Some names appear more than one time in the same listing. The entry following the name indicate how many times the name appears, and are a link to the extractions.
Since the names are not in alphabetical order in the listing, you will probably want to use your browser's "find" command to locate the surname on the web page.
Agen, Michael U.S.V.V.
Altah, John Regular
Andrews, Charles F. U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Ashbaugh, John M. U.S.V.V.
Badger, John C. U.S.V.V.
Baker, Henry W. Regular
Baker, Peter Regular
Ball, James U.S.V.V.
Barnes, William C. U.S.V.V.
Barr, Ninian Regular
Bartlett, Charles N. U.S.V.V.
Bell, John Regular
Bennett, John J. Regular
Bennett, Richard B. U.S.V.V.
Benton, George Regular
Birmingham, Michael Regular
Blake, George W. Regular
Bonaparte, Napoleon 18
Bowman, Robert Regular
Boyles, Wesley U.S.V.V.
Bradbury, Benjamin W. U.S.V.V.
Bragg, Adam 18
Braxten, Jerry 18
Brewer, John S. U.S.V.V.
Brittingham, Jackson U.S.V.V.
Brown, Clem 18
Brown, James Regular
Brown, Leander U.S.V.V.
Bryan, Henry U.S.V.V.
Cailen, William U.S.V.V.
Calhoun, Edmond 18
Carlton, Simon B. Regular
Carter, Thomas B. U.S.V.V.
Clark, William Regular
Clay, William 18, 18
Cochrane, Charles H. Regular
Coffrin, Homer U.S.V.V.
Collins, James Regular
Conway, Elias 18, 18
Conway, Robert U.S.V.V.
Cook, John U.S.V.V.
Copeland, Thomas J. U.S.V.V.
Coryell, Abner B. U.S.V.V.
Costello, William Regular
Cousland, Joseph Regular
Cox, William U.S.V.V.
Crawford, James W. U.S.V.V.
Crockett, David 18
Crockett, Thomas 18
Crowley, John Regular
Cunningham, Dennis U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Curran, Hugh Regular
Daily, John Regular
Davis, Garrett 18
Dewes, Elisha U.S.V.V.
Dickinson, James K. Misc.
Dine, William A. Misc.
Dixon, James P. Misc.
Doane, James G. U.S.V.V.
Doctor, John U.S.V.V.
Donaldson, John M. U.S.V.V.
Dorley, Alexander U.S.V.V.
Dow, William 18, 18
Drought, Edward S. W. U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Eberhard, Herman U.S.V.V.
Edmonds, Samuel 18, 18
Enright, Morris Regular
Erley, Buford 18
Everts, Nathan 18, 18
Everts, Samuel 18
Fitzgerald, Michael U.S.V.V.
Foley, Morris U.S.V.V.
Fossett, Richard 18
Franklin, Stephen 18
Franklin, William Regular
Frisbie, Julian U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Fritzgerald, Horace 18
Fritzland, Horace 18, 18
Fritzland, Robert 18, 18, 18
Gardin, Jules U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Garsting, George U.S.V.V.
Gavin, Stephen Regular
Gibbs, Lucas 18
Glaason, Martin Regular
Gluck, Frederick U.S.V.V.
Gordon, Napoleon B. Regular
Graham, Joseph Regular
Grant, Lewis J. U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Grennell, James D. Regular
Grice, Henry R. U.S.V.V.
Griggs, William 18, 18
Haggarty, Thomas Regular
Hall, Thomas 18
Hanmer, Charles Regular
Hardshell, George W 18
Harris, Robert 18
Harrod, John Regular
Hart, Abram D. Regular
Hawkins, Rolland 18
Haynes, Simeon U.S.V.V.
Herlihy, Michael Regular
Hess, George V.R.C.
Hewitt, George W. Regular
Hilderbrandt, Henry P. U.S.V.V.
Hilderbrant, Henry P. U.S.V.V.
Hill, Thomas Regular
Holman, August Regular
Holms, Frank 18
Hooper, Edward 18
Hume, Charles U.S.V.V.
Hunter, James A. U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Hurlbert, Perry 18
Isom, Governor 18
Jackson, Harry 18, 18, 18
Jerrell, Alfred H. U.S.V.V.
Johnson, Allen U.S.V.V.
Johnson, Mac 18
Johnson, Nelson M. U.S.V.V.
Jones, John S. U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Jones, Nathan 18
Kenton, William F. U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Kinter, Benjamin F. U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Kirby, Thomas U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Koernbeck, Maurice Regular
Lambright, John Regular
Lanere, John Regular
Lantz, John U.S.V.V.
Lee, Gabriel F. Regular
Lee, Nathaniel E. U.S.V.V.
Lee, Philip 18
Leonard, William L. U.S.V.V.
Lewis, Charles 18, U.S.V.V.
Lewis, David 18
Lewis, Samuel 18
Lilland, George 18
Lond, Edmund 18
Lone, Harry H. 18, 18
Lone, Henry H. 18
Long, Eli U.S.V.V.
Looman, Richard U.S.V.V.
Loyd, George A. U.S.V.V.
Mack, George U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Maguire, Richard U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Marion, Thomas Misc.
Martin, John N. U.S.V.V.
McCarty, Joseph U.S.V.V.
McDonough, Frederick Regular
McGowan, William Regular
McLaughlin, Thomas Regular
Miller, Fritz U.S.V.V.
Miller, Martin Regular
Moore, Bradford 18
Moore, Edmund 18
Moore, John 18
Moran, Martin Regular
Munth, William Regular
Murry, John Regular
Myers, Jerry 18
Myers, Jerry 18
Nelson, William H. 18, 18
Newton, George 18
Nolan, Michael U.S.V.V.
O'Neil, John U.S.V.V.
Orcutt, James D. U.S.V.V.
Osenbaugh, WIlliam U.S.V.V.
Packard, George W. U.S.V.V., U.S.V.V.
Palmer, Ernest U.S.V.V.
Patterson, Christopher 18
Payne, David L. U.S.V.V.
Pelger, Joseph Regular
Pipperkorn, Urban U.S.V.V.
Pomeroy, James M. U.S.V.V.
Price, George U.S.V.V.
Price, James 18
Quigley, James U.S.V.V.
Reilly, James Regular
Rennick, James 18
Rennick, Squire 18
Rickets, James 18
Riley, James Regular
Robinson, Thomas Z. Regular
Rogers, John 18
Roland, William F. Regular
Romine, Frank 18
Ross, Mitchell 18
Russell, Franklin 18
Russell, Moses 18
Ryan, Matthew Regular
Ryan, Solomon U.S.V.V.
Sachs, Henry U.S.V.V.
Scott, Hiram 18, 18
Scranton, Elnathan U.S.V.V.
Scully, Edward Regular
Sheley, Louis U.S.V.V.
Smith, Charles 18
Smith, George 18
Smith, John U.S.V.V.
Smith, Joseph M. W. U.S.V.V.
Smith, William Regular
Snyder, Benjamin Regular
Stephens, William 18, 18
Sullivan, John U.S.V.V.
Sutter, Ludwig U.S.V.V.
Swartwood, Jacob U.S.V.V.
Tarwater, Andy 18, 18
Tarwater, Thomas 18
Taylor, William 18, 18
Turner, Christopher 18
Vogler, Martin U.S.V.V.
Williams, Anderson 18
Williams, Charles Regular
Williams, James G. Regular
Williams, Lewis U.S.V.V.
Wilson, Jesse L. U.S.V.V.
Winney, Claudius U.S.V.V.
Winney, Claudius P. U.S.V.V.
Wright, George 18
Wymore, Martin U.S.V.V.
Young, Robert 18
Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, 1861-1865. Vol. 1. (Reprinted by Authority) Topeka, Kansas: The Kansas State Printing Company. 1896.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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