REEL #G861/KSHS Microfilm Collection
Jan 1, 1909
pg 1, col 5
Died: "Buried Yesterday, Funeral of J. W. Mason Held From His Home Near Arcadia" - The funeral of J. W. Mason, known best as "Dub" Mason, who died at his home near Arcadia Wednesday morning at 2 oclock, of uraemic poisoning, was held yesterday afternoon from the home, and interment was made in the Arcadia cemetery. Mr. Mason had resided in Arcadia and immediate vicinity for nearly all of his life, having moved to Kansas from Kentucky when a mere boy. He grew to manhood there and has been one of Arcadias leading business men. Mr. Mason leaves a wife and three small children, besides three brothers and two sisters, one each of whom live there, and one sister and two brothers in the far west. Mr. Mason had just about four weeks ago taken his wife to Kansas City for treatment at the hospital, and Mrs. Mason did not know he was sick until a friend met her to bring her home to her two little children and her dead husband. (Fort Scott Republican) [Transcribed as published, but note please the inconsistency in number of surviving children.]
pg 1, col 6
Married: At the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Newell, nine miles northwest of Hepler, on Thursday evening, December 24, at 7 oclock, Lawrence V. Johnson and Miss Lillie M. Newell were married by the Rev. John D. McLean, D.D. Promptly to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. Olive Anderson, the young couple took their place under the beautifully decorated arch in the parlor. The ceremony was brief but impressive, and was witnessed by only immediate relatives and friends. The contracting parties are too well known in this country to call for a more extended mention. They received many beautiful and useful presents. After a short visit with relatives they will leave for Joplin, Mo., where they expect to make their future home. May fortunate shed on them a shower of gladsome things, and with good health and joy endower their path throughout lifes way.
pg 4, col 3
Married: Miss Ollie Stroud, who is teaching the Rock Ridge school, was married Thursday, December 24, to Mr. Chas. Holeman of Mapleton. Both are well liked by all who know them, and their many friends wish them a long and happy married life. (North Franklin news)
Born: Dee Ferree and wife are rejoicing over the appearance at their home recently of a fine son. (Garland news)
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Born: Dr. Anderson reports the birth of a baby girl at the home of Charles Beagle and wife, both on Christmas day. A very welcome Christmas present to them. (Garland news)
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Died: A gloom of sadness settled over our community Sunday morning when little Ray, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Gardner passed from this life to the great beyond, after a brief illness of muscular meningitis. Appropriate funeral services were held Monday, after which his remains were laid to rest in Walnut Hill cemetery. Although not yet two years of age, his happy, loving disposition had won a place in our hearts that can never be filled. The bereaved family have the deepest sympathy of everyone. (Berlin news)
Jan 8, 1909, pg 1, col 2 - Garland news:
Married: Report says that Silas Pence and Miss Maude Bowen were married last week.
Married: Horace Woodward and Miss Eunice Heaviside were joined in matrimony.
Jan 15, 1909
pg 1, col 6
Died: "Homer Pond Dead, Passed Away Yesterday Afternoon at 4 oclock at Leavenworth, Funeral Held Here Monday, Remains Will be Brought to Fort Scott for Interment in Evergreen, No Time Set for the Ceremony" - Major Homer Pond, for many years one of the leading men of Fort Scott, and for four years Postmaster of the city, died yesterday at the Soldiers Home near Leavenworth, where he had been at the hospital for the past four years...
Major Pond was for many years a resident of Fort Scott, and one of the citys leading republicans. He was at one time general passenger agent for the Santa Fe, and was later general sales agent in the west for the Singer Sewing Machine Company. He served as Postmaster of Fort Scott for four years. He was a member for years of the I.O.O.F. lodge, retaining his membership here until about ten years ago, when he moved to a farm near Meade, Kas., at which time he transferred his membership to the Meade lodge. His son Elmer, who resides in Colorado, was notified Saturday of his fathers death and started at once for Leavenworth. Arrangements will be made today for the funeral, which will probably be held some time Monday. (Fort Scott Republican) [This obituary is almost impossible to read. Please consult the Fort Scott Republican for the original publication.]
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Married: Mrs. Wiltse and Mr. Maher, from Devon, were married Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Kepley, here. Rev. Wood of Uniontown officiated. They will make their home at Devon. We are sorry to lose Mrs. Maher, but extend our sincere congratulations. (Berlin news)
Jan 22, 1909
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Died: At the home of his parents, Ralph, the eleven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sullivan, died last Sunday evening of liver trouble. The little fellow had been sick but a short time and after medical treatment by Dr. Robinson he was thought to be in better condition, but the Angel of Death came to relieve his suffering. News of the death was received by Undertaker Yager at 8:30 p.m. Sunday evening and he immediately went to the home and prepared the body for burial. The funeral services were held at the Catholic church Tuesday morning at ten oclock and all that remained mortal of little Ralph was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery northwest of town. The News sympathizes with Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan in their hour of bereavement. [Memorial poem follows.]
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Died: Friday January 15, 1909, Francis Keeney. Grandfather Keeney was not sick nor had he complained any till a few moments before his death when he complained of being cold and died in a few minutes. He was the oldest resident in Bourbon county and probably in the state of Kansas. He was born in Germany, Jan. 1, 1812, being at the time of his death 97 years and 15 days old. He leaves three children, Charles who lives here near Pawnee, Louis who lives in Arkansas and a daughter who lives in Missouri. The funeral was held Sunday at 11 oclock at the church and interment made in Pleasant View cemetery. We extend to the relatives our sympathy in this their hour of bereavement.
Jan 22, 1909
pg 4, col 3
Died: The community was shocked to hear of the death of Grandpa Loar, father of Ed Loar, of Mapleton. Grandpa Loar was an old settler of Bourbon county for a great many years but at the time of his death resided in Oklahoma with his daughter, Mrs. William Foulke. His remains will be brought to his son Ed Loar Tuesday and interment will be made in Dayton cemetery. (Popular Grove news)
Anniversary: On January 6th, 1909, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moore celebrated their silver wedding, it being their 25th anniversary and received many beautiful and useful presents. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Burt, berry spoon; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Myrick, berry spoon and cold meat fork; Mr. and Mrs. Lony Stroud, set of oyster forks; Mr. Eaton, gold band thimble; Dennis Hansbrough, butter knife; Mother Stith, berry spoon; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Atkisson, butter knife; Gertrude Moore, cake basket and gravy ladle; Sam Wutke, bread tray; Doctor Gooch and wife, serving set. After the presents were presented the guests repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous dinner was spread. All departed at a late hour wishing Mr. and Mrs. Moore many more happy years of marriage life. (Popular Grove news)
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Birthday: Last Tuesday [probably Jan 19th] being Sam Wutkes birthday his friends planned a surprise on him. Pie, cake, pickles, oysters and coffee were served those present. The guests were Mr. A. Eaton, Dennis Hansbrough, Ora McGowen, Fred Johnson, Earl Nuzum, George Nuzum, Lillie and Claude Moore, Alva Reeds, Fred Loar, Warren Newton, Maude Stroud, Charley Eavenson. All departed at all late hour wishing the host many more birthdays.
Died: "Jess Love Dead, Passed Away Yesterday Afternoon of Stomach Hemorrhages, Was a Friend To All, Was One of the Most Popular Young Men in Fort Scott, Manager of Fern Lake Park and the Star Rink" - Jess O. Love, manager of the Star skating rink, and one of the managers of the Fern Lake park, died yesterday afternoon at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Love, at 311 Hendrick street, after an illness of several weeks with hemorrhages of the stomach. Mr. Loves health had been very poor for the past several years, he having suffered similar severe attacks at that time. Mr. Love had partially regained his health and was able to attend to his business matters, but suffered another attack of the hemorrhages a few days after Christmas. He has been confined to his bed since that time, but rallied after a few days, and it was thought that he would recover. Several days ago his condition again became serious, and his sisters, Mrs. Ollie Williams of Kansas City, Mrs. Gertrude Nunn of Osawatomie and Mrs. Fred Kingsbury of Wichita, were notified. They came here at once and were by his bedside when death occurred. Mr. Love retained consciousness until a few minutes before death occurred, and seemed to realize that he had but a short time to live. Jess C. Love was born forty-one years ago in Loewlville, O. His birthday being January 19th, the day before death occurred. With his parents he came to this city when a small boy, and his home has been here continuously since. When a young man he learned the tailors trade, but had not worked at it for many years. He was an accomplished musician and took an active part in all of the amateur theatricals that have been put on in the city, especially those arranged by the Elks. He was a life member of that order, and the great success of the Elks shows of the past few years have been greatly due to his untiring efforts. He also traveled extensively at the head of amusement enterprises. Several years ago Mr. Love, together with his partner, Will Hafer, conceived the idea of establishing a park near Fort Scott, and purchased the tract of land now occupied by Fern Lake. By devoting their entire time and much money to the enterprise, Fort Scott has been given one of the finest small parks in Kansas, but it has been at the cost of Mr. Loves health, as he was an untiring worker and spared not even his health in an effort to make a success of the venture. Two years ago he, with a number of other local men, put in the Star skating rink, and he acted as business manager of the enterprise until his last illness. Jess Love was a man that was a friend to all mankind and the world is better because of him. He was a friend to everyone, and was a general favorite with all who knew him. No arrangements have been made for the funeral, which will probably be held some time tomorrow. (Fort Scott Republican)
Jan 29, 1909
pg 4, col 3
Died: The body of Steele Tucker was brought back from Oklahoma Tuesday evening by his brother Wesely. They were taken Tuesday evening to the home of Welton Neal. Wednesday he was brought to his home. Their sister Mrs. Laura Green came with them to be present at the funeral which took place at the Fairview Presbyterian Church, north of Bayard. At the church J. M. Broady conducted the services. Mr. Tucker has grown to manhood in this vicinity. He was followed to his last resting place by a large crowd of relatives and friends. Their many friends in this community extend to them their sympathy. (Eve news)
pg 4, col 4
Birthdays: There was quite a surprise perpetrated on Mr. and Mrs. Klockson on the 20th of the month. The occasion being the anniversary of their birth, Mr. Klockson being 67 years old on the 19th and Mrs. Klockson 64 on the 20th of this month. It was a complete surprise on them. When their neighbors and friends gathered in at noon the following were present: Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Barton and daughter Pearl; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Toeffler and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. N. Pierde; Mr. and Mrs. Bently; Mr. and Mrs. Brandt; Mrs. C. Dikeman; Mrs. L. L. Lafier and daughter Bula; Mrs. Wm. Gunsaulus and children of Redfield; Mr. and Mrs. _____ and daughter and Messrs. Chas. And Earnest Barton and B. H. Sharten. Every body enjoyed themselves until a late hour when all returned to their homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. Klockson many more birthdays. (Pawnee news)
Feb 5, 1909
pg 1, col 1
Died: Letitia Belle Dunn was born in Page county, Iowa, April 3, 1864. Two years later she moved with her parents to Ft. Scott, Kans., where she grew to womanhood. She was married to Jacob Woody Hewett in April 1886, and to this union were born five children, of which four are living, Upton, Ivan, Lethia and Woody. Twice did the Angel of Death come into the home carrying away the first time the infant Bertha and again the beloved husband and father. Mrs. Hewett was again married on April 8th, 1900 to Thomas Park living near Hiattville where she made her home until she was called to her home above. To this union was born two children, Howard and Viola. The deceased was 44 years 9 months and 28 days of age. She has always lived a consistent Christian life belonging to the Baptist organization at one time but in October 1908 she affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal church at Farlington. Death claimed her as his own on January 31st, 1909.
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Born: Mrs. J. A. Killion who has been very sick for the past two weeks, gave birth to a baby boy last Sunday. Mother and child are doing as well as could be expected.
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Died: "Useful Life Is Ended, Grandma West Passed To Her Reward Last Night, After A Long Illness, She Was Loved By All, Deceased Had Resided in Fort Scott for Many Years, and Won the Respect of All - Reached Advanced Age" - Grandma West, who for a lifetime has lived in Fort Scott, and who in all those years has been loved by all for her good work and beautiful character, passed to her last reward last night at 9:25 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Peasley, of South National avenue, after an illness of only a few weeks. The news of her death spread rapidly over the city and cast a shadow over all. It had been known for several days that the end was near, and that she would never be able to rally and recover, but her death was a sad blow to all. In her years of suffering she has shown wonderful fortitude. She has borne her sufferings without murmuring, looking at all times to He who rates over all for comfort. She had endeared herself to the hearts of all by her patience, and her death has caused a vacancy that can never be filled. The deceased was born in New York state March 10, 1817, and would have been 92 years old had she lived until her birthday next month. She was one of a large family of children, and was the last of four sisters to be united with four brothers. To their union were born four children, Mrs. J. J. Peasley and Mrs. E. H. Norton, both of this city, and Judge West of Topeka surviving, the other, a son, having died here in 1876. In 1854 the family moved from New York state to Michigan, residing there until 1869, when they moved to this city, residing here continuously since. Mr. West passed away October 3, 1885, at the age of 73 years. Mrs. West has been in remarkably good health for one of so advanced an age until four years ago, when she fell, fracturing her hip. She has since been unable to use her limb, and was compelled to use an invalids chair at all times. Mrs. West united with the Baptist church seventy-seven years ago, remaining firm through life. The funeral will be held from the Baptist church Saturday morning at 10 oclock, conducted by Rev. Dr. Stewart, assisted by Rev. E. M. Evans of First Methodist church. Interment will be made beside her husband and son in the Evergreen cemetery. (Fort Scott Republican)
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Born: Dr. Holeman reports the birth of a baby girl at the home of Robert Singleton, Jr. and wife in our town. (Garland news)
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Born: Mrs. Jesse Killion is the proud mother of a little son born Sunday. Both mother and child are in a very critical condition.
Died: The funeral of the late Mrs. T. J. Parks was held Tuesday at the M. E. church here, conducted by Rev. True in a very able manner, after which interment was made in the Hiattville cemetery under the auspices of the Evergreen Camp R. N. of A., of which the deceased was a member.
Feb 12, 1909
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Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mercer, living three miles northeast of town, on Feb. 10th, a girl. The parents are very proud of the new arrival. The mother and child are doing nicely.
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Birthday: Saturday being Cecil Harris twenty-first birthday a few of his friends gathered and completely surprised him. Refreshments of oysters and candy was served by Mrs. Harris. Games were played until a late hour when all departed wishing him many more happy birthdays. Those present were: Bertha Anthony, Bertha Sauerwein, Ruth Stewart, Edna Killion, Golda Shelton, Kate Turley, Ed Ernest and Frank Johnson, Rothwell Dean, Harold Stewart, Wallace Livengood, Guy Larken, Charley Sauerwein and Cecil Harris. (Centerville news)
Died: The sad news reach us Sunday that Mrs. Alfred Pellett died of cancer last Saturday. Interment will be in the Clarksburg cemetery on Monday. (Garland news)
Feb 19, 1909
pg 4, cols 2 & 3
Died: "B. P. McDonald Passed Away Tuesday Night at Dallas, Tex., After A Short Illness, Was An Early Settler Here, Came to Fort Scott in the Pioneer Days and Has Been An Important Factor in the Making of this City" - B. P. McDonald, one of the early settlers in Fort Scott, and since then one of the leading men not only in Fort Scott but also the entire west and south, died Tuesday night [Feb 16th] at 10 oclock at Dallas, Tex., after an illness of only a few days, of an aggravated attack to erysipelas. At his bedside at the time of his death was his wife and three sons, Charles, William and Benj., Jr., and Dr. Aikman, the family physician, who was called to Dallas as soon as his condition became serious, several days ago. The remains will be brought to this city for interment, arriving here this afternoon at 3:30. A report had been received here Tuesday that Mr. McDonald was improving and that his complete recovery was expected, and the news of his death received yesterday morning was a great shock and surprise to the entire city. The first to receive news of his death was his lifelong friends, C. H. Osbun. The message announced briefly that death had occurred at 10 oclock on the night previous, and that the remains would arrive here this afternoon. Later in the day many messages of condolence were sent to the bereaved wife and sons, who are now returning to their home with the remains of their loved one. The death of Mr. McDonald followed an illness of only a week. For the past few years he has been engaged in railroad building in Texas, and his illness dates from a trip of inspection over the Dallas, Claybourne & Southwestern, a division he has been building from Eagan to Cleburne, Tex. In order to better inspect the track he rode over the division on a hand car, taking off his coat, as the day was warm. He contracted a severe cold which soon developed in the la grippe, and later to erysipelas. [Note: The National Institutes of Health online medical information site defines erysipelas.] His condition at once became serious and his sons were sent for. Dr. Aikman, who had been the family physician for many years, was also summoned from this city. The disease caused his face to swell so badly that even his friends would not have known him. He was also delirious much of the time. His condition became somewhat improved, and letters were received Monday announcing that the crisis was past. It was then thought that his recovery would be rapid, as he has always been a stout and robust man, but he suffered a relapse, resulting in his death. Benjamin Perry McDonald was born in Queens Run, Clinton county, Pa., sixty-nine years ago, residing there until 1857, when he came to Kansas, arriving in Fort Scott on the first day of August of that year. With him on the trip to Kansas was his brother, Alex McDonald, and George A. Crawford, all of whom decided on Fort Scott as a place of residence, and all of them were important factors in the upbuilding of Kansas in the early days. George A. Crawford was at one time elected governor of Kansas; Alex McDonald was one of the leading citizens of Fort Scott, and was later elected to the United States senate from Arkansas, while B. P. McDonald, whose life of usefulness has just closed, has been one of the leading railroad builders and operators of the west. Soon after arriving in Fort Scott, the McDonald brothers set up and operated the first saw mill in this section of the state. They supplied lumber for a wide scope of territory, as mills were at that time few in Kansas. After disposing of the saw mill, which they had operated successfully, the brothers built a store building at what is now the corner of Wall street and Scott avenue, and there established a general merchandise store. Seeing that a bank was badly needed they soon after added one, locating it in the rear of the store, the institution being known as "A. McDonald & Brothers, Bankers." Meeting with success in business they soon erected the stone building on Main street just south of the old Wilder block, now occupied by the City Book store, Gillies jewelry store, Myerhardt Clothing company, Cohn Cigar company and the Glaze & Lewis store. In 1866 B. P. McDonald bought out the interest owned by his brother and he had sole management of the business from that time on. The building of the old Fort Scott & Gulf from Fort Scott south to its southern terminus, which was then Garland, was the work of Mr. McDonald. He was for many years a director of that road, and was a charter member of the board of directors of the M. K. & T., holding Pass No. 1, issued by that road. Seeing the great possibilities in the railroad construction work he engaged in that business and has been instrumental in the railroad development of the west and south. About eight years ago he constructed the Piqua & Moran road, which was later purchased by the M. K. & T., and five years ago started the construction of the Dallas, Cleburne & Southwestern, the road he was building at the time of his death. Associated with him in the construction of this road was his son, William McDonald. This road was also to be a part of the M. K. & T. system, and tapped a territory that, with development, will add much to the importance of that road in Texas. He has continued his directorship with the M. K. & T., being elected to that office year after year, and was for several years treasurer of that system. In 1879, together with C. F. Drake, G. C. Nelson and C. H. Osbun, Mr. McDonald organized the First National Bank, which closed its doors only a few months ago. Mr. McDonald serves as president of the institution until 1880, when it was purchased by the Chenault brothers, who operated it until it was secured some years ago by the Hornadays. Mr. McDonald was also instrumental in building what is now the Masonic temple, at the corner of First and Main street. On November 21, 1860, Mr. McDonald was united in marriage to Miss Emma Johnson, who survives him. He leaves numerous relatives residing in Fort Scott, among whom are Mrs. John McDonald, Alex McDonald, Jr., Mrs. James A. Moulton, Miss Fannie McDonald and Mrs. A. H. Campbell. He was a 32d degree member of the Masonic lodge. No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral, though it will probably be made from the Episcopal church, Mr. McDonald having been a member of that denomination for many years. The funeral party will arrive this afternoon and will be met by the Masonic Lodge.
pg 4, col 3
Died: Mrs. A. W. Jones died Friday night at the family home near here, aged 69 years. Funeral services conducted by Rev. Shuler of Redfield, were held at the house Sunday, after which the remains were laid to rest in Mapleton cemetery. The bereaved relatives have our sympathy. (Berlin news)
Feb 28, 1909
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Died: Jasper Joness mother was laid to rest in Centerville cemetery last Thursday. The following named gentlemen from this place dug the grave: Noel Conway, Will Zimmerman, Peter Reasoner, Sr., Vete Creamer, D. W. Creamer and Bob Jones. (Marmaton news)
Died: We are sorry to chronicle the death of the month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John King and Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Vanatta. The little one was laid to rest last Thursday in Evergreen cemetery. (Marmaton news)
Engaged: Mr. W. H. Peirce of Devon, Kans., wishes to announce the marriage of his daughter, Minnie Maude, to Mr. C. F. Maher, of Emporia, Kans., which will occur at Emporia on March the first.
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Died: "Funeral This Afternoon, Mrs. Amanda Reeds Remains to Rest in National Cemetery" - Mrs. Amanda Reed, the aged lady who died at her home on East First street Wednesday evening after a long illness of senile decay and old age, will be buried in the National cemetery this afternoon, following the funeral service to be held at 2:30 at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Albright, 420 South Clark street. The right to be buried in the National cemetery was given to Mrs. Reed by a special act of congress as a reward for her bravery during the civil war when she distinguished herself as a nurse. She was on many of the battle fields, and on one occasion assisted in the work of burying the dead after a battle. A few years after the close of the war the attention of congress was called to her bravery, and by special act permission was given for her family to be interred in the National burying ground. One daughter has since been buried there, and that is now to be the last resting place of the mother. A brother, Jess Reed of Gore, Cass county, Missouri, arrived yesterday afternoon, and two brothers from Sallisaw, Ok., arrived last night. A sister, Mrs. Parmelia Cochran of Joplin, is also here. Mrs. Reed was the mother of the late George Reed, and is survived by four grandchildren. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Marriott, and the following gentlemen will act as pall bearers: Ben Files, W. Albaugh, Jas. Ven___, G. P. Hill, E. N. Firestone, and W. D. Wear. (Fort Scott Republican)
Mar 12, 1909
pg 1, col 2
Died: "P. A. Ellis Dead" - News was received here last Monday, that Mr. P. A. Ellis, an old resident of this place but who had resided for some time past at Nickerson, Ks., had succumbed to a paralytic stroke. The full particulars of his death were not learned. Mr. Ellis is well known to many of the older residents of this place and his wide acquaintance here will be pained to learn of his sudden demise. He formerly owned the general store which is now occupied by the firm of Strode & Williams. The two years that he was engaged in the mercantile business at this place gained him a very wide and pleasant acquaintance among the people of this vicinity. He afterward sold out the business at this place and moved to Western Kansas where he had since resided. He is survived by a wife and ten children" Henry F. Ellis, Elsemore, Kas.; Mrs. Lew McAllister, Mapleton, Kas.; Lee Ellis, Mrs. Lizzie Hanchett, Mrs. Lora Samon, Roy Ellis, Earl Ellis, Mrs. Maggie Burdette, Jetmore, Kas.; Herbert Ellis, Nickerson, Kas; Ernest Ellis, Stafford, Kas. The many friends extend their heartfelt sympathy in this their sad hour of bereavement.
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Died: At the home of his son, Charles, five miles northeast of Hiattville, John M. Maycumber died Monday morning at ten oclock. The cause of his death was senile decay and came to him after a lingering illness. Mr. Maycumber formerly lived near Bronson but was making his home with his son this winter. He was in his 79th year. The funeral was held Tuesday under the direction of Undertaker Yager and interment made in Masons cemetery two miles west of Petersburg.
Married: Last Sunday, March 7th, Mr. William H. Poe and Miss Edna Boyd were married by the Probate Judge in the parlors of the Tremont hotel. Mr. Poe is too widely known in this vicinity to need any comment and Miss Boyd is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Boyd of this place. Both are very estimable young people and we are sure everyone wishes them success and happiness in their lifes journey as we do. They were, of course, chivaried, but principally in the form of a serenade which was said by all who heard it to be an exhibition of great talent.
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Born: A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Thomas, of Wichita, March 1. Birth occurred at the home of Mrs. Thomas parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, in this city where Mrs. Thomas was visiting. Mother and child doing fine and Grandpa Jones is on the streets telling what a fine granddaughter they have down at their home.
Mar 19, 1909, pg 1, col 2
Died: John Marvin Maycumber was born Sept. 30, 1830, near old Fort Edward in Northern New York. He removed to Courtland county, with his parents while yet an infant, grew to manhood in that county. He was married in 1856 to Sophia L. Stewart, shortly afterward they moved to Stephenson Co., Ill., and a few years later to Winnebago county of the same State, where they continued to live until 1866. To this union three children - two sons and one daughter were born: C. H., J. A., and Lottie, the latter dying in infancy. In 1866 after laying his wife to rest in the old home cemetery at East Homer, N.Y., he returned to Illinois and made arrangements to move to Kansas, coming to Bourbon county in November of that year. Settled on a farm in Walnut township and later, about 1882, he moved to Bronson. He was married again in 1871 to Phoebe Stires to which union were born two sons, Bertram and Garfield, the former dying while yet a child. The last few months of his life were spent with his son, C. H. Maycumber, near here, passing away on March 8. The cause of death was simply the end of a long and useful life, senile decay. The remains were laid to rest in Rockford cemetery near his first home in Kansas.
Mar 26, 1909, pg 1, col 2
Married: We are informed of the wedding of Miss Clara Brown and Mr. Claude Duckworth on Wednesday the 24th at Ft. Scott. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Brown who formerly lived just west of town and Mr. Duckworth is the nephew of Mr. G. B. Conn. Both are well and favorably known and we offer them our heartiest congratulations.
Apr 9, 1909
pg 1, col 5
Died: Theodore Van Ness was born in Morris county, N. J., July 22, 1840. He moved from New Jersey to Illinois where he was united in marriage to Eleanor J. Moore in 1869. Four years later they removed to Crawford county, Kansas, where they have since resided. Five children came to bless this home, four of whom are still living: Charles T., Sylvester, Mrs. Hattie Schiefferdecker, and Ernest. The family formerly resided on a farm between Walnut and Brazilton. Mr. Van Ness died March 9, 1909 at the family home in Girard, aged 68 years, 8 months and 7 days. The funeral was conducted at the residence Wednesday afternoon by Rev. L. A. McKeever, of the Girard M. E. church. The A. O. U. W. lodge of which he has been an active member for twenty-eight years participated in the service. (Walnut news)
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Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mason celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary, Monday, April 5. The members of the family were invited and all were present. Those present who were not members of the family were: Clarence Deck, Adah Raber and Edna McBride, LaTour, Mo. (Hepler news)
Apr 23, 1909
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Married: J. C. Price and Miss Cora Zweifel were united in marriage at the M. E. parsonage in this city, Sunday morning April 18, 1909, Rev Geo. E. Kitchen officiating.
Married: Claude Bear and Miss Gertrude Peak and Nat. Gillett and Miss Margaret Peak were united in marriage at the Catholic parsonage at Greenbush by Fr. McKernan Tuesday morning. A reception dinner was given at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Peak, near Brazilton where a large number of relatives and friends had been invited and a royal good time was enjoyed. A. C. Atkisson and wife and Morris McKean and wife, relatives of Mr. Bear, were guests at the reception. Mr. Bear and his bride will reside on a farm near Chanute. We wish them joy and happiness and prosperity.
Married: Mr. James Eaton and Miss Bessie Cover were united in marriage at 7:30 oclock Saturday evening, April 17, 1909, at the home of the brides aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Coombs. Rev. G. E. Kitchen performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends. The groom has resided in this city only a short time but has made many friends during his residence here. He has a position as operator at the union depot. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cover, who reside east of this city. She is one of the popular school teachers of the county, having taught two terms at the Maple Grove district. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton left on the flyer Saturday night for Centralia, Mo., for a short visit to his parents after which they will be at home to their many friends in this city.
Apr 30, 1909
pg 1, col 2
Died: We are again called upon to chronicle the sad and sudden death of one of our citizens, Henry Pryor, who lived about eight miles northeast of here. Mr. Pryor was engaged in digging a well on the John Henning place and was found dead about fifteen feet from the well at about 6:30 p.m. Monday [Apr 26]. The men folks were busy in the field and did not get home until late and Hennings little girl went down to the well to get a milk pail that Mr. Pryor took from the house about 1:30 that afternoon. She walked by him to the house and told her mother that he was laying by the well asleep. She and her mother returned to the spot and found Mr. Pryor dead. Chas. Yager, the undertaker, was called about 7:30 by telephone and prepared the body for burial, after receiving permission from the Coroner, whom he notified as soon as he was called. Mr. Pryor was a hard working man and leaves a wife and four children to mourn his death. Interment was made in Chapel Grove cemetery, four miles east of Fort Scott.
pg 1, col 3
Died: Dr. S. R. Cook died of heart trouble at his home in this city Friday evening, April 23, at 6 oclock. He had been complaining for some time and it was his opinion to his friends that he could not live long, perhaps six months, with the thought that he might not live two weeks. This statement was made to his old friend, Lois Michel of Iowa and Illinois Land Co., of Fort Scott, whom he summoned into his council the day of his death. Mr. Michel came down on the afternoon train and returned to Fort Scott on the returning train and in the evening he received a phone message that his old time friend was dead. Mr. and Mrs. Michel returned to Hiattville on the night train and took charge of everything, thus being a great help to the bereaved daughter, Miss Bertha, who was stricken by the sudden death of her father. A sale of the household effects was given on the streets Saturday afternoon and everything made in readiness for their departure on Sunday afternoon for Iowa with the body which was to be taken to Wyoming, Iowa, to be buried near the home of his sister, Mrs. Waddall. The deceased was born in 1855. His father was a prominent Ohio merchant but the son took a medical course at the St. Louis university and took up the practice of a local physician and he was accounted an excellent physician and well posted man. He and his daughter came to Hiattville last December where he took up the local practice and they were preparing for Mrs. Cook to come to them soon, but when he realized he could not live he decided to return to their Iowa home at Dixon and had the sale advertised which was given Saturday; also they had nearly all their household effects packed and ready to leave when he suddenly fell over dead while at work packing the goods. He practiced medicine over thirty years in Dixon, Iowa, where he was married to a Miss Grace about 28 years ago. Only one child was born to them, Miss Bertha. They left for Iowa Sunday afternoon and the funeral was to have been sometime Tuesday. Mr. Michel accompanied the funeral party and he wishes to thank the good people of Hiattville on the part of the bereaved kindred for their kindness and assistance, also for their kindness to himself and his wife who were strangers among them but were treated as friends.
May 1909 through December 1909
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