Barber County Kansas

Medicine Lodge Cresset, November 21, 1917.



Richard Scott, the 12 year old son of Mrs. Esme Scott of Wichita for many years a resident of this city, was run down by an automobile at the corner of Eighth and Hillside in Wichita last Sunday afternoon about 5:00 o'clock.

From the Wichita papers the following account of the accident has been gleaned: Mrs. Scott, a widow, has been employed for several years by the Mid-West Auto Indemnity Association and during this time she has kept her two children, Richard, 12, and Donald, 8, at the Children's Home. On Sunday she made one of her frequent visits to see them and when she started to take the street car the children went with her to the curb. As the children waved her good-bye, Richard for some reason ran out toward the car tracks and was struck by an auto which had been approaching unnoticed. His movement was so sudden that the driver could not stop the car in time to avoid striking him. The wheels of the auto passed over his chest and one arm, and there were lacerations on his chin and forehead. The driver immediately stopped and with the aid of bystanders got the boy into the car and took him and his mother at once to St. Francis hospital. A hasty examination revealed the fact that his injuries were very serious. He regained consciousness for a short time but died about two hours later.

Mrs. Scott is a daughter of T. L. Lindley of this city. Mr. Lindley went to Wichita at once on receipt of word of the accident and arranged for bringing the body here. The funeral party arrived Tuesday afternoon and funeral services are being held this afternoon, conducted by Rev. H. J. Donaldson, pastor of the M. E. church.

The news of this sad accident was a great shock to the people of this city and the profoundest sympathy goes out to the bereaved mother, brother and relatives.

Obituary: Walter A. Scott, father of Richard Scott.

Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!

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