Besides the county seat and the City of Lindsborg, McPherson county has eleven smaller cities, the most important of which in the order of population are: Marquette, Moundridge, Canton, Inman, and Windom.
MARQUETTE - Situated in the extreme northwestern part of the county, this city has an enviable reputation for being up to date and is one of the best trade centers to be found far and wide. It has, on account of its topographical surroundings, almost an exclusive trade territory and its stores carefully look after the wants of the trade. It has municipal water and light plant and good schools, banks, excellent churches, and a good newspaper, "The Tribune."
MOUNDRIDGE - For a cleaner and more hustling town you would have to seek hard to beat Moundridge in the southeastern part of the county, in the very heart of the prosperous German settlements. It has fine stores that take away the impulse to do shopping away from home, has a flour mill too big for most towns, municipal water and light, excellent schools and churches, a good newspaper, "The Journal," and is in every way an ideal place to live in and promote business.
CANTON - Two railroads, two banks, mill, a city auditorium, city water and light plant, excellent schools and churches and good stores characterize the first impressions of Canton, of one best little towns in the county. Besides this, it has some of the best business blocks and a very substantial set of ctiizens and business and professional men, and a good newspaper, "The Pilot." It is a good place to do your trading.
INMAN - What Moundridge is to the German settlement of the southeastern part of he county, Inman is to those of the southwestern part. It is an enterprising town wth a good newspaper, "The Review," excellent stores, electric light, two banks, a large mill and elevators and is growing.
WINDOM - Situated at the western end of the Santa Fe Trail on the Santa Fe railroad is beautiful, Windom with a bank many good stores and shops, two grain elevators and enthusiastic and progressive citizens.
Galva, Roxbury, Elyria and Conway and Groveland are excellent trade centers, each except Groveland with a bank and a good complement of stores and enterprise in town building that brings generous patronage from the surrounding country.
Rural telephone system, excellent roads and a complete county system of rural delivery of mail make the county of McPherson an enviable place to live in.

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