMITH, Henry	   	19 	IL   		13th KS H		Robt. SMITH

256. QUAFE, Stephen		34 	NY   		13th KS H

257. RUSH,M.P.			22 	IN   		11th KS F		Geo. RUSH

258. ROGERS, James		32 	IL   		11th KS F		Henry JOHNSON

267. DICKINSON, Patton  	28 	VA    		2nd AR K		John DICKINSON

273. KLAPPA, Justice		22 	HES  		64th IL G		Justice KLAPPA, Sr?

281. QUIGLEY,M.A.	   	20 	OH   		14th KS H		John QUIGLEY

282. CHASE,J.M.	   		31 	IN   		39th IA A

283. CARNS,I.M.	   		32 	TN   		13th KS H

284. WILSON,R.S.	   	20 	MO   		14th KS H		Rich'd COURTON

291. CHASE, Thurston		30 	IN   		13th KS H

292. CHIEL, Harry	   	30 	ENG  		13th KS H

303. SAWYAZE, David		33 	OH   		13th KS H		Sam'l SAWYAZE

Walnut twp

  5. SPEER, Albert		29 	OH    		7th KS A		Sam'l SPEER

 15. MARSHALL, Abraham  	54 	OH   		13th KS H

		 , John     	29 	IN   		13th KS H		Abe. MARSHALL

 17. SEVIER, Francis		22 	IL   		13th KS I		Mary SEVIER

 20. GASTON, Robert		29 	PA    		7th KS A		Edw. MILES

	     ,John	   	23 	PA    		8th KS			"	

 25. NICHOLS, Harvey    	30 	NY    		7th KS A

 28. FOSTER, Alexander  	28 	OH    		7th KS C		Wm. FOSTER

 	     , Burris		22 	OH    		7th KS C		"	

 31. TAYLOR, Hugh*		19 	TN  		?4th KS/US Colored 	Wyatt TAYLOR		*black

 33. CAREE, John E.		35 	PA   		23rd MO F

 39. BANUM, Thomas F.   	22 	VT   		13th KS I		Lewis BANUM

 52. GROVER, Eli A.		22 	ME   		88th IL D		Jermiah GROVER

 63. DEAN, Joseph	   	37 	KY   		43rd MO D

 71. SWAIN, Isaac	   	21 	IL    		7th KS A		Eliz'th SWAIN

 75. SMITH, Amos R.		15 	ME   		13th KS B		Roger P. SMITH

 78. STNMBO, Charles D. 	22 	OH   		16th KS			James STNMBO

 82. STAMS, William H. 		24 	IN   		14th KS H		James STAMS

	    , James F.		22 	IN    		8th KS D		"	

	    , Milton J.   	19 	IA	 	16th KS			"	

 84. HENDRICKS, Lewis   	23 	MO   		78th IL D		John HENDRICKS

 95. CURTIS, Randall E. 	17 	OH    		7th KS C		Alonzo CURTIS

100. SWEETLAND, Berry   	19 	WS   		14th KS F		Isaac SWEETLAND

102. VASSER, Eli	   	18 	IA   		16th KS E 		Wm. VASSER

111. BAKER, Daniel		22 	IN   		56th US Colored D

118. HATFIELD, Peter		21 	IL   		13th KS I		Shadrack HATFIELD

124. WYATT, Joseph      	21 	IL   		13th KS G		Geo. WYATT

Lochman twp

127. OWEN, Daniel	   	20 	IL   		13th KS I		A----- OWEN

168. LYNN, Francis M.   	25 	MO   		15th KS E		Wm. W. LYNN

169. MYERS, Jacob	   	22 	PA   		15th KS E		Austin MYERS

174. LUICK, Ferdinand   	22 	**    		5th KS L		Daniel LUICK		** Schoenenwerde [GER]

178. COLLIE, James		27 	SCT  		10th KS D		Dan'l H. SUTHERLAND

	     , William		21 	IL   		11th KS B		"	

182. TRAVIS, George W.  	19 	VA   		16th KS M		Isiah TRAVIS

     CAMPBELL, John H.  	22 	IN   		11th KS B		"	

185. WILLIAMS, John W.  	21 	IN   		11th KS B		Nemiah WILLIAMS

		 , Abe. T.  	18 	IN   		16th KS H		"	

	Butler County

Cherokee twp

[1]1. VAUGHT,M.	   		31 	IL   		11th KS G 		???

 " 4. HARRISON, C.S.		22 	IL   		11th KS M		Wm. HARRISON

		  , Frank   	19 	IL   		11th KS M		"	

[3]4. COWLEY, William R 	18 	IN    		9th KS D		Nancy COWLEY

[6]5. LEWELLEN, William 	34 	VA    		2nd KS I		D. LEWELLEN

[7]2. LAMDEN,I.T.	   	24 	IN   		11th KS C		J.C. LAMDEN

 " 4. THOMAS, James 		30 	IN   		11th KS C		H. THOMAS

		, Lewis		24 	IN    		9th KS G

 " 6. McCABE, D.L.		34 	OH    		9th KS I

[# in parenthesis is microfilm pg.]

	Chase County

Diamond twp

[1]-. HIGIVER,A.	   	27 	PRU   		9th KS B		M. HIGIVER

 		 ,H.	   	21 	WS	  	9th KS B		"	

 " -. DART,A.			30 	WCA   		2nd NY H		J. BALCH

      BLACH,H.			35 	NY  		105th IN B		"	

[2]-. PRINGLE,W.	   	30 	IN    		9th KS M		Geo. OSMER

 " -. OSMER,W.			30 	unk   		2nd KS			Wm. MAXWELL

 " -. HARTLEY,J.	   	37 	IN   		15th KS H

[4]-. FINK,C.			35 	PRU   		9th KS M

Falls twp

[7]-. BUCHANAN,A.	   	17 	OH    		6th KS R?		S. BUCHANAN

[9]-. HINKLEY,E.	   	19 	OH    		2nd KS F		A.D. HINKLEY

Cottonwood twp

[17]-. HOUSTON,W.L.		30 	TN    		2nd KS K		G.B. HOUSTON

		  ,J.L.		26 	TN    		9th KS M		"	

		  ,R.L.		24 	TN	  	2nd KS K		"	

[18]-. WIMM,J.			40 	OH   		15TH KS H

Toledo twp.

[24]-. JAMES,A.H.	   	23 	TN  		124th IN B		F.M. JAMES

	[# in parenthesis is microfilm pg.

	house visits were not numbered]

Bazaar twp

  3. BRANDLY, H.	   	25 	unk   		9th KS B		John ROGLAR

		, A.	   	27 	unk  		11th KS C		"	

 17. DUNLAP, H.			39 	VA    		2nd KS B

 18. BROWN, Jas. 	   	28 	PA    		2nd KS D		Lot LEAMAN

 20. SHARP, A.S.	   	24 	TN    		9th KS D		E.A. SHARP

 21. SHARP, C.E.	   	21 	TN    		9th KS D		N. SHARP

	    , G.H.	   	27 	TN    		unknown			"	

22. LEANAN, I.F.R.		30 	PA    		unknown			Geo. YEAGN ?

	    , G.M.L.		33 	PA    		2nd KS D		"	

26. NORTON, John	   	24 	OH    		9th KS J		Mrs. E. NORTON

	    , T.		22 	IN    		9th KS J		"	

	Clay County

[no twp listed]

247. YOUNKIN, Moses		35 	PA   		11th KS S?

254. SACK, William		31 	ENG  		11th KS S?

255. SIMPSON, James H.  	43 	KY	 	11th KS S?

	      , John W.   	21 	IN    		9th KS A		James SIMPSON

272. ALLEN, Samuel		27 	IN   		11th KS G

273. SHEPPARD, William P 	19 	VA  		11th KS F		James SHEPPARD

		 , Josiah   	17 	OH   		16th KS K		"	

274. ECKARD, Enoch		21 	OH   		51st MO D		S.R. MILLER

277. FINNEY, Chancey W. 	40 	OH   		11th KS S?

	     , Franklin   	19 	OH   		11th KS S?		Chancey FINNEY

281. RYAN,H.W.			22 	IN   		11th KS G		J.R. RYAN

house	soldier, 		age, 	place,		Reg;Co    		head of    		"special 

visit #		         		of birth	       			household   		notations"


Coffey County

Avon twp.

 12. PORTER, John	   	28 	IN    		9th KS C		Caleb BUTLER

 13. BURR,H.N.			19 	OH   		13th KS F		H.A. BURR

 17. McNAUGHTON, James  	26 	NY   		2nd Colorado C 		Wm. McNAUGHTON

 19. McKENNY, J.W.		20 	MO    		9th KS C		John McKENNY

		,Howell		18 	AR    		9th KS C		"	

 27. HARRINGTON,S.R.   		27 	NY    		5th KS K		Levi HEDDEN  		"Capt" 

 32. STILLION, Moses		34 	OH   		15th KS J		Mary A. HOLLAND

 33. GIBSON, John	   	28 	IRE  		12th KS F		Sam'l GIBSON

 63. NEWMAN, S.P.	   	22 	IL   		15th KS J		James NEWMAN

	     ,George T.  	18 	IL   		12th KS F		"	

 66. BALLARD, T.H.		21 	IL    		2nd KS A		C.W. BALLARD

		, J.D.		19 	IL    		2nd KS A		"	

 77. BETHARD, J.	   	28 	OH    		1st IA?

 80. PRICE, George J.   	24 	ENG  		12th KS F		Geo. PRICE

 88. TAMBLIN,G.H.	   	20 	NY    		5th KS L		S.C. JENKINS

 97. KEMBURE, Martin		17 	BAD   		9th KS H		J.F.A. WINKLEMAN

101. MOSIER, John	   	27 	MO   		14th KS J		John W. WOOLSEY

	     ,Isaac	   	20 	MO   		14th KS J		"	

102. SMITH, Solomon		46 	VA   		15th KS J

111. WEBBER, G.E., Jr.		26 	AR    		9th KS H		G.E. WEBBER

Burlington twp

 10. WATROUS, A.C.		28 	OH    		3rd IA F		N.W. WATROUS

		, John		21 	WS    		5th KS L		"	

		, I.N.		18 	WS	  	5th KS L		"	

 13. McALLEITN, W.F.		25 	PA    		9th KS A   		J.M. MANSON 		"Physician"

 20. HICKOX, Samuel		20 	PA   		"Blair's Baty" 		Wm. H. HICKOX

?22. VINCE, Eugene		17 	PA    		9th KS C		A.N. VANCE

 26. ARCHER, J.P.	   	26 	IN    		6th KS A		F.S. ARCHER

 33. STANLY, J.C.	   	22 	IA    		9th KS F    		Augustine HOLLAND

     MOFFETT, J.N.		22 	IN    		9th KS F		"	

 37. MAJORS, Thomas		41 	TN    		15th KS E

 47. WARD, J.D.			21 	IN     		9th KS D		Wm. WARD

	   , B.B.		22 	IN     		9th KS D		"	

 51. HEFFERON, John		29 	NVS  		"Govt. Wagon Master" 	Mik'l HEFFRON

 65. RYAN, Solomon      	21 	NBR    		8th KS G		Henry RYAN

 82. WARD, L.W.			17 	IA     		9th KS C		Hardy WARD

     CROPWHITE, T.P.		22 	MO    		15th KS W		"	

California twp

108. KENNEDY, Henry		24 	IN    		12th KS F		Jesse KENNEDY

		, William   	23 	IN    		12th KS F		"	

		, D.	   	22 	IN	  	12th KS F		"	

109. HOOVER, David N.   	28 	KY    		12th KS F		James WILSON

113. DOOLEY, William		40 	KY    		12th KS F


118. LANE, J.M.			17 	IN    		12th KS F		T.M. LANE

119. BEAR, William H.   	25 	IN    		12th MO B

122. HOOVER, David		25 	IN    		12th KS F		Susan HOOVER

125. BALES, S.H.	    	32 	unk   		12th KS F

155. MAYLSOVETH, J.H.   	21 	IN    		15th KS L		Leonard MARSH

160. STANFIELD, Wm. F.  	20 	IN    		12th KS F		Elijah STANFIELD

163. STUMP, William H.  	35 	KY    		12th KS F		Geo. STUMP

     McCULOUGH, J.H.		32 	IN    		12th KS F		"	

173. OGBORN, Edwin		33 	ME?   		12th KS F

Leroy twp.

 12. HICKEY, William M. 	21 	OH     		2nd KS C		Chancy HICKEY

 26. SIMS, James W.		17 	IN     		9th KS C		I.T. DUTCHER

 27. CRATWRIGHT, W.W.   	34 	GA    		12th KS F		D.K. DAVIS

 30. SOUTHARD, C.C.		21 	IN    		9th KS L		R.B. SOUTHARD

 34. MILLER, Delose		28 	NY	  	5th KS G		I.W. MAKINSON

 35. TROXELL, Mathew		43 	NY    		2nd KS C

 36. QUIGGLES, John		22 	PA   		12th KS F		Amy QUIGGLES

 63. VICKERY, Elias		21 	IA   		12th KS F

     TUIS, George	   	29 	NJ   		12th KS F		Elias VICKERY

     HIGH, William		21 	IN   		12th KS F		"	

	   , C.T.		17 	IN   		25th MO C		"	

 66. EVANS, C.V.	   	21 	IN    		9th KS H		John EVANS

 75. SUTTON, D.L.	   	28 	OH   		12th KS F		D.W. SUTTON

 76. WHEAT, C.W.	   	23 	VA    		9th KS C		Benoni WHEAT

	    , S.H.	   	22 	VA   		14th KS C		"	

 83. CHESS, John        	41 	PA   		"Adj. ----- soldier"

 85. KINKAD?, J.B.		22 	IL   		47th IL			Hannah HAYS  ?[KINCAID]

 88. CEASER, Wm.[Bill]* 	25 	CKE  		2nd KS Colored 		Jesse YARDY  		*black

108. DENNY,L.			20 	IN   		12th KS F		Stephen BURUP

	    , Elisha		22 	IN    		7th KS K		"	

	    , Charles     	22 	NY					"	  		"IL. Vetran"

	    , Thomas		20 	NY    		7th MO			"	

129. McWILLIAMS, David  	25 	OH    		9th KS D		Wallace McWILLIAMS

136. MOORE, S.W.	   	25 	IN   		10th KS B		Wm. MOORE

Neosho twp

  5. THOMAS,W.N.	   	20 	PA  		114th IL B		Ann THOMAS

 18. CONNER, Robert*    	20 	CKE  		1st KS Colored 		Thos. CONNER 		*black

 25. WOODWORTH, Elias   	41 	OH   		12th KS F

 27. NELSON, D.N.	   	32 	PA   		12th KS F

 34. MORRIS, A.S.	   	22 	MO    		9th KS C		Wilson MORRIS

	     , I.M.	   	27 	MO    		9th KS C		"	

 41. HALE, Samuel	   	31 	IN   		12th KS F		Ianb? HALE

	   , G.W.		18 	IN   		16th KS J		"	

 50. PECK, Theodore		20 	MI    		9th KS C		Orson PECK

 73. MORIGAND, I.P.		53 	FRA   		7th KS J

 78. TRITT, Clark	   	39 	VA   		12th KS

     DEWITT, Lewis		32 	OH    		5th KS H		Clark TRITT

 79. CRATTY, Hugh	   	26 	OH   		16th KS J

Ottumwa twp

  4. MARTINDALE,A.		26 	IN   		12th KS F		Wm. MARTINDALE

 		   ,Levi   	23 	IN   		12th KS F		"	

 33. DARNALL,A.J.	   	21 	IL    		2nd KS I		J.K. DARNALL

 34. JENKS, Louelm		21 	OH   		12th KS F		J. JENKS

	    , J.		19 	OH   		12th KS F		"	

 42. McGINNES, J.A.		29 	IN   		79th UD Cav D

 50. RICE,C.M.			21 	KY   		14th KS F		M.A. TAYLOR

  3. ROBERTS, Solomon   	25 	IN   		12th KS F		Tim. ROBERTS

		, William   	23 	IN   		12th KS F		"	

		, Michael   	20 	IN    		9th KS E			"	

  5. TOMLINSON, Charles 	30 	NY   		15th KS E		Wm. GARRETT

  8. WILLIAMS,J.V.		38 	NC   		12th KS F

 22. MERREL, Isaac*		21 	CKE  		2nd KS Colored E 	Joshua WILLIAMS		*black

 51. GILLETT, Edward		28 	CT   		47th IL H		Lemuel WARNER

 53. MARTINDALE, Rana   	40 	OH   		12th KS F

 54. COCKRANE,C.	   	33 	MA   		12th KS F

 59. McDOWNED, George   	22 	MI   		54th US Cav R 		Jesse OSBURN

 69. JONES, J.F.	    	34 	PA   		12th KS F

 71. SMITH, William K.  	30 	IN   		16th KS F

 76. HARLAN, S.H.	   	24 	IN   		99th IN B		Hiram HARLAN

 80. PARTRIGE, J.N.		24 	IN   		12th KS F		E.M. PARTRIGE

 81. SMITH, James	   	41 	IN   		12th KS F

 83. BELL,G.W.S.	   	34 	IL   		12th KS F

 89. STUBBLEFIELD, Wm.F 	20 	IN    		2nd KS E		?    

		    , J.K.P.	19 	IN   		12th KS E		"	

 95. JACKSON, A.J.		21 	TN    		1st KS H		Andrew JACKSON

 96. GODARD, R.P.	   	31 	TN   		1st AR Cav F  		Martha GODARD

Pottawatomie twp

101. CURRY, William F.  	24 	IN   		14th KS J

Gold Bar

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:42:49

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