This article was donated by Debra Graden of the Leavenworth Genealogical Society. It was previously published in the LVGS quarterly newsletter, Rooting Around. It has been edited to make it web friendly.
December 31, 1871 | Daily Commercial | (Leavenworth, Kansas) |
We propose to give our subscribers for their New Year's reading
a succinct and reliable showing of the present condition of Leavenworth,
together with the progress made during the past year. The figures
we are about to give will demonstrate the fact that this city
had advanced in wealth, in manufacturing industry and in commercial
business, notwithstanding the depletion of money from the west
resulting from the high price of manufactured articles and the
low price of grain and live stock. To make our exhibit as simple
as possible, we will classify the progress made into Buildings
-- public and private; Banks, Churches, Railroads, Manufactures
and Commerce.
Editors note: This is a lengthy article. I have broken it down according to the headings within the article which are as follows: