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The following is a list of the names of those who have represented Brown county in the territorial and state legislature, with votes of opposing candidates and members of council; district comprising Doniphan, Brown, Nemaha, Marshall, Riley and Pottowattomie and all that section of the state west of those counties (being more thatn one-fourth of all the state in point of area.) entitled to two members:
Oct. 5, 1857
B. Harding F.S. of Wathena 1255
A.J. Mead F.S. of Manhatten 1255
Frank J. Marshall Dem. 875
Henry S. Creal Dem. 875
Nov. 8, 1859 District compose of Brown, Nemaha, Pottowattamie, Marshall
and Washington entitled to one member
Luther R. Palmer F.S. 476
Geo. Graham F.S. 187
W.W. Guthrie F.S. 201
Chas. R. Denning Dem. 182
Dec. 6, 1859 Election held under the Wyandotte constitution, Atchison
and Brown comprising the district; entitled to two senators
John A. Martin Rep. 910
H.R. Dutton Rep. 925
Samuel W. Wade Dem.620
G.O. Chase Dem. 676
Nov. 5, 1861 Election to fill vacancies John A. Martin having been
appointed postmaster and H.R. Dutton elected State Treasurer
W.B. Barnett Rep. 1284
John J. Ingalls Rep. 814
Geo. W. Bowman Rep. 705
Nov. 4, 1862 Brown and Nemaha comprising the district
Byron Sperry Rep. 632
Nov. 8, 1864
Samuel A. Speer Rep. 475
James A. Pope Rep. 251
Nov. 6, 1866
George Graham Rep 757
J.E. Smith Dem. 224
Nov. 8, 1868
Albert G. Speer Rep. 1188
J. Martin Dem. 480
Nov. 8, 1870
Jos. Cracraft Ind. Rep. 988
W.B. Slosson Rep. 901
Nov. 5, 1872
E.N. Morrill Rep. 2196
J.S. Tyler Lib. Rep. 752
Nov. 8, 1874
J.M. Miller Rep 1485
Jos. Cracraft Reform 1219
Oct. 5, 1857 Members of the House of Representatives
Brown and Nemaha entitled to one member.
E.N. Morrill F.S. 283
E.M. Hubbard Dem. 102
Oct. 4, 1858
Geo. Graham Rep. 129
H.H. Patterson Dem. 78
H. Sutherland Rep. 28
Nov. 8, 1859 Brown and Nemaha county being entitled to one member.
H.R. Dutton Rep. 232
A.B. Anderson Rep. 60
Dec. 6, 1859 Election under the Wyandotte Constitution. Atchison and
Brown being one district entitled to six members. The vote of Atchison county
was not returned to the Secretary of State. Ira H. Smith and Geo. E. Irwin
were the candidates from Brown county, the former recieving in this county
175 votes, the latter 168 votes. Atchison county also gave Mr Smith a majority
and he was consequently elected.
Nov. 6, 1860
W.W. Guthrie Rep. 261
Ira J. Lacock Dem 161
Nov. 5, 1861 Atchison and Brown same district
O.H. McCauley Rep. 888
M.C. Willis Dem. 435
Nov. 4, 1862 Brown county being a single district
Ira J. Lacock Rep. 93
D.K. Babbit Rep. 6
Nov. 3, 1863 Brown county being entitled to two members
11th Dist.
Ira J. Lacock Rep. 115
Lewis C. Dunn Rep. 62
12th Dist.
Geo. E. Irwin Rep. 73
M.L. Sawin Rep. 45
Nov. 8, 1864
11th Dist.
N.P. Rawlings Rep. 119
R.B. Ransom Rep. 98
12th Dist.
D. Sutherland Rep. 87
J.S. Tyler Rep. 61
Nov. 2, 1865
11th Dist.
Ira J. Lacock Rep. 143
12th Dist.
C.E. Parker Rep. 110
J.M. Meredith Dem. 44
Nov. 6, 1866
11th Dist.
M.C. Willis Rep. 192
J.W. Oberholtzer Rep. 114
12th Dist.
C.E. Parker Rep. 188
Robt. Rhea Dem. 9
Nov. 5, 1867
11th Dist.
E. Bierer Rep. 217
Ira J. Lacock Rep. 133
12th Dist.
John Downs Rep. 185
J.S. Tyler Rep. 29
Nov. 3, 1868
11th Dist.
M. B. Bowers Rep. 428
Sam'l Smouse Dem. 130
12th Dist.
Geo. E. Erwin Rep. 130
John S. Tyler Rep. 119
John Meredith Dem. 42
Nov. 2, 1869
11th Dist.
J.F. Babbit Rep. 317
E. Bierer Dem. 113
12th Dist.
A. Curtis Rep. 102
D.L. Anderson Rep. 56
Nov. 8, 1870
11th Dist
J.F. Babbit Rep. 225
A.G. Speer Rep. 132
Chas. Knabb Dem. 201
12th Dist.
C.E. Parker Rep. 196
G.E. Irwin Rep. 6
Nov. 7, 1871 Brown county entitled to one member.
C.F. Bowron Rep. 747
H.A. Parsons Dem. 315
Nov. 5, 1872
C.F. Bowron Rep. 1122
B.F. Killey Lib. Rep. 351
Nov. 4, 1873
Jos. D. Hardy Ref. Rep. 922
John G. Spenser Rep. 467
Nov. 3, 1874
M.C. Willis Rep. 699
Jos. D. Hardy Ref. Rep. 641
Nov. ?, 1875
J.P. Davis Rep. 1192
J.P. Mulhollen Dem. 225
The following gives the names of candidates for county offices with vote cast at each election since 1858.
Election Held Nov. 8th, 1859
John H. Schenck 237
A.M. Gifford 21
Registrar of Deeds
Henry Woodward 186
David Peebles 113
County Treasurer
Geo. J. Englehart 169
Sam W. Wade 120
Probate Judge
Benj. F. Killey 281
County Clerk
Henry Graves 287
Prosecuting Attorney
Joel G. Kelsey 238
County Surveyor
Ira H. Smith 137
Co. Supt. of Pub. Inst.
James H. Stanley 261
Andrew J. Selleg 261
Election held Dec. 6th, 1859
Probate Judge
Á E. Plankington 346
District Clerk
H.L. Dean 176
Joel G. Kelsey 154
Co. Supt. of Pub. Inst.
Joseph Paschal 261
M.C. Willis 93
Election held Mar. 26th, 1860
County Commiss'r 1st Dist.
W.B. Barnett 165
L.C. Dunn 48
County Commiss'r 2nd Dist.
I.B. Hoover158
Noah Hanson 49
W.H. Piatt 17
County Commiss'r 3rd Dist.
James Round 202
E.A. Spooner 115
Joseph Paschal 60
L.C. Dunn 18
John Maxwell 27
Election held Nov. 6th, 1860
County Commissioner
James Round 249
William Vassar 261
Lewis C. Dunn 285
M.C. Willis 165
W.S. McLaughlin 133
W.C. Foster 163
County Assessor
E. A. Spooner 278
H.C. Gregg 143
Co. Supt. of Schools
G.G. Rice 265
T. Kemper 150
County Clerk
E.L. Pound 260
J.W. Oberholtzer 159
County Attorney
E. W. Plankington 264
W.G. Sargent 154
Sam W. Wade 142
Elections held Nov.--, 1861
County Commissioner
Noah Hanson 268
James Round 262
Thos. Ellis 266
L. B. Hoover
Probate Judge
W.W. Guthrie 241
Amasa Owen 16
County Treasurer
Geo. J. Englehart 200
Sam Speer 72
County Clerk
E. L. Pound 269
Registrar of Deeds
David Peebles 250
County Assessor
W. J. Hart 169
G.G. Rice 95
County Surveyor
E. H. Niles 266
Supt. of Common Schools
G.G. Rice 254
Orville Root 264
Elections held Nov. 4th, 1862
District Clerk
Joel G. Kelsey 222
Probate Judge
Geo. G. Rice 164
B.F. Killey 95
Co. Supt. Public Inst.
Geo. G. Rice 249
Elections held Nov. 3rd, 1863
County Treasurer
E.L. Pound 299
County Clerk
E.A. Spooner 298
H.M. Robinson 267
Chas. Fox 7
Registrar of Deeds
J.W. Oberholtzer 301
County Assessor
D.K. Babbit 268
? Sawyer 3
County Surveyor
Elbridge Chase 302
Wm. H. Jones 265
R. H. Bollinger 2
County Commissioner
M.C. Willis 218
Isaiah P. Winslow 278
Isaiah Travis 300
R.H. Bollinger 78
Elections held Nov. 8th, 1864
District Clerk
Joel G. Kelsey 237
Probate Judge
E.A. Spooner 313
County Attorney
B.F. Killey 292
Co. Supt. Public Inst.
Noah Hanson 310
Elections held Nov. 6th, 1865
County Commis'r, 1st Dist.
E.S. Barnum 116
Isaiah P. Winslow 214
County Commis'r, 2nd Dist.
W.C. Meyers 71
E.A. Spooner 263
County Commis'r, 3rd Dist.
John Maglott 148,
M.C. Willis 178
County Treasurer
W.B. Barnett 191,
Harvey Seburn 157
County Clerk
Joel G. Kelsey 309,
C.F. Bowron 3
Registrar of Deeds
J.W. Oberholzer 353
County Assessor
A.D. Westerfield 340,
A.J. Owen 19
County Surveyor
E.H. Niles 340
Geo. W. Parker 346
Elections held Nov. 6th, 1866
District Clerk
E.N. Morrill 437 Co.
Supt. Public Inst.
Noah Hanson 457
Probate Judge
E.A. Spooner 473
County Clerk
B.F. Killey 226
E.Bierer 76
D.K. Babbit 21
Elections held Nov. 5th, 1867
County Treasurer
W.B. Barnett 603
County Clerk
E.N. Morrill 558
I.N. Seaman 267,
Eli Moser 309
Registrar of Deeds
J.K. Klinefelter 196,
J.W. Oberholtzer 384
County Assessor
J.K. Bunn 227,
D.K. Babbit 366
County Surveyor
J.O. Shannon 233,
E.H. Niles 335
County Commis'r, 1st Dist.
M.B. Bowers 220,
John Walters 337
County Commis'r 2nd Dist.
Jacob J. Weltmer 552
County Commis'r, 3rd Dist
S.W. Eade 129,
Theodore Schecker 122,
J.K. Dickinson 299
Vote for Nov. 3rd, 1868
Clerk of Dist. Court
E.N. Morrill 684,
David Glenn 178
Supr. of Pub. Inst.
Noah Hanson 667,
H. Hall 193
County Attorney
B.F. Killey 677,
J.J. Miles 179
Probate Judge
D.K. Babbit 674,
Joseph Hall 181
Vote for 1869
County Commissioner
C.F. Bowron 598,
John S. Tyler 569,
Martin C. Willis 470,
D.J. Parks 128
County Treasurer
A. McLaughlin 403,
H.M. Robinson 225
County Clerk
E.N. Morrill 477,
D. Downer 90,
E.A. Spooner 11
Registrar of Deeds
J.W. Oberholtzer 339,
J.K. Klinefelter 228
J.E. bowers 172,
I.N. Seaman 116,
J.K.Klinefelter 103,
B.B. Munn 88,
J.A. Wilson 60,
N. Cardray 49,
Geo. E. Selleg 31
County Surveyor
S.W. Aldrich 614
S. Wilkinson 581,
A. Kimball 13
Vote for Nov. 8, 1870
Clerk of District Court
H.J. Aten 566,
S.E. Erwin 215
County Attorney
A.R. May 540,
F.M. Keith 231
Probate Judge
D.K. Babbit 732
Supt. of Pub. Inst.
R.C. Chase 755
Vote for Nov. 7, 1871
County Commissioner
B.F. Partch 652
M.B. Bowers 635
A.M. Hough 748
H.S. Lytle 323
T.Schecker 374
Wm. Hewitt 353
County treasurer
A. McLaughlin 794
A. Schilling 261
County Clerk
E.N. Morrill 766
E.Bierer 276
B.F. McCoy 657
G.B. Jones 372
Registrar of Deeds
A.R. Platt 554
J.A. Pope 441
County Surveyor
S.E. Erwin 748
C.B. Ellis 307
S. Wilkinson 756
S. Smouse 287
Vote for Nov. 5, 1872
Clerk of Dist. Court
Henry Anderson 1114
J.F. Roehm 400
County Attorney
Ira J. Lacock 1075
Henry A. Parsons 387
Probate Judge
D.K. Babbit 1105
G.Amann 383
County Commissioner
H.F. Macy 1124
Adam Schilling 384
Supt. of Pub. Inst.
R.C.Chase 1125
O. Fountain 348
Vote for Nov. 4, 1873
County Treasurer
Harvey Seburn 953
H.F. Macy 438
County Clerk
Henry Isley 847
Jacob Reasoner 548
Registrar of Deeds
F.D. Howlette 880
A.R. Platt 508
Albert Rokes 716
B.F. McCoy 480
C.H. Orth 194
County Surveyor
S.E. Erwin 877
L.P. Hazen 518
H. Honnell 888
J.M. Castle 503
County Commis'r 1st Dist.
C.A. Saylor 286
L.P. Winslow 135
County Commis'r 2nd Dist.
A. Walters 275
O. Fountain 220
County Commos'r 3rd Dist.
Jno. McCrerey 315
C.L. Carroll 146
Vote for Nov 3, 1874
Clerk of District Court
J.W. Oberholtzer 782
David L. Burger 571
County Attorney
F.M. Keith 736
Jas Falloon 609
Supt. of Pub. Inst.
R.C. Chase 779
D.C. Nutting 566
Probate Judge
T.B. Dickason 760
N.P. Rawlings 594
Vote for Nov. 2, 1875
County Treasurer
James B. Allison 675
Harvey Seburn 796
County Clerk
Jacob Reasoner 630
Henry Isley 839
Registrar of Deeds
E.D. Benner 733
Jacob F. Roehm 699
C.H. Lawrence 700
Albert Rokes 523
P.C. McGilvary 231
A.J. Comstock 2
County Surveyor
H.P. Kinney 829
J.O. Shannon 597
Wm. Shirley 888
W.A. Turner 528
County Commis'r 1st Dist.
C.F. Bowron 230
S. Sherman 183
County Commis'r 2nd Dist.
Alfred Walters 463
R. McCartney 38
County Commis'r 3rd Dist
C.L. Carroll 313
Theo. Schecker 164
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Rebecca Maloney