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The Colby Tribune
"Rexford Items"
(Gleanings from
The Colby Tribune)

Gold Bar


The following excerpts are from THE COLBY TRIBUNE for 1890. During this time, 
THE COLBY TRIBUNE begged for smaller communities to send news about their areas. 
There was not a lot of news from these smaller communities, but enough to be of 
great interest. Below are news items that pertained to Rexford, Thomas County, 
Kansas only. They have been transcribed to the best of my ability and quality 
of the copied microfilm that has preserved these words for over 100 years. 
You may find several surnames that appear mistyped. While I am not saying that 
these have been typed perfectly, I have checked several surnames and many 
appear to be the same but are spelled differently in the original type.

This is a true labor of love for the continual search of historical information. 
I hope you find what you are looking for. 

Graciously transcribed and contributed by Susan Henderson (DaveSu1611@cs.com) 23 October 1999

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February 27, 1890 (page 3)

Rexford continues to grow. Dr. Leslie Tilden of Oberlin, Kansas is building a store 
building and will put in a stock of drugs soon.
Our merchants are busy and their increasing trade speaks well for their enterprise.
The meetings at the schoolhouse are still in progress but are to close soon.
The school in district 14, Mr. D. L. Spitzer teacher, closes next Wednesday with a 
big dinner. A grand time is expected.
Mr. G. M. Baum who has been down the U. P. with his brother Frank in a telegraph 
office, is at home for a few days. He expects soon to have an office on that line.
There has been quite a large amount of wheat sown the past week during the open weather.
Mr. Isaac Flood has been canvassing this part of the county for the Fairbury, Nebr., 
nursery, and has taken a large number of orders for fruit, forest and ornamental trees. 
This is right, let every homesteader plant trees and thus help make our county 
blossom as the rose. Nothing will give so great a return for the money invested as 
the planting of trees. Why not organize an horticultural society and begin in a 
systematic way to learn the best varieties to plant and the best methods of planting 
and caring for the same.

~ signed Observer


March 13, 1890 (page 5)

More pleasant weather.
The plows and wheat drills will soon be moving again.
Mrs. G. M. Baum is on the sick list; a protracted case of LaGrippe.
Miss Alice Markham, we understand, is to preside over the Rexford school this spring.
Henry Houston came in from Chicago a few days ago. He expects to go to Colorado soon.
Mun Patterson, who is attending school in Colby, came out home Friday. He reports a 
good school and pleasant time.
J. W. McPherson's school over at Verner closed last Friday and he began Monday in 
district No 14, for a four months term.
Rev. Armstrong began a protracted meeting at the Verner schoolhouse last Monday 
evening. Thus the good work goes on.
The Rexford cemetery was surveyed last Friday and Saturday, and we understand there 
are funds enough to put a wire fence around it.
A. C. McPherson, brother of J. W., arrived last week from Republic county this state 
and the way he is laying up Thomas county soil in the form of a sod house, should 
judge he expects so stay here and grow up with the country. Let others do likewise 
as there is plenty of room for good energetic men with golden opportunities awaiting 
the hustler.

The ladies of North Randall, in their usual way betook themselves to the task of 
making a quilt, and on February 28th, 1890, invited Grandma Stewardson to a quilting. 
A goodly number of people gathered at the residence of W. A. Douglass, where, after 
a good dinner, Grandma Stewardson was informed that it was her 64th birthday and 
as a slight token of esteem she accept the quilt presented by the ladies. And to 
say all were happy is saying but little.


April 17, 1890 (page 1)

Prospect for rain.
Mrs. G. M. Baum is still on the sick list.
Wheat and oats coming up in good shape.
Miss Alice Markham is teaching the Rexford school.
Quite a large quantity of barley being sown in this vicinity.
Several have planted fruit trees, shrubs, evergreens, etc., and others are planting 
forest trees as wind breaks.
Ira Thompson's farm sports a new windmill, the "wind blow" of the 8th having 
destroyed his 12-foot wheel.
Mrs. Dr. Patterson was seriously hurt by being thrown from a buggy, to which there 
was hitched a pair of ponies.
Mrs. J. H. Williams is home again from Wisconsin, and John is happy to think he has 
someone to cook his flapjacks for him.
Gettus Hancock is back from his eastern trip, and his smiling countenance says full 
well, Thomas county is good enough for me.
The teacher and pupils of Dist. No. 14, observed Arbor Day in the afternoon, and 
set out quite a number of "poplar cuttings," and ably assisted by Mrs. I.E. Gilbert 
and Mrs. J. W. McPherson, the door, windows and floor were put through a course of 
scrubbing that made an appreciable difference in the appearance of the teacher's quarters.


May 1, 1890 (page 1)

Fine growing weather since the rain of the past week.
Foster & Sons are improving their yard here by erecting an office for the use of 
Mr. Pratt, their salesman.
Mrs. LaPort of Chicago, mother of Mrs. G. M. Baum, is at the bedside of her daughter, 
who has been sick for some time.
Small grain doing well and some fields of winter wheat that were damaged by the 
heavy wind of the 8th, are improving very much.
Mrs. H. G. Patterson, who was so seriously hurt by being thrown from her buggy, we 
are glad to say is much better, with prospects of a speedy recovery.
The planting of tree claims has been the order of the day, and among those who 
have set their five or ten acres are Messrs. Drew, Baum, Rall and Hunter.
Quite a number of farmers are busy turning sod, while others are fixing congressional 
matters. E. J. Turner seems to lead all other candidates in this vicinity.
The cherry and plumb trees are in blossom, and the click of the corn planter may be 
heard as it goes about helping to sell the surplus of Thomas county's corn crop.
Rexford has a new blacksmith shop, ably presided over by Byron Ward, formerly of 
Gem. Also a new dray run by Mr. Havres. We now need a 'bus to carry passengers to 
and from the hotel, then we will not need street cars for a few days. 
We also have a shoemaker, a first class workman, being here the last three days 
of each week.


June 12, 1890 (page 8)

Considerable millet is being sown.
Mr. Pratt is building a residence in Rexford.
Corn looks unusually fine for the season of year.
The potatoes are growing fast and promise a large yield.
Some have plowed up part of their wheat and planted to corn.
J.H. Williams and family went fishing the fore part of the week.
Dry weather is the principle topic of conversation in this vicinity.
Messrs. Harper, Ward, and Parker started for Colorado last Monday.
Small grain prospects are not so flattering as two weeks ago, but with rain in a few 
days there would be considerable rye, wheat, and barley harvested.
Saturday last in Rexford the lovers of the turf were treated to the pleasure of a 
horse race after which the ball club played quite an interesting game of ball.
Charles Smith smiles from "ear to ear" since the 5th inst. Cause twin boys at his 
house. They are or will be republicans and vote the straight ticket in 1912.
There will be a Union School Picnic at Rexford, Friday June 27th, 1890. All schools 
in the vicinity of Rexford are invited to attend and the programme will be reported 
in due time.


July 3, 1890 (page 8)

Harvest has began in earnest.
Nice rain Sat. afternoon and again at night, some hail but no serious damage done.
Joe Alcott was in town last Friday unloading a car of headers. He has sold quite a 
number about here.
G. N. Hunter talks of closing out his stock of goods in next month to go to the mountains.
The schools in district No's 9, 14, and 88, closed last Friday, with a picnic at 
Rexford, and parts of District No's 10, and 40, participating in the exercises 
which consisted of Recitations, Dialogues, Songs, Declamations etc. The programme 
was quite long and well rendered. All present expressed themselves as well pleased 
with the exercises of the day. The children especially enjoyed the exercises, and 
no doubt will remember the day when many other are forgotten. Among the guests 
from abroad we were glad to see Sup't Sullivan and Prof. McDougal of Colby, 
Prof. Griffith of Oakley, and C. E. Kalb of the Cat, and others. After the 
exercises, Profs. McDougal, Griffeths and Sullivan gave short address words of 
encouragement to pupils, teachers and patrons. It should not be forgotten that 
Gov. Sullivan has a nack of hiding away chicken and cake that is immense and 
Prof. McDougal is a good second.
Next Friday is the glorious 4th, and Rexford proposes to do herself proud. 
A grand celebration is anticipated every body invited.


July 10, 1890 (page 1)

Independence day was observed by the people of Rexford and surrounding country in a 
patriotic manner. At an early hour a salute was fired from 43 guns, which was 
the first thing to remind the early risers that the glorious Fourth had dawned. 
By ten o'clock the town was crowded with people among whom were many from the 
surrounding counties of Rawlins, Sheridan and Decatur. The exercises opened at 
11 o'clock with martial music by the Rexford glee club. Prayer was offered by 
Rev. W. W. Armstrong, after which the Rexford Sanger Bund favored the crowd with 
a number of fine songs. Prof. J. W. McPherson read the declaration of independence 
in an able manner. The orator of the day, J. A. Gill, was introduced and those who 
heard his remarks speak very highly of his eloquence and the character of his 
speech generally. To the soldiers of the late war he payed the highest tribute. 
To the women of Thomas county he had only words of praise and encouragement for 
helping to maintain the home under so many existing difficulties. Mr. Gill made 
many friends in that audience by his eloquent speech.
Racing of various kinds was indulged in during the afternoon. 
In the evening a grand display of fireworks was an interesting sight to the spectators; 
and a dance in the evening on the platform erected for the purpose, was enjoyed by a 
large number of young people.
Not an accident of any kind marred the pleasures of the day and the Rexford people 
may well feel proud of this, the first Fourth of July celebration ever had in the town.


July 24, 1890 (page 8)

Now is the time to sow turnips.
Weather more pleasant since the rain.
Mr. I.E. Gilbert lost a valuable mare last week from colic.
W.L. Williams is buying wheat for D. D. Spaid of Colby.
Several teachers from near Rexford intend to attend the Normal Institute.
Mrs. Isaac Flood of your city, is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Lutgen.
Messrs Musser, Barrett, Talleys and Shaffer, started to Colorado last week for 
work and pleasure. Others follow soon.
During the rain of last week lightning burned a stack of wheat for Mr. Steven Murphy. 
Loss estimated at one hundred bushels.
The smiling face of J. H. Williams may be seen at the Rexford drug store, where 
he is ready to wait on customers, while the Messrs Tildens go west, probably to the coast.
Harvest is nearly completed, and wheat in the stack. The threshers have began 
work and the yield will be very light, and the quality not so good as last year.
Corn looks exceedingly well considering the season and the rain of last week 
gave it such a start that with a couple more such rains, there will be quite a 
yield of corn in this part of Thomas county.
Mr. R. W. Connely has just finished sowing some cane and millet, and others are 
trying the experiment. The growing millet looks fine and promises a good yield.

~ signed Correspondent


August 7, 1890 (page 8)

Many sowing turnips.
Splendid rain Tuesday night.
Farmers correspondingly happy.
The wind blew Geo. Fitzsimons windmill over; broke it up some.
Last Tuesday evening the neighbors and friends of Jake Gilbert collected at 
his residence and proceeded to spread a large table from their well filled 
baskets and 74 persons enjoyed a big feast, the occasion being a farewell reception 
to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, before their departure for Colorado, where they go to 
seek their fortune after five years of homesteading in Thomas County. Before the 
party adjourned Mr. G. M. Baum, in behalf of Mr. Gilbert, presented Mrs. Williams 
his family horse and chaise in a neat little speech. After which Mrs. Williams was 
conducted to the cart by committee of two ladies amid the cheers of the crowd was 
driven about the yard.

~ signed Rexford


September 4, 1890 (page 8)

Plenty of rain - farmers sowing wheat.
Miss Baum is here again after quite a visit east.
John Emahizer, of Oberlin, was in town last week.
Messrs Batt and Thompson go to Denver next Thursday.
Plows are busy preparing the ground for fall wheat and rye.
Mr. B. Gurwell, of Gem, was in town the fore part of last week.
John Frazer had the misfortune of loosing a fine young horse last week.
Mr. Compston has taken charge of the hotel; Mr. Vance having removed.
W. L. Williams is in Denver for the good of his health and wealth.
Mr. S. Hancock, of Republic county, was here the fore part of last week looking 
after his cattle interests here.
Mr. Crawford, of Grinnell, Kas, shipped a car of stock hogs to St. Joe from 
this station last Tuesday.
Since normal closed we see several of our school marms are with us again, and 
the boys have regained their "normal" good looks.
J. W. Gilbert and family departed for California last week. His brother Ed 
accompanied him. They will be gone but a short time.
G. N. Hunter has sold his stock of general merchandise to the firm of Markham 
and Ford, who will continue the business at the old stand.
On last Friday this place was visited by a young cyclone and cloud burst. 
The large store house of Hancock & Co was badly wrecked and the goods damaged somewhat. 
There were several other buildings blown to pieces and the storeroom of 
Tilden Bros. was moved from its foundation, the tin roofing torn from Foster 
Lumber Co's store building, a box car turned over. At the time the Hancock & Co. 
building went down there were seven persons in the building, one man, three ladies 
and three children, all standing near the front door. 
All escaped injury except Mrs. Cunningham of Missouri and an infant, who were 
on their way to Mr. Mankress' for a visit and seeing the cloud, took shelter 
in the building. She sustained injuries about the head. Dr. Martin, of Colby was 
telegraphed and come on the afternoon train; he dressed the wounds, and Monday 
the lady was dong quite well.

~ signed Rexford


September 18, 1890 (page 8)

I. A. Foster was in town the fore part of last week.
Everybody pleased with the action of the state convention.
Miss Alice Markham began her school Monday in district No. 48.
V. C. Nichols shipped a car of hogs from this place last Tuesday.
G. N. Hunter is actually gone - his family went with him to Iowa.
School began Monday, 33 pupils enrolled, with J. W. McPherson to wield the rod.
Joe Alcott and Cap Hamilton were in town fixing the roof of the Foster building.
W. H. Markham has removed the P.O. into his store room. Quite an improvement.
Chas Lauer was here Friday and bought the stock of goods formerly belonging to 
Hancock & Co.
Ezron Miller, once of Sheridan county's best farmers shipped a car of stock 
and implements from this place to Iowa Wednesday morning.
Messrs. Havice, Emahyer, Harper, Williams, French and McPherson were in your 
city Thursday.

~ Rexford

Gold Bar

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