REEL #R170/KSHS Microfilm Collection


Redfield Herald
January - February 1906

Bourbon County’s Redfield Herald was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated April 8, 1905, was published on Saturdays, with W.E. Stockmyer [referred to as Edd], as Editor. In October 1905, when Mr. and Mrs. Stockmyer left Kansas for New Mexico, publication changed from Saturdays to Fridays and J. Frank Pool replaced Mr. Stockmyer as Editor. At that point, the paper was considerably expanded; in addition to community news, coverage also included courthouse news and property transfers/deeds. Another editorial change occurred in October 1906 when Mr. Pool retired and Harry E. Luman became Editor. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reel to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (

Jan 5, 1906

pg 2, col 2

Anniversary: A very enjoyable time was had at the home of our friends, Levi Hessong and wife Saturday evening, December 30th, on their thirtieth wedding anniversary. About sixty relatives and friends gathered to show their goodwill and respect. Mr. and Mrs. Hessong received many presents, tokens of friendship and love. At the close of the evening, Rev. Evans of Fort Scott presented Mr. Hessong with a fine overcoat on behalf of the Mapleton city officials, he being our city marshal. Brother Evans was equal to the occasion and his remarks were impressive and to the point. At the close of his presentation talk he asked Brother and Sister Hessong to arise that he might solemnize and memorize the great event that took place in their lives thirty years before. At a late hour all departed for their homes after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hessong many more years of happiness.

pg 4, col 4

Birthday: Five years old today. The merry shout rang through parlor and hall of the home of James Biles, Sunday morning. Little Lloyd, their only son, was born the last day of the last month of the last year of the last century, just five years ago today. At ten o’clock many of his little friends came from all directions to celebrate the day. The parlor was strewn with rocking horses, doll babies, picture books, pretty toys and games of all kinds too numerous to mention. Dinner was served at one, in two courses, by Mrs. Biles, Mrs. Hildreth and Mrs. Stevens. First course: Roast chicken, boiled tongue, mashed potatoes, kraut, tomatoes, pickles, bread, butter and preserves. Second course: Mince pie, cakes, crackers, jellies and coffee, nuts and candies of all kinds. It was a pretty sight to see the table surrounded by a dozen rosy cheeked little boys and girls, who fully appreciated the effort being made to please them. Dinner being over, some one cried out that Lloyd was five years old. "No he is not either," chipped in Albert Hildreth, "for he did not eat any birthday cake." Little Hiram Herman was overheard telling his sister it was not going home time yet, it was only "fee o’clock." Next was a game of blind man’s bluff, puss in the corner, hide-and-seek, chase the rabbit up and down stairs and sliding down the banisters, while a peal of childish laughter that had the power to drive all care away, echoes from room to room. The sun sank low in the west warning them that going home time had arrived. They thanked Lloyd for the pleasant time they had spent and wished him many more happy birthdays. Those present were: Elva and Herschel George, Ida Clara and Albert Wobbe, Lillian and Hiram Herman, Albert and Fred Hildreth. Lloyd received many beautiful and useful presents.

pg 12, col 2

Died: Johnson P. Hull was born Feb. 16th, 1833, died Dec. 30, 1905. Age 72 years, 10 months, 14 days. Johnson P. Hull, son of John and Anna Hulla, was married to Anna L. Copes, daughter of William and Nancy P. Copes, in the year of our Lord July 7th, 1859. He was the father of ten children, nine of whom, and his wife, still survive him - but only three, one son and two daughters, were able to be with him in his last hour. His sister, Mrs. Nancy Copes, was also with him when the end came, she being the only one now living of a large family. The subject of the above located in Marion township, Bourbon County, Kansas, about the year 1862, and was engaged in farming until the year ___, at which time he purchased the residence property now owned and occupied by William Kirker, where he lived until he went to Colorado, a few years ago for a short time, when he returned and purchased the home where he spent the remainder of his life in peace and quietude until he went to his last resting place. It should be noted that during his stay in Uniontown no election went right unless J.P. Hull was elected to look after the public highways of his district. While Mr. Hull had his peculiarities, he was in the main a good and law abiding citizen. [Uniontown news]

Jan 12, 1906

pg 3, col 3

Died: Guy Emmitt, formerly of this place, died at Colorado Springs, Colo., November 26, 1905. He had been afflicted for some time with consumption, and went there a few weeks ago in hopes of being benefitted, but of no avail. He was buried in Colorado by the Odd Fellows of Buffalo, Kans. The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Emmitt, who survive him. Three brothers and one sister also survive him. The bereaves friends have the sympathy of everyone. Signed: By a Friend.

pg 4, col 1

Anniversary: Jan. 10 will be the fiftieth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Scott, and we understand the children and relatives are preparing to give the aged couple a grand wedding dinner. We wish them many happy returns. [Drywood news]

pg 4, col 2

Marriages: Miss Rosa Dunlap and Miss Ola Humphrey have each contracted partners for life since going to Oregon.

pg 6, col 4 [Probate Court news]


Jan 3 - James Earl Osborn and Elizabeth Ryan, both of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge; Alfred Wyland Jones and Adaline Wright, both of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge.

Jan 6 - George Cox and May Potts, both of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge.

Marriage License:

Jan 3 - Harry O. Bland of Afton, Ind., and Florence Dalrymple, of Fort Scott.

pg 10, col 4

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Wray, a ten pound baby girl. The mother is not doing well. It is feared she had puerperal fever. [Square Top news]

pg 12, col 1

Died: Fort Scott has suffered recently through the death of several of those whose loss we can least afford, the mourners. Mrs. Martha Crane, wife of the well known optician, died on Sunday morning at the family home, No. 8 Trenton Ave., Fort Scott. The sincere sympathy of this community is extended to the bereaved husband and six surviving children who must forever mourn the loss of the light of their home. Funeral services were held at ten o’clock on Tuesday morning at Grace M.E. church and the burial took place in Evergreen Cemetery.

Died: Upon her first anniversary, the baby girl, Mary Virginia, the daughter of Geo. B. Webb, died. This little martyr had been a sufferer from the day of her birth and though it appeared that only in death could she have relief from pain, the demise on last Saturday was a sad blow to the afflicted father and he has the sincere sympathy of all of our people in the time of sorrow.

pg 12, col 2

Died: A very sad death was that of Lillie Ogden Taylor, who was married just a year ago to James Duncan Taylor, a well known young business man of Hobart, I.T. Several telegrams were sent to Mr. Taylor advising him of his wife’s condition, but it was reported that all were delayed in transit and the grief-stricken husband did not reach Fort Scott until the life of his loved one had ebbed away. A few days since Mrs. Taylor gave birth to a beautiful child and the day following she was taken seriously ill and survived but a short time. Both Rev. Evans of the First Methodist church and Dr. Porter of the Presbyterian church were present to comfort the family during the agonizing hours preceding death and conducted the funeral services. The funeral was held at the home of the afflicted parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Ogden of 424 Lowman street, Fort Scott, on Monday afternoon and interment was made in Evergreen cemetery.

Died: Wm. Sturgess, who lived at 510 S. Broadway, Fort Scott, went to El Reno, Oklahoma, in company with his wife to spend the holiday vacation visiting with relatives and while there was taken ill and died last Friday. The body was brought to this city and the funeral conducted by the Masons. Burial was made in Evergreen cemetery.

pg 16, col 1

Died: Miss Clara McIntire died last Wednesday night of diphtheria. Her death was a very severe shock to her family and many friends. [Mantey news]

Married: Miss May Brownenberg and Mr. Pete Goss were married at the bride’s home last Sunday. They will take up their residence on a farm near Pleasanton. [Mantey news]

pg 16, col 2

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson are the proud parents of a new baby boy. [Osage Valley news]

Jan 19, 1906

pg 2, col 2

Died: The funeral of Ray Wilson was largely attended by the neighbors and friends and was very sad indeed, as Ray was a model young man 23 years old. His mother was left a widow a good many years ago, with a large family of children to care for. Ray being the eldest boy she looked to him for advice and help, which he gave always cheerfully. The mother, brothers and sisters will miss him. The funeral was held at the family home on Monday, January 15, and interment was made in Mapleton cemetery. Services were conducted by Rev. E.J. Gardner of Prescott. The community sympathizes with the family in this their hour of bereavement. [Mapleton news]

pg 3, col 3

Died: Mrs. Clementina Sulivant, a good woman well known in this community, died last Friday at her country home near the old Fair Grounds. Mrs. Sulivant was sixty years of age and is survived by her husband, Mr. Lucas Sulivant and a daughter. We join with all our people in extending sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.

pg 5, col 4

Married: G.S. Knox, the genial day operator at the Fort Scott M.K.&T. Offices, and Miss Martha A. Sherbeck, of Hiattville, were united in marriage at the Presbyterian parsonage by Dr. W.C. Porter on Wednesday evening. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Knox a long and prosperous wedded life and everybody in town will be joyful with us unless it is the single baseball fans who will mourn the loss of their leader.

pg 6, col 3

Engaged: The wedding of Miss Grace Aronson to Mr. Julius Schlanger will occur on the evening of February the fourth. The ceremony will be private, witnessed only by the family and a few intimate friends. Cards have been issued for a reception at seven-thirty that evening, after which the bridal couple will leave for New York and other eastern points. Upon their return they will make their home in Wichita, Kans. [See below @ February 9, pg 7 for details of the wedding.]

pg 9, col 1

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Phillipy are the proud parents of a fine eight-pound daughter, who put in her appearance last Friday night. Mother and baby doing well. The News congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Phillipy upon the arrival of this new charge, and may the squalls of all futurity continue to be sweet music in their ears. [Uniontown news]

Born: The stork visited the home of Ed Wolf last Saturday night and left two more voters against the Ralston road. Mother and sons doing well. Mr. Wolf lives on the edge of the Ozark district. A peculiar fact connected with the district is centered in a space of country three-quarters of a mile wide and one mile and a quarter long; there are seven houses in that particular locality and in six of those have been born twins, D.A. Drake’s house being the exception. [Uniontown news]

pg 9, col 2

Died: Emery Kennison, a well known farmer and pioneer resident of Bourbon county, died at his home four miles southwest of Fort Scott last Tuesday morning, aged 68 years. Emery Kennison was a good man and is survived by a widow and three children who have the sincere sympathy of this community.

pg 11, col 3

Died: In the death of S.F.C. Dunbar, which came suddenly on Thursday morning of last week, while he sat reading the weekly paper, his community has suffered the loss of an affable and kindly neighbor. More than 70 winters had passed over his....the valiant life of the soldier in his life-work led him in busy avenues. Early in the needed exigencies of the civil war he shouldered arms and led the valiant life of the soldier in blue. Later he was a railroad man and indulged in its varied experiences. A widow and four sons mourn his demise. The Harrison Burial Association had charge of the funeral. The discourse was given by Rev. Huddleston at the Gish church. Interment was made at the Large cemetery. And @ pg 13, col 1: Mr. Dunbar, an aged and respected citizen, died suddenly while reading his paper last Thursday. Interment was made at the Pleasant View cemetery, Friday, January 12. [Drywood news]

pg 16, col 1 [Probate Court news]


Jan 11 - Louis Butler, of DeWitt, Iowa, and Alta Riley, of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge at the residence of Alex Livingston.

Jan 15 - Geo. W. Grant and Leedonia Osborn were married by the probate judge.

Marriage Licenses:

Jan 12 - William A. Lamb, of Gas, Kas., and Missouri L. McCarty of Mapleton

Jan 13 - Edmond J. Thayer, of Liberal, Kas., and Dorothy Love, of Bronson, Kas.

Jan 15 - Herbert P. Green, of Raton, New Mexico, and C. Laura Marvin of Fort Scott.

Jan 16 - Eli Davis and Emaline Pratt, both of Drywood, Kas.

Jan 26, 1906

pg 2, col 3

Born: Dr. and Mrs. W.S. Gooch are the proud parents of a fine girl baby that came to their home Sunday evening. Mother and girl doing well, but the Doctor is having quite a time.

Born: Dalton and Mrs. Brillhart were the recipients of a big boy Saturday. Another voter in these parts.

pg 3, cols 1 & 2

Died: James Quick, one of Bourbon county’s earliest pioneers and prominent land owners, passed away on the afternoon of January 17th at two o’clock. His death was rather sudden and unexpected as it was not known he was seriously sick until the morning of his death. His children were all summoned, but none who lived at a distance reached home until after he had passed away. The deceased was conscious up to within a few hours before his death. His death will be felt by a very large circle of friends, as he was a man who made friends wherever he went. No man in the county had a more extended acquaintance than he, and no man was held in higher esteem. Mr. Quick was an honest, conscientious worker for the cause of righteousness and in all of his business transactions it is safe to say that he never at any time violated a trust. He had a remarkable vitality and although burdened with four score years, he was quite an active man. The deceased was born of Irish parentage in Jumatta County, Pennsylvania, May 23, 1824, making him at the time of his death 82 years of age. He had that genuine Irish grit and intellect which aided him throughout his life and made him a most successful and prosperous business man. When a young man Mr. Quick, like many other young men, was struck with the gold fever. At that time there was no railroad west of Illinois, and he was one of a large party who made the trip overland to California. It took many weeks to make the trip and the party suffered many hardships before their destination was reached. After remaining there for ten years, he returned to his old home in Pennsylvania, and on September 7th, 1861 was married to Miss Elizabeth Smith. He again went west taking with him his bride. They located on a farm near Galesburg, Ill., where they remained six years, and in 1867 he moved with his family to Fort Scott. He located on a farm 8 miles west of Fort Scott, and up to six years before his death he lived on the old homestead, having accumulated a large amount of land. A few years ago he found it was more than he could care for, and retired on a small farm adjoining Redfield, where he lived with his wife and youngest son until the time of his death. In his home he was a devoted father a no husband or father could be missed any more than James Quick. All of the family reached home to attend the funeral. The children are Edward Quick, James Quick and Delmon Quick, of Redfield, Herbert Quick, of Wichita, John Quick of Colorado Springs, Mrs. D.G. Cobb, of Fort Scott, Mrs. H.M. Green, of Uniontown and Mrs. J.R. Lynch, of Lindsborg. The funeral was held at the family home Saturday January 20th, where a large concourse of friends gathered to pay the last sad respects to their departed friend. Rev. Porter, a close friend of the deceased for many years, preached the funeral sermon. His words were brief, but impressive. He spoke of the many virtues and the manliness of the deceased. The youngest son, Demon, will stay with the mother on the farm and care for her in her declining years as he did his father, for the father often remarked to his friends that this son had made his old age bright and cheerful. The pall bearers were James Cooper, James Hixon, Milo Cook, J.P. Ralston, John Wood, W.F. Newcomb, of Redfield, Grant Hornaday and Hubert Lardner, of Fort Scott. And Feb 9, 1906, @ pg 5, col 1: The heirs of the estate of the late James Quick were in Fort Scott last Thursday settling up his estate. The estate was valued at sixty-thousand dollars, mostly in real estate. In his will it was divided as follows: Mrs. Anna E. Green, 120 acres; Robert E. Quick, 160 acres; Mrs. Ida M. Lynch, 160 acres; James S. Quick, 184 acres; John E. Quick, 80 acres; Herbert E. Quick, 160 acres, subject to life interest held by his mother. The two oldest sons, R.E. and J.S. Quick, were named as executors in the will.

pg 6, col 1 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Jan 17 - G.S, Knox of Fort Scott and Martha A. Sherlock of Hiattville; Joseph A. Mulholland and of Mulberry and Sadie Smokewood of Mulberry.

pg 6, col 2

Died: On the morning of January 18, Gerry, the sixteen months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brownlow of Wichita but formerly of Fort Scott, passed away after a short illness. Though but a few months had passed since his birth, this little fellow had grown into the hearts of many people besides his own relatives and the entire community sympathizes with the afflicted parents at this time.

Died: Julius Hahn, a well known photographer who was raised in Fort Scott, died at Cairo, Ill., last Sunday afternoon. He was weakened by tonsilitis and suffered a relapse which brought on a fatal attack of pneumonia. The immediate surviving family consists of a wife, a little son, his mother Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn, and a sister, Miss Edna. The Hahn family is one of the best and most favorably known in Fort Scott and the entire community sympathizes with them in this their hour of affliction.

Feb 2, 1906

pg 3, col 2

Died: Charles Creighton was born in North Ireland Sept. 20, 1820; died Jan. 28th, 1906; was at the time of his departure 85 years, 4 mo. and 8 days old; was born of humble parentage, coming with his brother to America when only a boy, landing at Philadelphia, he lived in New Jersey awhile, then in Illinois, and came to Kansas in 1866, locating on the farm where he lived at the time of his death. He was united in marriage to Ann Downing in New Jersey, Dec. 25, 1849. To this union 5 sons and 3 daughters were born, seven of whom remain to mourn their loss. He united early with the M.E. church, and lived a devoted and consistent Christian life, and lived devoted to family and friends. [Memorial poem follows] Another of our old settlers called home. One more landmark gone. In the death of Grandpa Chas. Creighton, this community has lost a good citizen, a kind hearted neighbor, a friend in need, one that has been with us in sickness and sorrow, lo these many years. Funeral services were held at the family residence at ten o’clock Tuesday, Jan. 30th, conducted by Rev. E.J. Gardner, of Prescott. Interment was made in Mapleton cemetery. Signed: A Friend.

Died: At her home near Xenia, of cancer of the stomach, Mrs. Winnie Pritchett. She was a great sufferer. All was done that loving friends could do, but to no avail. She leaves a husband and six children, besides many friends, to mourn her death. [Osage Valley news]

pg 5, col 2

Died: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Runkle died Tuesday morning at the age of nine days. It was taken Monday with a hard crying spell and medical aid was called, but was unable to relieve it any. The funeral was held at the Glover home Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams have a new baby girl at their home. It came Monday morning, January 26th. [Clarksburg news]

Feb 9, 1906

pg 7, col 2

Married: Last Sunday afternoon at four o’clock occurred the wedding of Miss Grace Aronson to Mr. Julius Schlanger. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Aronson, of No. 18 South Judson street, Rabbi Mayer of Kansas City officiating. It is no exaggeration to say that Mrs. Schlanger is one of the most beautiful and attractive of the many gentle and pretty daughters of Fort Scott, and we earnest hope that he married life may prove so happy that she will retain the bloom of youth until she attains a ripe old age.

pg 7, col 3 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Jan 31 - Elmer E. Lamb, of Pittsburg, Kas., and Clara M. DeWein, of Fort Scott.

Feb 2 - John W. Bowers and Anna Vanatta, both of Marmaton, obtained a marriage license.

Feb 6 - Harry H. Headrick, of St. Louis, Mo., and Georgiana Hartman, of Uniontown, obtained a marriage license. [See Feb 16 below @ pg 8 for marriage.]

Died: There was no more familiar figure on the streets of Fort Scott than that of Mrs. Mary Cramer, wife of R. Kramer, to whom credit must be given for the mineral wells of this vicinity. About two months ago Mrs. Cramer fell and suffered a very serious injury to her hip, and owing to her age, which was 72 years, this accident so reduced her strength that a general break-down occurred and she died last Monday evening at the family home, 401 South Scott Avenue. Mrs. Cramer came to Fort Scott from Germany nearly thirty years ago, but she never became Americanized and found it very hard to conform to the customs of this country. The funeral was held at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon from the Goodlander Undertaking Company’s parlors and burial was made in Evergreen Cemetery

pg 11, col 2

Died: An Old Pioneer Passes to His Reward - An Honored Citizen for Forty Years. Another of those positive characters which developed Kansas and endured her early hardships has been called from the walks of life into death in the demise of John W. McQuaid, who departed this life at his home near Mapleton, on February 4, 1906. In many ways Mr. McQuaid was a unique character - a man of strong personality, decided opinions on all questions which affected state and society and an ardent advocate and exponent of all that he believed to be right. Mr. McQuaid was born in Winchester, Virginia, May 3, 1831. He moved to Ohio in 1850 and came to Kansas in 1863, and settled in Bourbon county where he has continuously lived since that time. On May 27th 1869, he was united in marriage to Mary E. Angle, to which union were born two sons and two daughters, George of Mexico, Frank of Kansas City, Mrs. Josie Brainhill of Portland, Oregon, and Mrs. Pearl Findley of Oklahoma. Funeral services were conducted by Uncle T.J. Deatley, after which interment was made in the Mapleton cemetery. The remains were followed to their last resting place by a large number of friends and relatives. [Mapleton news]

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Ashcraft are the proud parents of a new baby girl. Mother and baby are doing well.

Feb 16, 1906

pg 5, col 1

Married: Mr. Oscar Felton and Miss May VanBuskirk were married Wednesday, Feb. 7th at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.F. VanBuskirk, near Logan. Rev. McProud, of Blue Mound, officiated. They will reside on a farm near Girard. The Dispatch joins their friends in wishing them a long and happy life. [Mapleton news]

pg 5, col 2

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Likely are the proud parents of a new baby girl. [Osage Valley news]

pg 8, col 2

Married: Sunday evening, [Feb] 7th, at 7:30 o’clock, Miss Georgie Hartman, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartman, was married to Harry H. Headrick, traveling salesman for the Stintson Scale Company, of Detroit, Mich., Rev. T.R. Gray officiating. The bride was neatly attired in a dress of white mohair and was attended by her sister, Miss Pearl Hartman. Mr. John Hartman, brother of the bride, acted as best man. Miss Georgia was born and raised in Uniontown and is well and favorably known by every one as a modest, industrious, pretty and attractive young lady, competent in every respect to make a pleasant and agreeable home. Immediately after the ceremony, the bridal gown was exchanged for a neat gray traveling suit, and Mr. and Mrs. Headrick took the train for St. Louis to spend a short time with the family of the groom, after which they will go to Kansas City, to remain indefinitely. The News wishes the happy couple a prosperous and congenial life of longevity attended with great success and felicity. [Uniontown news]

pg 8, col 3

Died: David Roweth died at midnight on [Feb] 14th. The death of Mr. Roweth was very sudden, resulting from heart trouble. Arrangements for the funeral are not perfected at press time. [See below @ Feb 23, pg 5, for details.]

pg 11, col 1

Married: Edgar J. Arnold and Miss Bertha Fundenberger were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents, near Marmaton, at high noon February 11th. Rev. Caldwell, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church officiated. After the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served to the large company of guests present. There were many nice and valuable presents, among them a handsome gold watch from the groom to the bride. They will make their home in Iowa, where they go this week, followed by the best wishes of the host of friends they are leaving.

pg 12, col 3 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Feb 9 - Edward J. Arnold of Marmaton and Bertha Fundenberger of Marmaton [see marriage above]; Lonnie Gilbert, of Blue Mound, and Lillie Burt, of Bronson [see below @ Feb 23, pg 12 for party given for the bridal couple by Mr. Gilbert’s parents]; Herbert Hale, of Blue Mound, and Maggie Burt, of Bronson.

Feb 11 - Joseph Bish, of Fort Scott, and Mollie Preston, of Nevada, Mo.

Feb 13 - Stephen A. Sheffield, of Arcadia, and Mary Ellen Mason, of Arcadia.

pg 12, col 6

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crumpacker, a baby girl. Mother and baby doing well.

Feb 23, 1906

pg 2, col 3

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Post, Feb. 6, a boy. [Harding news]

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. W. Billings, Feb. 14, a girl. A pretty nice Valentine. [Harding news]

Married: Mr. Clarence Ripley and Miss Edna Brown, at Nevada, Mo., February 8. We extend congratulations and blessings. [Swart news]

pg 5, col 1

Died: The remains of the late Dave Roweth, who died at his home near Bronson Thursday morning, were brought here Friday morning for burial. For many years Mr. Roweth was a farmer in our neighborhood. Only two years ago he moved on a farm south of Bronson, where he was doing well until in December when he was unfortunately thrown from his horse and broke his ankle. His health gradually failed until he was claimed by the grim monster, Death. He having been reared among us, was well known and highly respected by all. He lived such a life that always made friends. He was devoted to his family and church. The funeral was preached at one o’clock Friday by Rev. Caldwell at the M.E. church. The remains were taken, followed by many friends, to the Woods cemetery, where the M.W.A. Lodge, of which he was a member, paid their last respect to the dead. And: Mrs. A.H. Jones and Mrs. Frank Stephens went to Bronson Thursday afternoon to the home of the late Dave Roweth, where Mrs. Roweth was so much grieved about the death of her husband that her condition was alarming. And Mar 2, 1906 @ pg 5: Card of Thanks signed by Mrs. Hattie J. Roweth, Lewis Roweth and Grace Roweth.

pg 8, col 1

Born: A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Link Smith, Monday night. Mother and son are doing well.

pg 11, col 1

Married: Wm. Henthorn and Florence Ames were married Wednesday at Mound City. The groom is a promising young man with bright prospects. The bride is the daughter of Thomas Ames and belongs to one of our first families. The Dispatch joins with their many friends in wishing them much happiness. [Mapleton news]

Died: Another Honored Citizen Gone - Uncle Christy Kull died at the home of his son, Charley Krull [sic], Sunday evening. He came to Kansas in an early day and suffered many hardships in helping build up this western country. He leaves two sons, Charley and Lester, and several grandchildren to mourn their loss. Funeral services at the home by Rev. Dutton, of College Corner. Interment was made in the Mapleton cemetery, Monday, February 19.

pg 12, col 4

Party: Mr. and Mrs. Gerome Gilbert gave a dinner Monday in honor of their son, Lon, who was married Sunday to Miss Lilly Burt, of Bronson. After dinner several of the guests visited the Mud Hollow school, which is taught this winter by Elmer Howerton.

March - April 6 1906

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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