REEL #M870/KSHS Microfilm Collection
The Medicine Lodge Cresset (meaning "bright light") was a weekly newspaper, published in Medicine Lodge beginning early in 1879. L.M. Axline was publisher at the time this particular reel begins; Otis Lorton took over publication in February 1899. Local news included coverage from the surrounding communities, as well as Medicine Lodge. This reel begins Friday, January 7, 1898 and continues through Friday, February 22, 1901. The information has been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (
Jul 7, 1899
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Born: Saturday morning, July 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson, northeast of town, a son. Dr. Moore in attendance.
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Tonk Mills on July 1, a daughter. This is the reason Tonk did not get to Medicine Lodge to celebrate on the Fourth.
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Died: Cornelius English was born in Harrison county, Kentucky, July 19, 1827, and died June 30, 1899, at his home near Eldred, Barber county, Kansas, in his 72nd year. His wife and seven children mourn their loss, four of the children being residents of Barber county: Ben English of Lake City, Robert, who lived at home, Mrs. Harry Stone, and Mrs. Garrett Collins. Mr. English had been a great sufferer for a number of years. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, having begun the Christian life at the age of 14. His remains were placed in their last resting place in the Lake City cemetery Saturday. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. G.L. Hayes of the M.E. church. The family of the deceased desire to thank their many friends for kindness bestowed. [See also Index transcription @ Jul 5, 1899.]
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Married: At the home of Dr. and Mrs. I.W. Stout, on Sunday evening, July 2nd, Mr. Wilsey E. Stout, their son, and Miss Ora J. Landreth were united in marriage by Elder M.B. Ingle, pastor of the Christian church. Only a few of the immediate relatives witnessed the ceremony. It was a quiet, home affair, and the groom was at his place of business next morning just as if nothing had happened. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Landreth, of Wellington, formerly of this city. The Cresset joins their many friends in extending congratulations to both of these young people, whose married life starts out with such a bright and promising future. [See also Index transcription @ Jul 5, 1899.]
Jul 21, 1899
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ash, on Tuesday, a daughter.
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Teagle, on Thursday, July 13, a son.
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Born: Dr. Moore reports a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. John Bloom, of Mingona township, on Friday last.
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Married: William R. Williams and Mrs. Isabel Murray, of Hazelton, were married by Probate Judge Lacy, Tuesday.
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Wilkins, on Sunday, July 16, a nine-and-a-half pound daughter, Dr. Cushenbery in attendance.
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Died: Robt. H. Estill, an old citizen of Comanche county and well known all over Barber, died on Wednesday of last week. His remains were buried in the Coldwater cemetery. He was 71 years old.
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Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Bailey celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at their pleasant home on Driftwood, in the southern part of the county, last Sunday. The great part of the time since they plighted their vows in the old New Hampshire hills twenty-five years ago has been spent in Barber county, and their many friends all over this county, and those left in New England, will join in congratulating them on the prosperity that has come to them in their married life of a quarter of a century. Waldron Chase and family of this city attended the anniversary.
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Died: [Incomplete, partial page] The little baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. James Ostrander died Saturday night. This family was here temporarily, Mr. Ostrander being relief fireman on the Santa Fe. He desired to take the remains of his little daughter to their home in Wellington for burial...
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Died: James Finley, who has been very ill for the past four weeks, died Friday morning, July 14, 1899, at 5 o'clock, aged fifty years. The deceased was a native of Kentucky, but when quite young his parents moved to Ray county, Missouri, where he grew to manhood. In 1882 with his brothers, John and Thomas, he located in Franklin county, this state, and two years later moved to Barber county, near Sexton, and engaged in the stock business. The Finley Brothers were very successful in the cattle business and in 1897 they sold their ranch and moved to this city. He was quiet and unassuming, but he made many friends and was respected by all. To his brothers - John and Thomas - who have been associated with him so long, the sympathy of the entire community is extended. The deceased was a devout member of the Christian church and his funeral was conducted Friday afternoon by Elder M.B. Ingle, pastor of that church in this city. Besides his two brothers here, he leaves one brother living in Missouri. [See also Index transcription @ Jul 19, 1899.]
Jul 28, 1899
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Died: Mrs. Stoops, who lived in Eagle a number of years, died at her home twelve miles south of Kiowa, very suddenly on June 29th. The funeral was held on June 30th. She leaves a husband and three children and many friends to mourn her death. They have three children buried in Mule Creek cemetery. [Eagle news]
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Died: Mrs. Ed. Blaich died at Kiowa Tuesday morning.
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curtis on Friday afternoon, July 21st, a 10 pound boy, Dr. M'ssner in attendance.
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Birthday: Frances Margaret Axline was eight years old last Thursday, and in the afternoon a number of her little friends gathered at her home to assist in properly celebrating the event.
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Birthday: Miss S. Edna Kauffman entertained very pleasantly Saturday evening a number of friends in honor of her sixteenth birthday. Nice refreshments were served during the evening.
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Birthday: One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was the birthday party given by Miss Myrtilla Cook, last Tuesday evening, it being her 21st birthday. At an early hour the house was well filled with guests. Games, music and recitations were features of the evening. Refreshments were served at the usual hour. Her friends presented her with a music stand, in well chosen words by James Thompson. As the evening drew near the small hours, the guests reluctantly wended their way homeward, wishing that Miss Cook would have many returns of the day.
Aug 4, 1899
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Adopted: The two-year old child of Alma Lucas was adopted in Probate Court Monday by Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Harris of Sun City.
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Died: Little Emma Woodard, the nine months old baby of Lon Woodard and wife, died at Kiowa, Ks., on Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. The remains were brought to Alva for burial. The funeral was preached at the residence of B.F. Woodard by Rev. Hartley. (Alva Review)
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Married: On Monday, July 31st, Edward R. Gorman and Rilla E. Roberts, two popular young people of Hazelton township, were united in marriage at the M.E. parsonage in this city, be Rev. J.F. Irwin. This marriage will be somewhat of a surprise, as Mr. Gorman's friends had begun to regard him as a confirmed bachelor. The Cresset takes especial pleasure in congratulating this couple. The bride is an accomplished young lady and one of Barber county's popular school teachers. Mr. Gorman is a successful stockman and a most excellent citizen. He has a very comfortable and pleasant home near Hazelton to which he will take his bride, whom we feel sure will prove a most wisely chosen helpmate.
Aug 11, 1899
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Died: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ash died Thursday night of last week. It was buried in Highland cemetery Friday afternoon.
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Died: Dr. and Mrs. J.R. VanNess' infant son died Wednesday. It had been very ill for several weeks. Their friends sympathize with them. And also: Dr. and Mrs. J.R. VanNess desire to extend their heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted them during the long illness of their little son, Harry H. VanNess who died August 9th.
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Marriage License: Chas. C. Wells, aged 27, of Rusk, Oklahoma, obtained a license last Thursday to marry Alice A. Clements, aged 19, of Coats.
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Born: If anything goes amiss at the Grand Hotel in the next few days, attribute it to the birth of a son last night to Mr. and Mrs. George Horney.
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hewins, of near Woodward, on Thursday of last week, a son. Mrs. Hewins was formerly Miss Lena O'Bryan of this city.
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perry, of near Clay, Oklahoma, a son. The parents are well known in this county. Mrs. Perry is a daughter of R.D. Gaddie of Sharon.
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Married: Felix J. Winkler, aged 28, and Fanny Heady, aged 19, were united in marriage last Saturday by Probate Judge Lacy. Both of these young people live in Elm Mills township, near Sawyer. The Cresset takes pleasure in extending congratulations.
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Born: Mrs. H.C. Thompson, of Woodward, and little daughter Lela, arrived Friday to visit relatives and old friends. Mrs. Thompson was on her way home from Mayfield where she had been to see her grand-daughter, baby Bennett. The first birth notice printed in the Cresset after it was started was one announcing the arrival of a daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Thompson. This daughter was christened Anna. She grew to womanhood and married Logan Bennett, Santa Fe agent at Mayfield. Twenty-one years after announcing her birth, the Cresset enjoyed the privilege - three weeks ago - of announcing the birth of a daughter to her. And this leads us to exclaim - how fast time flies.
Aug 25, 1899
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Noble Madden, of Eagle township, on the 21st, a son. Dr. Osborn officiating.
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Born: Dr. Cushenbery reports a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Craig of Sharon on Monday and a son to Mr. and Mrs. David Jones of Sharon township on Sunday.
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Died: William Hedding died at a private asylum at Wichita last week. He formerly lived in Valley township, this county, and was adjudged insane on January 12, 1898. He was 68 years of age.
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Died: Jacob Wolgamott, age 67, at eight o'clock on August 16, at his home one miles northwest of Sharon. He died of heart trouble, his sickness being short. He had been troubled for some time in this way. He was buried at the Sharon cemetery on Thursday. The family of the deceased extend their heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and friends who so generously gave their assistance during his short sickness and death.
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Married: Mr. D.H. Andres and Mrs. Alma Butler, both of Kiowa, were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock last Sunday evening at the M.E. parsonage, Rev. J.H. Smith performed the ceremony after church. [Kiowa news]
Sep 15, 1899
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Blackmore of Sharon township, on Tuesday, September 12, a daughter, Dr. Moore in attendance.
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Myers on Wednesday of last week, a son, Dr. Moore in attendance.
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Married: E. Gilmore Douglass of Alva was married on September 14th, to Miss Irene M. Farris at Lockwood, Missouri. They will be at home after October 1st at Alva. The Barber county friends of the groom extend congratulations to the bride over her selection of such an excellent young man for a husband.
Sep 22, 1899
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Divorce: A suit for divorce was filed this week in the District Court in which Frederick A. Achenbach is Plaintiff and Minnie A. Achenbach defendant.
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Marriage Licenses: The probate judge issued the following marriage licenses the past week:
Daniel P. Ross and Sarah E. Hance, Kiowa
Rev. John M. Adams, aged 70 and Lucinda E. Marshall, aged 55, Sun City
Frederick B. Leonhart and Edna T. Halstead, Kiowa
Chancy B. Kinkaid and Maude L. Currie, Medicine Lodge
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Married: Chauncey B. Kinkaid and Maude L. Currie, two popular young people of this city, surprised their relatives and friends last Saturday by getting married. The ceremony was performed by Probate Judge Lacy at his residence in the presence of three or four intimate friends. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. Kinkaid took his bride to the home he had prepared in the south part of the city and they began housekeeping like the sensible people they are. Mr. Kinkaid is an industrious young man, and will be able to provide for his wife. The bride is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Currie, and is an accomplished young lady. The Cresset joins with their many friends in extending congratulations and hoping the step they have taken will never be regretted by either. [Note different spellings for Mr. Kinkaid's first name.]
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Died: Ella May Phillips Angell, wife of D.S. Angell of Eagle township, died very suddenly at 10 o'clock Friday night, September 15. She was ill only about twenty-six hours. Her remains were laid away in Mule Creek cemetery on Sunday by loving hands. Her death will be sincerely mourned by all. Though not in very good health herself, she never failed to respond to a sick call, and there is hardly a family among her neighbors that has not received kindly ministrations from her hands. The husband and children have the consolation of knowing that their loss is shared by all. Mrs. Angell was born March 17, 1862, at Napoleon, Henry county, Ohio. She moved with her parents to Nodaway county, Missouri, and on January 23, 1879, married David S. Angell. In 1884 Mr. Angell moved to Woodson and Greenwood counties, Kansas, and in 1886 to Barber county. She leaves a husband and seven children. The children are: John W., aged 19; William, aged 17; Lula, aged 15; Maud, aged 13; Mattie S., aged 11; Elmore, aged 6; Mary S., aged 2. All the children were with her when she died except John, who had gone after the father. In 1892, Mrs. Angell was taken to Marysville, Mo., where Dr. Nash removed a large tumor from her. Since that time her health had been very good - especially the last four years - until the brief illness which caused her death.
Sep 29, 1899
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Otis McReynolds, of Sharon township, on September 21st, a daughter. Dr. Cushenbery in attendance.
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Married: Thomas H. Winkler and Priscilla Winkler, both of Elm Mills township, were joined in marriage by Probate Judge Lacy at his office Saturday. The parties, though bearing the same name, are not related. Both of them are over 50 years of age.
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Married: On Saturday last, at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. J.R. VanNess in this city, Walter G. Murray and Gertha B. Strohl, of Valley township, were united in marriage, Probate Judge Lady officiating. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Murray and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Strohl. The Cresset extends congratulations to this worthy young couple.
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Married: At the residence of the bride's parents in Kiowa on Wednesday evening of this week, A.L. Herr and Bertha Downtain were joined in Marriage by Rev. Mr. Millsap. The groom was the populist candidate for county attorney last fall and is a brother of U.C. Herr, editor of the Index of this city. His bride is the accomplished daughter of Dr. W.H. Downtain of Kiowa. We extend congratulations.
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Married: H.C. Rodebaugh, of Hazelton, and Tillie A. Farrow, of South McAlister, I.T., were married by Probate Judge Lacy at his office Wednesday evening.
Oct 6, 1899
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Died: At Lake City, September 27, 1899, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harris, aged six months and one day. Funeral services were held on Thursday at 2 o'clock.
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Married: The prettiest wedding of the year was that of Roy Webber Burnett to Bessie Ewing at the Presbyterian church Wednesday [Oct 4] evening at 8 o'clock, in the presence of a large number of friends. A few minutes after the arrival of the family of the bride, the bridal couple entered the church and advanced to the altar, Mrs. W.W. Standiford playing the wedding march, and standing under a floral bell suspended from an arch of evergreens, they plighted their troths, and Rev. J.W. Funk pronounced them husband and wife. The church was tastefully decorated with evergreens and potted plants. The bride was beautifully dressed in pearl grey satin with pearl trimmings and carried in her hand a bunch of natural flowers. The groom looked handsome in conventional black. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Burnett returned to the Ewing residence where they will make their home for the present. Roy Burnett has grown to manhood in Medicine Lodge. He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Burnett. His bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Ewing. They are two of the most popular young people in the city, and one and all congratulate them on the step they have taken. [See also Index transcription of Oct 4, 1899.]
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Married: On Thursday evening of last week, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams, Harry Huston and Maud N. Williams were united in marriage, by Rev. J.F. Irwin. The is another worthy young couple of Medicine Lodge who has lately committed matrimonial fusion. Both of them have been trained in all the requirements of good citizenship and thus equipped, with their well known industrious habits, their married life can not help but be a happy one. Mr. Huston is the junior member of the firm of W.E. Stout & Co., harness dealers. We join their many friends in extending congratulations. [See also Index transcription of Oct 4, 1899.]
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Married: Fred F. Stone and Goldie B. Murphy were united in marriage on Thursday evening, September 28, 1899, at the M.E. parsonage in this city, Rev. J.F. Irwin officiating. Mr. Stone came here a few months ago from Lyons. He is a brother of Harry Stone, and is one of the best young men in this county. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy, living east of town. This young couple start out their married life under most favorable circumstances, and the Cresset takes special pleasure in extending congratulations. [See also Index transcription of Oct 4, 1899.]
Oct 13, 1899
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Marriage License: Issued Saturday to William Hendrickson and Maggie V. Glick of Lake City township, and we suppose they have been married ere this. The groom is a son of Geo. W. Hendrickson. We extend congratulations.
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Died: Mrs. D.E. Fair, wife of Captain J.D. Fair of Sharon, died at the family home at Sharon Sunday morning, Oct. 8th, at 3 o'clock. Death resulted from a complication of diseases from which Mrs. Fair had suffered for months. Yet until within recently, hopes were entertained by the family and friends of her ultimate recovery. Mrs. Fair was the daughter of D.J. and Martha Smith, of Lebanon, Tennessee, and was born April 25, 1842. She was married to J.D. Fair at Canton, Kentucky, September 22, 1857. Her death was the first of the family. Besides her husband, five children survive, as follows: Charles C., James R., Hyder H., Hal D., and one daughter, Mrs. T.H. Trice. All the children live at or near Sharon, with the exception of Hal, who is a resident of Medicine Lodge. The death of Mrs. Fair will be felt as keenly, perhaps, by the community in which she lives as in the family of which she was a member. She was loved by all who knew her; a devoted and affectionate wife and mother; a kind and sympathetic friend. Those who knew her best pay her this tribute. Her place in the home and community can never be filled. She was a consistent Christian, a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. The funeral exercises occurred Sunday afternoon at the family residence, and the interment was in the Sharon cemetery. Also: Card of Thanks signed by J.D. Fair, C.C. Fair, Julia Trice, J.R. Fair, H.H. Fair, and H.D. Fair.
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Died: Mrs. Amanda Wilson was born in Bond county, Illinois, April 6, 1836, and died in Medicine Lodge, Kansas, Oct. 7, 1899, aged 63 years, 6 months and 1 day. She was married to John Wilson in 1864 at Galena, Illinois, which city was their place of residence for a number of years. Several years were spent on the Pacific coast in search of health, both being of frail constitution, moving subsequently to Dubuque, Iowa, where Mr. Wilson died in 1897. Last spring Mrs. Wilson came to Medicine Lodge, making her home with her sister, Mrs. J.Q. Wheat, hoping to receive benefit from the climate of southern Kansas. While driving in the grove two weeks before the day of her death she was thrown from her carriage and received injuries, which after great suffering, proved fatal. She became a Christian in her 18th year and united with the Presbyterian church, and adorned her profession by a consistent Christian life. Death had no fear for her, as she desired to depart and be with Christ which is far better. Her remains were taken to Iowa to be placed beside those of her husband to await the resurrection of the just. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." Also: Card of Thanks signed by Mr. and Mrs. J.Q. Wheat for "our sister."
Oct 20, 1899
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Marriage License: Issued Wednesday to Charles W. Barkley, aged 28, and Mabel E. Smith, aged 24, both of Kiowa. They will be married Sunday. The young lady is a daughter of Rev. J. Hamline Smith.
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Died: Rev. John Spangler died at his home in Sharon township on October 16th, aged 65 years. The cause of death is said to have been consumption. The remains were taken to his former home in Iowa for burial. He was a good man, respected by everyone. He had been a Baptist minister for forty years.
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Married: Roy W. Hall and Alma Gertrude Ellis were united in marriage at high noon, Wednesday, October 18, 1899, at the residence of the bride's parents, Judge and Mrs. C.W. Ellis, Rev. W.A. Cain, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for Wichita and Kansas City to spend their honeymoon. They will Medicine Lodge and be at home on North Walnut street on November 1st. These young people have the good wishes of everyone. Their lives have been spent in this city and county and they enjoy the friendship of everyone. Mr. Hall is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Hall, and is a bookkeeper in H.H. Case's hardware store. His bride is an accomplished young lady and will prove a well chosen wife.
Oct 27, 1899
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hill, of Sharon township, on Friday night of last week, a daughter. Dr. Cushenbery in attendance.
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bragg, of Mule Creek, on October 23rd, 1899, a daughter of usual size. Dr. J.K. Osborne in attendance. Lew was not at home when the young lady arrived, and it is said he was the most surprised man in the county when informed.
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Died: Just as we go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. T.C. Clark, aged 24 years and 11 months. Cause of death was consumption. Funeral at 3 p.m. today. [See also below.]
Nov 3, 1899
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Married: Fred L. Finger and Miss Angie Lowry were married at Alva last Saturday. They arrived here in the evening on their way to Sawyer, where Mr. Finger's family resides. The bride is a lovable young lady, well known to Medicine Lodge people, among whom she lived for a number of years. Mr. Finger has, until recently, been deputy county treasurer of Woods county. We extend our hearty congratulations.
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Died: Julia I., wife of T.C. Clark, died last Thursday, October 26, 1899; [she] had been ill several months with consumption. Her husband realized that death was only a question of a few weeks, and he did everything within his power to make her last days as free from suffering as possible. She was only 24 years, 11 months and 1 day old. A husband, two little children and many friends mourn her death. Rev. J.F. Irwin preached the funeral at 3 o'clock Friday evening, and the remains laid to rest in Highland cemetery.
Nov 10, 1899
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Died: Martha J. Springer, mother of Dr. J.T. Cushenbery and Mrs. J.R. VanNess, died at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, aged 73 years. The funeral occurred yesterday afternoon from the residence of Dr. Cushenbery. [See below @ Nov 17 for obituary.]
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Married: Wesley T. Reed and Alice Barnett were married at the bride's home in Kiowa at 7:30 Sunday evening, November 5, 1899. The Cresset extends congratulations. The groom is a brother of W.Y. Reed of Elm Mills township.
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Died: Mrs. Mellie Nurse, Grandma Nurse as everyone loved to call her, died at the home of her son Fred in Mingona township on October 30th, aged 72 years. Mrs. Nurse had lived in Barber county a great many years. She was a most excellent lady, and enjoyed the love and respect of all who knew her.
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Died: Mary Allie Garten, of Mingona township, who died November 2nd, was only 24 years, 11 months and one day old. The cause of death was consumption. Her husband and relatives desire to express their heart-felt thanks to the many friends who tendered sympathy and assistance in their bereavement.
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Married: At the residence of the bride's mother on Wednesday evening, November 1st, 1899, William H. Langhart and Zella Deal were united in marriage, Rev. J.F. Irwin performing the ceremony. The Cresset takes especial pleasure in announcing this marriage. Both of the young people have lived most of their lives in Medicine Lodge, and are loved and respected by all. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. J.N. Deal and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. August Langhart. He is at present car inspector for the Santa Fe railroad - one of the youngest men who ever secured that position. For several months he has made his headquarters at Arkansas City. In all probability this couple will continue to make their home in Medicine Lodge. Only the immediate relatives witnessed the ceremony.
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Birthday - "Pleasant Surprise" - Last Saturday evening, Oct. 28, a pleasant surprise was given at Mr. T.N. Corrie's, in honor of their daughter Grace's twenty-first birthday. After amusements and music a bountiful lap supper of pie, cake and lemonade was enjoyed, and all departed wishing Grace many returns of such happy birthdays. Those present were Arthur Phipps, Lewis Phipps, Otis White, Bert White, Clarence Strohl, Martin Roessler, Charlie Miller, Fred Cocherell, John Runckle, Charley Murray, John Blackwelder, Amy Miller, Mrs. Miller, Tena Miller, Allie Allison, Tempie Strohl, Stella Roessler, Clarance Miller.
Nov 17, 1899
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Born: To Dr. and Mrs. C.L. Sparks on Sunday November 12th a 9 pound daughter. Drs. Moore and Cushenbery in attendance.
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Married: Norman Gilbert and Miss Lulu Blackmore, of Sharon township, were married at Alva on Thursday evening, November 9th. We extend congratulations.
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Married: There was a quiet wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Burnett Wednesday evening, and Charles Kinkaid and Miss Stella Burnett are now husband and wife. Only the immediate relatives were present when Rev. R. Hahn said the words which united the lives of these two excellent young people for weal or woe. Charles Kinkaid is almost a native of Barber county. At present he is foreman of W.E. Campbell's big ranch in Woods county, Oklahoma. To know the bride is to love her. We take pleasure in congratulating them.
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Died: Martha J. Springer, mother of Dr. J.T. Cushenberry and Mrs. J.R. VanNess of this city, and C.S. Cushenbery, of Sharon township, died Wednesday, November 8, 1899, at 8 o'clock p.m., at the advanced age of 73. She was feeble for some time and her death was no surprise. The funeral services were held from the residence of Dr. Cushenbery with whom the deceased made her home, on Thursday afternoon. Martha Jane Farrell was born at Scottsville, Kentucky, Jul 28, 1826. She was married August 12, 1848, to Hiram C. Cushenbery. Three children were born to this union - Dr. J.T. Cushenbery, of this city, C.S. Cushenbery, of Sharon township, and Mary A. Kimrey, of Waverly, Kas. Her first husband died in 1859 and she was married again to Geo. W. Springer at Scottsville in 1860. One child was born to the union - Georgia VanNess, of this city. Mr. Springer died in the army in 1863. The deceased had survived both her parents and all of her brothers and sister. [See also identical Index transcription at Nov 15, 1899.]
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Marriage License: Charles L. Green and Alice M. VanDusen of Kiowa were granted a license to marry yesterday morning. They will be married at Kiowa at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. We extend congratulations.
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Died: George Robinett died at 3 o'clock a.m., Tuesday, November 14, 1899, after an illness of several months with consumption. For the past three months he had been confined to his bed. He leaves a wife and child, who have the sympathy of all. Rev. J.F. Irwin preached the funeral Tuesday afternoon.
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Died: "Sam Overstreet Dead - Dies While En Route to Indiana to Attend Family Reunion" - [Although essential details are provided here, please consult this microfilm for the very long obituary for "Hon. S.L. Overstreet, United States attorney for Oklahoma."] He was born in Franklin, Johnson county, Indiana, on July 24th, 1853. He was the son of Gabriel Monroe and Sarah Lucinda Overstreet, both of whom are still living, the former being 82 years of age and the latter 73 years. The deceased spent the early years of his life and young manhood in the Indiana home, where he practiced law with his father after graduating from the Indiana Baptist college. In the early 80s he came west, locating in this city... March, 1898, he was appointed by the president as United States attorney for Oklahoma. Mr. Overstreet enjoyed the friendship of everyone in Barber county who knew him. He was a man of splendid legal attainments, strictly honest, and one of the noblest hearted men that ever lived.
Dec 1, 1899
Died: Miss Mittie Evans, a sister of Mrs. W.C. Millar, of Lake City, and well known in Medicine Lodge, died at the family home in Oklahoma Monday night, November 27th, and was buried in the Lake City cemetery Wednesday, by the side of her twin sister who died six years ago. Her sickness and death were much like that of her sister and her beautiful words of faith and hope. Heaven and God were almost the same as those by which her sister had cheered and comforted her friends. Miss Mittie was 22 years old. The funeral services was held at W.C. Millar's residence. Addresses were made by Rev. J.F. Irwin, of this city, and Dr. Hutchinson, of Coats. Many sympathizing friends saw her body laid in the grave to await the coming of the Lord. [See also Index transcription @ Dec 6, 1899.]
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Married: Dale S. McCoy and Lillian M. Brown, two popular young people of Elm Mills township, secured a license to marry last Saturday and on Wednesday of this week they were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage in this city by Rev. W.A. Cain, pastor of the Baptist church. The Cresset extends congratulations.
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Married: Wednesday, November 29, 1899, at the residence of the bride's parents, Dave C. Funk and Sadie M. Iliff, Rev. J.W. Funk officiating. It was a quiet, home wedding. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Iliff, living northeast of town. The young couple have many friends who join the Cresset in extending congratulations and best wishes for a happy and prosperous life.
Dec 8, 1899
pg 3, col 1
Died: Ed Litchfield, formerly a resident of this city, died at Wichita Monday. The cause of death was typhoid fever.
pg 3, col 4
Married: On Wednesday, December 6th, 1899, at the bride's home in Harper county, J.H. Stansberry of Wichita and Mary Stith, eldest daughter of Mrs. D. Stith. Only the relatives and a few friends were present. The bride is well known in this city as a most estimable young lady. Mr. Stansberry travels for the Wichita Wholesale Produce Company. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for Wichita, where they will reside.
Dec 15, 1899, pg 3, col 2
Born: Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Noble are the parents of a son born on December 2nd.
Dec 22, 1899
pg 3, col 1
Marriage License: Issued last Friday to Fred Louis Schrader and Frances Amelia Kessler of Kiowa.
pg 3, col 2
Born: Dr. Cushenbery reports a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. J.H. DeBord, of Sharon township, on the 12th; and a son to Mr. and Mrs. John McDaniels of this city on Saturday last.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mounsey, on Tuesday morning, January 9th, a daughter, Dr. Moore in attendance.
pg 3, col 2
Birthday: A surprise party was given Jack Chadwick by Mrs. O.V. Lytle in honor of his 40th birthday last Saturday evening. Quite a number of his friends, both old and young congregated and a most enjoyable time was spent.
Dec 29, 1899
pg 2, col 5
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Walker, on December 24th, a girl. [Sun City news]
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Mills, of Lake City, on Tuesday, December 26, a 12-pound girl, Drs. Moore and Kociell in attendance.
pg 3, col 3
Birthday: Wednesday was R.V. Bloom's seventieth birthday, and in honor of the event a family reunion was held at his home in Mingona township, and it was the happiest day Mr. Bloom and is good wife had since moving to their present home sixteen years ago. Their daughter, Mrs. Viola Isaacs, of Canadian, Texas, was present.
pg 3, col 4
Married: At half past ten Wednesday morning, December 27th, 1899, Seward Irving Field and Mettie Myrtle Johnson were united in marriage in the Episcopal church in this city in the presence of their immediate relatives and a few friends. Rev. L.L. Swan officiated, using the beautiful Episcopal marriage ritual. The wedding breakfast was served at the Central Hotel and in the afternoon the happy couple left for the home provided by the groom in Kansas City, followed by the best wishes of all. Both of these young people have grown to manhood and womanhood in Medicine Lodge. They are each capable of meeting whatever the future may have in store for them. Seward Field graduated with high honors from the law department of the State university last spring. He has a position with the law firm of Beardsley & Gregory, Kansas City. [See also Index transcription @ Dec 27, 1899.]
pg 3, col 4
Married: Archie J. Ayers and Myrtle Alford, two young people of Hazelton, were united in marriage in this city Wednesday by Probate Judge Lacy. The bride is a daughter of W.C. Alford, the well- known mayor and democrat of Hazelton.
pg 3, col 4
Married: At 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, at the bride's home in Elm Mills township, William M. Rich, of this city, and Maud Jones were joined in marriage, Justice Slack officiating. This is a prominent young colored couple of the county. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Jones of Elm Mills township.
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