Kansas Genealogy FAQs


How do you research your family using the U.S. Census?


How do I obtain a copy of a census film?

The National Archives
Many Public Libraries

What if my library doesn't have the census films?

What information can I expect to find in a census?

How do I use the census?

Is everything on the census correct?

Can I go to Washington D.C. and see the original census?

Why aren't the censuses after 1920 available?

Can I find out information from the 1930-1990 census?

Is the Census available on the internet?

What is the USGenWeb Census Project?

What about Kansas census information

If you have a question you would like answered, please send it to KSGenWeb or one of the researchers below.

Tom & Carolyn Ward

Rebecca Maloney

Background and KSGenWeb logo were designed and are copyrighted by
Tom & Carolyn Ward for the limited use of the KSGenWeb Project.
Permission is granted for use only on an official KSGenWeb page.



