Please share your Family Group Sheet information, Descendents Chart, Photos, etc. of a Allen county ancestor. Simply email your contribution to the Coordinator. Please allow us to include your email address for interested parties to contact you.
Biographies for those listed below can be found in History of Allen and Woodson Counties, Kansas by L. Wallace Duncan, published in 1901.
Acers, N. F.
Adams, H. B.
Adams, W. M.
Alexander, W. E.
Amos, G. A.
Anderson, J. R.
Anderson, T. T.
Andrews, W. H.
Ard, N. L.
Armel, Jno. H.
Arnett, J. D.
Arnold, E. W.
Ashbrook, J. M.
Ausherman, C. C.
Bacon, Geo. H.
Baland, Chas.
Bale, Jno. W.
Barber, E. A.
Barker, Jesse
Barnett, W. T.
Barnhart, Adam
Barnholt, Claus
Bartels, W. L.
Barth, C. F. J.
Beahm, J. H.
Beam, A. J.
Beatty, J. C.
Beck, A. W.
Beeman. A. M.
Bennett, Zar E.
Benton, C. E.
Berndsen, F. H.
Bird, Wm.
Blakely, H. E.
Bogle, A. C.
Booe, J. M.
Bostwick, D. W.
Boulson, Dr. C. H.
Boyd, J. K.
Bragg, Harry
Brandenberg, S. D.
Braucher, Wm.
Brett, O. C.
Brown, A. W. J.
Brown, Dr. H. A.
Brown, Geo. M.
Brown, Jno. M.
Brown, W. M.
Browning, Mrs. M. M.
Bruner, Elias
Buchanan, Wm.
Buck, L. D.
Burleigh. H. M.
Burtis, H. M.
Busley, Henry
Butler, Joshua
Byrne, Thos. L.
Cain, Edward
Campbell, A. H.
Campbell, A. L.
Campbell, W. T.
Carman, H. H.
Cates, J. B. F.
Cation, Thos., Jr.
Cecil, S. G.
Chastain, Dr. W. D.
Choguill, W. A.
Chollette, Mrs. M. J.
Christian, J. D.
Christy, J. L.
Claiborne, R. R.
Coe. I. S.
Coffman, J. H.
Colborn, J. F.
Cope, Dr. Benj.
Copelin, R. S.
Cornell, John
Courtney, Dr. John
Courtney, U. R.
Cowan, W. A.
Cox, W. D.
Crowell, E. I.
Cunningham Alfred
Cunningham, R. M.
Cunningham, Wm.
Curtis, E. D.
Daniels, A. L.
Daniels, C. W.
Daughters, W. T.
Davidson, B. O.
Davis, Brothers
Davis, Wm.
Deal, Margaret C.
Decker, J. P.
Decker, M. L.
DeClute, C. H.
Delaplaine, E. P.
Delaplaine, J. W.
Dennev, F. S.
DeWitt, G.
Dickey, Jno. P.
Diver, C. F.
Donnan, W. J.
Donoho, L. T.
Donoho, M. H.
Dornbergh, Dr. A. L.
Downs, C. L.
Downs, S. E.
Drake, J. W.
Drake, Rev. L. I.
Duncan, J. P.
Duncan, L. W.
Durning, D. P.
Ebert, Henrv
Edson, C. M.
Edwards, J. W.
Eldridge, G. T.
Ellis, G. W.
Englehardt, Gus
Enos, W. E.
Ericson, E. D.
Ericson, Jacob
Ericson, Joseph
Evans, H. T.
Evans, John M.
Evans, S. H.
Evans, W. J.
Ewing, H. A.
Feeley, Martin
Fergus, J. B.
Finley, James
Fisher, Geo. W.
Fisher, J. H.
Fisher, Mrs. N. E.
Fitzpatrick, T. M.
Ford, Mrs. Mary
Fowler, H. P.
Fox, Geo. G.
Francis, Jno.
Freed, Daniel
Freeman, Geo.
Frevert, F. W.
Fulton, Dr. A. J.
Funk, Mrs. A. L.
Funston, E. H.
Funston, Frederick
Furneaux, W. J.
Gants, Jno. H.
Gard, G. R.
Gard, S. A.
Gardner, J. H.
Garrett, L. A.
Gay, Ephraim
Gay, Frank
Gilbert, E. G.
Gilbert, Eli
Givler, Henry
Goodner, Jacob
Goodwin, Jno. R.
Gordon, Jno. C.
Goyette, Frank
Grim, Jno.
Gwillim, Jno.
Gwillim, Wm.
Hackney & Son
Hall, C. W.
Hall, W. T.
Hamm, J. W.
Hankins, Nimrod
Harris, Geo.
Harris, T. B.
Hartman, W. M.
Hayes, J. P.
Hays, Jno. B.
Heck, Mrs. E.
Heim, Conrad
Helle, C. F.
Henderson, H. L.
Hess, G. W.
Hildebrant, G. D.
Hite, Edward
Hobart, Harmon
Hogan, Thos.
Hokanson, Peter
Holmes, N. T.
Holtz, J. C.
Horton, F. J.
Horville, Daniel
Hosley, J. L.
Hottenstein, J. O.
Houser, Chas.
Huck, W. J.
Huff, Lewis, Jr.
Huffmire, W. W.
Hunter, Orlander
Ihrig, W. J.
Ingels, Marion
Inman, A. D.
Ireland, Jno. E.
Irwin, S. M.
Isaac, A. B.
Jackson, Frank
Jacobson, P. C.
Japhet, C. A.
Jav, Elisha
Jewell, Dr. J. E.
Jewell, W. D.
Jones, J. E.
Jones, Mrs. Jennie
Jones, W. N.
Jordan, A. W.
Keith, C. B.
Keith, C. P.
Kellam, Dr. S. H.
Kelley, I. D.
Kelley, W. B.
Kennedy, Wm
Kenyon, J. G.
Keplinger, L. W.
Kern, M. F.
Kerr, Obed
Kerr, W. A.
Kettle, Fred
Keyser, Benj.
Kinne, L. B.
Kitzmiller, T. I.
Klotzbach, Simon
Knight, R. H.
Knowlton, C. L.
Knox, S. M.
Kohler, A. C.
Kuder, J. H.
Lacey, E. D.
Lacey, M. L.
Ladd, Jacob H.
Ladd, L. O.
Lambeth, Dr. G. B.
Larimer, W. T.
Laury, Jno. W.
Lehman, Jno. S.
Leitzbach, E. H.
Lent, Robinson
Lieurance, Hiram
Light, John
Ling, W. H.
Linquist, P. M.
List, G. H.
Littlejohn, Dr. Wm
Lockhart, J. W.
Longstreth, B. A.
Mabie, Mrs. C. M.
Manbeck, Jno.
Mapes, G. G.
Martin, Dr. C. S.
Mattock, W. M.
Mattoon, J. M.
McCarlev, Jay
McClung, A. J.
McDonald, J. M.
McDonald, W. G.
McDowell, W. H.
McElroy, W. T.
McGrew, W. P.
McKaughan, James
McKinley, Geo.
McLaughlin, Geo
McNiel, C. W.
Mendenhaft, L. D.
Merchant, Wm
Meredith, Geo.
Merrill, G. L.
Miller, H. M.
Mills, C. K.
Miner, E. P.
Mitchell, Miss C.
Moffitt, W. W.
Moon, Geo. W.
Mooney, F. C.
Mull, C. G.
Myers, H.A.
Nash, D. T.
Nelson, Chas.
Nelson, G. M.
Nelson, Robert
Nigh, Frank
Northrup, D. P.
Northrup, Levi L.
Northrup, Lewis L.
Norton, J. C.
Nyman, C. W.
Nyman, Jno. O.
O'Brien, Joel M.
O'Brien. Isaac N.
Ohlfest, Carl
Ohlfest, Jno. N.
Olmstead, Harvey
Otten, Chas.
Overholt, Wm
Palmer, L. F.
Parsons, L.
Parsons, W. L.
Patterson, L. E.
Pearson, L. B.
Peerv, Jas.
Pees, J. B.
Pickell, W. J.
Pinkston, L.
Pitntan, Benj.
Porter, J. Q. A.
Powell, J. E.
Price, E. C.
Price, W. J.
Raish, Jno.
Randolph, I. F.
Rannells, Dr. C. S.
Remsberg, E. C.
Reno, J. T.
Reynolds, Carl A.
Rice, C. L.
Rice, H. F.
Richards, Dr. F.
Richards, J. H.
Richards, W. H.
Richardson, H. A.
Richeson, Jno. A.
Ritter Bros.
Roberts, T. W.
Robinson, David
Robinson, Gaylord
Rogers, H. C.
Rogers, S. G.
Roll, J. W.
Root, Franklin
Root, W. H.
Rose, J. P.
Ruble, S. P.
Rumbel W. J.
Rundquist, J. A.
Runyan, J. H.
Sapp, J. N.
Savage, Jno. W.
Scantlin, J. A.
Schlimmer, Jno.
Scott, A. C.
Scott, C. F.
Scott, D. H.
Scott, Harmon
Scott, Jno. W.
See, R. W.
Shannon, T. B.
Shelby, Jno.
Shellman, Mrs. C. H.
Shivelv, N. J.
Sickly, M. F.
Simpson, C. M.
Simpson, Jas.
Slavens, W. H.
Sleeth, .Addison
Sloan, W. E.
Smith, B. S.
Smith, C. W.
Smith, David
Smith, G. P.
Smith, H. B.
Smith, Jno. H.
Smith, O. H.
Smith, W. R.
Sneeringer, V. A.
Snively, E.
Spicer, J. H
Stewart, C. A.
Stewart, O. H.
Stewart, S. J.
Stillwell, Leander
Stotler, Perry
Stout, W. T.
Stover, L. P.
Strickler, J. C.
Strong, J. C.
Swanson, Jno.
Talcott, H. W.
Tanner, F. P.
Taylor, A. L.
Taylor, Jas.
Thomas, H. E.
Thomas, L. C.
Thompson, C. C.
Thompson, Newton
Thompson, R. L.
Thuney, Joseph
Thurston, Orlin
Tobey, E. H.
Townsend, Jas.
Tredway, J. T.
Trego, E. W.
Turner, J. S.
Turner, Wm
Vannuys, J. H.
Varner, S. C.
Wallace, J. M.
Wallis, B. L.
Ward Richard
Wedin, A.
Weith S. H.
Wert, E. N.
Whitaker, C. L.
White, R. F.
Whitney, H. C.
Wilhite, S. B.
Willett, E. N.
Williams, H. W.
Williamson, J. M.
Wilson, Frances
Wilson, J. S.
Wilson, Jas.
Wisborg, A. P.
Wishard, L. H.
Wood, A. M.
Wood, Jno. T.
Woodin J. C.
Works, R. M.
Wright, A. E.
Wright, A. M.
Young, G. H.
Young, J. M.
Young, W. F.
Zimmerman, Robt.
name: Netwton L. ARD
found on which pages in book: 371-372
birth: July
3, 1845, in Morgan County, Missouri
parents: Charles C. and Susan (BORROW)
spouse(s): Sarah Ann BURNS. married March 3, 1871.
children: Mark,
Myrtle (wife of William HOIL), Olive, James, Elbert, Charles, Herschell, Hazel,
Nellie, and Edna.
other information: Came to Kansas in 1861
name: Nelson F. ACERS
found on which pages in book: 448-450
birth: March 4,
1839, in Illinois
parents: Roswell W. and Juliette (SPENCER) ACERS
paternal grandparents: John and Malinda (SPEARS) ACERS
spouse(s): Ellen A.
CONANT. born 1840, daughter of William CONANT.
children: Grace and Fred A.
other information: Came to Kansas in 1865.
name: Howard B. ADAMS
on which pages in book: 269-271
birth: January 12, 1845, in Cuyahoga County,
parents: Charles K. and Jerusha B. (SWAIN) ADAMS
grandparents: William Barrett SWAIN
siblings: Charles E., Ellen L. (wife of
William B. PAYNE), Olive J. (widown of Elijah L. WESTON)
1st)---Ruth A. HARRIS (1840-1892); 2nd)---Emma E. McNAUGHT (daughter of James R.
and Rebecca ADAMS McNAUGHT)
children: from first marriage: George I. ADAMS;
from 2nd marriage: Charles H., Scott McKinley, Grace E., Ruth Eddy.
information: Came to Allen County, Kansas, in 1872.
name: Wade M. ADAMS
found on which pages in book: 571-572
birth: June 30, 1847, in Madison
County, Kentucky.
parents: John S. and Lamina (WALKER) ADAMS
mentioned in this biography: Mrs. Eliza RAMSAY and Mrs. Lucy ARMSTRONG
spouse(s): married October 3, 1872, to Theodosia CORNELISON (daughter of James
children: May, J. K., Anna (wife of Fred
HOUSER), Thomas, Ed, James, Wade, William, Claude and Dora.
information: Came to Allen County, Kansas, in 1886.
name: William E. ALEXANDER
found on which pages in book: 376-377
birth: April 24, 1859, in
Ringgold County, Iowa.
spouse(s): married in 1881 to Ida Cochran
Ina B. and Hallie
other information: Came to Kansas in 1872
name: George A. AMOS
found on which pages in book: 487-488
birth: September 4,
1841, in Springfield, Illinois.
parents: Josiah F. and Julia (HAY) AMOS
siblings: John M. and Sarah E. SHEPHERD
spouse(s): 1st)---married October 30,
1866, to Josephine ANDREWS (died August 16, 1885. daughter of Colonel G. W.
ANDREWS) 2nd)---married August 13, 1895, to Laura WARNER
children: from first
marriage: Georgia C. (wife of John H. ARMEL), Anna R.
other information: Came
to Allen County, Kansas, in 1869
name: John R. ANDERSON
found on which
pages in book: 194-195
birth: October 4, 1839, in Lee County, Virginia.
parents: Charles and Anna (HESTER) ANDERSON
siblings: Mary (widow of T. L.
CHARLES), William C., Catherine ADKINSON, John R., Elizabeth (wife of A.
WILLIAMS), Letitia (wife of J. F. DAVIS)
spouse(s): 1st)---married in 1866 to
Louisa WILLIAMS (died 1889). 2nd)---married in 1890 to Lizzie Campbell
children: all from first marriage: Marsh D., Elsie (widow of George JOHNSON),
Allen T., Robert, Cannon D., Warren, Ralph, Ronald B., Alma Lean, and Grover C.
other information: Came to Kansas in 1856
name: Theodore Thompson
found on which pages in book: 276-278
birth: August 15, 1844, in
Ripley, Ohio.
parents: Levi V. and Caroline (REYNOLDS) ANDERSON. Levi
Anderson died in 1849 and Caroline Reynolds Anderson married 2nd Allen County
Kansas resident, Lyman E. RHOADES.
parental grandparents: John and Mary (VAN
maternal grandparents: George T. and Hannah (MIDDLESWART)
siblings: Mary J. (wife of M. F. WARNER), Lavina A. (wife of John
McDONALD), George T., and Rhoda RHOADES (half-sister, wife of Lafe McCARLEY)
spouse(s): 1s)--- in 1865 to Nancy M. DeMOSS (daughter of John and Mary DeMOSS).
She died 1867. 2nd)---in 1871 to Cinderella M. GREEN (daughter of William and
children: Carrie Estella and Pearl Adell
name: William H. ANDREWS
found on which pages in book: 312-314
birth: September 19, 1829,
on Long Island, Queens County, New York.
parents: James and Hulda (JACKSON)
siblings: Margaret BISLEY, Isaac R., Jane ALGER, Lucy, James and
spouse(s): married in 1854 to Adeline REDFIELD
James H. and Orin S.
other information: Came to Humboldt, Kansas, in 1866.
name: John H. ARMEL
found on which page in book: 186
birth: January 3,
1864, in Aurora, Indiana.
parents: Daniel and Keturah (HARE) ARMEL
spouse(s): married in 1894 to Georgia AMOS (daughter of G. A. AMOS)
Robert, Nat, and Dorothy
other information: Came to Kansas in 1877
name: Douglas ARNETT
found on which pages in book: 191-192
birth: November
21, 1858, in Fort Smith, Arkansas
parents: James B. and Mary A. MITCHELL
paternal grandparents: John B. ARNETT
maternal grandparents: William MITCHELL
siblings: (all half-siblings by his father's 2nd marriage to Hattie BARTON):
Carrie (wife of William MASON), Ella (wife of Jesse BROWN), and Adah (wife of
spouse(s): 1st)---???; 2nd)---married in 1897 to Lillie
McKINLEY (daughter of J. B. McKINLEY)
other information: Came to Iola in
1860. At one point of his biography he is listed as J. Douglass ARNETT
name: Elias W. ARNOLD
found on which pages in book: 113-114
birth: April
9, 1851, in Wayne County, Ohio.
parents: George and Mary (SPAKE) ARNOLD
paternal grandfather: Daniel ARNOLD
maternal grandfather: John SPAKE
siblings: (half siblings from mother's first marriage to Jacob PLUM): John,
Elizabeth (wife of William CORDRAY); (half siblings from father's first marriage
to Mary BOWMAN): John, Levi, Hiram and David; full siblings: Jennie (wife of
Calvin TAGGART), Mary, Amanda (wife of Jerre HOUK), Daniel, Charles, Jacob and
Elberta (wife of John TROUT)
spouse(s): Married January 22, 1874, to Louisa
A. ALTLAND (daughter of Aaron and Margaret JONES ALTLAND; granddaughter of John
children: Clark Warren, Edna, Odella, Almeda,
Aaron, Ethel S., and George S.
other information: Came to Allen County in
name: John M. ASHBROOK
found on which page in book: 308
July 26, 1859, in Pickaway County, Ohio
parents: Absalom ASHBROOK
spouse(s): Married in 1884 to Lizzie DEFENBAUGH (daughter of Henry DEFENBAUGH)
other information: Came to Kansas in 1865
name: Charles Calvin AUSHERMAN
found on which pages in book: 419-420
birth: March 11, 1859, in Frederick
County, Maryland.
parents: Samuel and Malinda C. (LEAZER) AUSHERMAN
parental grandparents: John AUSHERMAN
maternal grandparents: Daniel and Mary
siblings: Ella (wife of John MOORE), Benjamin M., Alta May
(wife of Henry W. LAMBETH), Will C., and Kate.
spouse(s): Married December
20, 1893, to Sadie J. PROCTOR (born March 22, 1870, daughter of Richard and
children: Harold P.
other information: Came to
Allen County in 1880.
name: George H. BACON
found on which pages in
book: 459-460
birth: December 25, 1827, in Litchfield County, Connecticut
parents: Henry H. and Lois (HILL) BACON
spouse(s): married in 1853 to Sarah
children: Charles W., John E., Ella L. (wife of Wesley JONES),
Mary F. (wofe of C.S. COX), Laura Kate (wife of E.W. MYLER), Lizzie H. (wife of
B.F. LOW), and Frank M.
other information: Came to Kansas in 1873
name: Charles BALAND
found on which pages in book: 256
birth: December 5,
1816, in Sweden.
other information: Came to Kansas in 1859.
name: John W. BALE
found on which pages in book: 489-490
birth: April 20, 1843, in
Hart County, Kentucky
parents: Jacob and Elizabeth (POINTER) BALE
grandparents: Peter BALE
maternal parents: Edward POINTER
siblings: W. T.,
Robert, Mrs. Nancy RICHARDSON, and Mrs. Mattie MURRAY
spouse(s): Married
November 28, 1866, to Anna DeFEVER (born December 19, 1851. Daughter of William
children: Irvin, Wallace, and Frank
other information: Came to
Kansas in 1866
name: E. A. BARBER
found on which pages in book: 48
birth: August, 1848, in Morgan County, Illinois.
other information: Came to
Kansas in 1870. In 1896 he moved to Springfield, Missouri where he now resides.
name: Jesse BARKER
found on which pages in book: 298
birth: July 21,
1850, in Keosauqua, Van Buren County, Iowa.
parents: Jesse B. and Amelia
other information: Came to Anderson County, Kansas, in 1883.
Came to Allen County, Kansas, in 1883.
name: William T. BARNETT
on which pages in book: 504-506
birth: November 20, 1844, near Rochester
County, Fulton County, Indiana.
parents: Thomas W. and Mary (TROUTMAN)
paternal grandparents: John BARNETT
maternal grandparents: Michael
siblings: John A., Michael I, Sarah E. (wife of John J. CARTER), and
Emma (wife of Dr. Albert COBLE).
spouse(s): Married Mary E. COX (daughter of
Samuel W. COX. Sister of Henry, Ephraim, William COX, Mrs. Nancy MORRISON, Mrs.
Minerva BEAR)
children: Mary E. (wife of Robert SULLIVAN), Centennial R.
(wife of Samuel E. WILSON), Thomas W., Florence, Elmer A., Harry C., Noble R.,
Chester R., Russell J. and Bruce.
name: Adam BARNHART
found on which
pages in book: 531-532
birth: April 30, 1839, in Brady's Bend Township,
Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
parents: John and Susan (HELPER) BARNHART
parental grandparent: Jacob BARNHART
maternal grandparent: Jacob HELPER
siblings: Jacob C., Elizabeth (wife of Thomas DOWANS), Hannah (wife of Joseph
FORINGER), Louis, Isaac, Joseph, Rachel (wife of Harvey PECK), Susanna (wife of
Thomas SHOOK), Catherine (wife of Thomas ROADS), and Sarah (wife of William
spouse(s): Married August 4, 1859, to Catherine J. SHOOK (daughter of
Peter SHOOK. Sister of Thomas, Jacob, John, Barbara and Ellen SHOOK)
children: Arabella (wife of William B. McKINNEY), Lomond C., Walter L., Sinas
C., Ida M., Emma E., John A., L. Edward.
other information: Came to Kansas in
name: Claus BARNHOLT
found on which pages in book: 245-246
birth: March 21, 1836, in Holstein, German Empire
parents: Henry and Annie
(TIMM) BARNHOLT. Henry's second wife was Lina OHLFEST, sister of John and Carl
OHLFEST of Allen County
siblings: Full siblings: Annie (wife of Hermann HATZ)
and Hans; half-siblings: Catherine (widow of Carl HEELEY), Henry and Carl.
other information: Came to America in 1868. Came to Kansas in 1870
name: William Lewis BARTELS
found on which pages in book: 387-389
birth: May 11,
1842, in Muskingum County, Ohio
parents: Christian and Sarah (PRYOR) BARTELS
siblings: Amelia (widow of Jesse Van Fossen), Mary, Margaret (wife of D. B.
STEPHENS), Sarah (wife of Robert L. TRAVIS), and Thomas M.
spouse(s): Married
March 22, 1863, to Sidney TIBBETTS (daughter of John B. and Amy WOOD TIBBETTS)
children: Ida H. (wife of Eli WHARTON), Josie (wife of B. C. POTTER), Rosie
(wife of Edward LANGFORD), William Z. (who married Jessie WEBB), Ollie, Maud,
and Jessie
other information: Came to Kansas in 1860
name: Charles F. J. BARTH
found on which pages in book: 427-428
birth: January 18, 1837, in
Udenheim, Rhine-Hessen (Germany)
parents: Charles Frederick and Phillipena
siblings: George and Philip
spouse(s): Martha J. RICE (born December
15, 1843, in Kentucky, daughter of Henry A. and Mary Kerteley THOMPSON RICE)
children: Margaret A., George H., Willie C., Charles F., and Anna E.
information: Came to Kansas in 1866
name: John H. BEAHM
found on which
pages in book: 563
birth: October 14, 1854, in Page County, Virginia
parents: David and Parmetta (GRIFFEE) BEAHM
parental grandparent: John BEAHM
marental grandparent: John GRIFFEE
spouse(s): Married August 21, 1878, to
Emma GAY (daughter of J. N. GAY)
children: Dora M., Ollie, Clarence, Edna and
other information: Came to Kansas in 1870
name: Joseph C. BEATTY
found on which pages in book: 226-228
birth: July 8, 1854, near Belfast,
(Northern) Ireland
parents: David and Mary (CRAWFORD) BEATTY
William, John C., Elizabeth (wife of William CALDWELL), Mary J. (widow of R. A.
KERR), James T., and David R.
spouse(s): Married July 29, 1880, Mrs. Mattie
NEVILLE FIELDING (daughter of W. W. and Catherine CONOVER FIELDING. Sister of
John FIELDING and Mrs. Melissa HUNLEY)
children: Luretta May, Clarence N.,
and Joseph Harold
other information: Came to Kansas in 1877
name: A. M. BEEMAN
found on which pages in book: 122-123
birth: March 8, 1833, in
New York State
parents: John S. and Ursula (CROOKER) BEEMAN
Julia (wife of William COBB) and Emily (wife of Ira ALLEN)
spouse(s): Married
in 1867 to Lydia A. POMEROY (daughter of Chauncey and Fannie Eliza ALGER
POMEROY. Sister of Jane D., William I., Catharine A, George W. and Henry T.)
children: Emma Ursula, Edwin A., Chas. Wesley, Mary Etta, John S., Martin O.,
and Benight M.
other information: Came to Kansas in 1867
name: Zar E. BENNETT
found on which pages in book: 341-342
birth: June 15, 1853, in
western New York state.
parents: Zar E., Sr. and Sarah J. (HINMAN) BENNETT
siblings: Fred S. and Leslie
spouse(s): Married in 1875 to Libbie M. RENO
(daughter of P. G. and Lucinda CLARK RENO. Sister of W. C., Mary J. [wife of M.
M. HART], Mrs. Eliza COOK and S. D.)
other information: Came to Kansas in 1858
name: William BIRD
found on which pages in book: 530-531
birth: September 15, 1850, near Keokuk, Iowa
parents: Emmer and Prudy
siblings: Margaret A. (wife of Daniel HORVILLE), Jasper N.
BIRD, Emerilla J. (wife of John McGEE), Samuel L., and George.
Married February 5, 1888, to Emma FACKLER (daughter of George FACKLER)
children: Dannie E., Edna May, Grace and Pearl.
other information: Came to
Allen County in 1857
name: Henry E. BLAKELY
found on which pages in
book: 466-467
birth: October 11, 1867, in Miami County, Ohio.
George H. and Sophia Ann (DILLON) BLAKELY
spouse(s): Married June 28, 1893,
to Effie M. FOLSOM (daughter of Abel B. and Nancy WRIGHT FOLSOM)
Frances F. and Bessie May
other information: Came to Kansas in 1896
name: Joseph M. BOOE
found on which pages in book: 561
birth: October 4,
1828, in Fountain County, Indiana.
parents: Jacob and Nancy (HENDERSON) BOOE
sibling: L. D. BOOE
spouse(s): Married 1st: June 19, 1853, to Amandy AYLS;
Married 2nd: March 12, 1857, to Rachel WILSON; Married 3rd: to Margaret BOWMAN;
Married 4th: in 1866 to Lucy HUCHEN
children: From 1st marriage: Charles E.
BOOE and Mrs. Emily WINSLOW; From 2nd marriage: McDonald BOOE; From 4th
marriage: Francis Marion, M. M., Warren, Elzady and L. P.
other information:
Came to Kansas in 1881
name: D. Webster BOSTWICK
found on which pages
in book: 482-484
birth: October 21, 1840, in Portage County, Ohio.
parents: Daniel and Sophia (FONDERSMITH, originally DeFONDERSMITH) BOSTWICK
siblings: Clarentine (wife of Lewis HINE, Dr. Henry C., Leveues E., Maria (wife
of Andrew Jackson CLARK), and Amfield (wife of Samuel DOREN)
Married in 1869 to Clementine C. DeMOSS (daughter of Dr. M. and Margaret C.
children: Hattie B., Grace F., Ella M., Leveues H., Pearl M.
(wife of R. E. DONALDSON)
other information: Came to Allen County in 1866
name: Charles Hiram BOULSON
found on which pages in book: 384-386
birth: November 16, 1832, in Hanover, Germany
death: October 7, 1900
parents: Hiram BOULSON
siblings: Edward, Henry, and Mrs. Mary STUCKEY; half
siblings (from his father's second marriage: Dr. Isaac, Elmer W., Elijah, Harry,
and Mrs. Libbie ROGERS.
spouse(s): Married August 9, 1855, to Sallie WHITE
(daughter of James and Ellen GRAVES WHITE)
children: James and an adopted
son, Clyde.
other information: Came to America in 1846. Came to Allen County in 1877.
name: Harry BRAGG
found on which pages in book: 428-429
birth: February 9, 1850, in Shropshire, England
parents: William M. and
Margaret M. (PACE) BRAGG
spouse(s): Married in 1873 to Ella ROUSE (daughter
of N. B. ROUSE)
children: Lucile
other information: Came to Kansas in 1870
name: Starling DeWain BRANDENBURG
found on which pages in book: 199-200
birth: November 5, 1840, in Union County, Indiana.
parents: John
maternal grandparents: Rev. Jonathan and
Elizabeth KIDWELL
siblings: Ann (wife of James CHAPMAN), Sarah J., Emily
(wife of Aaron JONES), and Rebecca (wife of James JONES)
spouse(s): Married
January 1, 1852, to Nancy HELMS (daughter of James HELMS)
children: Melvin
F., William L., Emma L. (wife of John TILLERY), Myrtle I. and Ivy May.
information: Came to Allen County in 1872.
name: William BRAUCHER
found on which pages in book: 300-302
birth: January 24, 1845, in Tuscarawas
County, Ohio.
parents: Joseph and Julia Antoinette (HAWLEY/HALLEY) BRAUCHER
spouse(s): Married 1st in December, 1870, to Isabel HEATH. She died in 1898.
Married 2nd in January, 1899, to Mrs. Margaret (BRAGG) JOHNSON
children: From
1st marriage: Joseph W., Edward Allen and Halley Heath.
other information:
Civil War veteran. Came to Allen County in 1868.
name: Oscar C. BRETT
found on which pages in book: 306-307
birth: April 29, 1863, in Macon County,
parents: --?-- and Martha (COX) BRETT
siblings: James, Oscar,
Grant, Otto, Julia and Grace.
spouse(s): Jennie McKNIGHT
children: Hazel
name: Alexander William J. BROWN
found on which pages in book: 400-402
birth: in Kentucky
death: 1866
half-siblings: Rhoda COY (married David
EVANS), Elizabeth COY (married Samuel MILLER), and Martah COY (married Jacob
spouse(s): Married 1st Elizabeth BARGER (died near Iola in 1861).
Married 2nd Mrs. Margaret ROBINSON (daughter of Dr. John HART)
children: By
1st marriage: John L., Alexander H. (husband of MASTERSON), Lottie (wife of John
H. HARRIS), Julia, Eliza (wife of John E. THORPE), William, Albert and Mattie
(wife of Lee PATTON). By 2nd marriage: a son, Orlie BROWN.
other information:
Civil War veteran. Came to Kansas in 1855
name: Henry A. BROWN
on which pages in book: 235-236
birth: May 15, 1851, near Burlington, Iowa
parents: Sydney and Jane (HAWKINS) BROWN
siblings: Mrs. Rebecca
CORDER, Mrs. Mariam PRITCHARD, and Mrs. Isabella ATHERTON
spouse(s): Married
2nd to Minnie NEFF (daughter of Eli and Mary NEFF)
children: By 1st marriage:
other information: Physician. Came to Earlton,
Kansas, in 1879. Came to Humboldt, Kansas, in 1889.
name: George Manville BROWN
found on which pages in book: 182
January 9, 1813, in Otsego, New York.
spouse(s): Caroline GRISWOLD
children: Mrs. D. D. SPICER and Miss Flora BROWN.
other information: Came to Kansas in 1857
name: John M. BROWN
found on which pages in book: 268-269
birth: June 9, 1843, in
Beaver County, Pennsylvania
parents: Alexander and Sophronia (MURPHY) BROWN
siblings: William, Charles, James, Herbert and Daniel
spouse(s): Amy M.
PHILLIPS (daughter of James PHILLIPS)
spouse's siblings: William F., Margaret
(wife of James BROWN), Mrs. Paulina DANIELS, Eizabeth (wife of John GRIM), Mrs.
Almyra SNYDER, Manala (wife of A. C. BROWN), Eli, Mrs. E. BROWN, and Albert
children: Egar A. (husband of Alice WOODWARD), Hannah, J. Oscar,
Albert and Herbert.
other information: Visited Allen County in 1871. Moved to
Allen County in 1872.
name: William M. BROWN
found on which pages in
book: 543-545
birth: May 14, 1823, in Floyd County, Indiana.
December 27, 1865, near Iola, Kansas.
parents: Samuel and Lovina (AHERS)
siblings: Martha, Sarah, Mary, John, Alfred, Anna, Nancy, Lovina,
Prudence, Louisa, Achsa and Albert
spouse(s): Married 1st: January 19, 1844
[sic!] to Sarah J. MYERS; Married 2nd: March 18, 1842 [sic!] to Nancy E. HAYES
(daughter of John and Deborah HANKINS HAYES)
children: From 1st marriage:
Marion BROWN; From 2nd marriage: Orrin, Ruth L., Samuel, John, Deborah (wife of
Samuel J. JORDAN) and Albert J.
other information: Came to Kansas in 1856.
Compiler's note: Marriage numbers (1st, 2nd) and dates appear here as they do in book.
name: Mrs. Mary M. BROWNING
found on which pages in book:
birth: April 3, 1853, in Fanklin County, Illinois.
parents: James
J. and Susan Ann (HARTLEY) DOWLINS
siblings: Mrs. Delilah A. SWAFFORD and
Joseph L. DOLLING [sic!]
spouse(s): Married 1st in 1872 to Joseph B. MARTIN
who died in 1879; Married 2nd to Joseph BROWNING (a native of Illinois)
children: By 1st marriage: John W. and Mrs. Ida May SMITH; By 2nd marriage: Mrs.
Maude P. DeHART, Ida G. (wife of Homer McCALLEN), Fred and Fay
information: Came to Kansas in 1880.
name: Elias BRUNER
found on which
pages in book: 111-112
birth: June 15, 1846, in Lancaster County,
parents: Jacob and Louisa (WHITE) BRUNER. After his father's
death his mother married Jacob BENDER
siblings: full siblings: Mary and
Elizabeth. Half-siblings from his mother's second marriage to Jacob BENDER:
Jacob, Anna and John
spouse(s): Married January 13, 1872, to Drucie DAVIS
(born May 19, 1848, in Marietta, Ohio, the daughter of E. S. and Drucie ALLCOCK
children: Lettie (wife of L. L. NORTHRUP), Clara, Freddie and George
other information: Came to Kansas in 1865.
name: Lewis D. BUCK
on which pages in book: 545-546
birth: October 13, 1841, in Putnam County,
parents: Benjamin D. and Almeda (CONANT) BUCK
siblings: Seth,
Benjamin, Lavina, Orson and Henry
spouse(s): Married March 11, 1866, to Mrs.
Elizabeth GIBSON (born November 15, 1841, near Kansas City, Missouri, the
daughter of Albert VAUGHN)
other information: Civil War veteran. Came to
Allen County from Lawrence, Kansas, in 1876.
name: William BUCHANAN
found on which pages in book: 182-183
birth: 1820 in Fayette County,
parents: Robert and Mary A. (CRAIG) BROWN
siblings: Mary (wife
of Joseph DAVID), John, James, Robert, Samuel, Jennie (wife of William W. INNIS)
spouse(s): Married 1st in 1842 to Mary Ann STEPHENSON who died in 1869. Married
2nd in 1872 to Harriet M. EDWARDS who died in February, 1897 (daughter of Stark
children: By 1st marriage: George, Melissa (wife of W. Morgan
HARTMAN), Jessie (wife of W. J. EVANS), Maggie (wife of H. H. FUNK), and John
(husband of Cynthia ZINK). By 2nd marriage: Don C. BUCHANAN (husband of Mary E.
other information: Came to Allen County in 1867.
name: Hiram M. BURTIS
found on which pages in book: 203-204
birth: August 8, 1848, in
Saratoga County, New York.
parents: Platt V. and Mary A. (FREEMAN) BURTIS
siblings: Margaret A. COWLES
spouse(s): Married January 26, 1869, to Helen E.
SNYDER (a native of Illinois)
children: Maggie A. (wife of A. F. FISH),
Chauncey H. (husband of Irene MOORE), Edith Maude (wife of S. S. JACKSON), and
other information: Came to Allen County in about 1880.
name: Henry BUSLEY
found on which pages in book: 246-247 (his portrait appears on a
page between pages 246 and 247.
birth: May 29, 1845, in Lincolnshire,
parents: Samuel and Jane (SCOTNEY) BUSLEY. After Samuel's death Jane
BUSLEY married a Mr REED.
siblings: full siblings: John, William, Samuel,
Ann, and Sarah BUSLEY; half-siblings: George, Joseph and Jane REED
Married in 1868 to Sarah A. GREEN
children: Sarah Elizabeth (wife of William
HIGGINS), Mary Jane (wife of Fred E. DANIELS), Annie G., John W., Emily, Thurza
E., George H., Nellie, Harry, and Albert J.
other information: Came to Allen
County in 1880.
name: Joshua BUTLER
found on which pages in book:
birth: September 17, 1845, in Coshocton County, Ohio
Harrison and Margaret (NELLINEER) BUTLER
siblings: half-siblings from
father's 1st marriage to --?--: Ann (wife of Michale CARROL), Mary, Frances
(wife of Crispum FOSTER), Lucinda and William. Siblings from father's second
marriage to Margaret Nellineer: Henry, Caroline (wife of William VALENTINE),
Charlotte (wife of John PORTER), Sarah J. (wife of Isaac BIBLE)
other information: Came to Allen County in 1869.
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