REEL #R170/KSHS Microfilm Collection


Redfield Herald
December 1905

Bourbon County’s Redfield Herald was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated April 8, 1905, was published on Saturdays, with W.E. Stockmyer [referred to as Edd], as Editor. In October 1905, when Mr. and Mrs. Stockmyer left Kansas for New Mexico, publication changed from Saturdays to Fridays and J. Frank Pool replaced Mr. Stockmyer as Editor. At that point, the paper was considerably expanded; in addition to community news, coverage also included courthouse news and property transfers/deeds. Another editorial change occurred in October 1906 when Mr. Pool retired and Harry E. Luman became Editor. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reel to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (

Dec 1, 1905

pg 2, col 4

Died: Fern A. Brown, the year old little girl of Bert Brown and wife, died on Tuesday morning of membraneous croup. The burial was under the auspices of the Harrison Burial Association. The obituary will follow next week. [Garland news]

pg 4, col 2

Born: Mr. and Mrs. George Sipe are the proud parents of a baby girl. [Devon news]

pg 9, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Nov 22 - Wm. J. Thompson of Kansas City, Mo., and Harriet Christina Winter of Fort Scott.

Nov 24 - William Lucas and Mandie Casteel, both of Mapleton. [See below @ Dec 8, pg 5 for marriage.]

Nov 29 - Oscar L. Orr of Hammond and Grace Pauline Lee of Fort Scott.


Nov 22 - Oscar Millens, of Marmaton and Rachel Gunter of Coffeyville were married by the probate judge.

pg 11, col 3

Married: A social event of more than passing interest was the wedding of Mr. Elijah Pence, of Oskaloosa, Mo., and Miss Laura Dumas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dumas, of Vernon County, Mo. The event occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, Nov. 26 at 12 o’clock. The connubial ties were joined by Rev. John Gier, of Arcadia, in the presence of about fifty or sixty relatives and friends. After congratulations, the guests were invited to partake of a bounteous feast, which lasted for several hours. The bride was gowned in a beautiful blue silk. The young lady is well known in Garland and surrounding community, having lived here for fifteen years. The groom is an industrious and progressive young farmer of high moral principles. We are glad to know the couple will remain in our community. Mr. and Mrs. Pence were the recipients of a number of presents, as follows: Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Dumas, washbowl and pitcher; Mr. and Mrs. J. Zillcox [?], tablecloth; Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas, butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. D. Green, vinegar cruise; Mrs. Cooper, 2 water glasses; Mr. and Mrs. N. Dumas, several towels; Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Dumas, book stand; Mr. and Mrs. C. Claypool and Mrs. Parrish, tablecloth; Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, 4-piece crystal set. May the young couple’s journey through life be bright and pleasant as the day on which they were pronounced one, with plenty of sunshine and happiness in the home, is the wish of their many friends.

Dec 8, 1905

pg 4, col 1 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Nov 29 - James M. Fulton, of Fort Scott, and Maude Drollinger, of Hiattville. [See below @ pg 15 for details of the marriage.]

Nov 30 - J.W. Smith and Fannie Davis.

Dec 4 - J.W. Allen and Eva M. Anderson, both of Garland. [See below @ Dec 8, pg 10 for marriage report.]

Dec 5 - Asa E. Wright and Lydia Alexander, both of Hammond; Charley Sackett and Pearl Stroyich.


Dec 4 - Schuyler C. McBride and Edith McMillan, both of Arcadia, were married by the probate judge; Walter L. Turner and Echo Lesseek, both of Lamar, Mo., were married by the probate judge.

pg 4, col 2

Died: A very peculiar and unusual accident caused the death of Mrs. Maude Reid, a wife of but a few months and residing at Number 8 North Judson street, on last Friday morning. Mrs. Reid attempted to light the gas stove in her kitchen and in an instant her gown and the furnishings of the room were on fire. She rushed into the room adjoining calling to her husband who had not yet arisen and he being panic stricken, instead of throwing the bed clothes around her or making some other immediate effort to put out the flames, jumped from his bed and rush from the house screaming for help. Immediate relief was at hand but when the poor woman was found she lay on the floor exhausted and so badly burned that it was impossible to save her life and she passed away at 9:45 on the morning of the accident. Elmer Reid, the husband of the dead woman, who is a carpenter in the employ of Martin Dearth, was also severely burned, notwithstanding the fact that he was quite a distance from where the stove stood, and this fact lends strength to the theory that the gas had been left partly turned on or had been turned on sometime before Mrs. Reid tried to light the stove. As the little woman lay waiting for death, her bravery and self composure were almost past understanding. She said of her husband’s actions, "Don’t blame Elmer, he did not know what to do." She asked for Rev. Evans, pastor of the First Methodist church and he immediately replied to the call for spiritual aid. Mrs. Reid was the daughter of Peter Tiffany and wife, who reside at Fifth and Osbun streets. Mrs. Tiffany has long been a resident of this county and formerly lived at Marmaton. It seems very sad that the young wife with everything that is to be had in this life yet before her should have suffered death in this manner and we extend our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved husband and afflicted family. The funeral services were held at the First Methodist church Sunday afternoon.

pg 5, col 2

Born: Mrs. Ater presented her husband with a fine baby boy, which he is very proud of. [Schofield news]

pg 5, col 3

Married: Wednesday evening, at 6 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Casteel, William Lucas and Maud Casteel. Rev. Lee Quick officiating. [Osage Valley news][Note two different spellings for bride’s name between issuance of marriage license and wedding report.]

pg 9, col 2

Died: Oscar F. Himes, who has been a resident of this county for many years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. T. Kite, 119 Washington St., at an early hour Wednesday morning. Death came after a lingering illness, and was the result of general debility, the deceased was 72 years of age. The remains were shipped to the old home at Fulton, where the funeral services were conducted from the church by Rev. Ewbanks. Interment was made in Fairview Cemetery. Mr. Himes was associated in business with his son-in-law, M.T. Kite, of this city, for a number of years, and is well known throughout the county.

Died: The funeral services of Marie Sodenburg, the seven-year-old daughter of A. Sodenburg, an employee at the Missouri Pacific shops, was held from the family residence, 501 Heylman street, on Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. Doctor Porter and were attended by the many sympathizing friends of the family.

pg 9, col 3

Died: Robert Hays, one of Fort Scott’s oldest citizens, passed away Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock at his home, 11 Arthur street. The deceased was about 65 years of age and had lived here for twenty-five years or more, and will be missed by everybody in town. Mr. Hays was taken sick nine weeks ago Sunday. The cause of his sickness and death was paralysis and heart disease, and he is survived by a wife and family. We extend our most sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 from the Grace M.E. church.

pg 10, col 1

Died: Aseneth Blake, aged 81, died at her home two miles east of Garland on November 29th of general debility. She had been sick several days and her relatives were here from Augusta, Fort Scott, and some other towns. Mrs. Blake was an old landmark, having lived here since the early history of the community. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C.E. West at the residence. Interment was made in the Heaviside cemetery. [Garland news]

pg 10, col 2

Died: Membraneous croup, with its hand of death, came into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown on November 28th and took from the household their only child, Fern, a little girl, aged 2 years, and 11 months. Dr. Holeman did all that was possible to save the little one, but of no avail. The funeral services were conducted at the house by Rev. A.A. Edwards. Interment was made in Clarkesburg cemetery. [Garland news]

Married: At three o’clock Monday, December 4th, Mr. John W. Allen and Miss Eva M. Anderson, both prominent young people of Garland, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. A wedding supper was served at the bride’s home with only the relatives and a few of the most intimate friends present. The bride is the pretty and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson and has lived all her life in this community. [Whoops, there is more to this report, but the page did not print properly. Please consult the issue for complete details.]

pg 15, col 4

Marriage: Mr. J.B. Fulton of Fort Scott and Miss Maude Drollinger, of Hiattville, announce their marriage on Thursday, November 28, 1905. At home after Dec. 5th, 1905, 1440 South Ransom street, Ft. Scott, Kansas. We wish them a long and happy life.

Dec 15, 1905

pg 5, col 2

Died: Stephen F. Hayden, for a quarter of a century a highly respected citizen in this community and a well known railroad man, died Friday morning at St. Joseph’s hospital in Wichita. Mr. Hayden, who was a passenger conductor on the Missouri Pacific Railway, was ill when he reached Wichita on his home run from Salina last Tuesday and was forced to abandon his train there but thought that he could come home with the train in active charge of another man. There is a wait of several hours at Wichita and Mr. Hayden walked from the depot out into the street and by this time his illness had become so acute that he fell and struck his head on the street curbing causing an injury which surgeons who performed an autopsy believe was largely responsible for his death. Mr. Hayden was one of the few 33rd degree Masons in the west and the first funeral services over his body were held at the Masonic cathedral in Fort Scott at midnight Saturday night. Regular services were held at the home of the deceased at 2:30 on Sunday afternoon and at the grave the Blue Lodge of the Solid City performed the last rites before the mortal remains were lowered to their final resting place. Stephen Hayden was a fine fellow and had as many friends as any man in the state of Kansas, all of whom will miss him for many a day. We extend our most sincere sympathy to the bereaved family consisting of a wife, son and daughter and an adopted daughter. The aged father of Mr. Hayden also survives him and was in attendance at the funeral.

pg 15, col 4

Died: Ella Bertha Fowler, wife of Alex Fowler, died in Hennessey, O.T. [Oklahoma Territory], Dec. 1, 1905, of consumption, after an illness of almost ten months. She was the daughter of A.W. and Caroline Elliott, and was born in Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 8, 1873. To them four children were born - three little girls, one aged 8 years, one 7 years and one ten months, surviving her. In hopes of her health improving, the family left Bourbon county about eight weeks ago, arriving here two weeks later, when her husband found it necessary to stop here, as his wife could go no further. Though dying among strangers, she gave ample evidence of being possessed of a sweet, Christian spirit, expressing a willingness to go and be with Christ.

pg 18, col 4

Died: Lloyd H. Lowry, eight years of age and the only son of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Lowry, residing at 316 West First Street, died Tuesday night after a short illness as the result of an attack of acute bronchitis. It is always a terrible affliction to lose a dear one, but doubly so when the life snuffed out is that of an innocent child. Day by day and year by year this manly lad had gained the affection not only of his parents, but of many grown people who were permitted to know him. Lloyd was born in Fort Scott and had lived here throughout his short but happy life, and on Thursday afternoon he was buried in Evergreen cemetery, the funeral services having been conducted at the home of the family by Rev. Evans, of the First Methodist church.

pg 19, col 3 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Dec 6 - Parker W. Ward and Mrs. Kizzy J. Willis, both of Fort Scott; James H. Hill and Lillian Collier, both of Springfield; Earl H. Thompson and Osa Minich, both of Bronson.

Dec 11 - Fred Stewart and Bertha Volmer, both of Bronson.

Dec 12 - John R. Case of Kansas City, Mo., and Ethel Hall, of Fort Scott.


Dec 7 - George W. Patterson, of Carthage, Missouri, and Mrs. Julia Boyd, of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge.

Dec 22, 1905

pg 1, col 1

Married: Miss Flora Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rice, who now reside at Seattle, Washington, will be married to Lieutenant Bernard P. Oswalt, of the regular army soon. Bourbon County people are always interested in any of the Rice family and especially Will Rice, who was for so many years as an influential citizen of Fort Scott and for a long time editor of the Monitor.

pg 3, col 1

Died: Erwin, the little son of A.J. Crumpacker and wife, died Friday morning of membranous croup. The funeral services were held at Paint Creek Dunkard church Saturday afternoon. The Herald extends the most sincere sympathy of this community to the bereaved parents. Further @ pg 13, col 2: Once more the shadow of death called in our community and taken away little Irvine, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Crumpacker. He was taken with tonsilitis which developed into spasmodic croup. All that medical skill and loving hands could do, was done to relieve the little sufferer and Thursday morning he seemed to be doing nicely, was up playing with brothers and sisters. After eleven o’clock he told mamma to give him some cough syrup for he was afraid he was going to choke up again, which she did, and in a few moments he gave a little cough and sank back and died without a struggle. The supposition is that he coughed up some phlegm which went into the windpipe causing instant death. Death is always sad, but it seems doubly so when in a home like this, surrounded with every comfort of life, such good moral influences, and where such unbounded happiness reigns. Little Irvine [sic] was an unusually bright and ambitious little fellow and prided himself on being papa’s chore boy; eager to help around the barn and would often say ‘Papa let me do that,’ and ‘Papa what next can I do to help you?’ Oh, how those words linger in the memory of father and mother, and memory is the only friend that grief can call its own. Irvin [sic] was eight years and ten months and twenty-seven days old, and as we gazed on that little form as it lay in the casket, clad in a beautiful shroud, it reminded us of an angel ready to take its flight. He leaves father and mother, one own and an adopted sister, and three brothers to mourn his loss. We extend to the bereaved family our heart-felt sympathy. God has said: "I will not forsake thee, neither will I leave thee comfortless." The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Miller at the Dunkard church. The pall-bearers were Ray Stevens, Sam Russel, Lloyd Stevens, Johnie Morris, Arthur Chandler, and Norvil Rose, his teacher, who bore the little body to its last resting place just as night was closing down upon us. [Memorial poem follows]

Died: Mrs. Etta Babcock died Thursday morning of last week at her home four miles east of here. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon by Dr. Porter of Fort Scott.

pg 4, col 2

Died: Just as we go to press the death of Louise, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Crider, of Fort Scott is announced. This is the second terrible affliction that has come to the Crider family within the past year. Last winter their little son was so badly burned that he died as the result of his injuries. Louise Crider was sixteen years of age and a winsome, lovable girl. Her death is a blow to this entire community and the heart-felt sympathy of each and every one is extended to the doubly afflicted parents.

pg 15, col 3


Dec 13 - John Amer and Jennie Young, both of Mapleton, were married by the probate judge.

Dec 18 - James Henderson and Mattie B. Caldwell were married by the probate judge.

Dec 19 - Clarence W. Price and Anna Samuel, both of Elsmore, Kas., were married by the probate judge.

pg 15, col 4

Died: Mrs. Mary F. Brady, the wife of P.F. Brady, a machinist at the Missouri Pacific shops, died last Monday after having been afflicted for a long time with dropsy.

Dec 29, 1905

pg 6, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Married: Dec 25 - John L. Simpson and Miss Mary E. Davis, both of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge.

Marriage Licenses:

Dec 20 - Albert A. Brooks and Leona Stradley, both of Uniontown [see below @ Dec 29, pg 16 for details of wedding]; Harmon A. Lesco, of Neodesha and Nellie May Willis of Bronson.

Dec 22 - Clarence W. Rohrer, of Richards, Mo., and Nanna K. Phillips, of Fort Scott; Norval J. Rose of Fort Scott and Mollie M. Miller, of Collins, Mo.; Marion C. Holeman, of Bronson and Mattie A. Anderson, of Bronson.

Dec 23 - Charley Mallory of Fort Scott and Mabel M. Remsey, of Ft. Scott; Roy S. Findley, of Mapleton and Vessie Doyle, of Mapleton; Leroy R. Sivey of Fort Scott and Birdie M. Galvin of Fort Scott.

Dec 26 - Wm. Cobb and Bertha Bell, both of Yale, Kansas.

pg 11, col 2

Died: This community has experienced the agonies and loss of one of its best citizens this week in the death of Mrs. Sarah A. Golden, aged 71 years, which occurred on Christmas eve after the family had retired for the night. It can truly be said that Grandma Golden was a good woman - there was none better. The funeral services were held at the house on the 26th and conducted by Rev. J.B. McKenzie of Bronson, assisted by Rev. C.E. West. The interment was made in the family burial lot at Clarksburg.

pg 13, col 3

Died: Mrs. Hiram Bulla died Tuesday, December 8th, at eight o’clock p.m. She was born August 6th, 1828, being at the time of her death seventy-seven years, four months and thirteen days old. Miss Elizabeth Staley was married to Mr. Hiram Bulla, at Westville, Ohio, December 4th, 1845. With her husband and family she came to Kansas September 22nd, 1881. Thirteen children were born to this union - nine boys and four girls, of which there are seven boys and two girls living. The eldest son resides at Youngstown, Ohio, and has been engaged in educational work all his life. The second son is an ex-senator of California, and makes his home at Los Angeles. W.S. and F.L. Bulla are paving contractors of Wichita. The rest of the family are citizens of Bourbon county. Her husband, Hiram Bulla, at this time is over eighty years of age. Mrs. Bulla had been a member of the M.E. church for sixty-three years, having joined it in Ohio in 1842. She lived a sweet and conscientious Christian life, and had the confidence of all who knew her as to her faith and sincerity in what she professed. The funeral was held at the M.E. church and conducted by Rev. Caldwell, of Redfield, and she was laid to rest in Mt. Zion cemetery. Her six sons acted as pallbearers. Also: "Card of Thanks" follows, signed by Hiram Bulla and Family.

pg 14, col 4

Died: Theodore Roosevelt Anderson, the little son of W.A. Anderson of Fort Scott died Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. [Academy news]

pg 15, col 4

Died: Mrs. Elizabeth F. Osbun, a pioneer resident of Bourbon county and a woman whose life is an example which little girls will do well to pattern after, passed away at her country home east of Fort Scott, last Saturday evening at the ripe old age of 93 years. She was the mother of C.H. Osbun of Fort Scott; Sam Osbun of Arkansas; Miss Sallie Osbun, who resided at home; [and] Mrs. Garrett of Salt Lake City. Though "Grandma" Osbun had long since passed her allotted three score and her period of usefulness only ended with her death and quite recently she did a marvelous piece of tapestry work with needle and thread which is now on exhibition at the Citizens’ National Bank. The whole story is that she did better than most of us can do or will do and lived a clean life which resulted in much good to others. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.

pg 16, col 1

Married: At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stradley, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Leona, to Mr. Albert A. Brooks, Monday evening, Dec. 25, 1905 at 7 o’clock p.m. The young couple stood under a beautiful display of roses, carnations and ferns, where the most solemn and impressive ceremony was pronounced by Rev. Park Blunt, which made them husband and wife, and was witnessed by a host of most intimate friends. The bride was attired in a beautiful dotted white Swiss and wore a spray of carnations and roses, and the groom wore the conventional black. After the ceremony was pronounced they stepped into the dining room, where a large table was laden with all good things to eat, which all did ample justice to. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stradley, a prosperous and energetic farmer, living one mile north of Majella. The groom was one of our most model young men of Majella, the son of Mrs. Rachel Brooks, of the same place. We wish to congratulate Mr. Brooks for his choice of such a pleasant little bride as Miss Leona. After supper we repaired to the parlor, where the bride and groom were presented with a number of fine and useful presents, which were too numerous to mention. The guests all departed at a late hour, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Brooks a long, happy and prosperous life. Signed: One Who Was There. [Berlin news] And: Jan 5, 1906, pg 12, col 1 - A beautiful wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Stradley, of Dry Ridge, Monday evening, when their daughter, Miss Leona and Mr. Albert Brooks were united in marriage. Promptly at seven o’clock the bridal couple marched into the parlor and were untied in holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Blunt, in the presence of forty-four relatives and friends. After the ceremony a most delightful supper was served. The bride looked very pretty in a gown of white dotted Swiss, trimmed in lace. She wore a beautiful bouquet of roses and carnation pinks. The groom wore the conventional black. The bride is an accomplished young lady, and is held in high esteem, and the groom is an industrious young man. They will reside at Dry Ridge for the present. The following is a list of those present and the presents received: Mr. Orval Stradley, set silver knives and forks; Vent Stradley, silver spoons; Jesse Stradley, silver cake stand, cake plate and handkerchief box; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stradley, nickel tea kettle; Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Reynolds, dresser scarf and set glasses; ___ Reynolds, salt and pepper shaker; Fred Reynolds, jewel box and pin tray; Mrs. Joe Moore, table linen; Gertrude Moore, dresser scarf; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Howerton, berry set; Mr. and Mrs. George Howerton, cream and sugar set; Mrs. Jackson, linen towel; Mrs. Chandler, salad dish; Mrs. Barger, glass pitcher; Ula Barger, linen napkins; Ira McGinnis, glass fruit dish; Mr. and Mrs. Stradley; Viola Bowers, Wilma Stradley, Rex, Guy and Gladys Stradley, Ada Michaels, Earl Michaels, Mr. Jackson, Miss Jackson, Roy Brooks, Mr. Brooks, of Fort Scott, Roy Jackson, Edna Jackson, Glessnor Chandler, Bulah and Sammie Howerton, Minnie Hays, Rev. Blunt, of Bronson. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks join in wishing them a happy and prosperous wedded life. [Uniontown news]

January - February 1906

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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