REEL #G861/KSHS Microfilm Collection

Van Brunt

Hiattville News
February 1908 through June 1908

Bourbon County’s Hiattville News was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated February 21, 1908, was published on Fridays, under the names of C.W. Strode, C.E. Williams, D.C. Williams and W.H. Thomas as Editors/Publishers. In April 1909, H. W. Tucker became publisher, with P. H. Kelly as Local Editor. Publication ceased on February 25, 1910. News from neighboring communities and rural routes was routinely covered. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (

Feb 21, 1908, pg 6, col 2

Born: A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Goff, Feb. 16. (Hepler news)

Feb 28, 1908

pg 1, col 2

Died: Earl, the two year old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dugan, died at their home in Pawnee Friday Feb. 21, of pneumonia fever. The funeral services were held last Sunday at 10 o’clock and burial was made at Pleasant View cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Dugan have the deepest sympathy of the entire community. [Memorial poem follows]

pg 1, col 3

Married: Mr. Levi Barnett of this place and Mrs. Lucy Dyke, of Jonesburg, Mo., were united in marriage at Fort Scott last Friday. We welcome the bride into our midst.

pg 4, col 1

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smith Feb 25, a ten pound boy. Mother and child are doing well and Lon is wearing a smile as broad as a wagon.

Mar 6, 1908, pg 1, col 2

[Both of the following items are from Rural Route No. 2 news]

Born: A bouncing baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Harryman last week, and if the youngster keeps up his father’s record he will make his mark, some days as a slant artist in the base ball field.

Born: The stork got busy last week at the home of J. I. Gary and now there is a little Miss to gladden the home. The mother and child are doing nicely.

Mar 13, 1908, pg 1, col 2

Died: Again for the second time during the existence of the News, it is our sad duty to record the death of a well known young man of this vicinity. Monday evening, S. P. Symms received the sad intelligence of his son, Bert Symms’ death by wire. Though the particulars are meager at this time, we find that he was taken very sick at the hotel where he was stopping in Pueblo, Colo., on Friday evening and rapidly becoming worse was taken to the hospital where he quickly succumbed to death. Mr. Symms left Monday evening for Pueblo to bring the remains to Ft. Scott where interment will be made in Evergreen cemetery.

Died: The expression "In the midst of life we are in death" was never more truly verified than in the death of D. S. Williams, of Fort Scott, who died last Tuesday night [Mar 10th]. Mr. Williams, who was the father of Don Williams of this city, was in his usual health and had been down town all the afternoon and upon his return home ate his supper after which he suddenly complained of being sick. A physician was called who stayed at the bedside for some time but found it necessary to go down to his office for more medicine and upon his return found that Mr. Williams had passed away. The cause of death was heart disease. Mr. Williams was one of the best known men of Bourbon county, has always taken an active part in the affairs of the county and was a heavy stockholder in the Ft. Scott State Bank. Mr. Williams was about 68 years of age being born in Illinois in 1840 from whence he came to Kansas in 1878. He leaves a wife and six children, Misses Lula and Sophia who live at home, D. C. Williams, of this place, Derwin Williams who lives south of Pawnee, Mrs. Cornelius, of Girard and another daughter who lives is Ossawatomie. The funeral was held at Fort Scott at 1 p.m. Thursday and interment was made at Evergreen cemetery under the care of the Masonic fraternity. Mar 27, 1908, pg 1, col 2: John Brown and T. J. Strode, of Ft. Scott, and John R. Harnett of this place, have been appointed appraisers of the estate of the late D. S. Williams.

Mar 20, 1908, pg 6, col 2

Died: The three weeks old, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Umphenour, died Wednesday March 18 of pneumonia. (Hepler news)

Born: Dr. Crawford reports a son, born Monday morning March 16, to K. S. Gentle and wife; and

Born: Monday afternoon March 16, a daughter to W. E. Wormley and wife. (Hepler news)

Mar 27, 1908, pg 1, col 1

Died: "Another Old Settler Gone" - Again the Death Angel has come into our midst and taken a beloved friend and neighbor. The call this time was upon George W. Hughey, who lived three and one half miles east of Hiattville. He was taken sick last Sunday morning [Mar 22nd] about 3 o’clock and died at 4:30, having been sick less than two hours. George W. Hughey was born on Feb. 14, 1835, in Ohio, being at the time of his death, 73 years, 1 month and 8 days old. He was married to Miss Hannah A. Scott in 1854 and came to Kansas in the 60's. After living on two or three different farms he settled in 1873 on the place on which he died. To them was born ten children, of which five of them survive him and they are: G. J. Hughey, who lives on a farm near here; W. F. Hughey, of Emporia; Mrs. Lucy Akins, of Boranza, Canada; Mrs. Belle Osborne, of Quincy, Kas.; and Miss Jane, who lived with her father. His wife was taken from this life in 1892. He was a member in good standing of Godfrey Lodge No. 124, A.F. & A.M. The funeral services were held at the home at 2 o’clock Monday, interment being made at Pleasant View, under the auspices of the Masons.

Married: Mr. Harry Boyd, son of Mr. P. W. Boyd, and Miss Maud Forrester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Forrester, were united in marriage by probate Judge Hudson in the parlors of the Tremont Hotel in Fort Scott last Saturday [Mar 21st]. Both the bride and groom are well known in this vicinity and are very popular among the young people here, and we are sure all their friends join us in wishing them a long and happy married life. They will make their home in the Lahey property in this city.

Apr 3, 1908

pg 1, col 1

Died: Word has been received here that Grandpa Marquis died at the State Soldiers’ Home at Fort Dodge on the 28th of March. He had just returned from a visit to relatives in Bourbon county. (Marmaton news)

pg 2, col 4

Died: "His Life’s End, Arch Davenport, The Friend of Everyone, Is No More, Died Sunday Morning, Eccentric in Character, Lovable in Disposition, Enjoying the Friendship of the Hosts, He is Mourned" - Arch Davenport, widely known in Bourbon county, and who has been ill at his home for three weeks, passed peacefully away at 3:30 o’clock Sunday morning. He faced and met death with the same nerve and good humor so characteristic of his every day life. Perhaps no citizen of Fort Scott is better known than was "Arch," and few or none could claim more friends. His death comes as a great shock and a genuine grief to all. He was born on November 15th 1863, at Grant, New York, but was brought to Kansas when but three years of age. His whole life was spent in the west and was tempered with its spirit. He was a student at Kansas Normal College and a classmate with Grant Hornaday and W. C. Lansdon. He was a bright scholar and wide reader and had stored up a vast fund of useful information. He was an authority on guns and sporting goods, and was considered the most expert angler in the state. Arch had a decided liking for curiosities and his second hand store on Market street was a veritable old curiosity shop. Every conceivable relic obtainable was to be found there, including instruments of death that had been used in illegal killings: axes, hangman’s rope, etc. His stock also included many curious, obsolete patterns of fire arms that will be eagerly sought by his friends as remembrances. Mr. Davenport was a man of unique parts. With a brain of unusual power and a trend of mind that was original, he held peculiar and striking views on all mooted questions. He busied himself odd moments in thinking out unusual solutions of public questions. For instance, he was a great admirer of natural gas as a fuel for household purposes. He would pass a law making it a misdemeanor to waste it and a crime to use it for any but household purposes. Thus the supply would hold out for an indefinite time and the good women of the whole country get the benefit of this ideal fuel. He wanted to see automobiles constructed like a transfer wagon capable of hauling a dozen men, have them shod with steel tires and incapable of making over ten miles per hour maximum speed. He was an indefatigable fisherman and was uniformly successful at it. During its life, he was a leading spirit in the Cockle Bur Club with the club house in Bandara and on the occasion of the loss of the club house got off some extremely humorous flings about it. For many years, Mr. Davenport has been afflicted with a peculiar malady familiarly known as elephantitis. It manifested itself in enlargement of the body and bones until they were entirely overgrown and disproportional. This gave him an odd appearance, and yet, while there can be no doubt it was a sore embarrassment to him, he bore it good naturedly and often made comical allusions to his hands and feet. In all respects he was an unusual character. Arch was a friend of the newspaper that will not be forgotten. He always had a piece of news or could manufacture one and his fund of stories never ran out. He was a particular delight to the children and he knew them and loved them all. He was a generous and kindly man, rough in exterior, but full of noble sentiments and will be best remembered by his good traits of character. His death leaves a gap that cannot be filled in the business and outdoor life of Fort Scott. He is survived by his wife and one son. His funeral will be held from the Baptist church today at 2 o’clock p.m. (Fort Scott Republican)

Died: "Another One Has Answered the Last Call" - Israel Keyes Brown, who lived one-half mile north of Cato, died at his home Wednesday, April 1, at two o’clock p.m. He was born near Rockford, Ill., on December 22nd, 1840, being at the time of his demise 67 years, 3 months and 9 days old. He leaves a widow, one son, four daughters and two brothers, Chad Brown of Cato and H. B. Brown of Fort Scott, besides a host of friends to mourn his loss. His children are as follows: Owen G. Brown, pastor of the Baptist church of Lawrence, Kas., Dottie McWilliams, of Girard, Minnie Nance of ___, Mary Warren of Fort Scott. One son is dead______. [This obituary continues but this particular microfilm printout is illegible.]

Apr 24, 1908, pg 4, col 2

Married: "Popular South Side Young People Surprised Their Many Friends Yesterday" - C. L. Williams and Miss Dora Stelter, both well known and popular young people of South Fort Scott, yesterday surprised their many friends by going to Girard, where they were made man and wife. The wedding occurred yesterday morning at 9:30 at the Methodist parsonage at Girard, Rev. Thompson officiating. They returned to this city on the afternoon train. Miss Stelter is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stelter of South Ransom street. She has resided in Fort Scott for many years, and has a host of friends who wish her a happy married life. Mr. Williams only recently came to Fort Scott from Virginia. He is an industrious young man, and expects to make his permanent home in this city. Yesterday was also the 40th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Stelter, parents of the bride.

May 1, 1908

pg 1, col 1

Died: Sheldon Marquis, son of Robert and Ann Marquis, departed from this life Saturday morning in Fort Scott after suffering eighteen months and twenty-five days. The little body was laid to rest in Mount Orum cemetery. The funeral was preached at the family home by Rev. Marsolf. They have the sympathy of a host of friends. Mr. Marquis will move his family west of Marmaton the coming week and try farming again. (Marmaton news)

pg 1, col 2

Birthday: A very pleasant party was given at the home of Rev. Stephens Saturday night in honor of their daughter, Miss Iva, it being her eighteenth birthday. Quite a large crowd was present and all report a fine time. The guests were served ice cream and cake. They left at a late hour wishing Miss Iva many happy birthdays. (Devon news)

May 8, 1908, pg 1, col 4

Married: The many friends in this vicinity of Miss Sophia Maycumber, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maycumber were very much surprised Thursday to learn of her recent marriage. The lucky man was Mr. F. Campbell of Muskogee, Okla. They were united Tuesday evening May 5th by the Presbyterian minister at the parsonage of that church in Muskogee. The groom is one of the leading business men of that city, being a contractor and builder. Miss Maycumber went to Muskogee last fall to take charge of a school near Muskogee and met Mr. Campbell while engaged in that work, she formerly being one of Bourbon county’s most successful teachers, and especially in the vicinity of Hiattville, where she taught several terms. The bride and groom arrived Thursday morning for a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Maycumber. Their future home will be in Muskogee. The News extends their congratulations and sincerely wishes them a happy and successful future. [Note: See below for birth of daughter @ May 7, 1909.]

May 15, 1908

pg 1, col 2

Died: Thomas Carpenter, who has been well known to this community for the past fifteen years, died at the home of S. B. Ridge during the latter part of last week. Mr. Carpenter was an old bachelor, a peculiar man, said nothing about his relatives and his friends after sending out inquiries and starting some research, made interment in the Tweedy cemetery. His immediate relatives were later found at Tipton, Mo., 20 miles east of Sedalia, and his namesake, Thos. Carpenter, Jr., arrived here the day following the burial and took the body to his old home where it will be placed beside other relatives in the country cemetery. It was learned that he has four sisters and two brothers whom he had not seen for 20 years, in fact, he had not written them in the last fifteen years. His people are well to do citizens and desired that his last resting place should be midst the scenes of his youth. (Garland news)

pg 1, col 3

Died: Ora Henning, the fifteen months’ old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sanderson, died Monday evening, May 11, after suffering with pneumonia fever for about four weeks. The little boy was their only child and it is indeed sad that the only sunbeam of their home should be plucked from them, but it was the will of the All Wise Father. The News takes the privilege of extending to them the heart felt sympathy of the entire community in this their hour of sorrow. The funeral was conducted by Undertaker Yager and was held at the M. E. church where Rev. True preached a most touching sermon, but at the same time extended hopes to the bereaved ones of the reunion in the City of Gold.

pg 1, col 4

Married: We understand, and it came from good authority, that another wedding happened in our midst last week, although it has been kept a little quiet. We, the Hiattville News, wish to congratulate Mr. Jacob Jacobsen and bride, whom we understand were married last Tuesday at Fort Scott. We have as yet not learned the bride’s maiden name, but we wish them all happiness and welcome them to this community.

May 22, 1908, pg 1, col 1

Died: Isaac Van Brunt, a pioneer resident of this township, died at his home west of Garland at the age of 82 years Saturday evening [May 16]. He had been afflicted with paralysis for nearly two years, during which time all was done by his children and physicians that was possible to alleviate pain and prolong his stay here on earth. He was a Mason and the funeral was under the auspices of that order. The funeral discourse was given by Rev. J. B. Mackenzie of Fort Scott. There was a very large attendance and the procession to the grave was a half mile long. Interment was made at Clarksburg cemetery. He leaves an aged wife, two sons and three daughters. A large number of his neighbor friends will not soon forget the patient, upright, quiet citizen who lived among them all these years. His aim and ambition was to do no evil. (Garland news) [See below for death of Mrs. Van Brunt.][Follow-up article on Sep 25, 1908 @ pg 2, col2 regarding legal proceedings contesting of Mr. Van Brunt’s will by his son, Fred Van Brunt.]

May 29, 1908, pg 1, col 1

Married: Tom Wells and Miss Elda Grimes were married in Fort Scott last Wednesday afternoon [probably May 27th] by Judge Hudson. We wish them a long and prosperous life. They will make their home in Redfield. (Marmaton news)

June 5, 1908, pg 1, col 2

Married: Joe Rhodes of Phillipsburg, Kas., who has visited heretofore in our hamlet, came in yesterday and claimed as his bride Miss Clara May Jones, daughter of Mrs. Mary A. Jones, who lives one and one-half miles southeast of Garland. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. W. T. Allen, the Christian minister of Fort Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes will visit in Kansas City before going to their home at Phillipsburg. The wedding occurred at the Hotel De Roberts at high noon. We offer best wishes for a happy and prosperous life. (Garland news)

June 19, 1908, pg 1, col 5

Born: Mr. and Mrs. G. Kerns are the proud parents of a brand new girl, born Monday, June 15. (Route One news)

June 26, 1908, pg 1, col 1

Birthday: A birthday social was given on Tuesday afternoon, at the home of their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Woodward, in compliment to the seventh anniversary of the twin girls, Verne and Velma Woodard. A large number of little people responded and a few hours were joyfully whiled away in play and song and story and ice cream. (Garland news) [Note that the surname is spelled both as Woodward and Woodard.]

July 1908 through December 1908

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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