REEL #R170/KSHS Microfilm Collection


Redfield Herald
July - August 1906

Bourbon County’s Redfield Herald was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated April 8, 1905, was published on Saturdays, with W.E. Stockmyer [referred to as Edd], as Editor. In October 1905, when Mr. and Mrs. Stockmyer left Kansas for New Mexico, publication changed from Saturdays to Fridays and J. Frank Pool replaced Mr. Stockmyer as Editor. At that point, the paper was considerably expanded; in addition to community news, coverage also included courthouse news and property transfers/deeds. Another editorial change occurred in October 1906 when Mr. Pool retired and Harry E. Luman became Editor. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reel to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (

Jul 6, 1906

pg 2, col 1

Married: Andrew Long, of Garland, and Miss Ula Leslie, were united in marriage on Tuesday evening in Garland. Rev. A.J. Ogle tied the nuptial knot. Happiness and blessing are extended by numerous friends. [Garland news]

pg 5, col 4

Married: [From the Dunlap Reporter] At the home of the bride’s parents, Thursday afternoon, June 28th, at 2 o’clock, occurred the marriage of Miss Grace Mae Rule to Mr. Allen Foy Thompson, Rev. A.A. Thompson, the father of the groom, performing the ceremony. The bridesmaids were Miss Leola Hanna of Garrison, Iowa, and Nannie Thompson, sister of the groom. Glen Rule, brother of the bride and Inger Nordaker acted as groomsmen, while Golden Rule acted as the flower girl. Miss Jennie Dedrick sang "Oh Promise Me," following this with the wedding march. Following the wedding ceremony, a delicious dinner was served at the bride’s home. The young couple left the same evening for Kansas City. From there they will go to Excelsior Springs and other points in Missouri, and then to their future home, Redfield, Kansas, where as previously stated in this paper, the groom is a cashier of the Redfield State Bank.

pg 8, col 4

Died: On Thursday night at nine o’clock, Mrs. Stewart, the popular young society woman of Fort Scott, passed into the better world after a short illness. About a week ago Mrs. Stewart gave birth to a bright and handsome baby boy and immediately thereafter the attending physicians discovered that she was afflicted with an abscess in her side. An operation was performed Sunday, but the disease had made such headway that all efforts were unavailing. The entire community extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved husband. [See below @ Jul 13 for birth notice.]

Jul 13, 1906

pg 2, col 3

Died: Entire Community Saddened - The people of Fort Scott and Bourbon county learned with deep regret of the unexpected death of Mrs. Hattie Prager, wife of D. Prager, one of our best citizens. Mrs. Prager has not been well for several months but it was not thought that her illness was of a serious nature and the family were first alarmed as to her condition only last Saturday, when the heart action became bad and she was prostrated with a severe sinking spell but quickly rallied and all thought that she would soon entirely recover. Sunday morning about three o’clock the patient was stricken with another attack of the heart and though every conceivable method of relief was adopted, death resulted in a few moments. Mrs. Prager was a fine woman and much beloved by our people and while the blow will fall heaviest on the bereaved husband and family, we all mourn her loss. The surviving children are: Mrs. L.A. Rucker, of Coffeyville, Will Prager, Mrs. W.J. Smith, Mrs. Oscar Rice, Mrs. E.E. Reid, Louis Prager, Walter Prager and Mrs. E.C. Gordon, all of Fort Scott. The burial was in [the] charge of Dr. W.C. Porter; the pall bearers the order of the Eastern Star and were: L.A. Rucker, W.J. Smith, E.E. Reid, and Oscar Rice, sons-in-law of the deceased, and H.C. Ernich, Frank Rodocker, Gus Greenfield and Rice Gunn.

pg 8, col 2

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart are entertaining a fine boy at their home which arrived July 3rd.

pg 8, col 3 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Jul 9 - Fred J. Bollinger of Devon, Kansas and Miss Bertha Caldwell of Redfield, Kansas. [see Jul 20 @ pg 5 for details of wedding.]


Jul 4 - Samuel E. Divine and Georgia E. Perry, both of Lamar, Mo., were married by the probate judge.

pg 11, col 2

Died: Mrs. Agnes Hogan, wife of Nord Hogan and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Nogle, died at the home of her parents Friday, after many days of sickness. The funeral was held at the M.E. church in Mapleton, Saturday at 2 p.m. The services were conducted by Rev. Jordon, of Prescott. Interment was made in the Mapleton cemetery. Agnes, as we knew her, was born and raised in our midst and was loved and respected by all. At the time of her death, she was but twenty years of age. The bereaved husband, father, mother, brothers and sisters have the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction. [Mapleton news]

pg 11, col 3

Married: Mr. Fred Myers and Miss Elva Hord, a well known Fort Scott young couple were married on Tuesday evening by Rev. C.L. Milton, Pastor of the Christian church at Lawrence.

Jul 20, 1906

pg 2, col 4

Born: Link Walker and wife have taken a 12 pound boy to raise. In return for their care, he will call them Pap and Mam.

pg 5, col 4

Married: At the home of Rev. and Mrs. T.J. Caldwell, on July 11, at 6 o’clock p.m. occurred the wedding of their daughter, Bertha A., to Mr. Fred L. Bolinger. The father of the bride officiated, assisted by Rev. W.W. Bolinger, brother of the groom. The bride was gowned in a princess suit of cream colored batiste. The groom was attired in the usual conventional black. Miss Cora Kough of Harris, Kansas, rendered a beautiful wedding march and soft piano solo during the wedding service. After the ceremony the wedding party passed into the dining room where a two course dinner was served. The happy couple received many valuable presents and after a very social evening was spent in which the piano recently won by the bride in our voting contest played a very important part. The out of town people present at the wedding were Rev. W.W. Bolinger, Melvin, Iowa; David Bolinger and family, Thayer, Kansas; Dr. Runyon and family, Arcadia, Kansas; Misses Belle and Jesse Caldwell, Chas. Bolinger and wife and son of Iola, Kansas; Perry Lynn of Topeka, and Miss Cora Venable of Fort Scott. Miss Caldwell came to Redfield with her parents a little more than two years ago. She won the friendship of everyone and is only spoken of with high regard. She is always ready to help in church work and the Epworth league loses one of its most faithful workers. All the young people regret to see her move out of town but are glad that she is not going any farther than her lovely country home near Devon. The groom also has many friends and is a very energetic young farmer. He owns a nice farm with all modern improvements and came from one of the best families in Bourbon county. Mr. and Mrs. Bolinger will be at home to their friends at their country place near Devon, after a sojourn among friends at various places. [Redfield news]

pg 7, col 2

Born: Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Walnut Hill are entertaining a little daughter which arrived at their home on Saturday morning. Weight 8 lb. [Uniontown news]

Born: Mr. and Mrs. James Hummel, of Walnut Hill, are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine 10 lb. boy which put in an appearance at their home Friday night. [Uniontown news]

pg 7, col 4

Died: Johnny Bull, as he has always been known, but whose real name was Owens, died Tuesday at 1 o’clock. He has been an inmate of the county house in the neighborhood for thirty-five years. He did not known when or where he was born but remembers he was a slave in the south, and also remembered being sold at one time. From dates and incidents he could recall, it is safe to presume that he nearly if not quite reached the one hundred mark. He was a unique and typical character of an old time Southern plantation. He knew when and whom to flatter. For many years he made periodical visits to Fort Scott, always returning with a few nickels and dimes, the token of his old time friends’ charity. He also had a few such friends in Uniontown who frequently contributed to his small wants in like manner, the most liberal of whom was Col. J.B. Duerson and Uncle Tom Kent. He had no kith or kin to mourn his loss, but there are many citizens in and around Uniontown who will keep kindly remembrance for poor old John.

Married: At the First M.E. Church in Salem, Oregon, on July 4th, 1906, Maude Alta Barr became the happy bride of James Marshal Bones. Rev. W.H. Selleck, pastor, performed the beautiful ring ceremony, in the presence of a large number of relatives and close friends. The bride wore a lovely white dress while the groom wore a dark suit. The bride is one of Marion county’s popular young teachers, is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Barr, of Turner, formerly of Dry Ridge, Kansas. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Bones, of Salem, Oregon and is a prosperous young business man.

pg 11, col 2 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Jul 11 - John G.F. Myers and Miss Elva Hord, both of Fort Scott.


Jul 16 - Clarence E. Power and Miss Ella Bradley were married by the probate judge.

Jul 27, 1906

pg 5, col 2

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell, a son. Don has been trimming his shade trees, therefore has one of the finest little sons in Bourbon county.

pg 5, col 3

Died: One by one the landmarks disappear. Gone but not forgotten. We part only for a little while. Squire Jefferson Barger was born in Illinois Dec. 17th, 1855. His mother died in his infancy and while yet a small child his father moved to Kansas. Feb. 20th, 1881, he was united in marriage to Mary Lovie Powell and moved to a farm three miles north of Mapleton, where he lived to the time of his death. To this union were born five children, one of which died in infancy, and four, Walter, James, Ula and Zula, and his wife, still survive him. Sunday July 22, about three o’clock he was stricken with heart trouble, and died at three o’clock July 23rd, 12 hours later. Besides wife and children, Mr. Barger leaves a brother, a step-mother and several half brothers and sisters. Mr. Barger was a kind-hearted man and loving husband and father. The grief stricken family have the deepest sympathy of the whole community in this their great trouble. [Memorial poem] Funeral services were held in the M.E. church at Mapleton, conducted by Rev. McProud, of Blue Mound, at 2 o’clock Tuesday July 24th Interment was made in the Mapleton cemetery. The church was filled to overflowing with sympathizing friends.

pg 6, col 3

Born: Mr. and Mrs. William Cowan have been entertaining a new son at their home since last Saturday, [Rockford Valley news]

pg 12 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Jul 17 - Ernest L. Wood and Edith Wilson, both of Parsons.

Jul 19 - Wm. W. Hatfield, of Kansas City, Mo., and Madine Chandler, of Odessa, Mo.

Jul 21 - Henry M. Miller and Miss Maude Hausam, Fort Scott; Arch Lamb and Miss Maude Gilham, Fort Scott.

Jul 23 - John Williams and Miss Susie Pratt, both of Arcadia, Kas.


Charlie Wallace and Lola Woodard, both of Mapleton, were married by the probate judge.

Aug 3, 1906

pg 2, col 2

Born: Dr. Anderson reports the arrival of a fine wee baby at the home of Mr. Fulton on Route 1. Everyone in the family circle is pleased. [Garland news]

pg 5, col 3

Born: While in Iola this week we learned that Arch Maddux and wife are the happy parents of another girl.

pg 5, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Jul 25 - Earl D. Clark, of Fort Scott, and Stella Malin, of Atchison; Guy Shirk and Ota Bussey, both of Rich Hill, Mo.

Jul 28 - Turner Kennedy, of Pittsburg and Agnes Anderson of Weir.

Jul 30 - Chas. M. Crabbe and Laura V. Woolsey, both of Fort Scott. [See marriage details below]


Jul 30 - Otto Kirkpatrick of Uniontown and Pearl Talbott of Hepler, were married to the probate judge.

pg 5, col 5

Married: The many friends of Miss Laura Woolsey, the popular daughter of H.G. Woolsey, the prominent Fort Scott dealer in musical instruments, were considerably surprised to learn of her marriage on Monday morning at 9:30 to Mr. Charles M. Crabbe, a well known young man. We join in extending sincere well wishes and congratulations to the happy couple.

pg 7, col 4

Born: A fine baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ternan.

pg 8, col 3

Born: Dr. and Mrs. Ed. Cummings are entertaining a young M.D., who arrived at their home in the night at 12 o’clock. Mother and son doing well.

pg 8, col 4

Died: Mrs. Elizabeth Stone, wife of J.W. Stone, died at her home at Xenia, Sunday, the 29th, being sixty years of age. The funeral ceremony was performed at the Baptist church in Xenia, and conducted by Rev. Blunt, of Bronson, after which the remains were interred in the Uniontown cemetery Monday afternoon. Elizabeth Sanders was born November 20, 1845, and in the year of 1865 was married to J.W. Stone in St. Clair county, Mo., where they resided until 1882, when they came to Kansas. To this union were born twelve children, three of whom died in infancy, and the remaining eight [sic] children: Mrs. Fitzgerald of Coffeyville; Mrs. W.F. Anderson, of Chanute; B.F. Stone, of Parsons; J.T., W.M., and C.O. Stone of Uniontown and M.D. Stone of Xenia, together with their father, mourn the loss of wife and mother, which responsible duty she faithfully and conscientiously performed for forty years. Mrs. Stone was a true and devoted Christian in the Baptist faith. The family have the sincere sympathy of their friends in their sad bereavement. [Note: 8th child is not named, nor is there mention of a 9th.] [Uniontown news]

Aug 10, 1906

pg 2, col 3

Born: Chas. F. Pellett, one of the affable gentlemen of Drywood township, is rejoicing over recent rains and big corn, but more especially pleased is our friend at the gift on Monday night of a little daughter, which Dr. Holeman left for him to keep. [Drywood news]

pg 5, col 4

Married: The leading event in Fort Scott society for the past week was the marriage on Thursday evening of Mr. Ed L. Penniman and Miss Carey A. Wood. Mr. Penniman is one of the finest gentlemen in this community and in addition to being the senior member of one of the most successful commercial institutions in Fort Scott is a man of high moral character and greatly respected by all of us. He has been a resident of Fort Scott for many years and while we all thought he contemplated the step taken yet he succeeded in surprising most everybody by his marriage at this time. Mrs. Penniman is a handsome and lovable woman who has many friends who join with us in congratulating Mr. Penniman in securing a wife of such unusual worth. The happy couple are now absent on a wedding trip which will last for several weeks and upon their return they will be at home at the beautiful Penniman residence on south Horton street.

pg 5, col 6

Died: Mrs. Sandy Griffith, wife of a well known farmer living near Xenia, was found dead in a well on their home place Thursday morning at 8 o’clock. That morning she had arisen early and prepared the morning meal for her husband which he ate and went to work. It was presumed that Mrs. Griffith, who was in bad health while temporarily insane, had committed suicide. The deceased woman stood well in the community in which she lived and leaves a sorrowing family consisting of a husband and three children. And @ pg 8, col 3: Mrs. L.O. Griffith died at her home Thursday, August 4th, and was buried Friday in the Stevenson cemetery. She leaves a husband and four children besides many friends to mourn her loss. And @ pg 11, Aug 10: Last Thursday morning Mrs. Sandy Griffith, of Xenia neighborhood, met death by drowning. She leaves a husband and four small children. Mrs. Griffith was well thought of by her neighbors and friends. Funeral services were held at the family home, conducted by Rev. Smith, of Xenia. Interment was made in the Stevenson cemetery on Friday, Aug. 3rd. [Xenia news]

pg 5, col 6

Died: The infant son of Wm. Allen died Monday.

pg 8, col 4

Died: Robert Moore died at his home Wednesday morning, August 8th, 1906 at the age of seventy-one years. He has been a great sufferer for man years from asthma and for the past four months has not been able to lie down, his disease terminating in dropsy. Robert Moore as born in Guernsey County, Ohio, in December, 1835, moved to Licking Co., Ohio in 1850 and was married to Martha Caturah Alward in 1860. He came to Bourbon County in the fall of 1873 and settled on a farm five miles south of Uniontown, where he resided until 1884, when he moved to Uniontown and was a resident of this place until the time of his death. He was postmaster under both Cleveland administrations, making a period of 8 years, also filling other offices of trust, among which was justice of the peace. In his administration of duty he was conscientious and fair - his aim in life being to do right to the best of his knowledge and never intentionally did any wrong. Although his years of activity were passed years ago, yet every day as long as he was able he had a seat at his son’s place of business and was still interested in life’s work. Besides his wife and four sons he leaves an aged sister in Licking Co., Ohio, to mourn his loss. He was a member of the M.P. church, and was in good standing in the A.O.U.W. order. Mrs. Moore and the family have the sympathy of the whole community, especially the mother, who will finish life’s journey alone.

pg 11, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Aug 2 - Edward L. Penniman and Miss Alice Carrie Wood, both of Fort Scott

Aug 3 - Thomas C. Kost and Miss Martha J. Synnot, both of Fort Scott; Thomas Knapp and Miss Maude Street, both of Stotesbury, Mo.; John C. Hart and Montie Hendley, both of Marshall, Mo.


Aug 7 - Hiram Dillon and Ollie Gilbert, both of Gas City, Kan., were married by the probate judge.

Aug 17, 1906

pg 3, col 2

Married: Dr. A. L. Fulton of Kansas City, was married Aug 11 to Mrs. Asbury Growe, a widow lady of Kansas City. Tuesday they sailed from New York on the Corona for Europe and will be absent several months. The groom is known personally or by reputation by almost everyone in Bourbon county. Uniontown many years ago was his home and he has many friends among the old settlers in that section who will wish him great happiness in this venture taken late in life. This paper congratulates Doctor and Mrs. Fulton and wishes them a safe return from across the big water and a pleasant journey through life.

pg 3, col 4

Born: A big, bouncing girl arrived at Jim Spark’s last Monday morning. [Route 8, Fort Scott news]

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thomas have been entertaining a big seven and a half pound girl at their house for the last two weeks.

pg 6, col 3

Died: Henry Methiat Green was born July 20, 1854, in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and died August 9th, 1906 at his home in Bourbon County, five miles northeast of Uniontown, and was placed in his last resting place in Woods Cemetery. He came with his parents to Bourbon County, Kas., in the year of 1870 and resided on a farm near Redfield until he was near 28 years old when he was married Feb. 16, 1882, to Anna Quick. Although he, with his family, have spent several years in the West, this county has always been his home. To this union four sons and two daughters were born, all of whom were at his bedside and bade their father an affectionate farewell. [Memorial poem follows.][Note: this obituary is incomplete; please check the microfilm for the rest of the information.]

pg 8

Died: Mrs. M.B. Moudy died at her home on Crawford street Thursday of last week. The remains were taken to Lamar for interment. She was 36 years of age and death was due to consumption.

Died: Mrs. Charlotte McKinney died at her residence on Hill street Friday morning, at the advanced age of 70 years. Mrs. McKinney was a native of Ohio and had resided in Bourbon county over twenty years. Funeral services were held Saturday and interment made at Centerville cemetery.

Died: George W. Beamon, aged 70 years, died at Bronson, Sunday. He was an old resident of the county and a highly esteemed citizen. And @ pg 6, same date: John Moore and wife, and Miss Leola Beaman [sic] went to Bronson Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of their grandfather, George Beaman.

Aug 24, 1906

pg 2, col 3

Born: W.I. Clary and wife received a visitation from the inevitable stork on Wednesday morning. Dr. J.T. Holeman reports the visitor to be a 10 _ pound boy. [Garland news]

pg 3, col 3

Died: The six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mead died Tuesday afternoon. The little one was seemingly in usual health only a few hours before her death. She was suddenly seized with convulsions and despite all efforts to relieve her, she lived only about two hours.

Died: John Gill died suddenly at Excelsior Springs, Mo., Tuesday night. He was found dead in bed Wednesday morning. Gill was in Fort Scott Tuesday, apparently in good health. He formerly resided in this city and conducted a pool hall but of late years he has resided in Iola.

pg 3, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Aug 20 - Charles D. Eller and Miss Velma M. Butcher, both of Booneville, Mo. [See wedding below @ pg 8]

Aug 21 - Horace C. Neas and Miss Mattie Walker, both of Iantha, Mo.


Aug 20 - Arthur E. Ball of Mapleton and Miss Sadie M. VanBuskirk were married by the probate judge.

pg 7, col 5

Died: Friday morning of last week occurred the death of John McCallister, one of the oldest and most prominent farmers in this part of the county. Mr. McCallister has resided on his farm southeast of here for a number of years and has made friends with every one who knew him. He, with the aid of his son, Ed, have always managed the affairs of his farm, and was a very healthy man until about a year ago when his health began to fail. Mr. McCallister was a faithful member of the Mt. Oram Baptist church. He leaves a widow and one son and two daughters to mourn his loss. The son is Ed McCallister, the daughters Mrs. George Marks and Miss Hattie McCallister. The funeral services were held at the house Saturday afternoon and the remains were followed by a large concourse of friends to the Mt. Oram cemetery where they were laid to rest.

pg 8, col 3

Married: Charles D. Eller and Miss Velma Butcher were married in this city Monday morning by Rev. Vanorden, the new pastor of the Presbyterian church. The married people will reside in Booneville, Mo. [Fort Scott news]

Died: Peter Redinger, an old resident of this county, died at his home northwest of town, at an early hour Friday morning. Mr. Redinger was nearly four score years of age and had lived in this county over forty years. He leaves a family of eight children. [Fort Scott news]

Married: Selig Stormwind who edits a shoe shop at the north end of Main Street, was married in New York last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stormwind arrived home Sunday. Mr. Stormwind is a native of Austria, having been in this country two or three years. His bride is also a native of that country. [Fort Scott news]

Died: A.J. Burcham died at Fulton, Saturday, at the age of 62. Mr. Burcham had lived in this county since the Civil war and was one of the prosperous farmers of his section. Only recently he retired from the farm and moved to Fulton. He was sick only a few days. Mr. Burcham was a soldier in the Civil war. [Fort Scott news]

Died: Albert Ury died at his home in this city Monday evening, at the age of 25 years. He was a soldier, and during service in the Philippines, contracted diseases from the hardships and exposure which finally developed into consumption. Albert Ury was a very popular young man in this city where he had lived all his life, and although his death was not unexpected, the news of it was heard with deep regret. [Fort Scott news]

Aug 31, 1906

pg 2, col 2

Born: Dr. Holeman reports the arrival of a fine baby girl at the home of Q.B. Schoonover.

pg 2, col 4

Birthday: Monday was very pleasantly spent at the L.P. Basham’s, the day being the 46th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Basham and her brother, S.A. Miller, of Mulberry. A birthday dinner was served the company and all enjoyed the same. The following were present: Rev. and Mrs. C.E. West; Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and son; Mr. and Mrs. W.V. Huntrods; Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pellett; Mrs. S.N. Basham and little daughter; Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Miller and little daughter. Representatives from six states and one from Yorkshire, England were present.

pg 3, col 3

Died: Mrs. Mary Miller died at her home near Fulton Tuesday. She was 83 years of age and had lived in that locality many years. Death was due to the infirmities of old age.

pg 5, col 2 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Aug 22 - Felix A. Boyer of Topeka, Kansas, and Miss Eva Shirley of Fort Scott.

Aug 24 - Thomas A. Burdock of Yale, Kansas, and Miss Lucy Caddell of Fort Scott.

pg 6, col 3

Engaged: Invitations have been received here for the marriage of Miss Fleeta Bird to Mr. William Roblyer, to take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bird at Clear Water, Kans., Sunday afternoon at five o’clock Sept. 2nd. Miss Fleeta was born in Uniontown and spent the first years of her life here, and this announcement will come as a surprise to the friends of the family, as it is hard to realize that the young lady has reached such an important age. [See below @ Sep 7, pg 6 for details of wedding.]

pg 7, col 2

Died: Phebe Casteel Strong was born in Jackson county, Tenn., July 9, 1824. She was married to Jesse Casteel in the early days of her womanhood and moved with him to north Missouri and from there to Kansas in 1856 and settled on the farm where they now live. To this union nine children were born. Seven still live to mourn her loss. She united with the United Brethren church many years ago. She died August 27th, after a short illness at the age of 82 years. Her husband preceded her six years ago. Funeral services were held at the home by Rev. Lee Quick, after which, followed by a large procession of friends, the remains were laid to rest in the Mapleton cemetery. [Mapleton news] [Although this is transcribed as published, it seems likely that instead of Phebe Casteel Strong, the deceased was actually Phebe Strong Casteel, since a 2nd marriage is not mentioned.]

Died: Minerva Patterson was born in Granger county, Tenn., July 14, 1818. Was married to Wm. Lowe in 1837. They moved to Dade county, Mo. in 1857 and in the spring of 1862 they moved to Mapleton, Kas., where they resided until the death of the husband in 1869. Since that time she has made her home with her children, 5 of whom survive her: Thos. L. Lowe, of Fort Scott; Marshal Lowe, of LaHarpe; Mrs. L.R. Vail of Dade county, Mo.; Mrs. A.H. Farmer and Mrs. N.G. Myrick, of Mapleton. Three sons and one daughter have gone before. Mrs. Lowe has been a consistent member of the Baptist church for 55 years, and has always earned, and enjoyed, the esteem and respect of all who have had the pleasure of her acquaintance. At 88 years of age her faculties were good and she was ever cheerful to all. The many friends and neighbors here where she has lived for 44 years, will miss her, and her children are left in deep mourning, nothwithstanding she had been spared to them long past the allotted span of life, ever mindful of the happiness of others. We can but say the world was better that she lived. She died at the home of her daughter in Mapleton Wednesday, August 22nd, and the funeral was conducted by Rev. Wm. Woods, Thursday. Signed: A Friend. [Mapleton news]

pg 8, col 3

Died: The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Beck died Tuesday morning of cholera infantum. It was nearly two years of age. Mr. Beck is a Missouri Pacific employee.

September - October 1906

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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