Name and Business Index L-Z
Lane, Ralph
Lang, Carl
Langvart, C.
Lapham, Clark
Lapham, W.H.
Lemon, A.L.
Leonard, -
Lines, C.B.
Lines, C.R.
Lines, E D.C.
Lines, E.C.D.
Lines, E.J.
Linss, E.T.
Little, -
Little, 0.W.
Little, Dick
Little, E.
Little, Joseph
Little, O.W.
Little, W.H.
Loofe, -
Loveland, Bert G.
Lumber Yards
Lutz, Fred
Lutz, Henry
M.E. Church
M.L. Hull & Son
Mabie, Hiram
Mace Bros.
Mahan, -
Mahan, Wm.
Mails, J.J.
Mann, Edward
Maple Hill Manufacturing Co.
Maple Hill Mercantile Co.
Maple Hill State Bank
Marshall, C.D.
Martin, Geo.W.
Martin, J.E.
Martin, W.G.
Mason, -
Matheny, Atwood
Matheny, James
Maxbrink, -
May, Jas.S.
Maynard, -
McCormick, A.T.
McCormick, J.M.
McCoy, A.D.
McCoy, F.L.
McCoy, Isaac
McCrumb, L.J.
McFarland Lumber Co.
McFarland, J.N.
McLain, A.P.
McMahan, J.H.
McNair, John
McNary, W.G.
Means, W.G.
Mears, Anna
Meier, G.H.
Melrose, W.H.
Menard, -
Mercantile Meat Market
Merideth Hotel
Meryor, August
Meseke, A.H.
Meseke, Caroline
Meseke, Herman
Meseke, Lillian E.
Meseke, W.C.A.
Messenber, -
Meter, G.H.
Metzer, -
Metzger, Frank
Metzger, J.
Meyer Bros.
Meyer Building
Meyer, A.A.
Meyers & Gee
Meyers, J. H.
Mid-Kansas Milling Co.
Mielke, C.H.
Miller & Son
Miller, Albert F.
Mills, W.H.
Millspaugh, F.R.
Milner, J.B.
Milner, Mary Emma
Mitchell, William
Mitchell, Wm.
Mitchell, Wm.G.
Mock, John
Moettcher, -
Montgomerty, Paul Milner
Montgomery, Frank C.
Montgomery, Franklin Terence
Montgomery, Mary Emma
Montgomery, William Penn
Moreland, C.C.
Moreland, J.R.
Moses, Roland
Mossman, L.J.
Mossman, S.L.
Motz, Elmer
Mouer, George
Muckentahler Hardware Co.
Muckentahler, Martin
Mudge Mercantile Co
Mueller, Conrad
Mungerson, Chris.
Nash, C.G.
Naylor, John W.
Nehring, Sebast.
Nehring, Sebastian
Nelson, Barndt
Nesbit, J.
Nesbit, J.H.
Noller & Theel
Noller, F.C.
Nutlmann, J. H.
Obrecht, M.Maud
Obrecht, R.C.
Oehms & Palenske
Oetinger Lumber Co.
Oetinger Lumber Yards
Oetinger, -
Oetinger, Lumber Co.
Oetinger, Wm.
Olney Music Co.
Ormbee & Updegraff
Ormbee & Updegraff Mercantile Co.
Ormsbee, T.W.
Osage Grain and Elevator Co.
Paetke, L.E.
Palace Hotel
Palenske, Fred
Palenske, L.
Palenske, Louis
Palmer, -
Parker, L.A.
Parmiter & Son
Parmiter, Wm.
Parr, Elizabeth N.
Patterson, F.M.
Patting, Adolph
Pauly, Lorenzo
Paxico Lumber Co.
Paxico Milling Co.
Payne, Charles F.
Payne, Chas. F.
Peet, W.H.
Peneld, E.N.
People's State Bank, The
Peoples State Bank
Peters, J.P.
Phipps, J.C.
Pierce, -
Pinkerton, J.H.
Pinkerton, John
Pinkerton, P.C.
Pitman, -
Platt, Enoch
Platt, J.E.
Platt, L.H.
Platte, -
Pond, C.E.
Pond,, C.E.
Porter, B.C.
Pride, A. J.
Pries Store
Pringle, Andrew
Ramey, W.W.
Ray, M.L.
Redpath, James
Reed & Smith
Reed, A.M.
Reed, N.E.
Reed, Timothy
Reese, Amos
Remelee, -
Reuter, Fred
Reynard, A.H.
Rhodes, Maria
Rice, H.D.
Richardson & Fisher
Richardson, W. F.
Richardson, Wm.
Richey, W.E.
Ringel Bros.
Robertson Paint Co.
Robinson, Marshall & Co.
Robinson, Wm.
Root, J.P.
Root, L.H.
Ross, Charles
Ross, George
Ross, S.F.
Sage, -
Sage, Frank I.
Sage, Samuel
Salt Works, The
Sanford, -
Sanford, Ephraim H.
Santa Fe House
Sattell, -
Saylor, John
Schmidt, Henry
Schmidt, Frank
Schmitz, A. & P.
Schmitz, A.
Schmitz, Arthur
Schmitz, Henry
Schmitz, Oscar
Schmitz, P.
Schmitz, Paul
Schrauder, R.
Schroeder & Thoes' undertaking
Schroeder, L.W.
Schubert, C.
Schwanke, D.
Schwanke, W.E.
Schwartz, Martin
Scranton, D.F.
Seaman & Carrol
Security State Bank
Selden, H.M.
Sellers, A.
Sharer, Bartholomew
Sharer, Peter
Sharris, Peter
Shepp, J.L.
Shilling, James A.
Shroyer, S.
Shumate, E.L.
Siegrist, G.
Siliverthorne, C. R.
Silverthorne, C.R.
Simms, -
Simon, F.C.
Simon, Lillie E.
Sisters, Kelley
Slack, V.G.
Small, W.B.
Small, W.R.
Smith, A.J.
Smith, Dewey
Smith, Ephraim
Smith, Geo. H.
Smith, Grover Eugene
Smith, Herman
Smith, J.
Smith, J.N.
Smith, John
Smith, Joshua
Smith, Maria
Smith, R.S.
Smith, W.H.H.
Smith, Wm.
Smith, Wm.H.H.
Snodgrass, S.P.
Snyder, J.H.
Spaulding., N.N.
Spear, Daniel
Speer, S.J.
Spencer, J.W.
Spiecker, John
Star Barber Shop
Star Lumber Co.
Star Mercantile Co.
State Bank of Paxico
Steinmeyer, Fred
Steinmeyer, H.W.
Stephens, Frank
Stephenson, -
Stewart & Best
Stewart's meat market and ice-house
Stewart, David
Stewart, Davis
Stewart, Gilbert
Sticher, H.C.
Stitcher, C.H.
Stitcher, H.C.
Stockgrowers State Bank, The
Stotler, C.C.
Street, Benj.
Street, Benjamin
Street, E.D.
Strourg, Robert
Strourg, William
Studibaker, W.C.
Sturgis, G.P.
Sury, James
Sutherland, Geo.
Syring Bros.
Tabor, H.W.
Tabor, Horace W.
Taylor Bros.
Taylor, J.W.
Teas, L.L.
Teel, Ed
Terras, Henry
Terras, J.
Terras, Jacob
Terry, R.G.
Thayer, A.F.
The Eskridge Star
Thluseca, Eme Eman
Thluseca, Te Par Kee
Thoes & Schieber.
Thoes, E.W.
Thoes, Joseph
Thoes, Peter
Thomas, G.H.
Thomas, J.
Thomas, Silas M.
Thomas, U.
Thomas, Union
Thompson Hardward Co., The
Thompson Hardware Co.
Thompson, H.C.
Thompson, John
Thompson, Matthew
Thomson, C.
Todd, W.J.
Todd, Wm.J.
Tomson, -
Tomson, C.
Tomson, Haynie
Topeka Pure Milk Co., The
Town, C.G.
Trivett, -
Trivett, M.F.
Trueblood, J.G.
Trustler, Wm.
Tunnell, Robert
Turnbull, John
Turner, J.R.
Umbehr, Alf
Undorf, L.
Union Thomas' Meat Market
Updegraff, R.T.
Uttermann, August
VanAntwerp, J.
Verits, -
Verity, J.H.
Wabaunsee County Democrat
Wabaunsee County Independent Telephone Co.
Wabaunsee County Tribune
Walker, C.William
Walker, L.A.
Walker, Wm.E.
Walter, J.J.
Walters, J.J.
Walters, Wm.
Walton Bros.
Walton, Morris
Warner & Griggs
Waters, A.S.
Watson Aderhold & Co.
Watson, Eli
Watterman, -
Watterman, R.H.
Waugh, J.Y.
Waugh, W.A.
Weaver, F.M.
Weaver, J.D.
Weaver, W.G.
Webb, -
Weber, Wm. F.
Weed, S.R.
Weisse, Joseph
Welch, M.C.
Welch, Moses C.
Wellhouse, -
Wells, George
Wells, John
Wertsberger, Seb.
Wesleyan University
West Side Barber-Shop
West, Geo.D.
Wetzel & Duff
Wetzold, E.W.
Whittemore, N.H.
Widney, R.M.
Wiley, Wm.
Willard, J.F.
Willard, J.T.
Willard, Seydia
Williams, H.R.
Willig, C.G.
Wilson & Noller
Wilson, Jno.W.
Wilson, W.B.
Windier Hotel
Winkler's Hotel
Winkler, John
Wohlgast Lumber Co., The
Wolff, Geo.
Wolgast Lumber Co.
Wolgast, A.H.
Wolgast, August
Wolgast, Herman
Wolgast, Otto
Wolgast, William
Wolgast, Wm.
Wood, Royal S.
Woodey, Geo.
Woods, George
Woods, Samuel
Woodward, L.J.
Worden, D.
Yates, C.E.
Yimbocker, W.A.
Youngman, C.L.
Younker, Clarence E.
Younker, Clyde F.
Zeckser, Adolph
Zwanziger, G.
Zwanziger, Gottlieb
Transcribed from Business directory and history of Wabaunsee County
pub. by The Kansas directory company of Topeka, Kansas, 1907. 104 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 21 cm.
Advertising matter interspersed.