1894 Robley's History of Bourbon County, Kansas
N preparing
this book I have departed in many particulars from the ordinary course and
established custom of compilers of county histories. I have endeavored to give
the causes which led up to our early troubles, and to delineate, to some extent,
the public sentiment and feeling of given periods. I have kept in touch with the
various Territorial Governments, Administrations, Legislatures and prominent
public men, in order that the reader may have an intelligent understanding of
the situation. I have intended this book to be of refreshing interest to the old
settler, and to be especially interesting and instructive to the young men and
women of Bourbon County.
PAGE | |
CHAPTER I.Louisiana PurchaseMissouri TerritoryMissouri CompromisePlatte PurchaseSanta Fe TrailCherokee Neutral LandsNew York Indian Lands | 8 |
CHAPTER II.Fort Scott LocatedColonel H. T. WilsonSergeant John HamiltonMilitary Road CompletedBarracks ErectedRelics of a Past Era | 17 |
CHAPTER III.Annexation of TexasMexican WarWilmot Proviso-Compromise of 1850 | 21 |
CHAPTER IV.1853Post of Fort Scott AbandonedSome of the Early Settlers of Bourbon CountyTime from 1854 to 1855Description of Frontier LifeClimateIndian Summer | 29 |
CHAPTER V.1854Mill of the GodsKansas-Nebraska BillKansas Territory Organized | 33 |
CHAPTER VI.1854First GovernorFirst ElectionsFirst FraudFirst LegislatureBogus StatutesSamples of LegislationGovernment Buildings Sold | 42 |
CHAPTER VII.1855Bourbon County OrganizedFirst County OfficersNeutral Lands in Bourbon CountyFort Scott Incorporated as a TownMore ElectionsSecond GovernorPolitical Atmosphere of Bourbon County | 53 |
CHAPTER VIII.1856Tone of Pro-slavery PapersTopeka ConstitutionTrouble CommencesTexas RangersExpedition to Middle CreekTopeka LegislatureGovernor Shannon ResignsGovernor Geary AppointedTerritorial Legislators for Bourbon CountyClose of 1856 | 60 |
CHAPTER IX.1857.Bourbon County OfficialsNew Towns SprattsvilleMapletonRayville Means of Communication | 64 |
PAGE | |
CHAPTER X.1857Some More PoliticsDred Scott DecisionSlaves in Bourbon CountyGovernor Geary ResignsGovernor Walker AppointedMore ImmigrantsFort Scott Town CompanyU. S. OfficersTenderfeetFree State Hotel | 77 |
CHAPTER XI.1857Public SentimentLecompton ConstitutionElection of October 5, 1857More TroubleSquatter's CourtProtective Society | 86 |
CHAPTER XII.1857The ConservativesU. S. Troops at Fort ScottFirst Election on Lecompton ConstitutionClose of 1857 | 90 |
CHAPTER XIII.1858The Second Election on Lecompton ConstitutionFirst Newspaper Established First Grand BallTrouble Begins AgainObject Lesson in SurgeryOrigin of Jayhawker | 96 |
CHAPTER XIV.1858First Manufactory in Fort ScottMarmaton Town CompanyUniontown Leavenworth ConstitutionEnglish BillJayhawking Reduced to Plain StealingFight with U. S. Troops | 104 |
CHAPTER XV.1858Some Old Settlers of 1858Improvements BeginBorder Ruffians have an InningMarais des Cygnes MurderEfforts at CaptureEffects on the BorderFeeling Against Fort Scott | 114 |
CHAPTER XVI.1858Public MeetingElection by "Tailment"Meeting at RayvilleProtocol of PeaceMontgomery Sized Up | 119 |
CHAPTER XVII.1858Some More ArrivalsAfter the AmnestyImprovements ContinueExit Lecompton ConstitutionKansas is Free | 125 |
CHAPTER XVIII.1858Territorial ElectionGovernor Denver ResignsSamuel Medary AppointedAmnesty BrokenBen Rice ArrestedMeeting at RayvilleRelease of RiceDeath of John H. Little | 133 |
CHAPTER XIX.1859Militia OrganizedJayhawkers CapturedLawrence and Fort Scott get AcquaintedAmnesty LawCounty Seat MovedPreparing for Another ConstitutionAn All Around Good Year | 141 |
PAGE | |
CHAPTER XX.1859Delegates to Wyandotte ConventionBig 4th of JulyGrand BallFort Scott Democrat RevivedVote on the Wyandotte ConstitutionOther Election Items | 146 |
CHAPTER XXI.1860Legislature MeetsDayton IncorporatedFort Scott Town Company IncorporatedFort Scott Incorporated as a CityFirst City ElectionCounty ElectionLast Border DifficultiesLaw Inaugurated | 151 |
CHAPTER XXII.1860Arts of PeacePopulationFirst Fair AssociationN. Y. Indian LandsNeutral LandsTroops ArriveLand SalesThe Great Drouth | 160 |
CHAPTER XXIII.1861Kansas AdmittedState GovernmentCity AffairsImpending CrisisPublic MeetingsWarWar Feeling in Bourbon CountyFirst Troops Organized | 168 |
CHAPTER XXIV.1862Fort Lincoln FortifiedTroops ConcentratedBattle of Drywood6th KansasFort Scott a Military PostMore Politics | 174 |
CHAPTER XXV.1862Movement of TroopsVarious ItemsFall Elections | 178 |
CHAPTER XXVI.1863 County Seat Returned to Fort Scott City HallElectionsCounty Officers | 182 |
CHAPTER XXVII.1864Political FeelingFortificationsRaids on DrywoodRailroadsPoliticsPrice RaidRaids by GuerillasMarmaton MassacreFort Scott in SuspensePublic MeetingGeneral Election | 198 |
CHAPTER XXVIII.1865LincolnCity ElectionMuster OutThe SchoolsBusiness and ImprovementsFall ElectionStatisticsPopulationThe Close | 210 |

Relics of a Past Era
Transcribed from History of Bourbon County, Kansas : to the close of 1865 by T. F. Robley. Fort Scott, Kan.: Press of the Monitor Book & Print. Co., 1894.
Main PageIntro
Title Page / Copyright Images
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21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28
Name Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y