The Pageant Presents Seven Episodes in Kansas History. The events are represented by Interpretative Dances, Tableaux, and Processional Presentations.
The entire Pageant is under the Direction of Walter Burr Director of the Rural Service Department of the Kansas State Agricultural College, assisted by Ceora Bell Lanham, Assistant Pageant Trainer, who has had as her helper Osceola Hall.
The various features of the Pageant have been trained in eleven different communities in McPherson County, and the Chorus has been trained in McPherson by Prof. C. L. Rowland of McPherson College,
1.A series of aesthetic interpretations representing the Spirit of the Wilderness.
Dance of the Sand Storm, with hail and lightning.
Dance of the Buffalo Grass and the Prairie Flowers,
Dance of the Snow.
A Kansas Sunset.
2. Coronado, a Spanish General, and his followers, enter the heart of the wilds, meet the Indians, and take possession of the land in the name of the King. The Indians are awestruck by the sight of these strange people. Father Padilla, the priest accompanying the expedition, bows before a cross, and attempts to teach the Indians, who refuse to believe the new gospel. The Indian known as "Turk" arouses ill feeling toward the white men, and leads the Indians in the war dance. Coronado attempts to stop the dance, and is wounded. A struggle ensues, the Indians are routed, leaving three of their number wounded. Turk is captured, and is strangled at the cross. The Indians return for their wounded and kill Father Padilla, drive away the Spaniards and take down the Cross.
The Pawnee Indian village flies the Spanish Flag which had been left by a previous expedition. The Indians return to the village after a long hunt. Boys play moccasin game. Indian maids dance. An Indian runner announces the approach of the White Man. Pike and his men enter the village, and Pike has his interpreter tell the Indians that the Spanish Flag must come down and be replaced with the American Flag. The Chief holds a pow-wow with his Indians, and determines to be loyal to the Spaniards. Pike emphasizes his demand, and persuades the old chief to take down the Spanish flag and to raise the Stars and Stripes. The United States Flag is raised on Kansas Soil for the first time. The Indians salute the flag.
A wandering band of Indians come from the east, going west as civilization drives them out. Two traders appear and prepare to camp. They are attacked by the Indians. The scene of the freighting days follows, the Covered Wagon drawn by the ox team, and accompanied by two scouts on horseback, receiving the same hostile treatment from the Indians. Then come the "forty-niners" and other traders, followed by a company of home-seekers who follow the Trail, to meet the same hostile attitude. With the help of Government troops, the Trail becomes triumphant and permanent.
1. Attempt to make farmers out of Indians. The Indians are given lands in Kansas, and a Government Officer arrives to show them the importance of settling down and farming. The Braves and Squaws are interested, but the officer finds his work refused. The Missionary and his wife appear, and the officers persuade them to undertake the arduous task. The missionaries agree that the gospel and agriculture will go well together. The missionaries kneel and pray for guidance.
2. The pioneer farmer from the east undertakes to farm with little equipment and at an inopportune time. He prepares the ground, but is driven away by the Hot Winds. These are represented by the Dance of the Winds. The farmer sows his seed, and the grass-hoppers appear, driving him away again. The farmer comes to harvest his crop and the Prairie Fires drive him away. Prairie fires represented by Dance of the Flames. The farmer and his family are despondent as the Pony Express brings a letter from home back east. But with the Kansas Spirit revived, and waving aloft the signal "To the Stars through Difficulties," the Pioneer Farmer and his family become triumphant.
2. Quantrell Raid: Quantrell and companion look from Mt. Oread on sleeping Lawrence. They return to their horses and ride away, returning with a band to outline the attack. The raid of horsemen arouses the village. The defenseless men, women and children flee, some being wounded and others killed, while the town can be seen burning in the distance. Quantrell and his men ride away, having left the town in ruins. The scene closes with the prayers of the women above the wounded and the dead.
1. Tableaux: War regins over the land. Peace excludes War, and opens the way for Progress to lead Prohibition, Education, Industry, Agriculture and Religion.
2. Kansas Welcomes all Nations. A recognition that our citizenship is made up of the people from many different parts of the world. German immigrants search for the Cross of freedom and peace, and the children lead the way to the light. Columbia welcomes the Germans in their escape from Prussian autocracy, Kansas extends a welcome to all immigrants, and the joy of the immigrants is expressed in their folk games played by the children. The Swedish people bring their love of music to McPherson County, and the young women show their joy by presenting the Swedish Weaving Game. The Scotch children play a game of their native land, and the Swiss people present the Mountaineers Dance. The Dutch give their Wooden Shoe Dance. The Immigrants all pledge their allegiance to the Stars and Stripes.
Kansas recognizes her governors, thanks them for their part in the development of the state, and has them join her in witnessing the episode of Kansas Patriotism. The Spirit of Patriotism calls for the sons of Kansas to follow her in the fight for the Union, and the call is answered by the veterans of the Civil War. She calls for Kansas' sons to take up arms again for Cuba's freedom, and is answered by the veterans of the Spanish-American War. The Kansas Girls enter and offer themselves, but she replies that she does not need the girls to fight at the front, but that there are many parts which women may have in winning the present Great War. The army assembles, led by the Cooks (from the Roxbury community) and followed by the Gardeners (Roxbury community Garden Club), the Canning Brigade and the Dairy Maids (from Roxbury), the Red Cross Nurses and the Boy Scouts (represented by Galva Groups.) Spirit of Patriotism calls for the sons of Kansas to "Answer Mr. Wilson's Call," and is answered by a Company of America's Soldiers ready for their part in the Great War. These with the Allies who follow them with their flags of the Nations, insure the future of the State of Kansas, the Heart of the Nation.

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