KSGenWeb - The Primary Source for Kansas Genealogy

Chase County KS Death
And Obituary Index

1863 - 2005

Chase County Obituary & Death Index compiled and prepared by Lorna Marvin

Click on the Letter of the surname to reach the index for that list.

A | Al | All | Alt| Ap | As| Ba| Bal| Bar| Bas| Be| Bee| Ber| Bj| Bo| Bot| Bra| Bre| Bri| Bro| Brow| Bru| Buc| Bur| But| Ca | Cam | Car | Cart | Ch | Cl | Cli | Col | Coo | Cor | Cos | Cr | Cro| Cu | Da | Dav | De | Di | Do | Dr | Du | Ea | El | En | Ev | Fa| Fi| Fo| Fr| Ga| Gar| Gay| Gi| Gil| Go| Gr| Gre| Gro| Ha| Hai| Ham| Har| Harm| Harr| Has| Hay| He| Hen| Hes| Hi| Ho| Hol| Hor| Hu| Hul| Hut| Hic| Ja| Jacob| Je| Jo| Jon| Jor| Ka| Ke| Ki| Kla| Kna| Kre| La| Lan| Law| Lee| Lew| Li| Lo| Lu| Ma| Man| Mar| Mas| May| Mc| McC| McG| McL| Me| Mer| Mil| Mis| Mo| Moo| Mor| Mu| Na| Ne| No| Ob| Ol| Ou| Pa| Par| Pay| Per| Ph| Pi| Po| Pr| Pri| Q| Ra| Re| Ret| Ri| Rig| Ro| Roc| Roo| Ry| Sa| Sc| Scho| Sea| Sh| She| Shu| Sim| Smi| Sny| Spe| Sta| Ste| Stew| Sto| Stu| Swa| Ta| Tay| Th| Ti| Tr| Tu| Un| Ve| Wa| Wam| Wat| Wea| Wes| Whi| Wie| Wilso| Wo| Wr| Ya| Z

Copies of the death notice or obituary listed in the Index below can be obtained in one of three ways.

1. In the index below, the notices and obituaries listed with a newspaper date, Column III, can be obtained by requesting the microfilm from the Kansas State Historical Society on interlibary loan through your local library.

For Chase County newspapers on microfilm check out this link

Chase County Newspapers on Microfilm

2. In the index below, the notices and obituaries listing "On file at the Historical Society" Column IV, listing a year only, can be requested from :

Chase County Historical Society
Attn: Curator
P O Box 375
Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, 66845-0375

Paying a minium $10.00 research fee to the Chase County Historical Society, a request can be made for a look-up and copy of the obituary/death notice listed in either column and a $1.00 per copy charge will be assessed.

Return to Chase County

Please note:
I have strived to be as accurate as possible. If you find an error, please let me know.

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