REEL #M870/KSHS Microfilm Collection
The Medicine Lodge Cresset (meaning "bright light") was a weekly newspaper, published in Medicine Lodge beginning early in 1879. L.M. Axline was publisher at the time this particular reel begins; Otis Lorton took over publication in February 1899. Local news included coverage from the surrounding communities, as well as Medicine Lodge. This reel begins Friday, January 7, 1898 and continues through Friday, February 22, 1901. The information has been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (
Jan 5, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Case, on Saturday morning, December 30, 1899, a son, Dr. Moore in attendance.
pg 3, col 4
Died: J.B. Gano received a letter Monday from Miss Lola Berry, stating that her father, William Berry, had died at Frankfort, Indiana, and that he was laid to rest at his old home on December 24th, last. The news was a surprise to all here, and was received in sorrow by all who knew him. It was only a few weeks ago that he left here for a visit at his old home in Frankfort, Indiana. He was happy in the anticipation of a pleasant visit and a reunion with relatives whom he had not seen in a number of years. But it seems the change of climate was too severe for him. He was in his 79th year, and for many years had been an esteemed citizen of Eagle township.
pg 3, col 4
Married: On New Year's day, at 12 o'clock, a quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents near Nashville. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. S. McKibben, of Spivey. The contracting parties were Wibur [sic] W. Hewitt, of Barber county, and Florence E. Hendricks, of Nashville. Mr. Hewitt is a young man of excellent reputation and commands the esteem of a large number of acquaintances and friends. The bride is a lovely young lady of beautiful character and gentle disposition. A bright and happy future will most surely follow them. The guests who witnessed the ceremony were invited to partake of an excellent dinner. They have the well wishes of a large circle of acquaintances. Signed: S. McKibben.
Feb 9, 1900
pg 2, col 3
Born: On January 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Campbell, a girl. Now the birth of a baby is an event of prime importance, in Lake City, that only happens occasionally and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have been flooded with curious visitors to see the little one. [Lake City news]
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Brandon, on February 4th, a daughter, Dr. Moore in attendance.
Feb 16, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCoy on Sunday morning, February 11th, a ten pound son. The Cresset is especially interested in the youngster because his father is a printer in this office.
Feb 23, 1900
pg 2, col 3
Died: The little one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoagland died Thursday, February 15, 1900, of consumption of the bowels. When the angel of Heaven came for him, he passed away peacefully at 1 o'clock p.m. The grieving parents have the sympathy of all. They desire us to express to their neighbors and friends their appreciation of the kindness shown during the sickness and death of their little one.
pg 3, col 2
Married: Miss Anna Maud Stith, daughter of Mrs. M.J. Stith, well known in Medicine Lodge, was married on the 14th [of February] to Albert N. McBride, of Attica.
pg 3, col 4
Anniversary: One of the pleasantest gatherings we have late heard of in Barber county occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Wright in Moore township on Friday, the 16th of this month, the occasion being the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. Of the fifty-one persons present all were related to Mr. and Mrs. Wright except six. Their family, consisting of four sons and four daughters, have grown to manhood and womanhood without death ever entering the family circle. Mr. Wright is past 71 years of age and is still quite active; Mrs. Wright is 3 years younger. They have 31 grandchildren, of whom 21 were present at the home gathering. They also have four great-grandchildren. Appropriate presents were given them. Among them were gold spectacles to remind them that it was their golden wedding and a nice, large family Bible. After partaking of a bountiful dinner all joined in a service of song and prayer, concluding by singing, "God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again."
pg 3, col 4
Died: Mrs. M. Bell, mother of Frank and Kinney Bell, died near Sharon Tuesday evening. Her age was about 65 years.
Mar 9, 1900
pg 2, col 4
Married: The marriage of Mr. William R. Ahlf and Miss Helen A. McGarry was most beautifully solemnized Tuesday morning, February 20, at 9:30 o'clock in the Catholic chapel on North Main street. Father Sullivan, of the Cathedral of Wichita performed the ceremony. Miss McGarry is an accomplished young lady of domestic tastes. In society she enjoys the esteem and confidence of all. Mr. Ahlf is an enterprising young man, being in the employ of Matthews' Hardware and implement company of Alva, O.T. A number of useful and pretty presents were received. The happy couple left for Alva, their future home, with their many friends wising them the success and happiness which they so richly deserve.
Mar 16, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Taliaferro, a girl baby of regulation weight on Wednesday, March 14th, Dr. Kociell in attendance.
pg 3, col 3
Died: At 1 o'clock, Monday morning, March 12, Frank LeDou died at his home in this city, of paralysis, aged 71 years, five months and twelve days. The funeral was conducted by the G.A.R. post, of which he was a member, and Rev. J.F. Irwin preached the sermon. Mr. LeDou was born in Montreal, Canada, came to this country when a young man, and when the war of the rebellion commenced he enlisted in the service of his country. He came to Kansas from Indiana in 1882, and ten years ago came to Medicine Lodge. He was twice married. Two years ago he married Mrs. Kate Murphy, who survives him. Ten children, the fruits of the first marriage, reside in different parts of the country, some of whom were with him when he died. They are John, Levi, Virginia, Joseph, Jacob, Lady Jane, James, Lillie (Mrs. James Netherly), Peter and Rachel (Mrs. Tom Owens). Mr. LeDou was a hard-working, exemplary citizen, and enjoyed the esteem of all. [G.A.R. Eldred Post 174 Resolution follows.][See above @ Nov 8, 1898 for marriage to Mrs. Murphy.]
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Marriage: Tollie T. Cravens, of this city, and Lora D. Brock, of Hazelton, were united in marriage by Probate Judge Lacy on Wednesday afternoon.
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Died: Mrs. E. Stever, maternal grandmother to L.M. and D.H. Axline, of this county, died at her home near Fairfield, Iowa, on Wednesday, March 7th, 1900, aged 96 years, 7 months and 5 days. Mrs. Stever's maiden name was Parks. She was born and raised in Pennsylvania, but moved to Iowa with her husband and family in 1844. Grandma Stever was a grand old woman. She raised a family of eleven children of her own, and in addition raised ten or eleven other children. She had great energy and force of character, but her home was her kingdom and her family her pride. She was a constant Christian and church member. Her death will be sincerely mourned by children, grandchildren and great-grand-children, over fifty in number, scattered from the Atlantic to the Philippines.
pg 3, col 4
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Garvin, a 10-pound boy. Both mother and child getting along nicely. [Hazelton news]
Mar 23, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Died: George Kernohan died at his home near Mumford on Tuesday, March 20, 1900, of pneumonia. His remains were buried in this city yesterday under the auspices of the Masonic order. Mr. Kernohan was born in County Antrim, Ireland, March 28, 1848. He came to the United States in 1870 and to Kansas in 1897. He was a good citizen and enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him. For a number of years he had been a devout member of the Presbyterian church. On March 4, 1873, in Mahoning county, Ohio, he was united in marriage to Jennette Rankin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rankin of this county. His wife, eight sons and two daughters survive him, and they have the sympathy of all. [See also Index transcription @ Mar 27/28, 1900.]
Mar 30, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Iliff, on Monday morning, March 26th, a son, Dr. Moore in attendance.
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Married: George M. Smith and Ollie Donovan of Alva, were married in this city by Probate Judge Lacy on March 21st.
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Married: On Thursday, March 22nd, Clifford E. Murphy and Pearl I. Woodward were united in marriage by Probate Judge Lacy. Both of these young people are well known in this community, and enjoy the good wishes of all. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy and his bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Woodward. The Cresset extends congratulations.
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Birthday: Linn Mason was given a party last Sunday evening by his parents, it being his 25th birthday. A large number of friends gathered in and a very pleasant time was had, after which refreshments were served. Birthday cakes were plentiful.
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Died: W.H. Chamberlain died last Sunday at 3 p.m. His funeral was attended by a large number of friends. Rev. G.L. Hayes conducted the funeral services. His relatives have the deepest sympathy of all.
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Died: On Saturday evening, at 4 o'clock, Oscar, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Harmon, aged 26 years and one day. He had been ill only a short time with consumption. He was buried at Lake City. His parents wish to return their sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted them during their son's illness. [Sun City news] And also @ pg 4, col 4: Died: Oscar Harmon, aged 26 years, died at the home of his parents in Sun City, Saturday evening, March 25, of consumption. The funeral obsequies were held in Sun City and the remains interred in the burial grounds at this place. [Lake City news]
Apr 6, 1900, pg 3, col 1
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Davenport on Sunday, April 1st, a daughter, Dr. Moorhead in attendance.
Apr 13, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Born: A fine boy, born Thursday, April 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams. Mrs. Carrie Nation (osteopath) in attendance.
pg 3, col 4
Married: George T. Guthrie of this city and Miss Ina Johnson of Caldwell were united in marriage at the home of the bride on Sunday, April 8th. Mr. Guthrie is pharmacist for the J.R. Young Drug Co. of this city, and the many friends he has made during his residence here extend to him their congratulations. After the ceremony the couple went to Wichita and then to Kingman to visit Mr. Guthrie's relatives. Mr. Guthrie returned Wednesday to set the house in order. Mrs. Guthrie is expected tomorrow. They will reside in the A.B. Wilkins residence.
Apr 20, 1900
pg 3, col 4
Born & Died: To Mr. and Mrs. C.Q. Chandler, on Saturday, April 14th, twin girls. The happiness of the parents was short, as the infants only lived a little while.
Apr 27, 1900
pg 2, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ruth, a boy baby, Friday, April 13th. Mother and child doing well. [Hazelton news]
pg 2, col 1
Died: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gorman, on Tuesday morning, of spinal affection [sic]. They have our deepest sympathy. [Hazelton news]
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Born: Doc and Mrs. Roark, a few miles west of town, are the parents of a fine boy baby born Wednesday, [Apr] 18th. [Lake City news]
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Gaddie, on Sunday, April 22, a son, Dr. Cushenbery in attendance.
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cole, on Thursday, April 19, a daughter, Dr. Cushenbery in attendance.
May 4, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Died: Edward Chinn, of Pratt county, died May 1st. He was about 35 years of age. He leaves a wife and three or four children.
pg 3, col 2
Birthday: Last Friday evening, at her home, Miss Edna Kauffman entertained in honor of Miss Temperance Strohl's sixteenth birthday. A very pleasant evening was spent and at a late hour refreshments were served.
May 11, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Died: Mrs. C.M. Porter died Monday at her home six miles southeast of Medicine Lodge, of consumption. She leaves a husband and two small children. Elder McClain preached the funeral Tuesday and interment was made in Highland cemetery of this city. Mrs. Porter was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Thompson.
May 18, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Axline, on Thursday, May 10, a son, Dr. Cushenbery in attendance. [See below for death of this infant.]
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Goatley, on Wednesday, May 9, a daughter, Dr. Cushenbery in attendance.
pg 3, col 2
Born: O.S. Boggs is rejoicing over a granddaughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Squire Boggs, at Hazelton. Mr. Boggs has several grandsons but this is the only grand-daugher.
pg 3, col 2
Married: Frank Parish and Julia M. Gregory, two young people of Lake City, were united in marriage last Saturday by Probate Judge Lacy. Riley Lake stood as sponsor and best man.
pg 3, col 3
Born: On Wednesday morning, May 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Toombs, living on the Murdock place west of town, a beautiful boy. Mrs. Carrie Nation, osteopath, in attendance. [Apr 27, 1900, pg 2, col 2, Mingona news: Ed Toombs, of Woodward county, O.T., has moved into the Wm. Murdock house. Mr. Toombs married Miss Sallie Jesse and we are proud to say he is a republican.]
Jun 1, 1900
pg 3, col
Died: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Axline died on Thursday night, May 23rd, and was buried in Highland cemetery Friday afternoon. It was about two weeks old. The parents have the tender sympathy of all.
Jun 8, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Married: At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Kelley, near Lipscomb, Texas, on Wednesday evening of this week, their daughter Gertrude was united in marriage to Earnest Williams of Medicine Lodge. We have been expecting this for sometime, and we heartily join their many friends in congratulating them. The bride is a young lady of many graces, and everybody knows that Ernest is one of the steadiest and best young men in Medicine Lodge.
June 15, 1900, pg 2, col 4
Died: This vicinity was shocked last Sunday by the sudden death of Mrs. John Chadwick at 3 o'clock p.m. The sadness was intensified by her leaving a little infant as well as a large family; two of the eldest are married. The interment took place Monday evening at 5 o'clock and was attended by a large number of sympathetic friends. [Amber news]
Jun 22, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Birthday: Miss Cornie Gibson arranged a very pleasant surprise party for her mother, Mrs. J.P. Gibson, Wednesday evening, the occasion being in honor of Mrs. Gibson's fortieth birthday anniversary.
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Married: At the home of Dr. and Mrs. D.E. Tedrow Wednesday afternoon their daughter Grace was married to Stephen Ireland, Elder W.T. McLain performing the ceremony in the presence of immediate relatives. After the ceremony the happy couple went to the home prepared by the groom on Kansas Avenue west. Everyone joins in extending congratulations to this popular and well-known young couple. Mr. Ireland is deputy postmaster in this city, and his bride is a teacher in our public school. The future looks bright for them, and we trust they will enjoy a full realization of all their hopes.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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